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Tantalizing Maria

Page 10


  He imagined a little girl with his light skin and Mia’s ebony hair. What a beauty. She’d have brown eyes, no doubt. Both he and Mia had brown eyes. Big brown doe eyes, his little girl.

  He smiled and left Wayne’s bedroom, stalked down the hall quietly, through the living room and out the back door where he left it locked as if no one had been there.

  He didn’t go home.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Jeff gazed into Mia’s eyes as he unbuttoned her shirt and eased it off her shoulders. It fell in a checkered pool at her feet. His touch was like fire, igniting her skin as he grazed his fingers up her arms to her bra straps, and then eased them over her shoulders too. With one hand, he reached behind her and unclasped the garment. It joined the blouse on the floor. Her ample breasts fell gently against her chest. Her brown nipples were already rigid, eager for his attention.

  “Still so beautiful, Mia,” he said. “You haven’t changed at all.”

  She heated and knew ruddiness was spreading over her cheeks and bosom. She looked down. “I’ve given birth to three children and aged thirty-plus years. I’ve changed.” Not to mention the twenty or more pounds she was carrying since they’d last made love.

  He cupped her cheek and drew her gaze to his. “You haven’t changed to me.”

  She nearly melted to a pool of syrup on the floor among her discarded clothes.

  Jeff glided a finger along her jawline, down the contours of her neck, to her shoulder. Maria quivered. He avoided her breasts, though she ached for him to touch them. His finger followed her upper arm to her lower arm, until he reached her hand and clasped it.

  Gathering her courage, she brought his hand to her breast. “Touch me, Jeff.”

  He cupped one heavy globe and squeezed it gently. “God, Mia.”

  “Oh, Jeff”—she leaned into him—“I’ve missed you so much.”

  “Mia.” He leaned down and crushed his mouth to hers.

  They’d kissed once before, in the kitchen, but this kiss held so much more. This kiss held promise, and Mia gave herself to the moment—gave herself to Jeff. She’d always belonged to Jeff, always, even all those years she’d spent with his brother. She’d never been Wayne’s. Only Jeff’s.

  Their lips slid together and their tongues tangled. Jeff tasted of the tannic red wine they’d shared, and she drank of him, let his essence pour into her and fill the emptiness that had tormented her for so long.

  But Jeff…was he sure? He’d resisted her for so long, even when she’d brazenly come to him in the middle of the night. Maria had to make sure this was what he wanted. Though it pained her, she forced her mouth away from his.

  “Mia?” he said tentatively.

  She wiped her mouth, her legs unsteady. “Are you sure, Jeff? I just don’t want to push you. I know things have been—”

  “Yeah, yeah.” He had a hard time breathing. “I’m sure. I want this.” Jeff gripped her shoulders so hard she was afraid he might leave a mark. “I’m so sure, Mia. I can’t stay away from you one minute longer. I’m not sure why I waited this long.”

  He pulled her close, and his hardness pushed into her tummy. How she’d missed him. She wanted to touch him everywhere, lick him everywhere. She wanted to rip his clothes off, and then her own, and make love right there on the floor.

  “You’re so beautiful, Mia.” He cupped her face in his hands. “Your black eyelashes are as long as I remember.” He pushed his erection into her. “Do you feel that?”


  “Feel how much I hunger for you. I want you so much.”

  Her breathing was unsteady, coming in rapid pants. Her heart slammed against her sternum.

  “Do you want me?”

  “God, Jeff. Yes.”

  “Will you say it for me, Mia? Say you want me.”

  She poured her whole heart and soul into her next three words, hoping he could see the truth in her gaze. “I want you.”

  His mouth, reckless and possessive, claimed hers. He swept her into his arms and carried her to the bed. He caressed her shoulders, her breasts, lightly pinching each nipple. She gasped as her blood boiled. With each touch, he ignited more heat within her, all the way down to her core between her legs. She was wet. She could tell. So wet for him. It had been so, so long.

  He moved slowly as he unbuttoned her jeans and eased them over her hips, letting his fingers linger over each inch of flesh as he exposed it. She wanted to be naked—naked under his touch. She wriggled and groaned, whispering his name.

