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Full Tilt Duet Box Set

Page 58

by Emma Scott

  Theo and I, a treasure out of the ruin.

  This is a work of fiction in which a character, after months of steady intoxication, chooses to quit drinking alcohol cold turkey without medical intervention. The side effects she suffers are very serious, and in real life, could pose life-threatening consequences. It is advised that anyone in a similar situation who wishes to quit heavy drinking not do as she did, but seek professional, medical assistance.

  Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) hotline:

  1-800-662-HELP (4357)

  Alcoholics Anonymous

  “In order to heal we must first forgive... and sometimes the person we must forgive is ourselves.” ~ Mila Bron

  At age fourteen, Zelda Rossi witnessed the unthinkable, and has spent the last ten years hardening her heart against the guilt and grief. She wishes more than anything she could go back to that horrible day and save her little sister. Zelda channels her pain into her art: a dystopian graphic novel where vigilantes travel back in time to stop heinous crimes—like child abduction—before they happen.

  Zelda pitches her graphic novel to several big-time comic book publishers in New York City, only to have her hopes crash when she is told her story is beautifully drawn but has no heart. Only one publisher throws her a “maybe” and now Zelda has two weeks to draw up revisions she doesn’t know how to make. How can she give her story more heart when her own is locked up tight? Circumstances leave her stranded in an unfamiliar city in winter and with dwindling resources. In an embarrassing moment of weakness, she meets a guarded young man with a past he’d do anything to change...

  Beckett Copeland spent two years in prison for armed robbery, and is now struggling to keep his head above water. A bike messenger by day, he speeds around New York City, riding fast and hard but going nowhere, his criminal record holding him back almost as much as the guilt of his crime.

  Zelda and Beckett form a grudging alliance of survival, and in between their stubborn clash of wills, Beckett sees what’s missing in Zelda’s work. His suggestions become a professional collaboration; he gives her story the emotional heart it lacks, while awakening Zelda to the warmth and connection she so desperately needs. In return, her belief in Beckett slowly begins to change his lonely existence, allowing him to believe that he is more than a criminal; that he has so much more to give. But when Zelda and Beckett come face to face with their pasts, they must choose to hold on to the guilt and regret that bind them, or let go and open their hearts to a chance at happiness.

  The Butterfly Project is a novel that reveals the power of forgiveness, and how even the smallest decisions of the heart can—like the flutter of a butterfly’s wings—create currents that strengthen into gale winds, altering the course of a life forever.

  February, 2017

  Available now




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