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Romancing the Stone

Page 2

by Romancing The Stone [lit]

  She had just lifted her legs in an attempt to reach them, knowing that she was now too low to hope for it, when the cock between her legs twitched. At least, it felt like it had. It couldn't have. It's just a statue. Lifting herself up, she stared down at the cock long and hard. Just when she'd decided it was her imagination going wild on her, she felt hot air brush her cheek.

  Chapter Three

  Lexi's gaze moved slowly up the well defined stomach, past the broad, hairless, muscled chest, to the face of the statue, her eyes coming level with two shockingly pure blue eyes just as the ‘statue’ opened them. Her jaw fell, but the scream she expected failed to come out as anything but a squeak. She gasped in pleasurable shock as he pulled her back down, plunged his cock into her, her flesh stretching to near pain around him.

  The shock had still not worn off when he lowered his head and began to nuzzle her neck, kissing a trail of fire along her jaw. His mouth covers hers and his hot tongue thrust its way inside. Large, slightly rough hands stroked her body even as his tongue stroked her mouth, cupping and squeezing her buttocks. Lexi moaned softly as he pulled away, kissing her heated flesh, winding his way down to her breasts, suckling on first one nipple, then the other, sending piercing ecstasy through to her core. Her blood raged, making her dizzy and mindless with need.

  She was unable to think straight with his hands and mouth exploring her body. Knowing that she couldn't get away even if she wanted to, and no longer certain she wanted to, Lexi closed her eyes and enjoyed sensations she had not felt in such a long time. Sensations she was not sure she had ever felt before.

  It's just a dream anyway, she decided. It couldn’t be real, and there was no harm in having sex in a dream.

  It seemed overly real, but she tried not to think about that, because this was way the hell better than the first part of the dream where knights had been tying her up and shoving her around.

  Sliding his hands teasingly down her body, he cupped her butt and lifted her slightly, thrusting his cock up into her sex. He made a rough noise of excitement, still tugging on her nipple with his lips. His pace quickening, his hips jerking against hers, the head of his cock moved deep into her sex with blinding force.

  She cried out hoarsely as an orgasm burst upon her with a shocking suddenness. Ecstasy rolled over her like a tidal wave. She felt his release moments later, felt the heat of his seed flood her sex. He wrapped his muscled arms around her, leaning his blonde head against her shoulder, panting.

  "I thank you for your sacrifice."

  "What?" Did he just say sacrifice?

  "Your sacrifice. I thank you for it."

  "I heard that, what on Earth do you mean, sacrifice?" Lexi was horrified, mortified, when she finally understood what he was talking about. She had never actually heard of a sacrifice before that didn't involve murder, but it was obvious to her now what he meant.

  "Let me go."

  His arms fell from around her waist and he leaned back, examining her face quizzically.

  "Let me loose! Untie me!" She shook her arms for emphasis.

  "What is the meaning of this? You didn't-- It wasn't on your own? Willing?"

  She had not actually told him to stop, but she did not exactly ask to be tied to him to start with. Still, she had thoroughly enjoyed it, even if she had no intention of telling him that.

  Was it completely unwilling?

  Apparently the look on her face was answer enough for him. To her horror, he stood up, swinging her around behind his back, and stalked to the door.

  "What are you doing? Don't--" Before she could even finish her sentence, he had pushed through the double doors with so much force, she was surprised they still hung, and entered the king's hall. Almost as one, every head in the room turned in their direction.

  The room was breath-taking, large and ornate. Huge pillars lined a walkway that lead to the dais atop which the king's throne perched. If she had not been so humiliated by the fact that she was perched on the guy’s back buck naked, she might have enjoyed looking around.

  Not a dream, she thought. A nightmare! A horrible nightmare!

  "Stone warrior! You've awakened at last!"

  Hanging on for dear life, her legs wrapped around him and dangling above his knees, Lexi tried her best to disappear, burying her face against his bare, muscled back. How can he walk out in front of all of these people without a stitch on? Men are so vain!

  "What is the meaning of this?" he growled.

  "I'm sorry, Cairn. We all agreed that she might not cooperate. We needed you, now. We didn't have the time to finesse her."

  Bastards. You're damn straight I wouldn't have cooperated! Threaten my life, tie me up, knock me out. No way would I have consented to anything like this! She could feel the tension in the Cairn's back, could tell he was at least as angry as she was. She couldn't for the life of her figure out why he would be, though.

  "A lot of things have changed, stone warrior, since the last time you were released. There has been little peace between the kingdoms."

  "There is never peace between the kingdoms."

  The king stared hard at him, tight-mouthed and angry.

  "A year ago, the Inui attacked us without provocation! Their warrior awoke. Our men fell by the hundreds. Many died in the war, some little more than boys. We are now forced to pay them tithes. We hardly have enough food to feed our people."

  Well maybe I would have. If they'd said any of that to begin with. The people she had glimpsed briefly in the street had looked a bit thin, but wasn't that all the rage back home? She hadn't given it any thought.

  "Now that you have awakened, you can lead us to victory!"

