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Alien Pirate's Bride: A SciFi Alien Romance (Moon Company Brides Book 2)

Page 8

by Tia LaBeau

  He runs his hot tongue from the front of my pussy all the way to the back and slips his tongue inside of me. He works his tongue in and out. My inner thighs are covered in sweat.

  Bastian slips a finger into to me while he works his tongue at the back of my clit, and as he swishes his tongue back and forth, so it’s slapping against my pussy lips. I can’t take it anymore. I let go. I absolutely, unequivocally explode.

  I’ve never been a squirter until this moment. If there was a fire, I could put it out.



  I clean Freda off as best as I can and lead her to the shower. I turn the water on, and then I take my time soaping her up, loving each part of her body. It is now that I think my plans have changed. Now I only have to figure out how to proceed. How was I supposed to know that I’d feel this way?

  Freda soaps me in return. She is silly but firm in her touches as if my body is not a surprise to her at all. Instead, she touches my body as if she has known it longer than any other in the entirety of the universe. She smiles up at me. My heart melts. She kneels down in front of me so that she can wash my legs, ankles, and feet. The way she works says more to me than anything she could ever say with words.

  She giggles. “What’s so funny?” I ask her.

  “Nothing,” she says. I reach down and grab her by the shoulders, pulling her up to face me. She grins.

  “So you’re not going to let me in on what amuses you so?”

  “Nope. It’s an inside thing between me, myself, and I.”

  “We must not keep secrets from each other,” I say.

  “Is that so? So I can ask you anything, and you will tell me?”

  “Yes,” I say.

  “What’s your favorite color?”

  “Gold,” I say, looking her directly in the eyes. I keep a straight face.

  She guffaws. “Gold! I bet. Well,” she shrugs, “gold is my new favorite color too.”

  “Anything else?”

  “Later,” she says without smiling.

  This doesn’t bode well for me.

  We finish up in the shower, and I lead her into my chamber again. “Here,” I say. “You can borrow some of my clothes. A long tunic will do. No need to wear pants. I’ll send someone to market to get you some other things to wear.”

  “Oh no,” she says. “You’re not sending one of your pirate dudes out to buy me clothes. Why don’t you take me so that I can pick out stuff for myself?”

  I cringe at the thought of taking her to the market. Not because I don’t want to be seen with her. I’d love to be seen with her, but I worry for her safety.

  “I won’t have them staring at you,” I say finally.

  “Or at you?” she asks, standing naked with her arms crossed. She doesn’t seem to care that she has bared all to me. She’s not shy about any of it in the least bit, and I find courage in her assuredness. I might be able to learn how to relax from her. As if I want to.

  Whether I want to relax, I’m not sure. What I do know is that I relax inside of her when I’m in her body and when I invade her mind, but I promise myself that I will never invade her mind unless I absolutely need to or want to in order to make mating with her more pleasant. I lie to her. “I don’t care if they stare at me. But who knows what might happen, I might be killed fighting in your honor before I even get the chance to finish my work.”

  Freda grimaces. Then she sighs. “Seriously, Bastian. I can take care of myself. You saw me on the ship. Blam, blam, blam.”

  She squints one of her eyes like she’s peering through the onsite of an old gun. She flicks her finger back and forth as if she is working the touch trigger. She’s cute, and she’s not too bad of a shot.

  “Fine. Let’s go,” I say, despite my better judgment. “Let’s go to the markets.”

  I finish dressing myself, slipping into white pants, a white tunic, and black squishy boots. I put on my favorite jacket—the one with the huge buckles and chains, then decide to take it off. I’m warm. I want to cool.

  I run my fingers through my short hair. I’m ready. I grab Freda by the hand and lead her outside of the palace.

  She turns around and looks back at it. “It’s too bad you have to leave this place,” she says. “It’s pretty good.”

  “I know, isn’t it?” I ask. “I will miss it, but I’ve got my ship.” And you, I think but do not say.

