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Sazon (Bratva Blood Brothers Book 4)

Page 36

by K. J. Dahlen

  Deke stared off into space for a moment then asked, “What happened three months ago?”

  Gator snorted then poured himself and Deke another shot. “Some lowlife snatched Peaches off the street. He took her to a whorehouse and sold her to Big Jimmy. Big Jimmy used her until she got injured, then threw her out into the street. She heard about the dancehall and when she got better, she came looking for a job.”

  “What was wrong with her?” Deke asked.

  “Some lowlife stabbed her when he was fucking her. She said she thought she was gonna die. Big Jimmy just dumped her along the highway. The next morning, she was found and taken to the hospital. She wouldn’t tell them her name or what happened to her. When they patched her up, Peaches said she took off. She managed to find a place to hide until she was well enough to come here.”

  “What about Cassie? Did she say any more about her?”

  Gator shook his head. “She said she wouldn’t talk about her to anyone. She said if you want to know, you’ll have to ask Cassie.”

  “Put a couple of guys on Peaches. I don’t want anything to happen to her. If Big Jimmy knows where she’s at, he might come looking for her.”

  Gator nodded. “What are you gonna do with the little Spitfire?”

  Deke paused at the moniker, then he shrugged his wide shoulders. “I haven’t made up my mind yet on that one. For now, I’ve warned everyone to steer clear of her. “

  Gator grinned. “Yeah, I heard she can be a hellcat.”

  Deke laughed. “You have no idea.” He shook his head. “If I hadn’t seen it with my own eyes, I wouldn’t have believe it. She took Wiley down the hard way…in about three seconds flat.”

  “Yeah, Peaches did mention Cassie don’t like to be touched.”

  “She did warn him. Once at the motel and once in my office. I just never thought for a moment, she would do it with all of us standing there.”

  “I also hear she’s got a mouth on her that won’t quit.” Gator kept grinning at his friend.

  Deke stared at him for a moment then asked, “How many men do you know that would call me a jackass and live to tell about it?” He rubbed the side of his face remembering the slap she’d given him earlier.

  Gator kept grinning as he poured them another drink raised his glass and silently saluted the woman down the hall.

  ~* * * *~

  Hours later, Deke unlocked the door to his room and went inside. He looked over at the bed but saw it was empty. Panicking for a moment, he snapped on the light. When he found her sitting in the corner, he shut the door and locked it again. Pushing the key into his pocket, he moved over to where she was sitting. “Are you okay?” he asked as he squatted down beside her. He didn’t touch her but he knew she was aware of his presence.

  Cassie raised her head and those intense green eyes of hers stared at him for a moment. Nodding her head, she lowered it back down on her knees.

  Deke was strangely affected by the look in her eyes. So full of hurt and bewilderment, they made him feel like she’d given up hope. He moved over to the bed and began undressing. When he was naked, he walked over and turned off the light. He slept in the raw, always had. Just as long as his gun was within reach, then he would be able to chill. Settling in the big king size bed, he told her, “You can sleep here with me. I won’t bother you tonight.”

  She didn’t respond and Deke slowly settled in for some sleep. He thought he heard her crying but the sounds were too soft to hear clearly. He knew he wouldn’t bother her. He wanted for some reason he couldn’t define to give her a feeling she could trust him. He closed his eyes and went to sleep.

  ~* * * *~

  It was like that for the next few days. Every morning, Deke got up and went to work, while Cassie stayed at the clubhouse. Every night, she slept in the corner while he slept in the bed. No one bothered her and she didn’t bother them. She spent her day watching everything that went on around her. Her nights were spent sleeping in his room but she was still all alone.

  The fourth night, found Cassie sitting in the same corner of the room. She sat there for a while, softly weeping. When she heard him begin to snore, she got up and went over to the bed. Staring down at him, she marveled at the sight of him. He was bigger than most men she knew and stronger. His chest and arms were rock solid. In the moonlight, she could see many patches of black on his skin. She couldn’t make out what the tattoos were but she could see he had them.

