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Safe and Deputized with Ecstasy [The Heroes of Silver Island 4] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 14

by Tonya Ramagos

  His laughter rang out as he crawled onto the foot of the bed. She turned to watch him, wishing her hands were free to feel the dense muscles in his ass cheeks flex beneath her palms. He stretched out on the mattress behind her, leaned his broad shoulders against the head board, and held out his arm.

  “Do you need help?”

  She looked at Drake as she got to her feet. “I think I can manage this.” Careful to maintain her balance with her hands bound behind her back, she walked on her knees, spreading her legs on either side of his as she moved into his arms.

  His hands closed on her hips in a firm, but gentle grip as she straddled his waist, preventing her from lowering herself onto his cock. Her pussy was drenched, burning with the need to feel his magnificent length inside her, and she wondered how the juices weren’t dripping to bathe his cock.

  The bed dipped behind her and looked over her shoulder, her attention locking on Drake as he settled in at her back. He reached for the chain between the cuffs, holding her steady as he used the thumb of his free hand to flip open the cap on a tube of lube. Trepidation shivered through her veins even as her ass burned with the remembered feel of being filled by his enormous cock.

  “Are you ready for me to play, baby?”

  She gulped, nodded, and turned her attention back to Rhett. Drake used his hold on the chain to bend her forward even as Rhett used his hold on her hips to steady her. With her hands bowed and their grips firmly attached to her, she was helplessly under their control. Gazing into Rhett’s eyes, she sucked a breath through her clenched teeth when Drake dragged a well-lubed finger between the cheeks of her ass, stopping to press the pad of his fingertip over her tight anus.

  “Relax, sweetheart.” Rhett’s thumbs lightly massaged her hips as he softly coached her.

  Alex forced herself to relax, to take slow and even breaths, and let herself ride the mounting waves of pleasure as Drake breached the small hole of her anus. She felt a slight pinching sensation that almost instantly morphed to a bittersweet pain as he pulled his finger back and probed again. The ecstasy of being fingered there after so very long had her trembling with need. The knowledge that it was Drake’s finger, the only man who had ever touched her so intimately, intensified her trembling until pleading sounds escaped her throat.

  “Does it feel good, baby?” Drake twisted his finger in her ass, stroking the ultrasensitive walls and sending electric sparks of wicked heat straight to her already flaming cunt.

  “Yes.” The word left her on a strangled gasp that instantly morphed to a moan when Rhett used his hold on her hips to lower her drenched pussy onto the head of his cock.

  “How about that?”

  She closed her eyes, but not before she saw the devilish boyish grin unfold on Rhett’s lips. “Oh, God. That’s almost better. More. Please, Rhett. More.”

  He entered her slowly, inching the full length of his cock inside her, stretching muscles that had grown so tight from lack of use, and impaling her until the bases of their bodies met. “Christ, you feel so good.”

  “Tell me about it.” She opened her eyes and grinned at him. “I feel so good because you’re inside me.” As if he feared he might be left out, Drake pulled his finger from her anus, adding a second well-lubed finger and then a third as he worked the nerve-laden tissue of her ass until her body sucked all three digits inside. “Drake, please.”

  Delirium threatened as he pumped all three fingers in and out of her ass, stretching her, filling her. At the same time, Rhett controlled her movements on his cock, lifting her hips and easing her back down, spreading the frenzy through her body until she teetered on the brink of insanity.

  “Please what, Alex?” Drake’s tone was raspy, hot, and tight with his own arousal.

  He wanted her to beg and then ask for what she wanted. She didn’t have any qualms about doing both, especially when she knew he would reward her with the pleasure of his thick, long cock in her ass.

  “Make love to my ass, Drake. Please. I need to feel you inside me. I need to feel both of you inside me.”

  Drake made the sound of a wounded animal as he pulled his finger free of her ass. With one hand still latched on the chain between her wrists, she felt him place his other hand on her hip below Rhett’s as he positioned his cock to enter her. “That’s exactly what I wanted to hear.”

