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Adrian's Eagles: Book Four (Life After War)

Page 44

by White, Angela

  “Officially, no one.” He stated as he stopped close to her, taking Adrian’s words of honesty to heart.

  Her tone sharpened, “And unofficially?”

  Neil sucked in a breath, wanting to give her what she needed… and wimped out. “I’d rather not say.”


  Neil’s voice held surprised curiosity, “Because I haven’t decided. There’s someone else I’m drawn to, even when I don’t want to be.”

  Sam quickly tired of the game. “What do you want?”

  He dropped his head. “I don’t know.”

  “You in love with her?”


  The fast, sure answer surprised Sam and she raised a brow. “Lust?”

  The man hesitated, unsure of the right answer. “I guess.”

  “What do you want, Neil?” Her tone said she was losing patience.

  His eyes went to her lips and Sam smiled bitterly. “To see which one you like more because you know you can’t have both.” She turned away, muttering, “He wants to shop!”

  “It’s not like that.”

  Sam spun back on him. “Then what’s the deal?”

  His face flushed. “It’s just that… I didn’t even know it was you until it was over!”

  Sam felt her pulse start racing. Neil wanted a kiss he knew was coming, did he? She stared at him, thinking despite the pain he had already caused, she’d chosen to play this role anyway. Was she crazy?

  “Sam?” Neil stepped closer. “Can I kiss you?”

  Body lighting up from the sudden sexual tension flying between them, she slowly shook her head. “I don’t think that’s a good idea.”

  As she said it, she leaned toward him against her will, fingers itching to rip that hat off and play in his sexy brown curls.

  “Just one. I’ll be quick.”

  Sam’s tongue darted over her lips nervously and Neil groaned as fire flooded him. “Please, Sammi!”

  Her nod was short and Neil pressed his mouth to hers urgently, lost. The guards turned their backs in satisfaction.

  Under the passion was a feeling of completeness, and Sam moaned into Neil’s mouth at the sensation, arms locking around his neck. Hers!

  Neil couldn’t stop the male inside from lunging forward at the bolt of need and he snaked an arm around her waist to tug her up against his hard body. Hand sliding to the small of her back, he deepened the kiss, tasting her.

  Sam trembled, grip tightening, and she let her fingers tangle in his soft hair.

  Neil groaned at her almost rough touch and the Trooper’s hat slid unnoticed to the ground as she pressed closer.

  It was the warning crunch from his radio that brought them back and Sam shoved out of his arms with an abrupt movement. She backed away, hands clenched in tight fists. “Compare that to little Miss Virgin… and see if she still stands out in your mind.”

  “Wait, can’t we…”

  “No. Go away now, Neil. I’m on duty and you’re definitely a distraction!”

  Chapter Seventeen

  April 28th, 2013

  100 Miles Southeast of

  Chadron, Nebraska


  Shortly after morning Mess was called, Angela ducked into the training tent, eager to get her workout in before they left. The wolf mission would be her first scheduled trip as a Level Eagle and while she was looking forward to it, her nerves needed to be settled down.

  Apparently, she wasn’t the only one who felt that way and she headed toward the teammates who were already crowded around the gun table.

  Kyle and Chris moved over to make room, without pausing in the betting, as Daryl and Billy put on blindfolds. Both of the highest levels were going on this mission and it was a comfort to spend these few minutes with them before all hell would break loose.

  “On my mark…” Neil checked his watch. “Angie has winner. Go!”

  Half an hour later, Angela pulled off the blindfold, grinning at Seth’s surprised face. They had joined the lower levels outside after she took the new rookie score on short shots, and she was enjoying the feeling of having a talent they didn’t expect her to have.

  “That’s another record, right?”

  Seth nodded as the other men congratulated her. “You also just tied Kenn’s record for the fastest medium-range bulls-eye set.”

  Seth clapped her roughly on the back and Angela leaned closer, voice low. “We have an audience. Be friendly. She’s thinking about signing up.”

