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Tantalizing Maria

Page 14


  Maybe she’d made a mistake. Maybe she hadn’t done the test properly. All those little test tubes and droppers… It would be so easy to screw it up.

  Maybe the test wasn’t positive.

  But it was.

  She’d known since she had the thought.

  And Jeff was in jail. She hadn’t visited him in days. Couldn’t bring herself to. God, she loved him more than anything. How could she have fallen in love with a criminal? He’d robbed his own family. She shuddered, her lips trembling. A man was dead. A man was dead because of what the man she loved had done.

  And she did love him. More than anything. What did that say about her?

  They’d made a baby together. Created a life. A life that was now growing inside her. If Jeff weren’t in jail, they’d be celebrating right now. Sure, the timing wasn’t perfect. She’d have to put off college. But a baby…

  An innocent life. A sweet little baby who deserved better than she could offer. Better than a young and broke trailer trash mother and a criminal father.

  The baby deserved the name and life she was entitled to.

  A solution came to her. Maria knew what she had to do.

  She just hoped she had the courage to do it.

  * * *

  She’d showered and spent two hours making herself as beautiful as she could. She didn’t want to. But she had to. She wore a denim miniskirt and a hot pink tank top that slid up to show just a sliver of olive skin between the pink and the blue waistband of her skirt. Her legs were bare and on her feet she donned a pair of high-heeled blue leather slides she’d borrowed from Shelley. Now she stood outside the big barn on the Bay ranch. A leering ranch hand had looked her over, nearly salivating, and had finally told her this was where she would find Wayne.

  She’d seen him before, a couple of times in town. Shelley had pointed him out. Wayne was attractive, of course. He was Bay stock. But his dull brown hair couldn’t compare to the ebony that was Jeff’s. And his eyes were mousy brown, not dark and burning like Jeff’s. His face was nice, but not as chiseled and perfect as Jeff’s.

  Basically, he was good-looking, but he wasn’t Jeff, and he never would be.

  But he had the Bay name, and he had the Bay genes.

  And damn it, so would her baby.

  Maria wasn’t a seductress by nature. Her only real experience had been with Jeff. But for her baby, she’d do what she had to do. Her baby—and Jeff’s—would have the name and future it deserved.

  She took a deep breath and entered the barn. Wayne stood at the far end, currying a gorgeous brown mare. His left arm was still bandaged from the skirmish nearly two weeks ago now. Who had shot him? Jeff had said his pal Max had done it. She believed him. But…oh, it was just such a mess. Everything had turned upside down. She loved Jeff so much, but right now, her baby was the most important. Maria had to do right by her child.

  She walked forward and cleared her throat.

  He looked up at her and smiled. “Well, hi there. Who might you be?”

  “I’m Maria, Maria Gomez. My family lives in town.”

  “What brings you out here to Bay Crossing?”

  “Well…” God, Maria, get a grip. “I heard you’re the man to see for the best peaches on the western slope.”

  “None better.”

  “I’d like to get some for my mother. I hope it’s not too late. She loves peaches, and she’s been ill and can’t get out to get them herself.”

  “Oh? I’m sorry to hear that.”

  “She’ll be okay. It’s not serious. But I couldn’t let her go without her peaches.”

  “So how’d you hear of us here at Bay Crossing?”

  “How could I not have heard of you? You’re the best.”

  He smiled again, wider this time. “Well, the peaches are almost gone. But I might be able to scare up a bushel or two for someone as pretty as you.”

  She warmed. This felt all wrong, but at least so far her plan was working. “That’s a beautiful horse.”

  “Thank you. Her name is Mahogany. Do you ride?”

  “Only a little. I grew up in town, not on a ranch.”

  “Maybe we can go riding sometime. Mahogany here is really gentle. She’d be good to you.”

  “I’d adore that. When can we go?”

  “Anytime. For you, I’ll make the time.”

  Perfect. She inhaled and then leaned into him, faking a swoon. His arms went around her to keep her from falling.

  “Are you okay?”