  Her smile turned to an O of sheer pleasure-laced pain as the head of his cock breached her tender hole. Never one to take it easy on her, he pistoned his hips forward, driving the full length of his enormous cock into ass in a single thrust that buried him inside her to the hilt.

  Alex screamed as the movement drove her body down onto Rhett’s cock. She closed her eyes and allowed every spark, every bolt, and every sensation of ecstasy to consume her as completely as her men claimed her. And they were her men. She felt that in every thrust, every touch, and every brush of their lips to her flesh as they moved in a perfect tandem with one another. Surrender proved her only option as they fucked her, Rhett with a tenderness that equally matched Drake’s ruthlessness, and drove her past the brink of spectacular pleasure to the edge of paradise. She couldn’t fight her body’s needs to take, couldn’t suppress her body’s desires to give, and caught herself in the nick before coming.

  Remembering something else Drake always wanted, she forced her eyes open and stared down at Rhett as the breathless plea left her lips. “Please, Drake. I need to come. Please, can I come?”

  “Oh, baby.” Drake’s thrusts didn’t slow despite the emotion that filled his voice. “That’s our girl.”

  “Yes, sweetheart. You can come.”

  It was Rhett who gave her permission and she watched his eyes glisten with emotions she couldn’t bear to see. She slammed her eyes shut, gave herself over to the passion, and exploded in a screaming, blinding release that shook her to her toes.

  “Geezus, hearing you scream like that is too fucking sexy.” Drake’s voice sounded strained. His hold on her hip tightened, his hand on the chain tugged, and a guttural growl rumbled from his throat as he found his release.

  “Christ, the two of you make it impossible for a man to hold on.”

  Smiling, her gaze still locked with Rhett’s, Alex watched as his expression turned strained. His lips thinned, his eyes squinted to slits, and his head tipped back as he grunted his release.

  Breathless and utterly spent, she was grateful when Drake released the chain on the cuffs and allowed her to collapse on top of Rhett. Drake folded his body over hers and she felt his heart and Rhett’s drumming in time with the rapid beat of hers. Somewhere in her fading consciousness, she heard both of them whisper they loved her and closed her eyes as the pain, confusion, and needs slammed into her mind, body, and heart all over again.

  Chapter Seven

  Drake’s cock throbbed in a raging demand as he stood at the window in the living room of the cottage and watched Alexandria walk away. The sight of her shapely ass swaying like a well-oiled metronome would’ve been far more enjoyable if it hadn’t hurt so bad to watch it leaving. He’d felt her ease out of bed, obviously taking great pains not to wake him or Rhett. He’d pretended to sleep and laid there listening to the faint sounds of her making coffee in the kitchen, figuring she’d return to bed once the coffeemaker was set to brew. He’d planned to attack her when he felt the mattress shift, lay her down between him and Rhett, and make love to her as the sun came up. But, instead of feeling the mattress dip upon her return, he’d heard the click of the front door as she’d quietly closed it behind her.

  Last night hadn’t done a damn thing to appease his hunger for her. Deep down, he’d known it wouldn’t. He’d taken the risk, came close to begging her to stay, and hadn’t held anything back as he’d made love to her with Rhett. It had been the first time in five years that his life had felt right again. His entire body clenched at the knowledge that the pain, the loss, and confusion he felt now wasn’t right, but it was all too familiar.

  “Where’s Alex?”

  Drake didn’t turn from the window at Rhett’s groggily asked question. He’d figured it wouldn’t take long for the sensation of being alone in his bed after the night they’d shared with Alex to wake him. “She left a note by the coffeemaker saying she would meet us at the department in a few hours.”

  “She just left?”

  Drake scoffed at the disbelief in Rhett’s tone. “Are you really surprised?”

  Rhett pushed a hard, audible breath from his lungs. “No, I guess not. I just thought…”

  Drake turned from the window. Rhett stood in the entrance of the short hallway, buck naked and sporting a hard-on. Drake couldn’t comment on that. He hadn’t bothered to pull on pants when he’d left the bedroom either and his cock still hadn’t given up hope that Alex would change her mind and come back to their cottage rather than going to hers.

  “You just thought after last night we’d wake up this morning and everything would be all better?”