  “Please,” she said, and found herself repeating the word again and again.

  “Please what, my Mia?” he rasped.

  “I…don’t know.”

  “Do you want me to touch you?”

  “Yes, please.”


  He ran his fingers lightly over her belly. She squirmed. He trailed lower, through her dark curls to her clit. She jolted.


  “Oh yes,” she said, sighing.

  He slid through her folds. “You’re wet for me, Mia. God, always so wet for me.”

  She quivered, her mind whirling and wheeling. For a moment, she was back in her bedroom in her mother’s old house, being touched by Jeff for the first time. She opened her eyes and then closed them. Opened them again. Thoughts were impossible. Only feelings coursed through her.

  “Wet. For you. Yes, Jeff, only for you.” And once more, as always with Jeff, the truth hit her. “Only you, Jeff. I never got wet for anyone else.”

  His fingers stopped their work. She mourned their absence, but when his gaze met hers, his eyes misted over with tears, her heart melted.

  “Is that true, Mia?”

  Truth. She’d only had pure truth with Jeff and no other. And she was truthful now. “Yes, Jeff. I promise. I only got wet for you. With Wayne, the first time, it was painful.”

  He winced. “I’m sorry.”

  “We used lubricant. And we weren’t very…sexually active. Ever, really. And not at all after Catie came along.”

  A crooked smile emerged on his full pink lips. “I can’t say I’m sorry to hear that.”

  Maria grabbed his cheeks and pulled his handsome face toward hers. “Believe me when I tell you, Jeff. It was always you. There was never anyone else for me. Ever.”

  “Oh, Mia.” His mouth clamped down on hers.

  The kiss was possessive again, but not as reckless this time. It was deliberate and sensual…and true. Their tongues tangled together as they made love with their mouths. Jeff’s erection poked at Maria’s thigh. She wished he had taken his clothes off.

  When she turned away to take a much-needed breath, she said, “You have too many clothes on.”

  He chuckled. “I couldn’t agree more.” He stood and unbuttoned his shirt, and with each button came golden skin and dark chest hair. He was so gorgeous, the epitome of what a man should be. He was always so handsome, so masculine. Time hadn’t affected his manliness at all.

  Her skin erupted in tiny bumps as she gulped with each further inch of exposed flesh. When he unzipped his jeans, she caught her breath. He toed off his boots and slid the jeans and boxers over his hips.

  She gasped when his cock sprang free. It was as beautiful as she remembered—still with one purple vein decorating the shaft. Strange that she remembered each curve of that vein, like a meandering river. But she did. She remembered every centimeter of him.

  He finished removing her jeans and lay next to her on the bed. His warmth flooded her, cocooned her, made her feel safe.

  Made her feel loved.


  He hadn’t said the words. She longed to hear them, but she wouldn’t push. She was thrilled that he’d come back to her bed, and she didn’t intend to waste a minute of it.

  He kissed her again, while his strong, callused fingers toyed with her delicate folds. She moved against him, finding his rhythm, arching her hips in need.

  Jeff flipped her onto her back and slid down her body, tra
cing her skin with his tongue as he went. Every nerve inside her sizzled. He kissed her neck, her chest, the plump swells of her breasts, her nipples, her belly. He swirled his tongue in her navel, and then lower…

  She arched and cried out as he flicked his tongue over the sensitive bud of her clit.

  “So long,” he said against her rigid flesh. “So long I’ve dreamed of tasting you again.” He slid his tongue over her dewy folds. “You’re so pretty down here. So plump and pink. I could look at you forever.” He grinned up at her, his chin glistening with her juices. “But I’d rather eat you.”

  His coarse words evoked a memory and awakened every cell in her body. “Oh, Jeff. Please. Please.”

  He dived into her sex, pulling at her labia, tonguing her clit and her opening. Maria grasped the bed sheets, arched her back, moved her hips to help him find the perfect spot to—

  She shattered. A kaleidoscope of emotion too long dead whirled into her, beginning between her legs and radiating through her body all the way to her fingertips and toes. She heated, cooled, heated again. He continued his passionate assault. She climaxed again, and then again. Just when she thought she couldn’t take one more second of this exquisite torture, he pushed two fingers inside her slick channel, and she flew again into the throes of ecstasy.