  I walk Freda over to my garage hovel where I keep my Xinzi and my Lipim. These are what humans would call bikes. They have these belts that spin which keep the energy going, but they don’t touch the ground. They aren’t as fast as the hoover bikes they have in Teron, but I like the power they release when I ride them. Xinzi and Lipim feel more grounded than the hovers and more forceful too and strong. I laugh when Freda hops on Lipim and sits in the front like she’s going to navigate.

  I flick my finger at her. “Get off.”

  “What?” she asks.

  “No way. You ride behind me.”

  “You’re bossing me around again,” she says. “Besides, if you teach me, I think I’d be fully capable of navigating one of these. You just point me in the right direction.”

  I wince. Her words hurt like killer beams. I, ride behind her? This would kill me. What would my people say if they saw me riding behind a human woman? I shake my head.

  “Come on, don’t get all chuvanista on me.”

  “What’s that?” I ask. I kick my boot into the red sand.

  “You know, all macho, and yo, do what I say.” She crosses her arms, twists her mouth, and squares her shoulders.

  “I never look like that,” I say.

  “Of course you do. You and every other mucho macho, but screw that. You get behind me, or I’m not riding with you. You’ve got two of these things. You can take one, and I can take the other.”

  “No,” I say.

  Freda huffs. “We can go at this all day, but you’ll never win bro,” she says.



  The way Bastian is glowering at me is priceless. I mean really damn priceless. I wish I could take a picture of him right now. Fuck it, dude. I’m not budging. I’m riding on the front of this funking bike so help me universe.

  Both of us stand with our arms crossed, staring at each other. I think it’s funny that he thinks I’ll fold first, but I keep a straight face anyway. I want him to at least think I’m dead serious.

  One of his pirate crew members comes out to us. I can’t remember his name. He’s short, lean, and bald. Red as blood.

  “Hey, you have a comm at the control chamber,” the pirate says.

  “Can’t it wait, Gily?” he asks. “I’m trying to settle something very important here.”

  Gily shakes his head no.

  “Gily, watch her okay? Don’t let her take Zinzi or Lipim.”

  “I understand,” Gily says.

  I guess it’s courteous that they speak English around me when they don’t have to. Then again maybe I ought to learn how to speak Havener. Although, a language translator implant would be much easier. They cost an arm and a leg. Plus, having somebody working around in my head don’t sound pleasant at all.

  Gily stands in front of me, slack like, looking bored out of his mind.

  I watch Bastian until he’s out of sight. As soon as I can’t see Bastian anymore, I turn to Gily. “Come on, don’t you want to make Bastian angry? Let me hop on one of these Zeezeeys or Beezys or whatever you call them. Just for a little ride. Maybe you can even teach me how to ride one?”

  Gily shakes his head but says nothing. I think about whether I should disobey both Bastian and Gily and simply hop on the bike and take off, but Bastian and I are getting along pretty good right now, despite our standoff. Maybe I ought to not piss him off.

  Standing idle makes me realize that I have to go pee. I move to go back into Bastian’s palace, but Gily steps in front of me.

  “Look, guy, unless you want me to cop a squat right here, I suggest you move out of my w
ay and let me go to ladies.”

  “The ladies?” he asks.

  “You know, the Lou, the John, the latrine, the porto.”

  His face scrunches up with confusion. “Okay, the waste facility, darn.”

  “Ah, okay,” he says.

  I follow him inside the palace. “It’s over there,” he says. I go where he tells me. He’s following me.

  “Oh no way, bub. I do this solo dolo, you know?”

  “Solo what?”

  “Alone, gosh.” I huff. These guys really need some English slang dictionaries. I know what I’ll be getting everyone for solstice.

  I go inside of the can, and would you believe it’s covered in gold? Really, a poop palace lined in gold? I think this a bit frivolous.

  Bastian did say his favorite color was gold. I thought I knew why. Now I realize that what I was thinking before might have been way too simple. I shake my head at myself. Seriously, Freda?