  Cairn stood silent so long, Lexi began to wonder if he had turned back to stone. The muscled skin of his back still seemed pliant enough....

  The king clapped his hands. "A feast! In honor of the stone warrior!"

  Every man in the room clapped and cheered. Everyone, except Lexi, who was still trying in vain to keep from being noticed, and Cairn, whose whole back was knotted with tension.

  "I can not stay."

  "What? Why not? The war can wait one more day. Let us celebrate your awakening, boost morale--"

  "She was not willing. I may turn to stone again at any time. It might not even be possible to wake me again."

  The king, slack-jawed, stared at Cairn in abject horror.

  "We go now." He turned his head and she met his eye for a moment.

  "I need clothes. Find something suitable for my woman while you're at it."

  Your woman? Who the hell do you think you are?

  "I'm not your woman, and I'm not going anywhere!" She hissed quietly.

  "You would leave these people to their fate, oh great celestial maiden?"

  She detected more than a little sarcasm in his words. Her eyes narrowed. "I never said I was a celestial maiden."

  "You are."

  "Says who?"

  "Me. Now quiet down."

  "Let me go," she ground out. "I have no intention of going anywhere with you."

  "You will. If you ever want to find your way home."

  "Home?" Lexi felt a little weak at the mention of home. She had been so caught up in events, so busy, she had not even thought about home since... Since they knocked me out. Is Aunt Dionne here, somewhere? If she had been used to wake up Cairn, maybe Dionne was used to wake up someone else? She must still be in one of the other kingdoms.

  "All right. I'll go along with you. But only if you swear you'll help me find someone."

  "Consider it done." He turned his attention from her. "The clothes?"

  Within minutes she was taken, by him, to a room, untied, and deposited on a bed.

  "Stay here."

  Yeah, right, like I intended to run away like this?

  He left without another word.

  * * * *

  Cairn stood alone in front of the window, looking out upon the courtyard and the rolling lands beyond. Very little seemed changed. Many of the trees
were larger now. He was sure that there were many that had not even started growing when last he was awake. Serving the needs of the king.

  The last king he had known was long gone and this one, though his blood, was very far removed, but they were all the same. He spoke of his people starving, but he had obviously kept himself well fed. He desired a feast, when many of the poor probably had not eaten in days. Kings are all the same, no matter where they rule. That had been his experience. He didn't believe any of them were all that different, just varying degrees of corrupt. He had come to despise his servitude long ago.

  Moving from the window, Cairn took a look in the mirror. He hardly remembered ever having seen himself before. So many things forgotten. Did I ever know freedom? Did it actually matter? He would never be free again, if he ever had been. He straitened his clothes. They weren't the style he was used to, but they had obviously been tailored for him. They had planned all along to wake me. Probably got these clothes ready for me as soon of the warrior of Inui woke, hoping I would too. They were lucky. He might not have, in which case the kingdom would have suffered for generations. One could never be certain when a maiden might show up.

  He left his chamber, fully intending to join the men who should be gathering. The king, who had apparently been waiting outside his door the whole time, took Cairn by the arm, turning him toward his own private chambers.

  "I would speak with you a moment. In private."

  Cairn nodded, locking the door behind himself as he entered the king’s chambers behind the king several minutes later.

  "It will not take long for you to cross the border of our land. In your own day, it may have taken a few weeks. Up until last year, it would still have been a good week's hard ride."

  The last time he had been awake, it would have only taken a week to travel to the border. The ownership of land always fluctuated greatly over time, so he was not at all surprised at the king's words. Still, he knew what was expected of him.

  "How much land has been taken?"

  The king sighed dramatically. "It should only take you two days to reach the border at an easy pace."

  "What?" It had become smaller! Dramatically smaller. It was actually a surprise that the Inui had allowed them to stay a separate kingdom.

  The king turned and eyed him critically.

  "It will only take you two days to reach our border. Two days before you're in enemy lands. If you will allow the men an easy pace, they should not be overly weary when you arrive there. Of course, getting to Inui's capital is another matter."


  He shook his head. "We lack enough to feed even ourselves. If we send supplies it will starve those left behind. Most of the game in the area has been hunted out and the crops are failing. You must travel light. There is game to be had in the forests. The last I knew, there was more than enough game across the border as well."

  That complicated things greatly. It meant they would not be able to eat except when they stopped for the night. That would be fine for a few days, but weeks?

  "If you must insist on taking the celestial maiden with you, at least stay long enough for the feast. She has not truly rested since arriving in our lands."

  She's coming with me. He could not trust her safety to any man, and could not be sure he would not need her again. The fact remained that her sacrifice had not been willing. There was no telling when or if he would become stone again, or even if she would be able to wake him if he did. It was worth it to him to have her along. Besides, he had already told her he would help her in her quest.

  She did look exhausted and he was quite sure they had not thought of feeding her. She needs a good meal and plenty of rest. She doesn't look like the type to ride often, so it will probably be hard on her. Her body was all curves and softness. The thought of the feel of it, of the scent of her long black hair and taste of her sweet pink lips sent blood pouring to his member. The next time he possessed her, it would be different. She would come to him willingly.

