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Page 2

by Lagomarsino, Giulia

  “I need to get out of here, and you’re going to take me wherever I need to go.”

  I quirked an eyebrow and would have started laughing if not for the evil-as-shit look on her face. “And why would I do that?”

  I could see the flicker in her eyes. She was going to try and take my weapon. I’m not sure why I did it, or what possessed me to be such a fucking idiot, but I fucking let her take it from me. Call it curiosity or maybe it was just the general burning in the area of my dick that had me allowing that shit to happen. Because I wanted this woman right now, and I was willing to see how far she would go, and what I could get out of it.

  In a flash, she knocked my gun to the side. I almost rolled my eyes at myself as I let my fingers slip from the gun. I had to do most of the work for her. Her hit packed a lot of punch, but was in no way hard enough to actually knock the gun from my hand. I pretended to fumble, and even pretended I was slow enough to allow her to get to my gun before me. Shit, my acting was bad, but for some reason, she ate it up, grinning at me like she had just won first prize at the county fair.

  “Wow,” she exclaimed. “I can’t believe that worked.” She flipped the gun around on me, pointing it at me with just a little too much ease. She obviously had at least a little training with a gun. At least she wouldn’t fucking shoot me, I hoped.

  “Yeah, you really got me.”


  “And where are we going?”

  I heard sirens in the distance and her gaze flicked outside, scanning the area. “Just fucking drive!”

  “Alright, alright. Although, if you don’t want someone to call the police, I would recommend lowering the gun.”

  She snorted. “Yeah, so you can try and get it away from me? I don’t think so.”

  I sighed and put the truck in drive, pulling out slowly into traffic. Stopping at the next stop light, I looked over to see the man next to me, eyes wide and fumbling with his phone.

  “Sweets, you might want to lower the gun. The natives are getting fucking scared.”

  She looked out the window and quickly lowered her weapon, finger-waving at the man next to us. He looked at us in confusion and I gave a little two finger wave of my own from where my wrist was resting on the steering wheel. He peeled out as soon as the light turned green and I sighed. Well, I suppose that could have gone better.

  “Take the highway,” she said, pointing the gun at the road that would lead out of town.

  “And where exactly are we taking this road?”

  “Anywhere,” she said quietly. “I just need to get out of here.”

  “And why is that?”

  She glared at me, leveling the gun at me once again. I bristled in irritation. Why the fuck I had let her take my gun, I had no fucking clue. Not that I couldn’t get it back in an instant, but it pissed me off that I had handed over control to this woman.

  “You just shut up and drive.”

  So, I did. I’m not sure why. I didn’t seem to be sure of a whole hell of a lot right now. All I knew was that my dick liked her, and maybe there was a blowjob at the end of this very strange, fucked up rainbow. A man could dream.

  We drove for the better part of an hour with her muttering in the other seat about stupid men and their beards. I couldn’t believe that all this was over some fucking idiot with a beard. This woman had gone psycho. She had ‘kidnapped’ me and was using me as her hostage, to take her wherever she wanted to go. And I willingly went along for the ride, all so I could get my dick wet.

  “So,” I said casually, hoping to get her to open up just a little. “What’s your name?”

  She hesitated for just a moment, like she was trying to think up a good name to use. “Bethany.”

  “Bethany,” I repeated unbelievably. “Right. I would have pegged you for a Skye or something.”

  “Skye? How the hell do I look like a Skye?” she snapped.

  “Shit, I don’t know. You don’t have to bite my head off.”

  “Whatever. What’s your name? I’m sure it’s something really cliché like Butch or Grinder.” She snorted and I looked over at her in confusion.

  “Why would you think my name is Butch or Grinder?”

  “Because, you look like the quintessential biker, besides the cut. What’s wrong? Lost your biker gang?”

  “I’m not in an MC. In fact, I’ve never been on a motorcycle.”

  “Yeah, right,” she snorted. “And I’m a virgin.”