  She sank her cheek into the soft fabric of his shirt. “I’m fine. Just a little lightheaded. I’m…on a new diet and I’m a little hungry. It will pass.”

  “You? On a diet? Whatever for? You’re already gorgeous.”

  She smiled what she hoped was a seductive smile and raised her fingers to his cheek. Dear God, I’m going to get struck down by lightning for this. “I’m so happy to hear you say that. And I hope you don’t mind me saying that you’re the most handsome man I’ve ever seen.”

  He grinned sheepishly. “Maria, I don’t mind at all.”

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Big Chuck slammed Jeff against the wall next to the door, a gun pointed at his neck.

  “Why the fuck didn’t you answer the goddamned door, Bay, huh? Not expectin’ callers this time o’ night?”

  Jeff closed his eyes, his heart stampeding, his bowels going into overdrive. Please, let Maria stay asleep through this, whatever happens. Please don’t let her come out here.

  “Did you miss me, you stupid fuck?” Chuck jammed the nose of the gun farther into his neck, against his Adam’s apple.

  Jeff fought the urge to choke, and his blood turned to ice. “How the hell did you get out?” he rasped.

  Chuck let out a laugh. “Seems I know some people in high places. Course I had to wait it out. I got out a month ago, and funny thing—I ran into a guy, and your name came up.”

  “What the hell do you want with me? I did my time. You did yours. We’re both free men now.”

  “True that. The problem is, no one really wants to give a con a break, you know? I got no money, got no job, no chance of employment. And I don’t really want to do any decent work anyway. So I found a way to make some quicker money so I could hightail it to Mexico.”

  Jeff fought to maintain control. Keep him talking. And keep him talking low, so Maria won’t wake up. “What do you need with me, then?”

  The other man spit on the floor. “Seems someone is willing to pay pretty handsomely to see you dead, Bay.”

  Jesus Christ. He didn’t have any enemies. Maybe someone from the slammer? But he’d minded his own business except for that one time, and Chuck and Jamal had already taken their revenge for that.

  Oh, God.

  The name came to him in a red haze. Max. Max was freaked and was willing to have Jeff killed to make sure he didn’t squeal him out. God, he’d given the dumb fuck his word. Why would Max send this maniac after someone he used to call a friend?

  “How’d you find him, Chuck?” Jeff asked. “How’d you find Max?”

  “Ah, so you figured it out. Funny thing is, if I got the story straight, you did the dumb fuck a favor all those years ago, takin’ the rap for him.”

  “Yeah. No shit.”

  “But now he’s afraid you’re gonna send the heat after him as some kind of payback.”

  Jeff clenched his gut. “I already told him I had no interest in that. I just want to get on with my life.”

  “I guess he don’t believe you, Bay.”

  “Look, Chuck, you need money? I got money. Way more than Max can give you.” He didn’t, but his family did. He could get money if he needed it. They’d lend him some. He was sure of it.


  “Yeah. I’m not lying. You see this ranch all around you? My nephew owns it.”

  “You got any here?”

  “Here? In the house? Of course not.” Jeff closed his eyes, and a weight dropped inside him. Bad move, Jeff. Really bad move. Ho
w could he have made such a stupid mistake? Goddamned nerves.

  “Then that don’t do me much good, does it?” Chuck poked him again with the gun. “That Max fella put a bounty on your dead head, and I aim to collect.”

  Shit! Keep him talking. Keep him talking.

  “I’m thinkin’, though, that before I blow your brains out, I might finally take a taste of that sweet ass of yours.”

  Bile bubbled in his throat. Oh, hell, no. He hadn’t escaped Chuck and his thugs for thirty years to be raped now. He gathered all his strength and tried to break Chuck’s hold.

  To no avail. The man was just too big and too strong. He stood about six-six and had to weigh three fifty. He’d ruled by size and meanness in prison, and he would do so again outside.

  Chuck nudged the gun farther into Jeff’s neck, catching his Adam’s apple again. Jeff let out a wheeze.

