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Alien Pirate's Bride: A SciFi Alien Romance (Moon Company Brides Book 2)

Page 15

by Tia LaBeau

  “No way, if you’re going out there, so am I,” Xerxes says.

  “What about the baby?” Cleo asks.

  “It’s not an around the tick job,” Mr. Drek says. “There will be special missions for you, but I doubt it will be an everyday thing. Go, Cleo. Go back home to the asteroid belt. Get things taken care of there. I’ll be in touch. I don’t think you’ll have to worry about the Governor coming after you again. I believe for the sake of his goals, he’ll leave you alone, and fulfill his promises for the exodus.”

  “What about everything else he’s into?” Cleo asks.

  “That is a bigger story,” Mr. Drek says. “And he is not alone. Teros and Protos is full of folks with their own agendas. Some have even more power than he does, but you know, we do the best we can.”

  I think about Mr. Drek’s offer. “We’re you serious about me joining the Rock security force?”

  “Yes. The offer was sincere to both you and Bastian.”

  I won’t give an answer now. I’d have to discuss it with Bastian. I’m not sure what his complete plans are, but if I know Bastian, he’ll have some.”

  “Give me a hug, I’ve got to get going,” Cleo says.

  It’s amazing how all of us are here. Also, I never thought that I’d get the Governor off of my tail.

  “Thank you, Cleo, for all of your help,” Bastian says.

  “Thank you for looking out for my sister. Although, I’m not sure if I can ever forgive you for kidnapping her and being willing to turn her over to Governor.”

  “It was for a good cause,” I say. “He was trying to save his Havenu.”

  “At your expense,” Cleo says. “Make sure that shit doesn’t happen again, Pirate King.”

  “It won’t,” I say before Bastian can answer. “I’m the only one in charge of me. I’ll sacrifice myself when I good and well feel like it. Not even you can stop me.” I raise my foot in the air. “I still remember all those fighting lessons, Cleo. I was quite good. I just got bored.”

  Cleo raises an eyebrow. “Good according to who?” she asks with a smirk.

  Xerxes who is now standing beside Cleo puts his large hulking arms around her. “You taught your sister well, Cleo. I bet you will teach Jules all sorts of wonderful things.”

  “Yeah like how to kick ‘em in the juts,” I say.

  Cleo kicks out her foot. “Kick ‘em in the juts, uh huh. That’s what you were supposed to do with the Pirate King, but instead you…”

  Xerxes covers her mouth. All we hear is Cleo’s muffled attempt at saying something more. I can guess what she’s saying.

  “And that dear sister is what I intend to do for the rest of my life,” I say.



  The palace is quiet now that everyone has mostly gone. I’ve told the crew members to leave the debris outside until I get back. The castle is still intact, but I want the mess in the courtyard to be a standing reminder for Haveners of how close we came to not making the exodus.

  Hopefully, this incites a sense of gratitude within Havenu towards the people of Teros who are willing to sacrifice themselves to ensure the completed exodus of Havenu.

  Mr. Drek has said that there are some corrupt beings out there, working to dismantle societies for their own selfish ends. I suppose that’s a different matter to be taken care of in a different time. Although, it seems that such a fight never goes away. One tyrant is defeated, and another tyrant comes forward to their place.

  I take a moment to consider the kind ones who were willing to help us make the exodus. I don’t take the help for granted because I know such help is not guaranteed among men, but I also wonder if there is not something else to this that I don’t understand. Surely, someone above the Governor in power is aware of his corruption. Why are they allowing him to get away with it?

  I can only reach as far as I can with the knowledge I have. I will have to leave my home to solidify my relations with Freda. Then I will come back to Havenu for a time as I’ve already promised everyone I would. After that, I don’t know.

  I walk down the hall to my chamber. My floor is being used by none other than Freda Chou. She lays on the mat sprawled out. She is naked. Her lovely curly hair cascades the mat like she is a sun goddess wearing the sun as her crown. She is most beautiful to me, free-spirited, lovely, and brave.

  Freda sits up. Her smile is huge. “So what’s next, Bastian the Pirate King?”

