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Safe and Deputized with Ecstasy [The Heroes of Silver Island 4] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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by Tonya Ramagos

  The Heroes of Silver Island 4

  Safe and Deputized with Ecstasy

  Alexandria Sykes was a career-driven woman when she gave into temptation and spent three weeks in ecstasy with Rhett and Drake. Five years later, she’s an FBI agent assigned to the case of her career. But to catch the killer believed to be on Silver Island, she’ll have to work with Rhett and Drake while resisting the desire to give into temptation once more.

  From the moment Deputy Rhett Letson sees Alexandria again he wants her back between him and Drake. He understands why she walked away the first time, but he’ll risk everything to keep from losing her again.

  Deputy Drake Palmer can’t let himself love Alexandria again. Watching her walk away once was bad enough. His heart won’t survive a second time. But his need for her is one touch from explosion, and when a killer targets her as his next victim, saving her becomes more important than guarding his heart.

  Genre: Contemporary, Ménage a Trois/Quatre, Romantic Suspense

  Length: 61,138 words


  The Heroes of Silver Island 4

  Tonya Ramagos


  Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  IMPRINT: Ménage Everlasting


  Copyright © 2014 by Tonya Ramagos

  E-book ISBN: 978-1-62741-568-2

  First E-book Publication: March 2014

  Cover design by Les Byerley

  All art and logo copyright © 2014 by Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  Amanda Hilton, Publisher

  Table of Contents

  Title Page

  Copyright Page

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine


  About the Author


  The Heroes of Silver Island 4


  Copyright © 2014

  Chapter One

  New Orleans, Louisiana - Five years ago

  Alex barely got a foot in her front door before a strong arm yanked her into the darkness of her apartment, spun her around, and pinned her front to the wall.

  “Alexandria Sykes, you’re under arrest.”

  Large hands shackled her wrists and wrenched her arms behind her back before she could think to resist. The stance behind her was solid, leaving her no room for movement. Damn it, she was better than this. After three years with the New Orleans PD and countless hours of defense training, she was faster than this, too. She should’ve had this guy on the ground crying for his mommy the moment his fingers had latched around her arm.

  Her heart thumped wildly against her breastbone, adrenaline surging through her veins as the rusty voice confirmed what her mind had subconsciously known. It was those fingers that had stopped her reflexive actions. Every hormone in her body had registered that touch, even though she hadn’t consciously realized it. Her senses came online now as she heard the clink of the handcuffs, felt the cool metal in sizzling contrast with the warmth of the hands on her wrists, and breathed in the musky clean scent surrounding her.

  Her body tripped and stumbled over the sensations of having Drake Palmer’s solid chest pressing against her back. It was a page straight out of her most secret fantasies. Well, almost. For the moment to be exactly right, her cheek and breasts should be flattened against Rhett Letson’s chest instead of this wall.

  What was Drake doing? This wasn’t the first time she’d been this close to him, though every other time had been purely accidental. A few weeks ago, she’d been at his and Rhett’s apartment watching Monday Night Football. She’d gotten overly excited when her team had made the touchdown that won the game, leapt off the sofa, and did a boogie dance that had caused her to trip and fall right into Drake’s lap. Days before that, the three of them had decided to pass a Saturday night having a few beers and playing Twister. Somehow she’d managed to twist herself into a pretzel that had unfolded right on top of Drake.

  There had been other times, too, when she’d felt the hard-toned planes of Drake’s body and the hormone-spiraling sensation of his hands on her flesh. Each and every time had left her unable to think, barely able to breathe, and uncertain if she could speak intelligible English any longer.

  She tried now, surprised as much by the words that came out of her mouth as the fact that they sounded crystal clear. “What are the charges, Officer?”

  The warmth of Drake’s breath fanned her lobe as he nuzzled his mouth against her ear and whispered. “Theft.”

  Theft? Did he really think she’d taken something that belonged to him? Of course not. He knew her better than that. They were friends and coworkers. And if he really thought that then why was he being so seductive in hi
s accusation?

