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30th Century: Escape (30th Century Trilogy Book 1)

Page 23

by Mark Kingston Levin

  Marty got up and turned around, pulling Jennifer close enough that she could feel the hardness in his pants. He kissed her deeply. She sucked on his tongue, holding onto his back and pushing her hips against his.

  They went into Jennifer’s bedroom.

  “Can you undress me?” Jennifer asked.

  Marty slid open her dress, kissing her shoulders and her breasts. He pressed a soft kiss to her thigh as he took off her underwear, then her socks. She giggled as he kissed her toes one by one. He undressed next, making a show of hanging his clothes up neatly as she’d told him to. She laughed at his antics, but liked things to be orderly.

  Jennifer jumped on him as soon as he took his clothes off, biting gently on his penis and taking it into her mouth. Marty turned so he could kiss her thighs and vagina as she sucked him. He licked her clit like a beast, sucking it deeply into his mouth. Jennifer’s thighs spasmed as she came.

  He continued to lick her sensitive clitoris as she sucked him, swallowing his semen when he came.

  Jennifer lay back with Marty and cuddled against him.

  “I can’t move but I’m so hungry,” Marty said. “You’ve taken the life out of me.”

  “Hopefully not. I might need it later,” Jennifer teased.

  She got up and made a plate of food for them to eat in bed.

  “I want to know more about your attraction to women,” Marty said. “How is it different from what you feel for me?”

  “You have such confidence. I find that very attractive. I love that you are intelligent and dedicated to the environment. Even if you had the face of a monster, I would still be drawn to you. With women the feeling is more sexual for me, less emotional. I couldn’t understand why you got so angry but now I know where that anger came from. I’m sorry.”

  After their casual dinner in bed, Marty and Jennifer took a shower. Marty held her against the wall, pounding into her, his shaft rubbing against her clit. She orgasmed, screaming his name.

  Jennifer sat in bed toweling her head off after they’d finished. “Let’s have Thanksgiving dinner together with Anne and the kids. Anne can invite her partner and it would be good for all of us to be together. Thanksgiving is a time for family and forgiveness.”

  “That’s a wonderful idea,” said Marty, after a moment’s hesitation. “Where would we have dinner though? I want the place to be neutral.”

  “We can have the hotel prepare our meal and rent a party room for the occasion. I’d like to invite Erita, too. I know she’ll be in town.”

  “Over the winter break I am going to Tahiti to help set up the Marine Science Lab,” Marty said.

  With a powerful smile, Jennifer requested, “So, can we bring the kids on this trip for two weeks and Anne and Jill can have them for one week in Hawaii?”

  “I like the way you think,” Marty said.

  “What do you mean?” asked Jennifer.

  “You know I’m attracted to Erita so you want her to be near us in Tahiti to warm me up to the idea of a threesome.”

  “That wasn’t my motive but it is a bonus.” Jennifer winked.

  * * *

  Marty almost lived at Jennifer’s condo the next week as he slept there every night. Jennifer enjoyed talking to him about her studies and her hopes for the future. She loved hearing about Marty’s day and his stories about his past. If only she could share her own past.

  On Saturday night, they went out to see Erita perform. She sat at their table during a break.

  “I’m so glad to see you back together,” she said. “Did Jennifer tell you of her desires?”

  Marty nodded.

  “Ian has told me he feels fine about me participating in a threesome with you both.”

  Jennifer sipped her drink and smiled. “We were talking about the same thing.”

  Erita had to leave to perform again but she kissed Jennifer on the cheek and told her she’d talk to her later.

  The next day Erita called Jennifer. “Aloha, my love, can I come over and talk?”

  “Yes, of course, come on over.”

  Jennifer cleaned up quickly in preparation. Erita came by a few minutes later and Jennifer thought she looked especially beautiful.

  They pressed their cheeks together.

  “I am hoping Marty comes by, as I have talked with Ian and he gave me permission to have a threesome with you two,” Erita said. Erita took Jennifer’s hand and whispered into her ear. “You are a beautiful woman inside and out and I would love to make love to you. Will Marty object?”