  Seth had to study hard to find the single red curl that didn’t belong among the corn. He turned back to Angela with a horrified grimace. “Are you trying to sink the Eagles?”

  Angela laughed, allowing him the instinctual use of a hand to guide her around the muddy corner of the tent, but no more. “Not at all. Have you seen her shoot?”

  Seth started to shake his head, but stopped, remembering a contest not long after he’d become a rookie. “Once. She did pretty well for a kid.”

  “She’s a pre-woman who needs to be handled with care, lest she explode in front of the camp, and give away secrets that these people shouldn’t find out yet.”

  Seth heard the light scold, but more, he understood it would protect Adrian. “If she’s one of us, that won’t happen?”

  Angela shrugged, pretending to study his freckles closer than she should be for only friends. “It’s not all for that reason. I wouldn’t mention it if I thought she’d be the usual disaster-in-waiting.”

  Her opinion already held weight with him and Seth shrugged, giving her a charming smile. “How far should this go? I don’t want to get anyone pissed.”

  Angela smiled like she might be interested and saw his pulse increase. “Not very far. It won’t take much.”

  Neither can I, Seth thought. It had been a lifetime ago since he’d held a woman. “Okay. Want to work on a dance?”

  Angela felt her own needs rise up at that and she agreed, but had to toss in a concession. “No touching. That will piss others off.”

  And it would, she realized with dismay. She might be an Eagle now, but even for something as simple as a dance in a friend’s arm, she was still forbidden. Some freedom, the Witch muttered and Angela sighed. One step at a time.

  Waiting for Neil to come out, Becky watched the men joke and workout with the lone female among them, accepting her as one of the team. They understood Angela was more than just a girlfriend or a cook, and they liked her for it - gave her respect.

  Did she want that? Becky ignored the urge to itch her leg, thinking she definitely didn’t want to be a doctor. She couldn’t even stand to give someone a shot. She forced the frown back, trying to be perfectly still. Did that mean she couldn’t shoot anyone either?

  The teenager’s cheeks darkened as Angela and Seth began a dance that had them much too close together. If anyone from the camp sees that, they’ll think the pair are secretly dating, Becky thought, and something in her gut twisted.

  This time, the scowl came uncontrolled. What did she care? She was chasing Neil and Rick at the moment and frankly, Seth had always scared her a little. He’d never once talked to her outside of his duties.

  Disturbed by the newest set of feelings, Becky slipped out of the restricted area with confusion and jealousy raging. Who could she talk to?

  Another pair of eyes was also watching the couple dance, this one a dark blue set framed by feathered black hair. The hurt in that gaze would have been unmistakable had Angela or Seth noticed. Marc had seen her request, knew they were play-acting for something, and still, the jealousy was riding him in waves that kept sloshing higher.

  Seeing her flirt and smile with the cop was painful no matter her intent and it drove home not only how different she was becoming, but also how manipulative. Adrian had given her a goal - get accepted as an Eagle no matter what - and she was following orders.

  Marc moved away from the area, easily avoiding the sulky teenage girl also leaving the scene. This mission was dangerous and Marc had steeled himsel
f against interfering again. It was a final test, not of her, but of his limits. He had just seen her flirt with Seth to get something she wanted and that agony was fresh. Now he was set to let her risk her life to kill some wolves and maybe get Max and Lenore to come back with them.

  Marc headed for his tent to gather his gear. He had a feeling a lot of things would be cleared up by the time they got back, but instead of relief, there was only dread.


  Angela stepped from the bathroom camper to find Becky hovering nearby. She didn’t speak as she zipped up her thick jacket and lit a smoke. The first move had to be Becky’s idea, or she’d never make it as an Eagle.

  “Do you like Seth?”

  Angela smiled at the childish question. “Sure. Who doesn’t?”

  “That’s not what I mean!”

  Angela took in the defensive stance, the mind braced for a confirmation. So that’s where Becky fit… “No. He’s not my type and I’m not his.”