  She felt his lips spread in a slow smile and her resistance started to slip. Where was Rhett? Not that she needed a double whammy of temptation right now, but when the two men were together, she had a lot more control over herself. Drake and Rhett were best friends, partners on the force, and damn near inseparable. They were also supremely hot, wrapped with sex appeal, and wickedly dangerous. Wanting one of them, falling for one of them, was bad enough. Falling for them both had been a stupid move a woman with her skills and talent should’ve never made. Worse, she knew how to read men, recognized the signs when a man wanted her, and had seen those indications in both Drake and Rhett. Even if she could choose between them, she’d never risk coming between their friendship, and it certainly wasn’t like she could have both of them.

  “What exactly do you think it is I stole, sir?” Alex continued to play along because, hello horny land, whether she could have this man or not, she couldn’t resist enjoying the feel of his body against hers. Wetness seeped from between her folds, soaking her panties. Her pussy burned for an attention it hadn’t gotten in so very long. She felt the ridged length of his erection pressing into the small of her back and fought the urge to writhe against it.

  “My heart.”

  The hoarse tone of his voice coupled with his words sent tingles down her spine even as her breath caught in her throat. Oh, dear God. He wasn’t serious, was he? Before she could come close to figuring out how to respond to that, an arm pushed between her and the wall. The page in her book turned and, then, holy mother of fantasies, Drake was taking a step back as Rhett became the wall Drake held her against.

  “And mine.”

  Even though it was too dark in her apartment to see either of them, she tipped her head back, searching the blackness for Rhett’s face. She was certain it had been her apartment door she’d unlocked, but rather than being yanked into her home, she’d apparently been transported to another dimension. It was the only explanation because no way in freaking reality was she really standing here sandwiched between Drake Palmer and Rhett Letson, listening as they both confessed to losing their hearts to her.

  The idea was both ludicrous and terrifying. If they were serious, any second now they would tell her she had to pick one of them. Except, she had the perfect escape route for that in the letter she’d gotten in the mail tonight. A letter, she realized, she’d dropped when Drake had pulled her through the door.

  Deciding they had to be playing a prank, she threw her head back, momentarily startled when it landed on Drake’s chest, and laughed. “Good one, guys. You really had me going there for a minute.”

  The hand Rhett had placed on her hip left for a nanosecond as he flipped the switch on the wall next to him and flooded the room with light. She blinked as her eyes adjusted to the change from dark to bright and Rhett’s handsome face came into focus. The laughter died in her throat as she stared into his fathomless brown eyes.

  “We’re not joking.” Both of Rhett’s hands were back on her hips. He skimmed them up her sides and dragged them down again in a caress that had every nerve ending sizzling with pent-up desire. “We’ve been in love with you for a long time.”

  “We know you feel the same about us.” Drake nipped her earlobe, sending electric sparks of need charging through her system. “Tell us you don’t and we’ll back off.”

  It was exactly what she should tell them. She should find the strength to laugh at them again, tell them they were both insane, and insist they release her. Except every bit of that would be a lie. She was badge over boots in love with both of them.

  “And if I admit you’re right?” she heard herself ask, her voice quivering with nerves and wants that ran so deep she couldn’t deny them. “What then?”

  This was the point where they would tell her to choose. She would shake her head, insist she couldn’t, that she wouldn’t, and then explain that it didn’t matter anyway because she would be leaving town in a month.

  A boyish grin unfolded on Rhett’s too-kissable lips. “We make love to you.”

  We? Alex stared at him, certain this wasn’t happening. She opened her mouth, intending to ask what the hell was going on, but managed little more than a throaty moan when Drake’s lips started to cruise down the side of her neck.

  “Unless you want one of us to leave.” Drake licked his way down the side of her neck and nipped the muscle as her head leaned away from his mouth to give him more flesh to explore. “If that’s the case, you’ll have to tell us which one.”

  And there it was. The choice. Except they weren’t making her choose between them. They were merely offering her the chance. A chance she knew deep in her heart she should take. She should tell them both to leave. She should tell them about the letter she’d received, about the career opportunity of a lifetime she wouldn’t pass up under any circumstances. Starting something with one of them now would only lead to a long distance relationship doomed to fail. Starting something with both of them…God, it would spell certain career suicide if anyone ever found out.

