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Douluo Dalu: Volume 37: Seagod’s Trident

Page 6

by Tang Jia San Shao

“What do you want to ask?”

  Tang San said:

  “We’re from the countryside. Myself and my wife are spirit masters, we heard we can get money after examining at Spirit Hall. Could you tell me where West Lu City’s Main Spirit Hall is?”

  Listening to Tang San, the middle aged man’s expression instantly grew a bit strange, but on account of Tang San’s spirit master status, he was still respectful:

  “So it’s lord spirit master. Only, you might not be too familiar with the circumstances here. Has it been a very long time since you came outside? There hasn’t been a Spirit Hall for a long time.”


  Tang San was shocked.

  “No Spirit Hall? Don’t tell me Spiri Hall has been destroyed?”

  The middle aged man’s expression changed, making a hushing gesture, speaking urgently:

  “Lord spirit master, you can’t say that! It’s my fault, I didn’t say it clearly. On the Continent there is now no longer a Spirit Hall, only the Spirit Empire.”

  Listening to him, Tang San instantly understood. In the four years he had been gone, the Continent had definitely undergone great upheaval. He hurriedly said:

  “Big brother, can’t you tell us just what’s happened? Consider this small token your reward.”

  While speaking, he pulled out two silver spirit coins and handed them over. It wasn’t that he was stingy, but more money would instead easily cause trouble.

  Seeing the mone Tang San passed him, the middle aged man’s eyebrows immediately rose in delight, and he walked together with Tang San and Xiao Wu, smiling:

  “Even though the nations have changed, fortunately this money still hasn’t. Then I won’t stand on ceremony. You asked the right person. As for Spirit Hall’s Changes, that’s a great event of the spirit master world that began more than three years ago, with the reselection assembly of the seven great sects.”

  Originally, not long after Tang San and the others left back then, Spirit Hall had taken charge of convening a seven great sects reselection assembly, producing a new seven great sects. Without exception, these seven great sects were all the most fanatic followers of Spirit Hall. Basically no contenders could be found within the two great empires. Even if the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School still had the strength to compete, out of safety considerations, it still didn’t participate in the assembly.

  Thus, after the seven great sects were chosen, Spirit Hall’s popularity instantly reached its peak. Next, the seven great sects simultaneously wrote a petition, suggesting for all the world’s spirit masters to commonly honor Spirit Hall, asking Spirit Hall to even better control spirit masters.

  Three months later, Spirit Hall declared the foundation of a country, naming it Spirit Empire, closing all the Spirit Hall’s originally within the two great empires, recalling the spirit masters. And the Spirit Empire’s territory was all the kingdoms and duchies originally part of the two great empires, completely severing the contact between the two great empires with its sudden appearance. With the ten combined kingdoms and duchies, the Spirit Empire’s total area wasn’t inferior to any one of the two great empires after the split.

  Judging by their location, the Spirit Empire was clearly at a disadvantage, with Heaven Dou Empire in the north, and Star Luo Empire in the south, However, ever since the creation of the Spirit Empire, it had instead expanded in both directions. Over a few years, it already held the area of each of the two original great empires. Moreover, this was when the three armies still hadn’t met.

  From the look of overall strength, Spirit Empire was put together with more than a dozen smaller countries. The total military headcount could not compare with the two large empires and the command would not be totally unified, but the spirit masters under Spirit Empire’s control was too powerful. In a war, spirit masters would cause more destruction than any military could. A troop of a thousand spirit masters was enough to contend with tens of thousands of soldiers.

  At the same time, Spirit Empire gave orders to enlist the entire continent’s spirit masters. Anyone who didn’t enlist would be seen as heretics. Adding the influence of the new seven great sects, Spirit Hall practically controlled the power more than 70% of the continents’ spirit masters. With powerhouses like clouds, Titled Douluos exceeded ten in number. This forced the two large empires to save their strength, and no clash was dared. Otherwise, if their armies collapsed, there would be no chance whatsoever.