  “I don’t know,” I say. “Why don’t we see what happens?”

  Freda’s mouth falls open wide. She opens her creamy thighs for me. I admire her gorgeous pussy. I’m beguiled. At this point, I’d do anything she told me to do. I’d let her be in charge. Of course, I will never explicitly say this, but I don’t think I have to.

  Freda points at her majestic pussy. I strip off all of my clothes and run to my shower as best as I can. I haven’t healed completely from the attacks. I jump in the shower and wash off. There are parts of my body that sting with pain from the explosion, but I don’t care. I hobble back into the room. I’m dizzy.

  I stand before her. She wiggles her finger to indicate that she wants me to come forth. I climb onto the bed. It’s as if all the pain disappears. I want her so bad.

  “You lie down,” she says. “Let me do all the work.”

  “Are you sure you want to do all the work?” I ask, raising an eyebrow. “I was looking forward to doing the work.”

  Freda bites her cute bottom lip. She only points at me and moves her finger to indicate what she wants me to do. I do what she tells me.

  I lie down beside her. She straddles me. Freda’s easy with her touches, gentle. She’s also easy on my eyes and even easier on my mind than I ever thought was possible.

  She grabs my cock and strokes it lovingly. I am very hard. Not even an explosion can stop the effect that Freda Chou has on me. Well, maybe it can, but it’s nice to think otherwise. Now I am here with her, and that’s all that matters.

  I stroke Freda’s backside. It’s so soft and round. It’s the perfect size for me, and even though I teased her about her breasts, I find them to be perfect too.

  I move my hands to her breasts and caress them. She leans over me. I feel her soft hair on my face. I look into her big brown eyes. They’re so beautiful. She smiles and pushes me into her.

  She’s so wet, and she throws her back so that I’m buried in her. Her pussy walls tighten around me. I graze her cheek with my finger as she works me into her up and down, back and forth. I admire the arch of her body, the curve of her neck when she moves her head. I put my hands all over her, wherever I can get them.

  She squats over me. Now she’s bouncing up and down on my cock. Her breasts slap up. Seeing her like this makes it hard for me to control myself. I can’t take it anymore. “Let me on top,” I say.

  “But you’re hurt,” Freda says with an expression of worry in her eyes.

  “I am fine. I’m the Pirate King,” I say with a smirk.

  Freda laughs. I adore that laugh. She lies on her back and spreads her legs open for me.

  I lean over her. I think I’d like to taste her, so I take my fingers and spread her pussy lips apart. I run my tongue over her clit. She sticks her finger down where I am with my mouth and taps my wiggling tongue.

  “I love your tongue,” she says. “It’s like being licked by the night.”

  It does present an interesting contrast down here. My tongue is onyx while she is pink. I glide my tongue over the roundest fullest part of her clit, and her body jiggles. A gush of cream comes out of her. I take some of her cream up with my finger and suck it off my fingertip. “Um,” I say. “You taste so delicious.”

  “Let me taste you,” she says.

  “Not yet. I’m not finished,” I say.

  I suck her clit, making small vacuuming motions over it. I slide my finger into her and jerk it in and out of her. Her pussy is so tight, yet so soft.

  I think it’s ready for me to enter, but it will have to wait.
She gyrates, moaning and growing. Her sweet smell travels through my tongue and wets my nose. I could stay buried in her for infinity.

  Her body tightens. I can tell that she may be ready to come, but I can’t let that happen. I flick my tongue over her clit four more times and kiss her pussy like it is a mouth. Then I stop.

  “My turn,” she says. Her eyes are full of excitement.

  I lie back. I am huge for her. The head of my cock quivers before she does anything. She runs her pink tongue against the tip of me. She sucks me like I’m Teron candy.

  Her mouth grips my hard swollenness, and some of the gold comes out of me, but it is the preliminary kind. My fluid mixes with the fluids from her tongue. I’m about to cum, so I grab her by the shoulder. “Please, not like this. I want to be inside of you when I come,” I say.