  I squat over the waste basin. I mean come on, I never sit on a waist basin I don’t own. Cleo taught me that. I hover my ass off and go tinkle. Then I pull a nap from the metal holder on the wall. Some things are universal like stuff to wipe your bum with.

  I wash my hands and look at myself in the mirror above the wash basin. I shrug. Not too shabby considering I own nothing. I push the bathroom door open. I look out. Gily is gone. He’s probably waiting for me on the other side of the hall, but for some reason, I’m intrigued by the side of the hall that I didn’t come through, so I tiptoe down the hall, peeking back behind me occasionally to see if Gily is following me.

  When I come out of the hall, I find that there is a curtain right across from me. Maybe it’s a closet? I hear voices, though, almost immediately. One of them is Bastian’s. Would I be wrong if I listened in?

  Well, I don’t care. I’m being nosy as usual, so I stand outside of the curtain up against the wall, facing forward towards the hall in case I see Gily coming. There’s enough space for me to disappear out of his line of sight from the hall if I have to.

  I steel myself and listen. I hear Bastian say, “I won’t do it. I’ve changed my mind.”

  Changed his mind about what I wonder.

  Then I hear another voice. “You promised me that you’d deposit her to me if I made sure to make the capturing of the transport ship easier for you. You got your transport ship, now give the Chou sister to me.”

  I freeze. Oh, my goodness. I can’t help myself. I peek through the curtain. I see Bastian, but he doesn’t see me. I step back and keep listening even though my heart is pounding in my chest.

  “I won’t give her over. She’s mine.”

  Hiternum Furmi, the bastard. I know it’s him. It’s the fucking Governor of Mars. He laughs. “Yours! She was never yours. Ever since she murdered my son, she has become mine for the killing.”

  “Murdered your son? I thought her sister killed your son,” Bastian says.

  “That’s what they want you all to believe, sure, but I know the truth. I know it was the young one.”

  “Now just how do you know that?”

  “There’s a lot I know. This is why you’d be better off not testing me. I can make you disappear.”

  “Like the others who you’ve had arrested here on Havenu even though they’ve done nothing,” Bastian says.

  “Yes, like those. How’d you know about that anyway?”

  “I know things too, which is why you’d be better off not testing me. I can do more than make you disappear. I can make you suffer.”

  “We’ll see about that Bastian the Pirate King. Look, either give the bitch to me, and I will forget this little tiff we’re having, or keep her for as long as you can, but you’ll soon regret it. Her sister is still available to me. I’ll give you a set time. Hand her over to my man by the end of this Havener’s day, and you can tell Freda that her sister will live because of her sacrifice.”

  “I could send her back to Moon Company Brides. She is promised to another there.”

  The Governor laughs. “If you send her back there, if she manages to make it to Earth’s moon, she’ll die within two hundred ticks.”

  “There you are,” Gily says to me. He’s barreling down the hall. I was so engrossed in the conversation going on behind the curtain that I didn’t notice Gily until now.

  The curtain splits open. There Bastian stands. I slap his face as hard as I can. He’s stunned. I don’t wait. I take off running. I look back and see Bastian and Gily running after me.

  I ran track in school, but I quit because I got bored. Still, I’m pretty fast, so I zip down the hall and out of the palace.

  I jump on one of Bastian’s bikes. Funny that a pirate wouldn’t have his bike under lock and key, considering he lives on a planet full of pirates who like to steal things. Oh well, his mistake is my opportunity.

  Like my mistake in trusting him was his opportunity to get one over on me. Sure, he said he wasn’t going to turn me into the Governor, but the fact that he had even planned to in the first place gets way under my skin.

  I manage to get the bike started. It’s a push start, but now I’ve got to try to figure out how to make it go forward. I look back. Bastian and Gily zip through the red dirt towards me. The winds have picked up, and some of the red dirt swirls above me which means that there isn’t going to be much visibility.