  "We will stay the night, but we leave at dawn."

  Chapter Four

  Lexi sat in an uncomfortable, high backed chair at a table filled with the most delectable food she had ever seen in her life. Cairn sat near the head of the overly long table, on the king's right hand side. So much for being in a hurry. She still didn't know how he was talked into staying through the feast, but in all she was not unpleased. She was starving and tired.

  She was also on the far end of the table from where Cairn sat, which she didn’t find nearly as satisfactory. Although she did not technically know him any better than she did anyone else around her, he at least had seemed more open to conversation.

  Everyone seemed to be making a collective effort to ignore her. They talked amongst themselves, but pretended not to hear when she spoke. None of them would meet her eyes, and she had the feeling it was because they knew what she had done.

  I had sex with a statue. It's all their fault. They have no right doing me this way when they're the ones that did...that to me!

  It was completely unfair to ignore her for something like that, when it was their doing to start with, but she couldn't think of any other reason that they would do it. They knew she wasn't a witch....

  She had been given a lovely, low-necked gown to wear to the feast. She might have been thrilled with it, for it was very pretty, except that it had taken

  her a lot of time and effort to get into it. I should have taken that woman up on her offer. It would have saved me a good hour. She wasn't comfortable with someone helping her dress, though, even if it was something they did all the time.

  Cairn and the king were having a lively conversation, laughing and carrying on like old friends. According to the whispers she had over heard, Cairn had been a statue for several hundred years, so they couldn't have known each other any better than he knew her. A thrill traveled through her the one time she caught him looking her way, but she supposed he was looking at the blonde several seats down. All men love a blonde.

  It didn't really matter. I'm not really interested in any of them. I'm worried about Aunt Dionne and bored with having to sit through a long, drawn out feast, that's all.

  Was that really it?

  I just want to find Aunt Dionne and go home.

  So why did she feel a pang of jealousy when the woman sitting in front of Cairn leaned over, almost spilling her breasts from her dress, and fed him? She tore her thoughts from him with an effort, turning to stare at her plate.

  The food looked and smelled fantastic. It had even tasted wonderful at first. Now it just tasted like ash in her mouth. It's all this worry about Aunt Dionne. Where could she be? Is she all right? No one had spoken of any other kingdom, besides the Inui, having a warrior, so she could only assume that if each kingdom had one then this one and Inui were the only one's whose warrior had awakened. But they said the warrior from Inui woke up a year ago, so it couldn't have been Dionne. She's only been missing a day!

  The feast seemed to drag on for hours, and Lexi was getting tired. She did not notice at first when everyone quieted, but as it dragged out, she finally looked around. The king had managed to lift his bulk for his seat, no easy feat, and was standing.

  "My friends. The Gods have truly blessed us today." He paused for dramatic effect until the cheers died down. "Our own stone warrior has at last awoken."

  Like he did it all by himself!

  Did she want credit for it? She decided she most certainly did not. His behavior still irked her, though.

  "Tomorrow, we go once again to war." The mood turned somber palpably.

  "Tomorrow, my friends, we go to victory." He paused yet again. "Now, let us to bed, for tomorrow brings a new day...and victory!"

  He slapped Cairn's shoulder once before turning and leaving.

  Lexi got up as everyone else did.

  Where am I supposed to sleep? Not with him....

  He lumbered toward a door, a woman on each arm, staggering a little. It was obvious
he had had too much to drink and now intended to screw the night away.

  Like I care!

  Looking around, Lexi at last spotted an attendant.

  "Umm. Excuse me? Where am I supposed to sleep?"

  The man looked at her quizzically for a few moments, finally seemed to recognize her, and ushered her through the door and down the hall Cairn had just gone down. Please don't take me to his room, she chanted to herself repeatedly. She didn't think she could take that. Cairn was already out of sight. Not that she cared, she reminded herself.

  She followed the man down the hall, and just around a bend. He opened a door and gestured for her to go in. Cairn was not inside having his orgy, for which she was immensely grateful. She smiled faintly at the servant and moved past him into the room. The door swung shut behind her and she locked it, collapsing on the bed, too tired to worry with the dress.

  * * * *

  "Oh my! You're so hard!" The red headed woman, whose name Cairn had not caught, rubbed her hand repeatedly across his chest. The other one's hands wandered down to his buttocks and squeezed. They followed him into the room, in spite of his effort to disentangle himself from them at the door, and the red head closed it behind them.

  "Ladies, I thank you for your company during the feast, but isn't it about time you went to bed?" He had something else in mind for himself.

  The blonde squealed and jumped into his bed, followed closely by the red head.

  "We're ready when you are."

  Cairn stood silently, watching them pose sexily in his bed. They had nice enough bodies, fairly pretty in the face, but he could not get the celestial maiden out of his mind. It had only been with the greatest of difficulties that he had stopped himself from staring at her while she ate. When the king had insisted he sit beside him and not her, he had balked inwardly. An order from the king was an order, however, and he had thought he had something he needed to talk to him about. He hadn't, really. It had just been a whim Cairn was then forced to endure for hours, however hard he tried to enjoy the feast.


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