  She was tired of being alone and studied him as he slept. His face looked softer than it did when he was awake and she could make out the shape of his eyes and nose. His lips looked softer too, and she wondered how they would feel on her skin if he kissed her.

  Cassie thought about that. She didn’t know much about love, never having experienced it before. After what happened to Peaches when they were ten, she made sure no one ever touched her that way. She had always protected herself and Peaches up until three months ago. Then when she learned a few weeks ago what happened to her friend she had paid Big Jimmy a visit.

  When he saw her, he told her she could take Peaches’ place in his stable and when she said no, he hadn’t believed her. He too, learned the hard way she didn’t like to be touched and it was a lesson she knew he would never forget.

  She sat down on the bed.

  Deke opened his eyes and saw her sitting there. Then turned his back to her.

  Cassie felt him turn away but she was too tired to think anymore. Life had beaten her down and she needed some rest. Wrapping the blanket around her shoulders, she laid on top of the blankets next to him on the large bed and closed her eyes. Sleep took her and a few tears rolled down her cheeks.

  ~* * * *~

  Deke waited for a while then turned very carefully. He saw the tears on her cheeks and closing his eyes he went back to sleep. He hoped the morning would be better. He didn’t believe for a moment that tears were Cassie’s way to deal with anything life had to offer.

  A few hours later, just as the dawn was breaking Deke felt something soft and gentle touch his skin. At first, he wasn’t sure what it was. Then he felt it again. He opened his eyes slightly and found himself staring into bright green eyes. It was her fingers touching his face. He watched as she ran her hands along his jaw.

  She hesitated to touch him any further and then she touched his lips.

  Her soft hands barely touched him but he felt the burn of her tiny hands as she outlined his lips. “I thought you didn’t like to be touched?” he whispered.

  “You aren’t touching me, I’m touching you.” Staring at him she asked, “Can I kiss you?”

  Deke felt surprised but he nodded. Ever so softly, she leaned toward him. He waited as she stared at his lips then she came even closer. Her lips touched his hesitantly. It raised his curiosity. It was as if she’d never kissed anyone before. He waited while she explored his lips with hers. When she got bolder, he opened his mouth and let her tongue thrust inside.

  She moaned at her own actions.

  The kiss was getting hotter but Deke didn’t move to touch her. He let her kiss him. He groaned as her hands cupped his face. Her lips began kissing his chin, working their way to his neck and chest.

  When she suddenly stopped and pushed herself off him, she stared at him. “Was that okay?”

  Deke swallowed and stared back at her. “Was what okay?”

  “The kiss. I’ve never done that before, so I didn’t know what to do.”

  Deke frowned. “What do you mean never before?”

  “I’ve never kissed anyone before. I didn’t know how to do it.” She glanced at him then looked away again. “Did I do it right?”

  Deke raised his hand slowly. Barely touching her chin, he brought her face toward his. He studied her for a moment then said, “You did just fine.” She blushed and he had to ask, “How old are you anyway?”

  Cassie blushed redder. “I’m twenty two.” She stared out the window for a moment, then turned back to look at him. “Can we kiss again?”

  Deke hid the smile that wanted to break over his lips and nodded. “I think I’d like that.”

  Cassie leaned toward him. Her tongue licked her dry lips and Deke groaned. Without thinking about it, he raised up and turned her over on her back. Grabbing her face, he lowered his lips to hers and when she opened her mouth to gasp, his tongue entered. They kissed long and deep.

  His body was hot against hers, separated only by the blanket between them. She groaned as his hands lowered to her shoulders. Pushing the blanket from her, Deke’s eyes widened as he noted her bare skin beneath it. He knew she had been fully clothed when they had fallen asleep but now she was bare to him.

  His hands shook as he removed the blanket and took in the sight of her. He knew he needed to be very careful and not mess this up. He wasn’t used to having to be cautious and gentle, not in his life. Her skin was creamy white and soft. He gently traced her shoulder bones and watched her breathe. Her breasts were full and tight. Her chest moved quickly as his hands lowered to her belly. His fingers skimmed her flat stomach and he lowered them further still until he touched her mound.