  Spirit Hall Supreme Pontiff Bibi Dong, became the first empress of Spirit Empire, ruling it as a woman. After expanding outward temporarily, she began to form the empire and eliminated the opposition while training troops. Many years of Spirit Hall’s saved up resources became the solid backbone of the empire’s development. In just a few years’ time, Spirit Empire became Heaven Dou and Star Luo empires’ powerful rival empire, and in terms of strength it surpassed any one empire. The border troops stationed within exceeded twenty thousand spirit masters, led by Elder Hall’s Title Douluos themselves.

  Just because it temporarily stopped expanding didn’t mean Spirit Empire was satisfied. Once Bibi Dong took complete control of the lesser kingdoms and duchies’ powers and reorganized, a great war would be inevitable.

  From the beginning, Spirit Empire had the upper hand after its foundation, mainly because of the original headcount of Spirit Hall of up to tens of thousands of spirit masters. The former top three sects would originally be able to barely fight against Spirit Hall, but Clear Sky School went into seclusion, the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon clan was completely destroyed, and Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School also lost a great deal of strength, so they could not be able to form enough strength to fight directly.

  The more powerful the spirit master, the more terrifying one could be in war. A Title Douluo class powerhouse would match against thousands of soldiers and horses. Of course, it wasn’t that the two large empires didn’t have a fighting chance. They had been around for many years, so they had a larger number of well trained troops. If it were to be a desperate struggle, even Spirit Empire would sustain crippling losses. This was also why Bibi Dong didn’t hurry and expand. She wanted to solidify the internal workings first and then wage war under absolutely favorable conditions.

  After parting with the middle aged man, Tang San entered a state of deep thought. Although he had guessed that the continent would surely have huge changes after these years, he didn’t expect that the situation had deteriorated this much. Bibi Dong chose to found a nation with brute force, which seemed rash, but it also let Spirit Hall have an actual army and enormous territory. For so many years, Spirit Hall had always been a sanctuary in the eyes of spirit masters. Spirit masters who could truly refuse the enlistment of Spirit Hall and stay in the two large empires would definitely be few in number. With so many powerful members in Spirit Empire, simply an assassination of the two empires’ higher ups would be something unbearable.

  If not for reviving Xiao Wu, Tang San really wanted to hurry and return to Heaven Dou City and check out the situation there. The most important thing was Tang Sect’s state of development. With the vast gap between the number of spirit masters, Tang Sect’s hidden weapons would have an indisputable effect in war. Only in using large quantities of highly destructive hidden weapons could there be a chance to fight against Spirit Hall’s spirit master troops.

  There was also something else Tang San had to do. He had already almost completed the conditions the elders raised back when he left the Clear Sky School. His strength had reached the eightieth rank, he possessed at least one hundred thousand year spirit ring, now he just had to kill a Spirit Hall Title Douluo to be qualified to return to the Clear Sky School, and pay his respects to his grandfather. The Clear Sky School didn’t have enough spirit masters to change the balance between the two great empires and Spirit Hall, but the meaning of their name as the number one spirit master sect back then couldn’t be doubted. The Clear Sky School moreover had altogether six Title Douluo. If they left the mounta
in, they could definitely have a huge effect.

  “Ge, why don’t we also return to Heaven Dou City.”

  With Xiao Wu’s intelligence, as well as having followed Tang San for so long, she naturally understood everything he was thinking. The present circumstances were bad, and the Tang Sect needed Tang San to return to take charge.


  Tang San forcefully shook his head,

  “Only if we first resurrect you can we return. Even if the circumstances are bad, Mubai and the others have already returned to Heaven Dou City. With them there, there won’t be a problem with the Tang Sect. Before you are truly resurrected, how can I put all my energy into opposing Spirit Hall? Don’t worry, Spirit Hall won’t take any major actions for a while. The two great empires are closely dependant on each other right now, if Spirit Hall attacks one of them, the other absolutely won’t stand aside. Thus, Spirit Hall’s mercenaries have no choice but to move cautiously. For now it’s enough that Mubai and the others bring back the news that we’re safe. I think our Tang Sect will definitely have developed quite far in more than four years. Heaven Dou Empire is also bound to have secretly saved up a number of hidden weapons. Even if the war truly comes, it won’t be that easy for Spirit Hall to take the empire.”