  When she landed back into reality, he was fingering her, slowly, deliberately, bringing her down. “You’re beautiful when you come, Mia.”

  “Oh, Jeff.” Tears filled her eyes. “Jeff. I can’t believe it.”

  He kissed her swollen sex and climbed up to her. “Don’t cry.”

  She shook her head. “It’s a good cry. I promise. It’s just…”

  He kissed her lips softly, his lips laced with her own tangy sweetness. “What?”

  “Thirty-three years, Jeff. Thirty-three years since I’ve felt that.”

  He grinned. “We always were dynamite together.”

  She shook her head again. “No. I mean, yes. We were. We are.” Her words came out jumbled as she tried to get her mind to stop swirling from the nirvana she’d just experienced. “But that’s not what I meant.” She closed her eyes, inhaled. Opened them again and met his chocolate gaze. He had to know. He had to know the truth of what he meant to her. Had always meant to her.

  “I mean, I haven’t had an orgasm in thirty-three years.”

  * * *

  Thirty-Three Years Earlier

  Jeff rapped softly on Maria’s window. She was no doubt asleep. He didn’t want to scare her, but he had to see her. Had to feel her in his arms. Had to know she was there, that something was worth fighting for. He’d pull this one last job. Grandpa deserved it anyway. After that, he’d take Mia, and they’d build a life together. A good, honest life.

  The window opened. “Jeff?” Mia peeked out, her hair in adorable disarray.

  “God, you’re beautiful. You take my breath away, Mia.” Already he was hardening inside his jeans.

  “I told you I couldn’t—”

  He silenced her, placing two fingers against her trembling lips. “I know. I’m sorry. I just had to see you. I had to look into your beautiful eyes.”

  She reached up and joined her hand to his. “Are you okay?”

  He smiled. Yes, he was okay, now that he was with her. In her presence. He was no longer Jeff Bay, disinherited criminal. He was Jeff Bay, a good man, a man who would do anything for the woman he loved.

  Soon, she would be his. He’d admit his love and take her away from all this. They’d build a life together. Have children together…

  “Jeff?” she said again.

  “I’m fine. Really. Can I come in? Just for a minute?”

  She sighed and opened the window fully. “I can’t seem to say no to you.”

  He climbed in. Maria sat down on her bed, and he sat beside her.

  “I’ve missed you.”

  “You just saw me tonight.” She laughed softly.

  “What time is it, anyway?”

  Maria glanced at her nightstand. “A little after two.”

  “Your sister’s safe in bed?”

  She nodded. “Tucked her in myself four hours ago.”

  “I’m sorry I woke you.”

  “Actually, I wasn’t asleep. Just lying here…thinking.”

  He smiled and touched the soft apple of her cheek. “About what?”

  She looked away. “About…you. About us.”

  His hand still on her cheek, he turned her toward him. “What about us?”

  Even in the darkness of her bedroom, her face blushed a delicate rose. “I don’t know. I had a nice time tonight. I have so much fun with you. It feels…”

  “Feels like what?” he urged.

  She stayed silent.

  His heart was beating so fast, like a herd of buffalo was stampeding inside him. “Can I tell you how I feel, Mia?”

  Her lips quivered as she nodded.

  He claimed her other cheek with his remaining hand. He looked straight into her warm brown eyes.

  Could he say it? He cleared his throat, his nerves jumping. Get a grip, Bay.

  She widened her eyes slightly, expectantly. She said nothing.

  He gathered every ounce of courage he possessed and spoke from pure emotion. “Mia, I love you.”

  Chapter Fifteen

  Jeff’s eyes widened to saucers. “What?”

  She swallowed. She wasn’t frigid. She just hadn’t let herself. Hadn’t wanted… A memory long buried jerked into her mind. Her last time with Jeff, in her bedroom, all those years ago… Her last orgasm, and the fleeting thought that she’d never feel that way again…

  Thirty-three years…

  “Was my brother that bad in bed? God.” Jeff exhaled, slowly shaking his head.