  His fingers tangled gently in the red curls that hid her womanhood from the world. Ever so gently, he leaned over and licked her breast. Her nipple hardened in response and she moaned at the unfamiliar feelings coursing through her body. His fingers then brushed against her clit and she jumped. “Shhh, don’t panic, just let the feelings through,” he whispered in her ear.

  Cassie nodded and his fingers brushed her clit again. She moaned and opened her legs wider. “Please…?” she whispered.

  Deke groaned and leaned closer to her breast. His lips sucked her nipple in deep. She cried out as his fingers ran down her slit. He opened her nether lips and ran his finger along it. He could feel the wetness and he groaned again. Dammit, this woman was a treasure and one he needed to go very slowly with—if he could hold his lust back.

  Slipping a finger inside her, he began fingering her. Deeper and deeper with each thrust, he could feel her body tighten against him. When he slipped another finger inside her, she moaned and began moving her hips to his rhythm.

  He suckled her breast then changed to the other side. His cock was harder than it had ever been before and was screaming for release. His fingers went deeper and he could feel a small patch of skin baring the way. Deke knew he shouldn’t be surprised but his heart soared at its presence. “I need to fuck you,” he whispered. “I need you so much it hurts.” He gazed intently at her. “Are you ready for that?”

  Cassie nodded. “Show me what passion is like.”

  He moved to lay between her legs. He was so ready and he prayed she was too. He put his cock at her opening and pushed inside slowly. Hissing, he told her, “You’re so tight.” When he got to the point he could go no further without causing her pain, he leaned over and sucked her nipple into his mouth again. Biting down he heard her hiss of pain and he moved inside her. Pushing past the pain and her sign of innocence, he felt her buck against him.

  Easing himself the rest of the way in, he slowly brought himself out, then he pushed into deeper and set the rhythm he wanted. His lips nibbled on her neck and he could feel her body responding to his thrusts. Soon, she cried out and arching her back, he felt her gripping his cock as her orgasm hit her. His control snapped and with a few more strokes, deeper and harder than before, Deke joined her. He almost growled as he felt his body let go.

  Sweat beaded his forehead and a drop splashed down onto her chest. He rested a moment on his elbows before moving to her side. “Are you all right?” he asked gently.

  Turning her head, she smiled. “I never knew sex would feel that good.”

  “That was pretty amazing,” he agreed.

  “Is it always that good?”

  “I guess that depends on who you’re with when it happens. It’s different with each partner you have.”

  “I don’t want to be with anyone else.” She frowned. “I just want to be with you.”

  Deke shrugged. “It doesn’t always work that way sweet thing.”

  Cassie closed her eyes. Rolling away from him, she gathered up her blanket and ran into the bathroom.

  Deke flopped back down on the bed. He’d been amazed at what transpired this morning. He couldn’t believe she’d never known the touch of a man before today. He’d thought that would have been the reason she didn’t like to be touched, that some man had brutalized her, but that hadn’t been the case. He was even more mystified now than before.

  What they had done here had been nothing short of spectacular. Never before had he had such a response as the one she gave him. Her touch had been awesome and her body had been more than he ever hoped to be on the receiving end of. The scent of her arousal had driven him crazy. He brought the fingers to his mouth that had been buried deep within her. Touching his lips to them, he could still taste her. Like her juices were made for him, a flavor he now craved.

  Deke groaned and pushed himself out of bed. If he thought about her much longer, he would need her again for round two. He needed to clear his head. Pulling his pants on, he grabbed a shirt and left the room. Making his way down the hall, he noticed Honey and Reva were in the kitchen getting coffee going.

  Honey, River’s old lady smiled when she saw him. “Morning Deke.”


  Reva, Gator’s wife handed him a cup of the hot brew.

  Deke grinned and said, “Thank you darling.”

  Reva blushed slightly and went back to work gathering items for the breakfast meal they served to those who wanted it.