  “Oh.” Clearly not convinced, but unwilling to challenge, the girl stared at the ground.

  “Walk with me while I get ready?” Angela offered.

  Becky agreed right away, relaxing the smallest bit. “Okay.”

  Angela led the way to her tent and ducked inside without inviting the girl in. She verified her note to Charlie had been read, and stepped back out, duffle bag in hand.

  The wolf would look after him while they were gone and when she came back, the coldness he’d treated her with since she’d come to Safe Haven would be over. He was full of a teenager’s impatience and confusion, restless to help Adrian in the ways she was, even though he wasn’t ready yet. She understood his needs, but he had no idea how much she’d gone through to get here and it was about time they acted like mother and son again, instead of two strangers in the same camp. She’d given him all the space she could stand.

  “You’re an Eagle today?”

  “I’m always an Eagle.”

  Angela looked at the men loading gear into jeeps, and double tapped her wrist. She held up two fingers and knew by their grins and confusion that she’d gotten it wrong.

  Her radio crackled with Kyle’s patient voice. “You double tapped. Do it again.”

  She went through the motions. Two minutes, not twenty.

  “You messed up?”

  Angela smiled at Becky’s surprise. “The signals are simple. Remembering what each one means; not so much.”

  “Aren’t you embarrassed?”

  “A little, but so are they, when they make a mistake. No one knows this stuff anymore. We have to relearn it.”

  “I’m thinking about joining up,” Becky revealed. Her face twisted a little. “Sign up, anyway. Probably be told I’m too young or something.”

  “Not if I mentioned to Adrian that I think you belong on a team.” Angela finally saw a flash of the no-nonsense adult this brave little girl would eventually become. It was too bad she was destined for Seth. Angela had sort of been eyeing the girl for Charlie or Matt.

  “Why would you do that for me? We don’t even really like each other.”

  Angela shrugged, returning the honesty with surprise and a foundation for the future, when she would pick her own team. “Sam says good things about you and I value her opinion.”

  That shocked the girl into silence and Angela turned toward the trucks like they were done. She paused, turned back. “You know that I didn’t say I would, right? Only that’s what it would take.”

  Realizing the doctor wanted something from her, Becky spoke up. “I don’t know if it’s what I’ll be good at. I can’t promise not to embarrass you.”

  Angela was convinced of the teenager’s sincerity and character. Her company, though…

  “To be an Eagle, Becky, you’d have to give up Rick. They’ll never let you in while you play games with the enemy.”


  Adrian was nervous as he watched the Eagles pack the vehicles, but none of them knew. “Code Raven’s a go.”

  Kyle was expecting it after the switch of driving schedules at the last minute, but he was unprepared for the anxious light in his Leader’s eyes. Seeing how much Adrian needed this, made the Mobster determined to give it to him.

  “Does Neil know?”

  Adrian shook his head, hoping it went well, but almost sure there would be trouble. The dreams, the feelings, were crowding his thoughts, making it hard to concentrate. He was putting all of them at risk to short-track her training.


  “I’ll take care of it.”

  Adrian knew when Angela entered the area by the way the mood of the guards picked up. “And her?”

  “You know it.”

  Angela moved toward the lone man smoking a cigar in front of the last jeep. She lingered nearby, lighting her own bad habit, and they both turned to watch Rick walk by.

  As grungy as ever, the man had the nerve to wave happily at Mitch as he moved back into the more populated area of camp. Where was his guard? She could feel other Eagles wondering the same thing. Had he been listening? Did it matter? Maybe. She would have to talk to Adrian when they got back. In the meantime, who did she warn?

  Angela spotted Zack. He was the highest ranking Eagle not going and good at his job, but he hated her. They hadn’t exchanged a single word since she’d broken his nose. Even now, his bandaged face swung her way, grimaced as he verified everything was okay in this direction, and then moved on. Anything she told him would be ignored unless she made a scene.

