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Alien Pirate's Bride: A SciFi Alien Romance (Moon Company Brides Book 2)

Page 11

by Tia LaBeau

  “Jewu, we’re going to need to get some transporters for the prisoners if we manage to get them out.”

  “We will get them out,” Jewu says.

  I appreciate his fine confidence. Jewu is one of the bigger crew members, and he’s willing to fight to the death. Jewu will die before he quits in a fight.

  I glance back at Freda. She appears worried, the way her mouth is turned down and her eyes are lowered. I wish that I could assure her that everything is going to be okay, but I’ve never gone into a fight so sure of anything other than how hard I will perform myself.

  The lock up is not too far away from the village we left some short time ago. I reach into the back of the transport, and it’s all there, my protection vest, my jacket, my guns. I’m ready to go to war at the lock-up if I have to.



  We get off of the small ship at a spot not far from the lock-up Bastian gives me a vest and shoves a gun into my hands. To protect myself, he says.

  I’ve never had to wield so many weapons in my life. We travel on foot towards the lock-up, keeping an eye out for anything too suspicious. I mean what could be so suspicious when you’re trying to break into a lock up?

  I keep an eye out for the Governor or anyone who might be on the Governor’s side. It occurs to me that even though most of the people in Havenu are Haveners, there are some humans here who are working for the exodus. There are others from the other planets of Protos working and living here too for many reasons. Anyone could be an enemy.

  Bastian stays close to me. When we arrive in front of the lock-up, Bastian whispers to me, “We will say that we are here to visit family. I will tell them that you are my mate. The others will enter the lock-up the same way.”

  “Are you sure it will work?” I whisper as we line up behind other Haveners.

  “I’ve thought this through,” Bastian says with a wink.

  “Of course you have,” I say with a smirk.

  The lock up is flanked by stones and a metal gate. A huge Havener stands at the entrance to the gate, checking identification. Bastian didn’t say so, but I assume that when I show them my identification, I am to say that I haven’t yet had the opportunity to make changes to my identification as married and such. I’ll simply say that we’ve only just married.

  Bastian’s other crew members stand behind us prepared as well. This was all much more than I ever bargained for, but I suppose I should have seen it coming. After all, what the heck was I thinking? I guess I thought saving some people was going to be a cake walk. Yep, I suppose I thought that because I’m Freda Chou.

  We get to the front of the line. The Havener standing there is gruff. He speaks in Havenu, so I have absolutely no idea what he’s saying.

  The guard eyes Bastian and says something else. Bastian responds in Havener. The guard grabs ahold of Bastian and me. He’s stronger than any being I’ve ever encountered. Bastian doesn’t fight, which I find to be odd, so instead of doing what I’d like to do which is kick and bite and scream, I allow myself to be dragged along through the gate too. I try to catch Bastian’s eyes to ask him what the fuck is going on, but he only looks over at me occasionally. I have no idea what he’s thinking.

  The Havener guard walks us through a tunnel and into a cavern. I assume that it must be the lock-up. The Havener guard leads us into a small room.

  The Havener swings his long black ponytail around, releases us from his grip, and kneels in front of Bastian. “I wondered if you’d come,” the Havener says.

  Bastian slaps the Havener on the arm. “Good one, your name?”

  “Zico,” the Havener says.

  “Good to meet you, Zico,”

  My tight stomach relaxes. Only slightly.

  “You stay here, Pirate King. I will go and get the others.”

  Zico runs away.

  “What the hell? I thought we were sunk,” I whisper.

  “This is only the beginning, but it’s good to know that we have friends here.”

  “Now what?” I ask.

  “Now we prepare to fight.”

  I take a deep breath. “When?”

  “When the others are brought in we will find who we are looking for. I have a list of names.”

  I pat myself down. I don’t know why. I guess to make sure that I’m still real. That it’s all real is mind-boggling. I brush my hair up into a bun and secure it with a pin I always keep stuck somewhere in my hair at all times.

  The necklace Bastian made for me still rests on my chest.

  “I hope you don’t die,” I say.

  “I hope that you don’t either,” he says with a wink.