  Jennifer squeezed Erita’s hand. “No, he gave me permission to make love with you and is warming up to the threesome idea. He wants you to come for Thanksgiving dinner on Thursday this week, with his ex-wife and her partner. We cannot talk there so I am happy you came over tonight. I’m excited about making love with you.”

  Erita leaned forward, her gaze darting across Jennifer’s face before closing her eyes. She kissed Jennifer gently on her moist red lips, her tongue lapping at the seam of Jennifer’s mouth. A thrill ran along Jennifer’s spine, hardening her nipples as she opened her mouth and tangled her tongue in Erita’s. Erita’s kiss felt smaller than Marty’s, more delicate, but more accurate as well.

  Erita rubbed Jennifer’s breasts, pausing to fondle her nipples slowly but steadily.

  They pulled back from each other, breathless.

  “Should we wait for Marty?” Erita asked.

  “I don’t think I can wait,” Jennifer responded softly.

  The women went into the bedroom, leaving the door open. Erita tugged on Jennifer’s shirt; Jennifer raised her arms over her head and allowed Erita to slip the light cotton shirt up and off, exposing her breasts. Jennifer returned the favor, tugging on the tie of Erita’s wrap-dress until the knot came undone. The dress fell to the floor, exposing two beautiful breasts with hard nipples. Jennifer picked up the garment off the floor, placing it on the chair. She slid her hand down Erita’s chest, cupping one beautiful rounded breast. The soft flesh gave under her fingers with a gentle touch, the areola puckering under her palm. Erita made a noise of approval. Jennifer smiled. She bent to remove the rest of her own clothing.

  Erita pushed Jennifer down on the bed, kissing first her lips, then her cheek, her earlobe and coming to rest on her left nipple. She used her tongue to tantalize Jennifer for a time until she felt the erection in her mouth. Soon their arms tangled around each other, breasts rubbing together. Erita’s back felt much warmer than her breasts, an erotic thought flitting through Jennifer’s awareness as Erita moved down the tender spot along her neck with tiny pecking kisses, bringing goosebumps to Jennifer’s flesh. Soon Erita sucked her right nipple, already erect, into her mouth, biting gently and stroking the sensitive center with her tongue. Jennifer writhed, rubbing one foot along Erita’s smooth leg, fingers tangled in Erita’s hair. Her breath came harder, exhaling sounds of sensual pleasure.

  Erita moved down, kissing the hollow of Jennifer’s hipbones. Jennifer shivered, not from cold but excitement, daring, and surprise. She could no longer reach Erita to pleasure her at the same time; her hands were bereft of what to do. She stretched her neck to watch her friend. Erita stared into her eyes with an impish gaze.

  She kissed Jennifer between the thighs, her fingers gently parting the lips. Jennifer bit her lower lip as Erita licked at her and further down, entering Jennifer with her tongue. The moist sensation was unlike any other.

  Jennifer climaxed and Erita moved to her clit, sucking on the small nub. Frissons of sensation rocketed from her toes to her cranium, evoking sensual pants of pleasure.

  “Oh, Erita,” she said, breathy. “Wait—stop.”

  When her friend rose up in a push-up, Jennifer rotated until she was under Erita the other way round. She licked Erita’s clit in the same way she liked to be licked, in small circles, over and over, while Erita continued her arousal treatment. The combination of using her lips and tongue on her friend while feeling the same sensations in her own body pushed her over the
precipice of any remaining inhibition. Erita clenched her hands around Jennifer’s buns, hips jerking with the rhythm of orgasm just as Jennifer came in Erita’s mouth.

  They held each other after, softly stroking each other’s bodies.

  Marty came in as they were relaxing with a few glasses of wine, still naked on the bed.

  “Well, this is a surprise,” he said. “You both look gorgeous like that.”

  He took off his clothes and joined them in bed. Erita and Jennifer licked Marty’s penis, scratching their nails along his thighs. Erita rose above Marty, letting Jennifer put his stiff cock inside her. Jennifer faced Erita, crouched above Marty’s mouth as he kissed and licked her clit. Jennifer sucked on Erita’s tongue.

  Jennifer and Erita switched places. Marty came after Jennifer rode him while Erita screamed out her own orgasm. They spent the night finding out which positions they liked and who had the most sensitive places.