  Rhett dragged his tongue between his bottom lip and teeth as he glared at Drake. “I thought after last night we’d at least wake up this morning and talk about what happens next.”

  “Weren’t you listening last night? What happens next is the three of us are supposed to walk away with no regrets, remember?” He jerked his head toward the window behind him. “That’s what she’s doing. That’s what we’ve got to do, too.”

  Rhett shook his head and walked to the kitchen. “I’m not regretting a damn thing, but I’m not walking away either. I never planned to and you know it.”

  “Giving up what we’ve got here, following her to Waterston, and signing on at the PD there isn’t going to solve anything.” He’d thought about it long into the night. Each time he’d touched her, kissed her, and sank his aching cock in her tight ass and drenched pussy through the night, he’d thought about it. “She’ll never let what the three of them have together become public knowledge as long as she lives anywhere on the mainland.”

  Rhett returned to the living room carrying two cups of coffee. He passed one to Drake as he asked, “Are you starting to think we can convince her to stay on the island?”

  Drake sipped his coffee as he considered that. “She left us the first time because she was scared. Or at least, that’s what she said.”

  “When did she tell you that?”

  “Yesterday morning around four a.m. when I dropped in at her cottage to tell her about the Silver Lining connection between Cross and Darcy.”

  Rhett raked his free hand through his hair. “She was scared people would find out she was dating both of us.”

  “Maybe. I kissed the shit out of her before she could explain.”

  Both of Rhett’s eyebrows winged up. “And then what did you do?”

  Drake snorted. “Now who’s digging for the blow-by-blow? I told her I’d see her at the department in a few hours and I walked out the door.”

  Rhett moved past Drake to the window, staring out it as he spoke. “I don’t think it was just her fear of people finding out that made her leave the way she did. She told me we didn’t give her room to think, but I’m not buying that either.”

  “She left because she wanted to stay.” She’d loved them enough that she’d wanted to give up everything she’d worked so hard to achieve just to be with them. The more he thought about it, the more he was starting to realize that was the only thing that could have terrified Alex enough to send her running.

  Rhett turned from the window and nodded. “It’s happening again. You’ve got to see that.”

  Drake did. He’d seen it in her tear-filled eyes last night, had felt it in her touch, and had heard it in the trembling lies she’d said when she’d told them she could walk away without regrets. “I see it.” He tipped his head back and heaved a sigh. “I just don’t know what to do about it.”

  “We take away her fear of staying this time.”

  Rhett said it so simply that Drake couldn’t help but laugh. “And how the fuck do we do that? How do we convince that woman to give up her life dreams for us?”

  Rhett turned back to the window, shaking his head, and muttered, “Beats the fuck out me, man.”

  * * * *

  Alex stared into the hazel eyes so much like her own, futilely attempting to see into a dead woman’s memory through a grainy photo. “Talk to me, Lynette. Who killed you?”

  She startled and spun from the dry-erase board when someone started singing behind her. Stunned to find John Cabelly standing in the doorway, she gaped at him as he recited the lyrics to a song she’d never heard in a truly remarkable voice.

  He stopped singing and walked further into the room. “Sorry if I startled you.”

  “It’s okay.” Alex gave him a half laugh and a smile. “You have a great voice. What song was that?”

  “‘Talkin’ 2 Myself.’ It’s by Eminem.”

  “You listen to rap?” She would’ve pegged him as a hard rock listener before she would’ve ever thought of rap. Though his demeanor was usually laid back and relaxed, the hardened warrior impression she had of him brought to mind an image of him stealthily making his way through darkness dressed in black from head to toe, his face covered in black paint, and his lips moving silently to the lyrics of AC/DC’s “Back in Black.”

  He chuckled, the sound as melodic as the lyrics he’d been singing. “Some of the stuff he does isn’t exactly rap.” He lifted a shoulder as he reached the head of the conference table, hooked a leg over the corner, and perched on the edge. “And I listen to just about anything.”

  “So do I.” She glanced at the dry-erase board and pursed her lips. “I bet you chose that song because you heard me talking to myself, huh?”

  “I did. I’ve come to the conclusion it must be a common trait for natural investigators.”