  There’s a toggle here, and I move it, but the bike isn’t going anywhere, so I lean forward hard, remembering how the hover bikes in Teros work, and the stupid thing springs forward. I hurl up, keeping my feet steady on the rests, and I lift my butt off of the seat and move the toggle up at the same time. The bike zips upward. I have no idea where in the hell I’m going.

  The red dirt swirls around me. I struggle to see. Occasionally, another vehicle zips by me, other bikes, small canoe looking things that fly. I get some visibility as I move ahead out of the small wind storm. I turn around. I see Bastian behind me. I can’t bear to stare too long. I can’t bear to look upon his face.

  I’m so mad. I can’t see straight. And just where the heck am going to go? The Governor probably has somebody looking for me right now, and he said he’s going to go after Cleo. Maybe I should turn myself in now.

  I could probably get ahold of a comm now from somewhere if I could manage to get away from Bastian. Then I could call Cleo or Celeste. There’s no doubt in my mind that both of them will be pissed at me.

  Celeste will be pissed because she worked her ass off to secure that marriage to that Edener senator and here I am frolicking with this pirate. Cleo will be mad that I lied to her.

  I suppose it’s childish to worry about them being mad at me, but the truth is, I wouldn’t want them involved just now. I couldn’t bear the thought of losing either of them. Celeste has become almost like a sister to me too.

  I feel something pulling on the bike, so I turn around. Bastian is right behind me holding something in his hand.

  “What the hell are you doing?”

  “I’m keeping you locked,” he screams.

  “Fuck you!” I yell. I try to work my body and toggle away from him, but the bike only sways a bit. We’re in an open space now where there isn’t a lot of traffic. If someone passed by and I screamed bloody murder, I wonder what would happen. Would they stop for me and help me?

  I keep struggling to get away, even though I think Bastian’s got some kind of portable vehicle lock like the locks the security firms use on the hoovers and other smaller vehicles on Teros. The security firms use the locks in order to stop vehicles by force.

  I feel a heavy weight at the back of the bike. I feel Bastian right behind me. I turn and sock him in the chest. He grabs my arms. Since I’m locked, it doesn’t matter if I busy myself with the fight now.

  “Listen to me,” he says.

  “No,” I say, trying to get my arms loose. “I won’t listen. You sold me out to the Governor. No, worse, you knew you were going to sell me out. You planned all this. You stole a transport ship just so you could steal me.
How much is he paying you, huh? How many fucking creds?” I scream in his face.

  “It was a mistake, okay. Calm down, please. I care for you, Freda. I won’t let him have you.”

  “You won’t let him have me? Oh, so you’re in charge of me, huh? Big Mr. Machismo thinks he can take charge of little ol’ Freda. Well, screw you. You’ll have to kill me to get control over me now. You dicknotized me, but that shit’s over!”

  I can tell I’m confusing him a bit with my words, but I think he gets my drift overall. Now if I could just get my arms loose. Shit!

  “Please, Freda.”

  “Oh, now you want to ask nicely instead of telling me what to do. I don’t care. I’m not dealing with you anymore. Besides, I think I’m going to turn myself in. I don’t want the Governor going after my sister and her family. Fuck the Governor and fuck you.”

  “I can help you if you give me a chance,” Bastian says.

  “No way, Jose. Fuck you. Fuck you. Fuck you!”

  He lets go of my arms. I don’t know why, but I’m lunging somewhere, and oh shit, I almost fall off the bike. Bastian catches me. After I get my balance back, I sweep his hands off of me. “You will never touch this again you hear me! I swear!”

  Bastian laughs. I can’t believe it. This fucker is laughing at me.

  “Please. Calm down. I can’t believe this is even happening. I never intended to care for you as I do.”

  “Give me a break. Just because we have a little hippity dippity doesn’t mean you love me all of a sudden.”


  “Oh screw you!” I yell.

  “Please, let me take you to the market, and there we can discuss it.”

  “No!” I scream.

  Bastian uses some sort of wand looking thing to get his other bike to pull up alongside us. He hops onto the other bike.


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