  “No. I mean, he was fine. He just wasn’t you.”

  “He couldn’t make you come?”

  “You’re not understanding me.” She cupped his face. “I didn’t let myself. I didn’t want to climax. Not with anyone but you.”

  His lips parted, and astonishment crept over his face. “Mia?”

  “It was my choice.”

  “But I—”

  She silenced him, touching two fingers to his soft lips. “It’s okay. I don’t expect that you did the same. I know men have…needs.”

  His neck reddened. “Oh, God.”

  “Jeff, I told you, it’s okay. Everything is okay. It doesn’t matter. Women. Men. I know how things are in prisons…”

  Jeff sat up and swung his legs over the side of the bed. “Mia, I hope to God for your sake that you don’t know how things are in prison. I didn’t have any relationships. No women and certainly not any men. I managed to escape…that. The only sexual release I got was whacking off, and trust me, that was pretty rare.”

  Maria touched his upper arm. He had turned cold as ice. Lord, what have I done? She stayed silent as her heart fell to her tummy.

  “Prison is not conducive to… Oh, fuck.” He stood and grabbed his boxers and jeans from the floor. “I can’t do this right now.”

  “Jeff, please.”

  He turned to her, his face ashen. “I saw things there. Heard things. Really didn’t put me in any kind of sexual mood. Not even good old teenaged yanking.” He stepped into his boxers and then his jeans. “I have to go.”

  She stood, went to him, and grasped him against her. “Jeff, don’t go.”

  He shook her off. “I have to.”

  She threw herself against him again, determined. “No, you don’t. I’m here. I’m here for you. I want you just as you are. I don’t care about any of that.”

  He untangled himself from her, turned her to face him, and looked her straight in the eyes, his gaze burning. “You’re not hearing me. I can’t. Not now. Not with— Damn!” He shook his head. “Too many demons to face.”

  “Demons? Jeff, what are you—”

  “I’m done talking tonight.” He zipped his jeans, grabbed his boots and shirt, and stomped out of the bedroom.

fought the urge to follow, to beg. She wanted him, but not like this. Jeff, for whatever reason, needed to be alone.

  She fell back into bed and cried herself to sleep.

  * * *

  Thirty-Three Years Earlier

  Maria froze, gulped. He loved her? Her insides turned to mush. He loves me!

  Jeff fidgeted next to her. “I just poured my heart out here. Aren’t you going to say anything?”

  Wasn’t she smiling? She touched her lips. She must have been too shocked to smile. Elation overwhelmed her. She curved her lips upward in what she hoped was her biggest smile ever. Love for Jeff threatened to spill out of her. “Jeff, I love you too.”

  He exhaled audibly. “Thank God.”

  She laughed, softly, so as not to wake Meghan in the next room. “Did you think I didn’t?”

  “I don’t know. I mean, we only just met and all, but it feels—”

  “Right,” she finished for him. “It feels right, Jeff.”

  He grinned, his hands on her face again. “Yeah. Yeah, it sure does.” He leaned forward and brushed his lips against hers. “I’ll go now. I don’t want to wake your sister.” He stood. “Can I see you tomorrow?”

  Maria stood and took both his hands in hers. “Of course you can see me tomorrow.”

  “Okay. Thanks for letting me in tonight.” He kissed her again. “I’ll see you tomorrow.”

  No. She didn’t want him to leave. They’d be quiet, really quiet. She’d lock the door to her room. Meghan was sleeping soundly. If she woke? Well, Maria would leave the window open so Jeff could get away quickly.

  She tugged on his arms. “Stay, Jeff. Please.” She pulled him back down on to the bed. “Stay and make love to me.”

  “Mia.” His voice was husky, deep. “God.”

  He crushed his lips to hers in a frenzy of lips, teeth, and tongue. They kissed quietly but with passion. Maria’s whole body blazed with a sensual fever. Her nipples tightened against her tank top and threatened to poke into Jeff’s chest. They were so hard, and she longed for him to rip off her tank and suck on them.

  He explored her shoulders, her arms, her waist, and finally slid his hands under the soft cotton of her tank and up to her breasts.


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