  Xiao Wu leaned against Tang San’s chest, whispering:

  “Ge, I know you want my best, but, if something happens to you because of me, I……”

  Tang San put his forefinger on her lips, not letting her continue.

  “Xiao Wu, I’ve never been an ambitious person, nor have I ever wanted to go change anything about the Continent. I oppose Spirit Hall because of hatred. My parents’ hatred, as well as your hatred. As far as I’m concerned, resurrecting you is the only major task right now, not dealing with Spirit Hall. Since you’re worried, then we’ll cause this so called Spirit Empire a bit of chaos. Didn’t that uncle just now say that, besides West Lu City’s original city guard, there was also a spirit master regiment sent by Spirit Hall, and its commander, along with the city guard, holds the authority within the city? No question about it, this is Spirit Hall’s method to monitor the kingdoms and duchies. West Lu City is the strategic city of Häagen-Dazs Kingdom, so Spirit Hall absolutely wouldn’t have sent less than fifty spirit masters, and the leader should also be at least a Spirit Sage level power. Tell me, if I had these spirit masters disappear, what would Spirit Hall think of West Lu City, and even of Häagen-Dazs Kingdom? Perhaps one city won’t count as anything, but next we’re crossing the entire kingdom, if the same thing happened in ten cities at the same time, how would Spirit Hall treat Häagen-Dazs?”

  Xiao Wu stared blankly,

  “Ge, your meaning?”

  A baleful look flashed in Tang San’s eyes,

  “All Spirit Hall accomplices, kill without pardon.”

  At nightfall, a black silhouette slowly appeared outside the West Lu City spirit master regimental residence. A large deep blue cloak hid his figure, all that could be seen was that this person held a four meter long giant weapon, dark green, without any luster.

  It was precisely Tang San. He and Xiao Wu had settled down and rested for a few hours in the city, waiting for the depth of night, then quietly left the inn. Tang San knew Xiao Wu didn’t like massacres, and so he’d placed her body into the Wishful Hundred Treasures Purse. The cloth covering the Seagod Trident was already removed, and he’d specially bought a large mantle to hide himself, then came here.

  Tang San himself wasn’t someone who liked killing, but regarding Spirit Hall, he would never be merciful. The enemies of his parents, even more with Xiao Wu’s grudge. He would never forget the deep bitterness in his father’s eyes, and even less the despair in Xiao Wu’s eyes when she sacrificed herself for him. No matter how powerful Spirit Hall was, they were all the enemies of his lifetime.

  His left hand pressed on the golden trident brand on his forehead, keeping its light from shining when he released his spiritual force, his boundless mental power rushing out like the vast ocean. After coming outside, it again spread out like a tiny trickle, forming an enormous mental web in just the time of a breath. Not only did it envelop the spirit master regimental compound in front of him, it covered everything within several thousand square meters surrounding it.

  Countless pieces of information quickly rushed back into Tang San’s brain via his spiritual force. If Tang San wanted to scout in such detail before leaving for Seagod Island, he would not only have to use the Blue Silver Domain and the strength of the plants, but would also have to take care not to be discovered. But now he basically didn’t need to worry about that, unless there was a power here whose spiritual force reached the level of Seagod Douluo Bo Saixi, and was a cut above his own, this wouldn’t draw anyone’s attention. Just like an eagle looking down from high above, easily grasping the slightest movement.

  Now it was deep at night, and roughly thirty soldiers patrolled around the spirit master compound, and inside the station were roughly fifty soldiers, and thirty of forty servants. The number of spirit masters was close to what Tang San expected, more than eighty.

  Distinguishing these people wasn’t a problem. The soldiers’ auras were rather calm, the servants walked a bit heavily, and the spirit masters’ released some lingering spirit power fluctuations with every breath and motion.

  Tang San naturally didn’t plan to kill everyone here. His targets were only the spirit masters. He naturally wouldn’t massacre those soldiers and servants.

