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Love Me to Death

Page 28

by Sharlay

  When my dad was finally released from the hospital he was given certain dates when he had to come back and have several check-ups. The first major check up was with the doctor who said that, “without a transplant there is no other way.” During this first check-up he sat us down and told us that my dad’s results came back really positive and that after looking at them they have concluded that he no longer needs to be on the transplant list because he is too healthy! What?! Too healthy!! Yes, that was my exact reaction.

  Then came the second check-up in September 2015 and the same doctor sits us down and again, the tests have come back good. But he is looking at my dad in the strangest way. His eyes keep moving from my dad to his computer monitor (where he has two diagrams displayed, one of my dad’s heart during his first check up and one of his heart during this check-up). This time, he explains that he’s not entirely sure how — since it is physically impossible — but my dad’s heart has begun to go back to its original shape and size (it was enlarged but now he is telling us that it is correcting itself!). He goes on to tell us that he wants my dad to continue taking his medicine and come back in a year’s time.

  Now, we were not shocked. Just like Brennan we reached this place where we had to believe he was going to be ok … like really believe but my gosh was it the most surreal thing ever. I don’t really have any other way to explain this story other than to say that my dad is a walking miracle.

  We are still on the journey and sometimes it can be hard but when you are given a miracle, given hope, it’s something to fight for and be thankful for. My dad’s story changed my life and when I got the story idea for Ned and Brennan in my head I just knew it was the right time to share it. I hope that someone out there that has lost hope … lost faith can read this and understand that yes life’s hard and scary sometimes but every now and then it throws you a miracle and it makes every bit of hardship worth it.

  And do you want to know the craziest part? It was the moment that I spoke to God (like Brennan) and told him that it would break my heart if he took my dad but if that was his decision then I was so grateful he had given him to me in the first place that my miracle began. Don’t give up the fight; keep your hope alive because there is always light at the end of the tunnel. xxx

  This has been an incredible journey; in fact, it has been my best experience yet because this story was so close to home. I have so many wonderful people who made this very journey possible and there was no way I could end this experience without first thanking you all.

  Firstly to my incredible family; I don’t know if I could even do this without your love and support.

  Mom, you have been my rock during this. I’m sorry for the many times I have stopped you in the middle of what you’re doing for advice or help with my plot but it paid off! I love you and thank you.

  To Dad, not only are you supportive of everything I do but you were the direct inspiration for this story — thank you.

  To Ren, my sister, my best friend and my BETA reader. Thank you for FORCING me to write chapters just so you could read them. Thank you for your support and thank you for crying at the end of the book! Lol I will never forget how hilarious that moment was, sorry!

  To Ty, thank you for your constant support and believing in all that I do!

  To Nan, for always bringing your Kindle so I can update it with my books! And for letting me introduce you to Colleen Hoover’s books! Ahh, we have so much more to talk about now!

  To Leon and Katrina, two incredible friends for life. Thanks for sitting and listening as I plotted, re-plotted and talked you half to death with this storyline. You guys are awesome friends and so incredibly supportive. I love you both!

  To all of my family and friends, thank you. Your constant words of encouragement and belief in what I do keep me going.

  My BETA readers! I cannot even begin to express how much I love you guys. It’s awesome that you started off as readers and how much our friendship has grown.

  Kylie, you literally support me no matter what and you are my constant cheerleader! Thank you! I’m so glad you could be a part of this journey and I hope you’ll be part of many more. And of course, I love that this book made you cry! Lol

  Nicole! You are just awesome. You are so honest with me and I love that about you the most. You encourage and support every book I write, I am so incredibly grateful!

  Holly, what can I say about you? Gosh, I love you girl. You put up with all of my texts and questions and you are always there to answer. Whether I need a suggestion for my next book fix, advice on PR, help on what a book term means, advice on my book or cover you are always there and I am so grateful. Also for introducing me to Derna! Thank you!!!

  Derna, you are one of the kindest people I know. You are always there to help and you are so incredibly supportive! I cannot wait to meet you in PERSON in June! Wooohooo!

  To Kerry, thanks for introducing me to Scrivener! You were right, it is awesome!!

  To every blog, blogger, reviewer and tour host who has helped in the promotion of this book, I just cannot thank you enough. What you do for us as authors is just awesome. You are such a vital part of our community and I love you guys!

  To Giselle (Xpresso Book Tours), thank you! You have been so professional, helpful and kind. Thank you for all of your hard work during this journey. I cannot thank you enough and I will definitely be recommending you!

  To Kylie and all of the staff at Give Me Books, you guys have done an awesome job every step of the way. I am so thankful that we had this opportunity to work together and I hope there will be many more!

  To Nichole, thank you so much for all of your hard work.

  To Marla, thank you so much for your hard work and for saving me! This book is what it is because of your final touch! I look forward to working with you in the future. You are awesome!

  To my AMAZING readers! You guys are so incredibly special to me. My dream would be nothing but a dream if it wasn’t for you. Every single time you pick up one of my books and fall in love with it, you make my dream come true. You are the backbone of my entire career and I love you guys!

  To God, I love you so much! Everything I have comes from you. The good, the bad, and the ugly, I thank you for all of it. Thank you for this story and the experience that brought me to it. And I thank you for staying with me every step of the way, even when I mess up! I will love you forever; in this life and the next. I give everything to you! xx

  Author of Romance Books with a twist.

  Sharlay is a British author who released her first book, PRETEND in 2012 following its huge success after uploading it in draft form to the free and popular writing site, Wattpad. After the book received millions of views (to date the book has exceeded ten million views) and became a finalist in the site’s annual contest, fans wanted to know where they could obtain the paperback and ebook version. This began Sharlay’s journey as a self-published author.

  Sharlay is also one of the very few authors with a single pen name. At heart, she is a storyteller and loves to write in any genre but always loves to include an element of romance. Her books have fallen into the Young Adult and New Adult romance genre and will most definitely give you a HEA (Happily Ever After).

  Sharlay loves her family, friends, amazing readers, and God. She is extremely blessed and privileged to be living her dream!

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