  Near dawn, they tangled in a naked heap.

  “You both have satisfied me so much I feel so wonderfully loved,” Erita said. “Someday maybe we can do this with Ian.”

  “I have enjoyed tonight too,” Marty said. “Perhaps one day all things will be possible.”

  * * *

  “Happy Thanksgiving,” Jill said to Jennifer as she approached the Chart Room. The large double doors were wide open as Anne and Jill glanced over at each other. They cautiously carried dishes through the door, half expecting something to explode by the tension Jennifer could see in their faces.

  “Hello, Anne and Jill! Please come in,” greeted Jennifer with a big smile. “I am Jennifer. You can set the food at the table. I have marked the suggested seating at the round table. The entire top of the Ilikai is open to us. What would you like to drink?” She hugged Jill after the other woman set the salad on the table.

  “I have two homemade pumpkin pies,” Anne stated as she looked Jennifer up and down.

  “Please place them on the dessert table just under the big chart.” Jennifer pointed to the table and reached for one of the pies. “Here, let me help.”

  Anne handed her one of the pies.

  “Follow me.” Jennifer moved to the desert table and set down the pie. Anne followed and set down her pie.

  Anne approached Jennifer the way a child approaches an unfamiliar canine—very slowly, looking at Jill for reassurances. She hugged Jennifer but with a subdued withdrawn motion.

  “Where are the kids?” Anne asked with concern in her voice and tension in her face.

  “Marty took them for a short sail earlier today. The White Heron is back but Marty and the kids are dressing up for Thanksgiving dinner. I will check on them. I will be right back. The waiter is here to take your drink order.” Jennifer left with a friendly smile.

  “I’ll have a glass of Chardonnay.” Jill smiled at the Polynesian waiter.

  “I’ll have a dry martini up.” Anne looked at all the food on the waiter’s cart.

  “These are the hot appetizer; the fresh oyster will come later,” the waiter announced. Then he moved the cart to the west side of the large room normally used for conferences.

  * * *

  Jennifer walked quickly toward the outside glass elevator where she dialed Marty’s cell. “Marty, where are you?”

  “In the Chart Room with the kids. Where are you?” Marty asked, his voice tense.

  “I’m at the outside glass elevator looking for you, dear. Please say Happy Thanksgiving to Jill and Anne.”

  “Roger that, out!

  “Happy Thanksgiving,” Marty whispered with a low deep tone.

  Anne and Jill were talking with the kids and did not respond to him.

  Jennifer arrived back at the Chart Room to see the look of disgust on Marty’s face; she had only seen that intense frown once before and it scared her.

  Anne and Marty’s two oldest children, Geoffrey and Amanda, moved to start talking with Marty in the far left makai corner of the room, the one facing the sea. Anne and Jill sat side by side in the seats of honor facing the door on the opposite side of the room.

  “Please sit down now, children, so I can serve the hors d'oeuvres,” Jennifer said with a smile, holding her breath.

  She was worried about Marty and the look on his face.

  “How did Marty get so lucky to attract such a pretty thing?” Anne whispered to Jill just before Amanda sat down far away from her mother.

  Jennifer walked over to Anne and pulled out the next chair. “Allison, you sit next to your mom, and Mason, please sit next to Jill.” Allison took her seat and looked away from her mother. Jennifer pulled out the next chair. “Mark, you sit next to Allison and Geoffrey next to Mason. Amanda, you are fine. Erita will sit next to you. And Marty will sit next to the name tag for Erita Shepard.”

  Marty sat down with hostile look still glued on his face. “Waiter, can I please have a Mai Tai cocktail?”

  “Certainly, sir, it will take a few minutes,” the waiter replied as Erita came through the door.

  Tension crackled in the room as Jennifer got up to greet Erita. “Happy Thanksgiving, Erita.”

  Erita beamed at her friend and said with her booming melodic voice, “Happy Thanksgiving, everyone. Thank you so much for inviting me.”

  “Erita Shepard, I want you to meet the mother of these marvelous children. Anne Zitonick,” Jennifer announced with a cautious but formal manner.