  Without being anxious to enter the station, Tang San quietly circled the outside. Very soon his spiritual force guided him to the soldiers patrolling and guarding the place. Blue Silver Emperor quietly shot out from the ground, and before the soldiers could react, each and every one was already tightly bound. The Blue Silver Emperor suddenly shook, infusing spirit power, and the thirty soldiers noiselessly went limp under the spirit power fluctuations the Blue Silver Emperor released. Dealing with these common guards really was too simple to Tang San. They basically wouldn’t know how they ended up unconscious.

  Pulled by the Blue Silver Emperor, Tang San very quickly dragged them over to a quiet alley. They wouldn’t wake up for a few hours.

  Having dealt with the issues outside, Tang San quietly climbed into the station. The fifty soldiers inside were split into five squads, each patrolling in five different directions. Each squad was led by a spirit master around rank forty. It was a quite tight defense.

  If Tang San wanted to deal with all the spirit masters here, he only needed to find a suitable place to release his eighth spirit ability, Blue Silver Evil Spirit Mirror’s Annihilation, and it would be settled in an instant. Through his previous scouting, he discovered that among all the spirit masters stationed here, only one had strength at the Spirit Sage level, the remainder were all spirit masters at rank sixty or below, basically unable to threaten him at all.

  However, Tang San really wouldn’t do that. If he relied on his formidable spirit power to deal with all the spirit masters here, then the servants and soldiers wouldn’t have any chance to survive either. He didn’t want to kill indiscriminately, this was one reason. THe other reason was that if he only used one spirit ability, then the Spirit Empire could later very easily discover that only one formidable spirit master had come here. For Tang San to produce chaos, he naturally didn’t want their investigation to reach a result like that.

  Just at this moment, a squad of soldiers turned to head in Tang San’s direction. Tang San bent low, immediately concealing himself among some plants next to him. His Blue Silver Emperor was a plant type spirit, so his ability to hide among plants could now be called flawless. Even if a Title Douluo used spiritual force or maybe aura to search for him, they still absolutely wouldn’t find a trace.

  Walking furthest ahead was a spirit master, with both hands behind his back. He had an arrogant expression, as if he didn’t notice the soldiers behind him. The soldiers in turn followed cautiously behind, not daring to be the slightest bit carele
ss. Spirit masters really did act powerful in front of ordinary people.

  A branch quietly appeared in the squad, and one soldier immediately stumbled over it, knocking against the soldier in front of him.

  “Ouch, what are you doing?”

  The soldier who had been knocked against couldn’t help crying out.

  “Bastard, what’s the noise?”

  The spirit master walking in front turned his head sharply and rebuked them angrily.

  “Lo-, lord. He knocked against me……”

  The soldier who cried out hastily explained. However, the next moment the pupils of his eyes suddenly grew large, startled looking behind that spirit master along with the other soldiers.

  Rank forty already awarded the title of Spirit Ancestor, and corresponded to quite considerable strength. Seeing the alarm in the soldiers’ eyes, that Spirit Empire Spirit Sage immediately reacted. He didn’t turn his head as well, but dashed forward at the same time as he released his spirit, preparing to dodge any attack coming from behind and then launch a counter attack.

  It couldn’t be said he reacted slowly, but unfortunately, he’d met an opponent he basically couldn’t fight.

  One Blue Silver Emperor twisted tightly around his neck, ice cold spiritual force stabbing straight into his brain, severing his connection with his spirit, forcefully interrupting the half completed spirit release. His throat was sealed, unable to even breathe, and he naturally couldn’t cry the alarm. At the same time, an intense shocking force came from below the feet of the soldiers, making them all go limp, falling unconscious to the ground.

  To Spirit Empire spirit masters, Tang San absolutely wouldn’t be lenient. These were all his enemies. One less meant the Spirit Empire would lose a portion of their strength. Sharp thorns ejected from the Blue Silver Emperor twisting around that spirit master, stabbing deeply into his throat. Potent poison rushed straight into his brain from the Blue Silver Emperor’s thorns, quietly taking away his life.

  Those ten soldiers hadn’t collapsed from Tang San’s spirit ability, but rather the Seagod Trident. Tang San only tapped the Trident on the ground, sending shocking force out in a straight line controlled by his spirit power in a ten meter range, knocking them unconscious as it passed.


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