  Alex lifted a brow. “Does that mean you talk to yourself, too?”

  His grin stretched. “Lara catches me doing it all the time.”

  Lara Cabelly-McCormick, formerly Lara Hampton, the daughter of US Senator Lucas Hampton and John’s wife. Alex couldn’t remember the name of Lara’s other husband, but she’d heard him referred to as Ace.

  Other husband. Even the knowledge that she’d crawled out of a bed this morning where she’d slept between two men didn’t stop that from sounding odd. And she so didn’t need to start thinking about how those two men had been Drake and Rhett. She’d come straight to the department after stopping by her cottage to shower and change so she wouldn’t keep thinking about that. She needed to work. She needed to stay focused on the case, needed to keep her mind on track, and get off this island before she did something else she would regret.

  Cabelly shot a glance around the room. “Are you working alone this morning?”

  “I’m sure Drake and Rhett will be here momentarily. I wanted to get an early start.” She frowned at the dry-erase board. “I can’t seem to find the missing piece. It’s here. Maybe not there.” She tossed her thumb over her shoulder as she turned back to Cabelly. “But I can’t shake this feeling that it’s right in front of me somewhere.”

  “Sometimes we manage to overlook what’s right in front of us because we’re trying too hard to see it.” Cabelly waited a beat before he added, “And sometimes we don’t want to see what’s right in front of us even if it is what we need to see.”

  Alex narrowed her eyes at him. “Not only do you sing, but you speak in riddles, too?”

  He cracked up. “You know that wasn’t a riddle.” He sobered and gnawed the inside of his cheek for a moment before he asked, “How much did Cooper tell you about me when he assigned you to this case?”

  “Not much.” She thought back, replaying that conversation with Cooper in her mind. “Actually, hardly anything. He said he’d worked with you before and that you were a former SEAL. That’s it.”

  He slowly nodded. “Being a SEAL was the most important thing in my life. I thought it defined me, showed the world who I was and what I was capable of. I set my sights on joining the Navy, on being a
SEAL, when I ten and I refused to let anything or anyone stand in my way.”

  Alex could relate. She’d done the same thing in her determination to be an FBI special agent. “You’re baiting me to ask the question, aren’t you?”

  A grin played at the corner of his lips. “Go for it.”

  Smiling, she turned her back to the table, curled her fingers around the edge, and lifted herself to sit on the top. “All right. I’ll bite. If you loved being a SEAL so much, why did you leave the Teams for this?”

  He pushed a hard breath from his lungs. “Not for the reason you’re thinking. I’ll give you the summarized version. I was accused of being involved in a terrorist activity I had nothing to do with.”

  Alex felt her jaw drop. “Holy shit!”

  “The Navy investigators did their job and eventually figured out who set me up to take the fall. It was another SEAL, one of my teammates. I was cleared of all charges and returned to my team, but it was never the same after that. I lost faith in the men I served with and especially those in command. I finished out the term I’d signed up for and left the Navy.”

  “Wow.” Alex didn’t know what else to say. She couldn’t imagine what it would feel like to be accused of betraying her country, to be betrayed by a system he’d worked so hard to become a part of, even if that system had merely been following its own set of protocol.

  “It was a tough decision to make,” he admitted. “Probably one of the toughest I’ve ever made, but I realized something after it was done. The Navy, being a SEAL, that wasn’t what defined me.” He poked a finger at his chest. “I define me. My actions and my loyalty to what I believe in make me who I am. I don’t have to be a SEAL for that. I don’t have to bury myself in work until I alienate myself from the rest of the world to make a difference either.” His lips stretched in a soft smile. “And I’m not too macho to admit I didn’t realize that part until Lara came onto the island.”

  Unable to hold his gaze, Alex looked away. She knew that was exactly what she’d done. Before joining the FBI, she’d made her job at the New Orleans PD her sole focus and she’d made college her center before that, all in her determination of landing exactly where she was now. Her life had become one work day after another, broken only by those few weeks when she had allowed herself time to spend with Drake and Rhett, time that had made her start to wonder if the goals she’d set for herself were what she really wanted after all.


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