  Now it was my turn to snort, which only earned me a glare. “Why would you think I’m a biker?”

  “Because you have all those tattoos and you’re all muscley, and you just look like someone I wouldn’t want to meet in a dark alley.”

  “Right, because only bikers are men that you wouldn’t want to meet in a dark alley. Do you actually know any bikers?”

  “Just one,” she said irritatedly. “But he doesn’t really look like a biker. But he is someone that I wouldn’t want to meet in a dark alley.”

  “Know a lot of those men, do you?”

  “Whatever. I’m probably totally misreading you. You probably spend all your time in the gym, but you’re one of those guys that can’t actually throw a punch. I mean, I should have known. I did take your gun from you.”

  I nodded solemnly. “Yeah, you’re right. That’s me. Just a gym rat that can’t throw a punch. Maybe you could show me the next time we stop for gas.”

  “So, now that we’ve cleared that up, what’s your name?”

  “Sam,” I said without a second thought. It seemed like a plain enough name, even though Cazzo was anything but plain.

  She nodded. “Yeah, I know a Sam. Now he’s deadly. He’s nothing like you. In fact, if he was here right now, he’d know what to do to get me out of this clusterfuck.”

  “Then why don’t you call him,” I snapped. I hated being compared to other men. Women seemed to think it was normal to compare and decide who was better based on height, weight, hell, even the grimace plastered on our faces. Now me, I was an equal opportunity fucker. I was more of a one size fits all kind of guy. I loved women of any shape and size, as long as I liked the way they looked at me and were willing to spread their legs. And sure, I wanted her body to look nice, but women of all sizes could have a beautiful body. It was all in how they presented themselves to me.

  “You know, this would be a lot more pleasant if you could learn to just be nice. Why can’t men do that? Why do they have to act all tough and macho, but not actually have the follow through? Either they’re assholes and there’s no changing them, or they pretend to be sweet and wonderful, all the while screwing around behind your back.”

  “So, a guy cheated on you. That’s what this is about?”

  She huffed out a laugh. “Yeah, like I would let a guy cheat on me.”

  “You just said-”

  “Forget what I said! Can you just shut the fuck up?”

  I sighed and turned back to the road. I was beginning to think that this woman wasn’t nearly as exciting as I had imagined. I was going to be really pissed if I made it all this way with her and it turned out she was boring. We drove until the sun started to go down, and since it was winter, that was about four-thirty. It would be dark soon enough, and I was starting to feel like a shit father for not being home for Evie. What the fuck had I been thinking?

  “Look, as fun as this has been, I really need to get home. I have responsibilities that I need to take care of, and I don’t have time for your dramatics. Whatever it is that you did, I’m sure that we’re far enough away now for you to make it on your own.”

  She scoffed at me and raised the gun on me again. “You are not just dropping me off in some shit town so that you can go screw your woman.”

  “Well, since I don’t have a woman to screw, I’m just going home.”


  I glanced over at her, wondering what exactly she meant by that. Disbelief threaded her voice and she actually sounded interested by my statement. “How is it
that you don’t have a woman?”

  “Simple. I don’t want one.”


  “Well, first of all, something like this happens. Whatever happened to you is because of a man. I’m sure of that. And if you were my woman, and you were running from me, I’d be pretty fucking pissed right now. Mostly because you ran, but also because you got in the truck with some fucker that you picked out at a gas station. I could be a fucking serial killer, and you just got in the truck with me. Second, I have rules.”


  “Yes. I have a rule book, and not many women want to follow those rules. So, instead of trying to have a woman that’s smart enough to follow those rules, I have a second rule book. This one is for one night stands, to ensure that the shit I want followed is followed.”

  “Eww. You’re one of those BDSM freaks, aren’t you? You have rules about when women can talk and what they can wear. Figures I would run into one of you.”

  “I’m not into BDSM. My rules are for my own sanity. I don’t like other people in my space, and I have some pretty…interesting things at my home.” Images of my killer robot floated through my mind. Yeah, I definitely couldn’t allow a woman in my place at the panic room. “In fact, I haven’t allowed anyone at my place for a few years now.”