  “Dumb ass. You really think you can get away from me? Your friends aren’t here, Bay. It’s just you and me now.”

  Jeff breathed in, trying to slow his racing heart. All he could manage was a short puff of air.

  Chuck squeezed one globe of Jeff’s ass with his free hand. “You’re a prime specimen, Bay. It’s been so long, I may never go back to women. If I do, I’m going back door. Nothing like a tight virgin ass.”

  Nausea bubbled in Jeff’s throat, and his bowels clenched. But damn it, a rape would be better than getting killed. Now he had something to live for.

  “Drop your pants, shithead,” Chuck said.

  Jeff’s fingers shook as he unbuttoned the snap of his jeans and then slowly rolled the zipper downward.

  Chuck stopped him. “On second thought, I think you’ll suck my dick first.” He forced Jeff to his knees. Keeping the gun at his neck, Chuck worked his own snap and zipper.

  Jeff resigned himself to his fate.

  Nothing had changed. He was a free man, but he was in a new kind of hell.

  He swallowed the nausea and closed his eyes. He’d do what he had to do.

  And then, the voice of an angel.

  “Put that gun down and slide it across the floor, you sick fuck.”

  * * *

  Thirty-Three Years Earlier

  “God, Mia, you haven’t been here in so long. I’ve missed you. How are you? Are you okay?”

  His first thoughts were for her. Her well-being, when he was the one locked up.

  “I’m…okay. How are you?”

  “Been better. But I’m finally going to meet with the public defender later today. Then we’ll get things going. I might get a few years for the robbery, but I hope not. I… God, Mia I’m so sorry. I wish I’d never done such a stupid thing.”

  She nodded. “I know, Jeff. But you did.” She regretted the words as soon as they left her mouth. “I’m sorry.”

  “No, I’m sorry.”

  A few seconds of silence passed. Maria gathered her courage. She had to tell him. She’d made a decision for the good of her child. There was no turning back.

  She bit her lip. “I’m not sure how to tell you this.”

  “Go ahead, Mia. You can tell me anything.”

  She sobbed into a tissue. “I love you.”

  “I know you do. I love you too.”

  “But I did something terrible, Jeff. And I know you won’t be able to forgive me.”

  “I’d forgive you for anything.”

  “Not this.”

  “Just tell me. I’ll understand.”

  “Oh, Jeff, how did it all come to this? You behind bars, waiting for some stupid public defender? I don’t understand.”

  “I made a mistake. But I’ll tell the truth and I’ll pay my dues. And then we’ll be together.”

  Maria shook her head. “I’m afraid we won’t be.”


  “I… I did the unforgiveable.”

  “Lay it on the line, Mia. What are you talking about?”

  “I slept with your brother.”

  * * *

  A giant anvil hit him in the gut. If he hadn’t known better, he’d swear he’d just been sucker-punched.

  “You what?” No, not Mia. Not his sweet, beautiful Mia.


  “Fuck, there’s an ‘and?’”

  “I’m pregnant.” She gulped. “With Wayne’s baby.”

  Jeff went numb. Maria continued to speak. That is, her mouth moved, but all Jeff heard was white noise inside his brain. Muffles of whizzing fans and whirring engines. He stood, his legs acting on their own. And he left Mia standing there, the phone still in her hand, her cherry-red lips still moving.

  “You done, Bay?” the guard said.

  “Yeah. I’m done.” He cleared his throat. “I need to talk to my attorney.”

  “Yeah? He just got here.”

  “I’m going to cop a plea.”

  Two days later, the cell doors locked for Jeff Bay. Permanently. He’d pleaded guilty to felony murder. Because he’d copped a plea, he was spared the death penalty. Bummer. At the moment, he’d welcome the blackness of nothing. But nope, it was life imprisonment for him. If he was lucky, he might be eligible for parole by the time he was sixty.

  It was no less than he deserved for how he’d lived his life. He had drugged his brother and seen him shot, and a man was dead because of a crime he’d participated in. Yet for Mia, he’d have gone straight, made good, done what he could to make up for the havoc he’d wreaked.