  Freda climbs on top of me again and slips me inside of her tight body. I reach down to feel her with my hand. She’s sopping wet. Her clit is full. I touch her clit, rubbing it back and forth with my thumb, and she strokes my cock with her pussy. I lose it. I can’t contain it any longer.

  Freda jerks back and forth. I jerk and back and forth with her. We moan together.



  After Bastian arranges for the stolen transport ship to be returned to the conglomerate that owns it, we board our own small transport. The ship comes from one of Bastian’s fleet, but it’s one that he says he bought rather than pirated. I suppose that distinction doesn’t matter much. He was a pirate after all which means he stole things.

  The ship is much smaller than a conglomerate transport that’s designed to move up to five hundred beings. I check my comm. There’s a message from Celeste. She’s waiting for us at the Moon Company Moon headquarters. That’s fine. Bastian and I have plans to go straight there.

  Bastian seems fine. He’s almost completely healed from that explosion. I try to convince him to rest more, but he won’t have it. Right now, he’s snuggled up next to me, and he’s eagerly caressing my leg.

  “Not on the transport,” I say. “Not before we say I do. What kind of girl do you think I am?”

  Bastian cracks a smile. “You’ve already said it over and over again. That you’re a bad, bad, girl.”

  “Yes, I have,” I say, turning towards him. “But don’t you think that I’m too young to make a such a big commitment? I mean I have my whole young life ahead of me, and you’re so old. I mean you’re practically crispy compared to me. I’ve seen a couple of hot pirates walking around the compound. Nah, I think I’ve got cold feet. Turn this thing around. Take me back home to Mars.”

  “Crispy?” Bastian asks. “What do you mean I am crispy?”

  I reach into my bag. “I found this at the market on Havenu in one of the last opened book shops. Here you go. Please take it before I die of frustration.”

  Bastian takes the book out of my hand. “English Slang Dictionary,” he reads with a frown. “I told you I don’t have the time to learn this.

  I grin as he flips through the pages. “Make time. There’s no time like the present.”

  “Thanks,” he says with a grim look.

  “You’d do well to study that and learn it. Otherwise, we’ll be talking past each other for the rest of our lives.”

  “I prefer to learn organically,” Bastian says. “You talk, I’ll listen?”

  “I like that too, talking, but don’t sell this thing short.”

  “So, how’s your sister?” Bastian asks.

  I had also just gotten off the comm with Cleo.

  “She’s great. She insists that she be at the hall of ceremonies. She’s been on Earth’s moon for a few turns already. She says she’s been catching up on sleep.”

  “And the baby?”

  “Right there with her of course.”

  Bastian raises an eyebrow. “Are you thinking of having some offspring of your own too?”

  I pat Bastian on the leg. “Please, dear, not until after the wedding.”

  Bastian shrugs. I assume in Havener culture, marrying before you have a baby is not a requirement. It’s the same mentality that the majority of Teros holds. The Jovians on the other hand, have such rules that would forbid Jovians from procreating without being married. I think of the lady I met on the transport ship. At least she made it off transport ship in one piece.

  Our transport enters Earth’s moon space. The pilot gets a clearing to enter Moon, and the transport descends. Second home sweet home. I look over at Bastian. “You think you might consider settling here after you tie up all of your loose ends back on Havenu?”

  Bastian ruffles his hair. “ I’m glad you asked that. I know we’ve both been avoiding the discussion, but I suppose we ought to get this settled before we sign the contracts.”

  “What?” I ask. I feel a tickle in my stomach. I’m nervous about what he’s going to say.

  “You know that offer Mr. Drek made in regards to working for the Rock Security company? I thought that maybe I could take him up on the offer.”

  “And what about me? He made the offer to me too.”

  Bastian lowers his eyes. “I wouldn’t presume to make that decision for you. Are you also interested in working for Mr. Drek?”

  I bite my lip. “Let me think it through a bit longer,” I say. “But you, I know you must have thought about nothing but the job.”

  “Think it through, hmm?” Bastian asks.

  “Yep. That’s like a new thing for me, you know?”

  “I see,” Bastian says. He leans over and kisses me.

  The transport zips around the city until we come to the Moon Company Moon Headquarters. It’s located downtown in the center of Crater City on Earth’s moon.