  “You know, you sound like a lunatic.”

  “Hey, you got in the truck with me. Now, I need to head back-”

  She pressed the gun against my temple, stopping me mid-sentence. Now, I had a decision to make. Did I take the gun away from her? I was pretty pissed about having a gun pointed at me by this woman. My own gun. On the other hand, every time she pointed that gun at me, I grew hard, and it made me want to fuck her even more than I had before. I should have been smart and snatched the gun out of her hands, but I wasn’t very smart today. I slowly pulled the truck over to the side of the road and put the truck in park, raising my hands slowly. I could see her trembling slightly out of the corner of my eye.

  “Look, I get that I’m intruding on your life right now, but I don’t give a fuck. I have to get out of here, and if I let you go or let you drop me off, you’re just going to call the police. So here’s what we’re going to do. You’re going to drive into the next town with a motel, and we’re going to stop there for the night. You will not at any time let anyone know that you’re being held at gunpoint-”

  “Believe me, that’s not gonna happen.” Like I needed someone thinking that I couldn’t take care of myself.

  “Then, we’ll grab a quick dinner and head back to the motel. We’ll get a good night’s sleep and be on the road before dawn breaks.”

  “You seem to have really thought this out,” I said, grinning inside.

  “Well, I watch a lot of Jason Bourne movies.”

  I rolled my eyes. “And where are we headed tomorrow?”

  “I’ll figure that out tonight. Now, get back on the road before someone pulls over to help us. I would hate to have to kill someone innocent.”

  I almost snorted, but managed to hold it back. I’d really like to see this woman try to kill another person. She pretended to be a badass, but deep down, she was just a kitten. Still, I put the truck in drive and headed for the next town, which was about another thirty miles. When I pulled off the highway, it was already pitch black out, and the only motel looked like something out of Deliverance.

  “You sure you want to stop here?” I asked.

  “Well, it’s not exactly the Ritz, but it’ll do for tonight.”

  “I’m definitely not fucking you in this place,” I muttered under my breath.

  “You’re what? Did you say you wouldn’t fuck me in this place?”

  “I’m gonna be honest, I was hoping there would at least be a blow job somewhere in this for me.”

  “You thought…” she snorted and then broke into full out laughter.

  “What’s so funny?”

  “You thought I was going to fuck you?”

  Her laughter grated on my nerves until I couldn’t take it anymore. I yanked the seatbelt away from her and hauled her across my seat to straddle me. The little gasp that tore from her lips was all the permission I needed. I slammed my lips down on hers, burying my hands in her hair. Her tongue clashed with mine and her pussy rubbed furiously against me. I squeezed my ass cheeks together, trying to gain some control over my raging cock, but there was no use. She was a goddess, begging me to fuck her hard.

  “Enough talking,” I panted, just a breath away from those gorgeous lips. “I need to fuck you.”

  She grinned this sexy little grin for me. “Lucky for you, I find you extremely attractive, and aside from my current predicament, I haven’t thought about much else besides the size of your cock and whether or not it would fit in my mouth.”

  The zipper of my jeans started pressing painfully into my dick as it grew. Her eyes gave away how much she was lusting after me right now, so I knew she wasn’t playing me. And hell, I had already come this far. What was one more day of this shit? I could most definitely agree to one night of filthy fucking in exchange for driving her around. I put the truck back in drive and pulled out of the parking lot.

  “What are you doing?”

  I glanced over at her and shrugged. “When I sink my cock in your tight snatch, it most definitely won’t be in a shithole like that.”



  This was insane. I was insane. In a matter of eight hours, I had beaten the shit out of my ex-boyfriend’s car, ran from the police, taken a hostage, and now I was about to fuck said hostage in a motel room. And I fucking loved it. I had never felt more alive than I did in this moment. Sam pulled his truck into a new motel, one that didn’t look quite so rundown, jumping the curb and slamming into park outside the office.