  But Mia was no longer his.

  He flopped down on his bunk and said good-bye to life as he knew it.

  To Grandpa Norman, who had disinherited him, taken away his future, and to Wayne, the backstabber.

  To his unborn niece or nephew.

  And to Mia.


  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Maria held her ground. Inside, her body shook with tremors, but outside, she was ice-woman. She had to be. Jeff’s life depended on it. No way would she let anyone hurt him ever again.

  The big man glared at her, the gun still pointed at Jeff.

  “I’m not kidding,” she said, willing her voice not to crack. “I’ll shoot your ass. Now drop the gun and kick it over to me.”

  “Who the fuck are you?” the man asked.

  “Does that really matter? I’ll blow your brains sky high if you don’t do what I say. This is your last chance. Kick the gun over here.”

  Seeing Jeff in that submissive position—on his knees before this maniac—terrified her, but damn it, she would be strong. She would not cave like she had all those years ago, running to Wayne.

  “Who is she, Bay?”

  Jeff stayed quiet.

  “I asked you who she is!” He nudged the gun into Jeff’s neck.

  Maria cocked her gun. The big man turned. Good. He’d heard it. “This is your last chance. I don’t give a rat’s ass if you die right here and now.”

  The big man finally moved the gun from Jeff’s neck and set it on the ground.

  “Slide it over.”

  He complied. She didn’t dare bend down to pick it up. Her heart leaped into her chest, and she fought the urge to burst into tears of thankfulness.

  Now what? The big man could easily overpower Jeff.

  But quick as a flash, Jeff was up, with Angie’s old replica of David’s head in his hands. He beaned Chuck on the side of the head with the statue, a dull thud sounding. The man fell into a heap in the entryway.

  Maria ran into Jeff’s arms. “Oh God oh God oh God.” The tears came. “I was so scared.”

  “That makes two of us.” His arms tightened around her. “All I could think of was you. I prayed that you wouldn’t wake up.” He pulled away for a minute and gazed at her. “Now I’m glad you did.”

  She gulped. “We better get him tied up or something before he comes to.”

  “Yeah, right. There’s some duct tape in the kitchen.” Jeff glanced over at the bust of Michelangelo’s David on the floor. “Grandpa kept that in his office. I always hated the damned thing, but I�
�m sure glad it was here.”

  “Wayne gave it to Angie.” Maria’s voice shook. “She never liked it either. Said it was in poor taste to copy an original. I guess that’s why it’s still here.”

  Jeff walked to the kitchen and came back with the duct tape while Maria quickly dialed 9-1-1 and explained the situation.

  Jeff bound Chuck’s wrists and ankles. “He won’t be moving now.”

  Maria burst into tears. She hated herself for it. She wanted to be strong for Jeff, but—

  “It’s okay.” He wrapped his arms around her. “Where did you get that gun?”

  “There’s a secret compartment in the bedroom. It’s at the foot of the bed. There’s a loose floorboard. Wayne insisted Angie learn how to use a gun and have one in the house if she needed it. She never took Wayne seriously, but she acquiesced and did learn how to use the thing. Thank God she never had to use it in real life. I had a hunch she might have forgotten about it when she moved. Thank God, she did.”

  “Yeah, thank God.”

  “Do you know how to use it? Would you have shot him?”

  She nodded, still shaking. “Wayne insisted I learn to use a gun too. I have one just like this one in a similar floorboard hiding place in my bedroom.”

  He clasped her to him. “You’re the bravest woman I know.”

  Still shuddering, she clung to him. “I guess we’re even,” she said, “because you’re the bravest man I know.”

  He hugged her tighter. “Yes, Mia. Together, there’s nothing we can’t overcome.”

  * * *

  A couple of hours later, the police had been and gone, and Chuck was carted back to prison. Jeff had told the police the whole story, and they put out an arrest warrant for Max.

  Maria collapsed on the couch beside Jeff. “What a day!”


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