  “I don’t trust him at all.”

  Surprised she was talking to him, Kenn grunted in reply, not sure if she meant Zack or Rick for a moment.

  “He’s bad news.”

  Her attention was back on the traitor and Kenn stayed where he was. “You’re the second person to say that to me today.”

  Kenn didn’t tell her Adrian had been the first. He’d made arrangements with Zack to have Rick under an extra guard while they were gone, but he had little faith in the truck driver since seeing his timid Angie draw blood.

  “He’ll be under guard?”

  “He has been all along, but as more time goes by without us catching him at something…”

  Angela’s eyes were stormy. “Yeah. He’s slid right in with these people, been very careful.”

  Kenn’s voice matched hers… aware and displeased. “Too careful.” He glanced over at her then, tone strangled. “Can’t you see anything?”

  She shook her head. “Just darkness. Some people are wired that way.”

  Kenn frowned at her. “You do that to me still?”

  Easy, careful. “Sometimes.”

  His scowl grew, the anger rising and the guards nearby registered the change.

  “He tell you to?” Meaning Adrian.


  “He know you can?”


  “Stay outta my head!”

  Angela sighed, thinking he was about to learn the hard way that when Adrian wanted something, he got it. That was a lesson the Marine should already know by heart. “You make the real choice yet, Kenn?”

  He flinched. It was tiny, but it was there and pleasing to her. “I spent a lot of years in the back of the bear cage. Knowing how he thinks kept me alive, wouldn’t you say?”

  Kenn flushed guiltily and Angela took a step closer. “Are you still a threat?”

  Kenn hated it that he couldn’t ignore the power behind her demand. “Not to him.”

  “To his dreams.”

  The Marine’s anger was replaced by frustration and worry. “Maybe.”

  Angela ground out her butt with her boot. “If you kill the dreams, the man dies too. You know that.”

  Kenn kept his mouth shut. Of course, he knew.

  “Find a way to make peace with all the changes.”

  “I’m working on it!” Kenn snapped.

  Angela followed her instincts. “Tonya would be a good mate if someone could… rehabilitate her.”

  Kenn’s face froze. It was
the first time Angela had let on that she knew of his affair with the camp whore.

  “I’m sure you’ve thought about it. She’s much easier to control than I am, because she’s so selfish.”

  Angela had leaned closer and Kenn found himself listening even though he didn’t want to.

  “She’s also very determined, strong. If your loyalties became hers, imagine the respect you’d get for saving her.”

  Kenn stayed silent and Angela shrugged. “Change takes time. People get hurt, but the results are worth it. Pick Adrian, and make everything else second. We all belong to him now; most of us know that. You should, too.”

  Angela moved toward her blazer, aware of the Marine watching her with a dumbfounded expression and she made sure her face wasn’t upset. The biggest part of the fighting between her and Kenn was over now. This mission should settle the rest of their issues.

  Make peace, save Tonya, pick Adrian. All things Kenn might think were possible if not for one obstacle. Brady was still earning his place and if things went on like they were, Marc would be second in command. Then, there was Angela getting stronger, becoming more like the other Eagles each day despite the crusty wound that had to still hurt during workouts. It gave Kenn an unexpected source of pride to have the men say his ex was worthy. That was part of the final problem with him letting go.

  He still wanted her. More so now than when they’d met and that was the anger. Brady was his jealousy, but he knew even if Angela had come alone, there wouldn’t be a second chance for them. Tonya brought out his bitterness and his own head was full of confusion. How was he supposed to make peace with all of that?

  “By priority,” Kenn muttered. Which one did he want more? Which one could he not live without? Adrian was the immediate answer. To keep his place, he’d have to sanction Angela and Brady being a couple and in power, like he’d foreseen when he found her.

  Kenn was glad for the distraction when the others started climbing into the jeeps. Maybe somewhere in the future he could reach that point. Right now, he hadn’t completely given up hope on driving her out of the Eagles.


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