  “Stay here,” he growled before getting out of the truck. I pulled down the visor and checked over my face in the mirror. Not one of my best looks, but obviously he liked my about to be fucked look. He was back out moments later and dragging me out of the truck. When I tripped over the uneven sidewalk, he threw me over his shoulder and stalked to our room. I let out a squeal, but deep down, I was wet and ready to meet my match.

  The door flew open and I was flung to the bed. I was just sitting up when I felt his body pushing me down into the mattress. His lips were on me, kissing my lips and all down my neck, latching onto my skin until I was writhing beneath him.

  “Sam,” I moaned. “Don’t stop.”

  “Not a fucking chance,” he grumbled, tearing my shirt over my head and throwing it on the floor. I yanked down his zipper, hearing a slight intake of breath. “Watch the goods, Sweets.”

  “Sorry,” I panted. I yanked down his jeans, only taking my hands off him to slip free of my own clothes. I heard the foil packet. I felt him at my entrance. Then he was slamming inside me and I was riding a rollercoaster that every woman only dreamed they’d get to ride. His hands were all over me, caressing and flicking. His tongue didn’t leave a single dry spot on my body. With every thrust, my body jerked back further toward the headboard. My legs ached with how wide he spread them, and when he lifted them wide and started fucking me hard, I thought I would split in two. There was nothing gentle or loving about what he was doing, and I loved that. I wanted a good, hard fucking, and he was just the man to do it. Apparently, working out in the gym really did make him lethal.

  I stared down at his giant cock, filling and stretching me so much that I actually hurt. But I couldn’t look away. It was so sexy to look at; his cock glistening with my juices as he milked my body hard and fast.

  “Touch your pussy,” he growled, daring me with his eyes to do as he said. I slid my hand down my stomach slowly, watching his eyes darken as my fingers brushed my clit. Shocks rippled through me and his cock rocked faster into me. My breathing hitched, but my fingers never stopped moving. I couldn’t stop if I wanted to. I wanted to make this man want me more than any man before him, and I wanted to be the only woman he would e
ver need. Whatever happened from here, I had to make him mine.

  “Rub that pussy,” he grumbled. “Slide those juices up to your clit and make yourself come all over my cock. Do it,” he commanded. I wanted to roll my eyes and tell him that he couldn’t command me to have an orgasm, but as I did what he said, I felt zings trembling through my body and waves of unstoppable pleasure tearing through my pussy. I clamped down on him, my legs begging to squeeze closed as I screamed out a bunch of Holy shits. I could barely see how fast he was moving, but I could feel the ever punctuated stab deep inside me. He let go of my legs and pressed his body down against mine, his pelvis grinding against my clit and pulling the remaining dregs of my orgasm from me.

  His skin slid against mine, and his balls slapped against my ass, giving me another building orgasm. Just when I was about to tell him that I couldn’t take any more, he pulled out and flipped me over to all fours, slamming into me from behind. His balls slapped at my clit and his thumb brushed against my asshole.

  “Don’t,” I murmured, not really meaning it.

  “I’m gonna take your ass one day. This tight hole is gonna be mine, and you’re gonna fucking love it.”

  It tossed me off the proverbial cliff and I spiraled out of control. A few more thrusts and he was coming inside me, pinching at my clit, making me clamp down hard on him. The only reason I was still upright was because he was holding me. But as soon as he finished, he stepped back, pulling out in one smooth movement and I collapsed to the bed, completely spent.

  “Holy fuck,” I murmured, trying my best to keep my eyes open as he moved across the room. His ass was perfectly sculpted and muscles flexed with every small movement. Watching him walk was enough to send my body into a state of frenzy.

  I heard the shower turn on and slowly climbed to my feet. As much as I didn’t want to wipe his scent off me, I wanted to be clean when we went out to the diner in town. I walked across the room and opened the bathroom door, slipping inside and into the tub. He turned around and looked at me with contempt.


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