  “You know, I don’t know if I’ll stay on once my sister gets here.”

  “I figured as much,” Bastian says. He stares me down. “But I can only hope that you will consider it.”

  At least I know where he stands.

  The others file into the room. Zico has let them all of Bastian’s allies inside.

  I’m confused as to how we are bunched in here without seeming very obvious. There are seven of us all together.

  As if Bastian has read my mind, he says, “This is how they carry out the visitations. In groups.”

  “Oh,” I say.

  “I will take you to the cells of those on your list. I can also confirm for you the circumstances of their arrests. Now there will be other guards. Once I get you to the cells, you will probably have to fight the guards and maybe even some of the prisoners.

  “I will have to pretend to fight you. I have two choices. Either I die pretending to fight against you, or survive and live to continue to work the lock-ups until the bitter end.”

  “Make sure we don’t kill our brother, Zico,” Bastian says to all the others.

  The other pirates nod.

  “You have an evacuation plan, yes?” Zico asks.

  “Yes we do,” Bastian tells him. He whispers to me, “Follow me wherever I go.”

  “You got it,” I say.

  We follow Zico out of the room and down another dark tunnel. The whole thing seems to be made from red mud. After a bit of walking, we finally arrive at the holding cells. These holding cells are full of Haveners. There are more than ten Haveners to each cell. It’s dank and smells of sweets and sweat in here.

  I feel really bad for those prisoners who are held in here unjustly. I was so fortunate to have been born in Teros.

  These beings must leave their homes just because they were born in a dying system. The luck of the draw was certainly in my favor, so if it was at random, how sad. I also think that if it wasn’t at random, then that is also sad. Thank the universe I’m here, though, to help.

  I turn to Bastian who has his hands at his back, ready to draw his weapon at the slightest provocation. I ready myself too. I’m packing.

  Zico begins to call the names whispered to him by Bastian. Bastian is reading the names off of a small tablet. The other guards in prison are busying themselves watching, while Zico reassures them that everything is okay.

  Slowly these people start coming out of the cells as Zico finds them in the crowds, opens the cells, and pulls them out.

  A guard comes forward. “What the hell is he doing here? He doesn’t have any loved ones in here. The only loved one he has is with Luce.”

  Bastian steps forward. There is much anger in his eyes. “Don’t mention Luce to me,” he says.

  I wonder if he still feels something for the Havener female he lost to Luce. If so, what does that mean for him and me?

  Out of the corner of my eye, I see someone step forward. Havener with his long hair wrapped around gold barbs.

  “Luce, so happy you could join us,” Bastian says. “At the most opportune time. As usual.”

  “I wish to have my title back. That is all,” Luce says, stepping forward. He’s wearing a tight black shirt, black pants, and pointed black boots. He’s petite.

  So, this is the illustrious Luce. I wonder what brings him to the lock-up, bes
ides starting trouble. Also, I know you’re not supposed to judge a book by its cover, but unless this dude knows Kung Fu or has a huge gun, I don’t know how he’s going to beat Bastian. Bastian is almost twice his size.

  “We are to fight here in the lock-up, see,” Luce says. “I do not answer to the Governor, and I see by the looks of her, you and, your crew here that neither do you,” Luce tips his head at me. “Fight me here, Bastian. Whoever wins, will be Pirate King once and for all.”

  Bastian stands with his feet apart. He grins. “If that’s what you want. Although, I don’t see what it matters. Soon Protos will be gone.”

  I grab ahold of Bastian and look into his eyes. “Bastian, don’t do it. Don’t fight him. What if something happens to you? I know he can’t play fair. Everything that you’ve tried to do will be for naught.”

  “Luce, if you wish to be the Pirate King, you’ll help free these Haveners including the ones who have done nothing,” Bastian says past me.

  There is ruckus in the cells. The Haveners chant something in Havener. “What are they saying?” I ask Zico.

  “They’re chanting, ‘let us out.'”

  “You can’t let all of them out,” I say. “Some of them are guilty.”

  “Indeed they are. So they will have to remain. That will be part of the job.”