  The Moonies are interesting people. They’re a lot more formal than us Martians, but they like to keep things simple. I could stand some pared down living, but don’t think for one second that I’d be willing to give up my knickknacks even if I did move to the moon.

  The ship’s navigator parks on the landing pad of the Moon Company Brides Building. I see Celeste is standing by the door with her arms crossed, waiting for us.

  Celeste has her blond curly hair twisted up into a chignon. She’s wearing a long black tunic and squishy boots. She smiles. I run to her, but when I get close enough to hug her, she gives me a thumbs down.

  Bastian walks towards us. Celeste bites her lip. “Hmm, I see now how you could have had a change of heart. Worked out well, Freda. You’re lucky. We just got a new one in. An ex-Jovian by the name of Liso. She’ll be the one to go off to marry the Senator.

  “Poor girl,” I say, mocking. I remember what the Senator looks like after all.

  “Hah! Yeah right, poor girl. The senator is up to snuff.”

  “Hey, so is my pirate. You know, I’m glad you’re not going to beat me up for running off.”

  “I guess I won’t,” Celeste says. “I wouldn’t want to frighten the other ladies. Now move it. We have dresses ready you. Your sister is on her way. It’s time to solidify the bond. But first, I’ll need you two to step into my office and sign the contracts.

  “It’s really only a formality. I think Bastian is trying to be cute.”

  “I know,” Celeste says, “but isn’t it sweet? It’s like he wanted to make sure he helped you tie up all your loose ends.”

  “It is sweet,” I say. I rub Bastian’s shoulder. He puts his arm around my waist.

  “I don’t suppose I could look through the Moon Company catalog before I sign the contracts for her. I mean I might find something else that might…”

  I punch Bastian in the arm. “You won’t find me in there,” I say, “so don’t even think about it.”

  “I’m making a, what is it you call it, a joke?” Bastian asks.

  “Yes, a joke. I have a lot more jokes if you want to hear them, Bastian. Loads.”

  Celeste sticks her finger in her mouth and pretends like she’s going to gag. “Please don’t tell any more of your lame jokes, Freda. Please! I can�
��t stand them.”

  I can’t resist. I go in for the kill. “So, what did Mars say to Saturn?” I ask Celeste and Bastian.

  “I don’t know,” Celeste says. “I give up.”

  “Give me a ring sometime!” I yell, laughing. “Get it? What did Mars say to Saturn? Give me a ring some time.” I wink.

  “That is like the worst joke ever. Jeez, where do you get those dumb jokes, anyway?” Celeste asks.

  “The book 1001 Space Jokes, duh,” I say.

  Celeste shakes her head and leads us inside.

  The headquarters is all white. There are temporary apartments on the resident floor where some brides stay while they’re waiting for matches. The Receptionist bot greets us when we arrive on the executive office floor.

  “I want to go and see my old apartment one last time,” I say.

  “I’d like to see your old apartment as well,” Bastian says, pulling me close to him.

  I grin. “Ah, I bet you do.”

  Cleo comes in. “Hey you two rogues,” she says. “Let’s get this fucking party started right.”

  Xerxes enters too. He’s dressed nicely in all white linen and space boots. The smell of his cologne fills the room. And Cleo, she looks lovely. She’s wearing a black dress covered in lace.

  “Thought I’d put this bad boy to use again,” she says.

  Celeste grins. “Nice choice. Now let’s go help Cleo choose hers.”

  Cleo waves her hand. “Spare me. I can’t bear to look at dresses. Way too foo-fooey for me. Let me help Bastian pick out his gear.”

  Bastian raises an eyebrow. So does Xerxes.

  “If you just want to get him alone so that you can give him one of your famous Cleo talking tos then you can’t go with him,” I say with a smirk.

  “It’s okay,” Bastian says. “I can handle a talking to.”

  “Is that so?” Cleo gets in his face. “You haven’t had one of my talking tos, bro.”

  “With Xerxes help, I think we’ll be fine,” Bastian says. “So, as long as Xerxes comes along too, I think we’ll be fine.”


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