  “I. Can’t. Think.” The words came out breathy and strained, as if she’d meant each to be its own sentence. Still, they were the truth. She needed them to back off. She needed them to give her a minute to get her head straight. They were tag-teaming her and she was pretty sure her head was about to explode.

  “You don’t have to think.” Rhett dipped his head, bumped the tip of his nose to hers, and then brushed his lips lightly over her mouth. “All you have to do is feel.”

  Feel. So far, she wasn’t having any problem with that one. She felt the heat of both their bodies surrounding her, thickening the air, and making it difficult to breathe. She felt the muscles in Drake’s chest flex against her back as his arms slid firmly around her waist. Her cuffed hands were resting on the front of his thigh. She needed only to lift them and she would have his jean-clad cock in her hand.

  Her nipples beaded to hardened points, pressing against the solid sinews of Rhett’s chest. His lips were hovering over hers, the warmth of his breath fanning her flesh and sending embers of heated promises raining through her body. He shifted his weight, the move putting one of this legs between hers, and he lifted his thigh to press against her pussy.

  That slight pressure to her heated cunt stole any possibility of clear thinking and stalwart resolve. She didn’t fully understand what was happening beyond the marvel that Rhett and Drake were apparently intending to share her. She didn’t know what had prompted both of them to make this move tonight. She didn’t know what they were expecting to happen after the deed was done. She only knew, despite the inner strength she’d always possessed every other second of her life, she wasn’t strong enough to resist either of them tonight.

  It was a bad idea, the kind that would end in certain disaster. If they loved her the way they were saying, she would hurt them when she left. But, God, was it so wrong of her to want this one night with them before she walked away from the men she loved?


  Damn it, she knew it was. It was wrong and selfish and she knew she shouldn’t do it. Yet she couldn’t stop herself from lifting her hands and covering the enormous bulge of Drake’s cock even as she closed the scant distance between her mouth and Rhett’s.

  She tasted Rhett’s surprise for all of a half second. Then he was kissing her back and, oh, God, he tasted more spectacular than any dream in her book of fantasies. He licked his way into her mouth, his tongue easing up against hers, and she melted between him and Drake in full surrender.

  Sensations collided, wreaking havoc in her system as Drake’s hands glided up her front between her body and Rhett’s to cover her breasts. Rhett’s tongue led hers in a slow dance of rapidly heating hunger and passion as his knee between her legs pressed harder at her pussy, creating a pressure in her cunt that demanded more.

  She cupped Drake’s dick through the denim of his jeans, stroking what she could of his massive length as her body instinctively kicked into a bump and grind on Rhe
tt’s thigh. Rhett groaned and his hands dropped between her body and Drake’s to cup her ass. Drake growled and squeezed her breasts as his teeth glided over her neck to the bend where the flesh met her shoulder. He gave the spot a pressured bite and then licked away the sting.

  Alex moaned into Rhett’s mouth as his hot, minty-sweet taste exploded over her tongue. She writhed between them, wanting to bury her hand in Rhett’s sandy-blond hair while she curled her fingers around Drake’s bare cock. Her moan turned to a desperate cry of protest when Drake pulled his lower body back, taking his cock out of her reach.

  “Shush,” Drake breathed in her ear as his fingers started to free the buttons of her uniform shirt with a practiced ease, pausing when he reached her breasts to undo the front clasp of her cotton bra before moving on. “That’s enough for now.”

  Enough for who? She wrenched her mouth from Rhett’s, intending to tell Drake it damn sure wasn’t enough for her, but Rhett’s hands moved from her ass, pushed between her front and his, and quickly unfastened her gun belt.

  Her head fell back on Drake’s chest as they undressed her in record time. Drake peeled her shirt and bra straps down her arms, letting the material bunch at her wrists when the garments reached her cuffed hands. Rhett sank to his knees in front of her as he tugged her pants and panties down her legs, stopping only to pull off her ankle boots before lifting first one leg and then the other to fully rid her of her clothes.

  Her breasts now bare, Drake took them in his hands, caught her beaded nipples between his thumbs and forefingers, and rolled them in pressured squeezes that had her body arching forward. She gasped at the warm breeze that flowed over her pussy and then moaned as Rhett put his mouth on her. His tongue snaked between her sodden folds, eased over her clit and stretched further before retreating with the same tormenting slowness.


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