  Luce waves his hands in the air. “I will free those who need to be freed based on their ability to pay me. That is how I’ve always worked. Now is no different.”

  “Then I will not fight. I have a job to do here and that’s letting the innocents go and ensuring that they are able to take part in the exodus. By insisting they pay, you align yourself with my enemy the Governor. Soon you will pay for that if you wish to proceed with a fight. That will be fight enough.”

  Luce laughs. His laughter rings out. “Oh, you will fight me when I say so, and when I’m done, I will have the human bride for myself. I know about her. The Governor sent me for backup. He had a feeling you would pull a thing like this.”

  “Is that so? You know then that if you have her and you don’t turn her over to the Governor, the Governor will end you then.”

  “Unlike you, I don’t find the Governor to be a challenge, so if I wish to keep her, I will,” Luce says. “I’d have to taste her first to decide. Now no weapons in this fight. Our crews stay on the sidelines. Agreed. Oh,” Luce says clapping his hands together. “It makes no matter whether you agree or not. I will do as I please.”

  Luce’s red eyes burn maybe because they’re red, or maybe because he’s pissed and is ready to fight. Either way, his eyes are creeping me the fuck out. I don’t like the way he’s staring at me. If he touches me, I think I’ll puke. I shiver just thinking about it.

  Bastian takes off his jacket. “I’ll keep this on in case your crew doesn’t follow the rules,” he says of his protector vest.

  “fewer blows to the body and more to the head then, got it?” Luce asks.

  The prisoners pound on the cell bars. Bastian tips his head to his crew and me. Everyone spreads out away from Luce and Bastian except for me. I stand here with my arms crossed. There’s no way I’m going to allow this little cretan to hurt my guy.

  Bastian comes over to me and whispers in my ear. “What are you doing?” he asks.

  “Standing here, ready to fight, bro.”

  “It’s one on one,” Bastian whispers in my ear. “That means Luce and me.”

  “Make me leave,” I say.

  “Kiss me,” Bastian says.

  “Here, now, in front of all these people?

  Bastian nods his head.

  “Fine, but only because you may die,” I say. I kiss him. He gives me tongue and everything. I’ve got my eyes open at first, but fuck it if I don’t fall into the kiss. I hear murmurs and hissing around us and further banging on the bars. Bastian pulls away. He stares me down. The scent of sticky sweet sweat is almost suffocating. Bastian makes a weird tsk tsk sort of sound. Then he pushes me away hard. “Guard,” he says, pointing to Zico. “Hold her for me.”

  I put my hands up. “Okay, okay, I’m going. No need to hold me down.”

  “Are you sure?” Bastian asks.

  “I’m sure,” I say.

  “Because I wouldn’t want you to get hurt,” he says.

  “I understand,” I say, tip-toeing backward.

  I have mind to run at tiny little Luce to slap his face, but I hold back again. Bastian has taught me a slower way of going about things I think.

  “Okay, now that you’re done with your little plaything,” Luce says.

  I lunge forward and Zico grabs me tighter. I raise my hands again. “Okay, okay, I’m chill. I promise. Come on Zico, let me go.”

  “No,” Zico grumbles.

  Bastian shakes his head. He crouches a bit. He’s ready to fight. Luce does the same. The two lunge at each other. Luce hits the floor. Bastian pummels into him. Luce kicks, scratches, and then that motherfucker bites Bastian on the shoulder. I can’t believe it. He throws punches too. He’s a Havener pirate possessed. He obviously wants his fucking crown back.

  I’m rocking and rolling with each punch Bastian throws and ducking and dodging with each blow Bastian avoids. Zico holds on to me. Zico is hot and sweaty. And then I notice something. Zico is hard behind me.

  “Eww,” I say swatting his hands away.

  “I’m sorry,” he grumbles.

  I turn around. “If you don’t let me go, I’m going to tell Bastian that you’re trying to fuck me. He won’t like it that you’re trying to do his lady.”

  Zico lets me go.

  Bastian turns towards us after dashing past Luce, “Zico?”

  “I’m sorry,” is all Zico says.