  “Very pleased to make your acquaintance, Ms. Zitonick.” Erita crossed to her and offered her hand. Anne pushed away from the table, looking surprised to see the beautiful, biracial Polynesian woman. She gripped Erita’s hand and smiled.

  “I’m pleased to meet you. Please call me Anne.”

  “You please call me Erita,” she said as she grasped Anne’s hand tightly.

  Marty spoke with his charming announcer-tone. “Kids, please be quite for few minutes so your mother and Jill can talk with the Pacific’s greatest entertainer.” He smiled for the first time since entering the room, but it was short-lived. A frown soon reappeared.

  Scowls darkened both Anne and Marty’s faces. Jennifer looked at him and he held his tongue. She spoke into the silence.

  “Erita is the daughter of my wonderful guardian, Jules Durand of Papeete. She is here alone on Thanksgiving while she performs the entire months of October and November. Her performances start at seven and nine p.m. at the Hilton Hawaiian Village. I hope you don’t mind my inviting her. Her husband and children are back in Tahiti, missing her.”

  Anne smiled. “Of course, I’m pleased to meet such a famous entertainer.”

  Jill got up and walked to Erita’s seat. “I’m honored to meet you. We saw your performance twice last year.”

  Marty stood as well. “Happy Thanksgiving to all.” He looked from Erita to Jennifer with a wink. Jennifer warmed as she remembered the night with Erita and him. She hoped he would not throw that in his ex-wife’s face during this meal, in front of their children.

  The drinks arrived on another cart pushed by a young Polynesian waitress. Jennifer said, “I propose a toast. To a better life for the children and their extended families.” She waited until all had been served and raised her glass. “Cheers! Let us all be thankful for what we have now, but in the next year we can make it better if we work together with tolerance and forgiveness.”

  Marty stood up and walked out of the room.

  Jennifer suddenly felt she bit off more than she could handle. Her heart pounded as she remembered the last time Marty walked out.


  Return to Tahiti Nui

  Erita left for Tahiti on the first day of December. Jennifer missed her already and she thought Marty would miss her, too. She had been very glad of her friend’s presence during the awkward and tense holiday meal but felt bad to have used Erita as a buffer. Erita said later she understood and hadn’t minded; Anne and Jill were a lovely couple.

  Jennifer kept her mind off Erita with her studies. She had her exams to take and her physics project to

  Marty was busy with his project, the new Marine Science Lab and Training Center that was set to open in the fall of the next year. Jennifer helped him with his notes when she wasn’t studying. She found the project, and his dedication, to be inspiring and heartwarming.

  She was at his office one morning, helping him with research when he introduced her to his secretary. She had straight black hair and secretive eyes.

  “This is Hideko,” he said.

  “Pleased to meet you,” Jennifer said.

  “Hideko is a wizard. She transcribes my research and my communication almost faster than I can speak. Her husband works as a guest researcher at the East West Center.”

  Hideko smiled. “I’m very proud of him. Marty is going to see him later this afternoon concerning his project as it impacts fishing, aquaculture, soil management, ocean mining and other policies related to the Pacific region.”

  “What is his name?” Jennifer asked.

  Marty laughed. “Sorry, it’s Takahashi Nakajima.”

  That night Marty told her about his meeting with Takahashi and how well it had gone. He also said that he was going to speak at the East West Center about his own project.

  “Are you nervous?” Jennifer asked.

  Marty shook his head. “No, I’m getting input from many people about their concerns and I know that my research into Moruroa, Fangataufa, and the other Tuamotus prepared me for the factual aspect of the talk. Takahashi and Hideko will help me get input from all the researchers, students and staff from the East West Center.”

  Marty’s project took up almost all his time. Jennifer knew his work was important but she wanted to be more important. She wondered if part of his neglect stemmed from her interference in his relationship with his ex-wife over Thanksgiving, though he didn’t say so outwardly.

  One morning, she visited his boat after he’d left her to sleep alone for four nights. She was used to the feel of his body next to hers and she missed it.

  “May I have permission to come aboard?” Jennifer called.

  “Yes, come aboard please,” Marty said from below deck. He came out to greet her as she climbed onto the yacht. They embraced and kissed.


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