  Deke turned and went to join Gator at one of the tables. They were quiet for a while, each lost in his own thoughts.

  Finally, Gator cleared his throat and glanced over at Deke.

  Deke noted his vice president staring at him. “What’s on your mind Gator?”

  “Heard a rumor a few nights back and I can’t make up my mind as to whether or not to believe it.”

  Deke glanced over at the other man. “What kind of rumor?”

  Gator rubbed his earlobe between his fingers as he looked troubled. “Somebody said that Big Jimmy was in the hospital. Heard someone had almost cut his manhood off a few weeks ago. Heard too, he was in real bad shape, lost a lot of blood.”

  Deke thought about what Gator told him then glanced down the hall toward his bedroom. He couldn’t help but wonder about this news. He lifted his cup to his mouth and sipped the coffee. “Interesting news isn’t it?”

  “Yup, it sure is. Kinda makes a person wonder though.”

  “Wonder about what?”

  “How somebody could do that,” Gator explained. “That would be a terrible thing to happen to a man.”

  “It would indeed,” Deke agreed. “But it also has to make you wonder what Big Jimmy did to bring out that kind of rage in someone. Don’t you think?”

  Gator nodded. “It is a mystery isn’t it?”

  Deke drank his coffee and enjoyed the silence around him for a few minutes anyway. Then he saw his door open and Cassie walked out. He glanced over at Reva and lifted his cup.

  Reva grabbed the coffee pot, an extra cup and brought it to the table. She poured the coffee and went back to the kitchen, never bothering to look at the person sitting beside Deke.

  Cassie raised the cup to her lips and moaned as the hot brew slid down her throat. “Man, that is great coffee,” she said to no one in particular.

  “Yup, my woman can make a great cup of coffee in the mornings,” Gator commented.

  Cassie looked at the other man sitting there and smiled slightly. Holding out her hand, she said, “I’m Cassie.”

  Gator stared at her for a moment then reached out to take her hand. “I’m Gator.”

  A short time later, people began gathering inside the clubhouse. One or two at a time until soon, all the tables were filled. Wiley limped in last. His arm was around a slender woman and when she noticed Cassie, she glared at her. Her fingers rolled into a fist and she growled. Wiley
whispered something to her and glanced over at Cassie. Then he kissed the woman’s head and went over to a table in the corner of the room.

  Cassie stared at him for a moment then turned her eyes to the kitchen area where she found the woman Wiley was with glaring back at her. Her eyes turned to Deke.

  “I did warn everyone to leave you alone but Connie might not listen.”

  Cassie nodded. Getting to her feet, she made her way over to where Wiley was sitting. Wiley stared at her the whole way. When she reached him she said, “I’m sorry I hurt you the other day.”

  Before Wiley had a chance to say anything, Cassie turned and found Wiley’s woman standing there with a knife in her hand.

  “Get away from my man.” She snarled. “Get away from him and stay away from him!”

  “Connie, back the fuck off,” Wiley told her. “She isn’t here to do anything to me.”

  “I came to apologize to him,” Cassie told them.

  “I ought to gut you like a fish.” Connie hissed. “I ought to cut you real bad and watch you bleed all over the floor.”

  ~* * * *~

  Cassie cocked her head and felt herself shutting down. Going into survival mode, she watched the woman holding the knife carefully.

  Everyone around them was silent as they watched the drama unfold.

  “Deke,” she called out. “I don’t want to spill any blood here today. I just want you to know that.”

  “I know that darlin,” Deke called back. “I did warn her not to mess with you.”

  Wiley got to his feet and walked around Cassie. He stepped between Cassie and his woman. He tried to take the knife out of her hands.

  Connie pushed him away. “This bitch needs a lesson.”

  Wiley grabbed Connie and pulled her back. “Don’t do this woman. Let it go.”

  Connie struggled to get away from him. When she succeeded, she turned to Cassie and began moving forward. No one tried to stop her now. Connie brought the knife out in front of her and crouched slightly.


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