  I try to stay out of the fight for as long as I can, but I just can’t. I jump on Luce’s back and wrap my arm around his throat. Luce twirls me around. He’s a strong little guy. I’ll give him that. He smells like too strong Partroxian cologne. He must get around.

  I do something I don’t really want to do, and that’s go in for his ear. Luce releases a high-pitched scream. Bastian grabs me and pulls me off of Luce’s back.

  “I told you to stay out of this one,” he says. “Now do as I say.”

  I can feel the tension in him, and unless I’m ready to be all around defiant, I suppose that I ought to stay out of the fray, so I stand on the sidelines watching.

  Bastian gets the upper hand finally and knocks Luce out. There are cheers and grumbles. You can guess which camp I’m in. I run to Bastian, and I hug him. He’s standing here, huffing with his fists balled up. I figure it must be all the adrenaline until Bastian whips me around and pushes me into Zico. I’m stunned.

  Haveners run out from a door on the far left. They’re covered with armor. They attack Bastian, and then Bastian’s crew jumps in while Zico tries to hold off the other guards.

  Bastian’s fighting too. There are Haveners pushing and punching. I duck and feel some of the blows. A sharp one hits me in the face. Everything turns black.



  When I come to, I realize that I’m no longer inside of the lock-up. I’m inside of a small transport ship. It’s the same ship that brought us to the lock-up and with the same pilot along too. Bastian is sitting in the passenger seat of the cockpit. I groan.

  Bastian turns around. He has a black eye, and a couple of scratches, but otherwise he’s fine.

  “They got us?” I ask.

  “They got you,” Bastian says. He moves out of the cockpit and kneels down in front of the two seats I’m lying on. He pushes the hair out of my face. “Ow, you’ve got a bit of a bump there.” He touches my forehead lightly.

  “I guess hard?”

  Bastian nods. “But my crew members and I took care of them.”

  “And the prisoners?”

  “We’ve gotten the ones out that are on the list.”

  “Now what?” I ask. I try to sit up, but my head hurts way too much for that, so I kind of slunk over, half-ly
ing, half-sitting.

  “They’re being transported to my palace. The larger transport ship is almost ready to be taken out, and I got a comm from your sister while you were knocked out. I don’t think she’s too pleased with me at the moment. She gave me an earful about taking you to the lock-up.”

  I touch the back of my head. “Ow. I bet she did.”

  “Now, we are to go back to the palace to meet her. She is already on world here.”

  A lump forms in my throat. But I admit that I’ll be happy to see her.

  “Any sign of the Governor?”

  “I believe we’ll be seeing him soon. Your sister says that she’s been tracking someone on her tail the whole way here. Who else would it be but him?”

  “Him or one of his henchmen. I mean that guy is like that vintage cartoon villain Dr. Claw.”


  “There’s this cartoon called Inspector Gadget, and there’s this villain who’s always in the episode, but you never see his face. Except I have seen the Governor’s face on television where he pretends to be a savior rather than a villain.”

  “Soon his ruse will be ridded,” Bastian says. He kisses me gently on the cheek. “I don’t suppose getting kicked in the face has persuaded you to stay with me.”

  “Well, I am supposed to marry another. You know my Moon Company Brides match,” I say.

  “Ah yes, that. Can’t you get someone to take your place?”

  “I suppose I could, but I’d have to sweeten the deal.”

  “How so?” Bastian asks me.

  “You can put in an application for me. I could make sure it gets approved.”

  Bastian smirks. “And then what? Pay for someone I already have?”

  “Who says you have me,” I say with a wink. I put out my hand. My wrists hurt. My whole body hurts really. I took a beating on that floor inside of the lock-up.

  Bastian grabs my hand. I pull it away.

  “What is it?”

  “I put my hand out for the creds, dude,” I say.

  “You never stop your jokes, do you?” Bastian asks.

  “Who says I’m joking?” I ask.

  The small transport lands within the palace compound. I see another transport there. I figure it must be Cleo’s ship. I’d like to run out to her, but that seems impossible considering the way my body feels now.


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