30th Century: Escape (30th Century Trilogy Book 1)
Page 33
Jennifer drank a bottle of water and another of juice. “I will be fine.”
Marty and Jennifer returned to the Albatross. Marty and Mike made dinner of fresh boiled lobster with baked breadfruit, coconut water, mustard greens and sweet potatoes.
“The dinner was delicious,” Jennifer declared, her stomach stuffed full.
Alice hardly ate and Jennifer was worried. Alice was perpetually hungry. She watched her the next morning, relieved when Alice ate a healthy breakfast.
After breakfast the team packed up everything for the return trip. They all packed their dive and sample bags and loaded them onto the Albatross.
“The next stop for the Albatross is Tahiti’s Faa’a International Airport,” Mike announced. “We’ll be spending three days in Tahiti before our trip to Hawaii.”
Alice was still recovering so Marty did all the flight planning and calculation. Mike would be in the right seat and Marty in the left as captain. Alice was in the flight engineer seat as usual. The Albatross lurched forward as Marty added power and the great plane skimmed on the water like a racing hydroplane for a few minutes to build up speed until Marty pulled back on the yoke.
“What are the winds aloft?” Jennifer asked.
“We have a fifty-knot tailwind and should be in Tahiti about three hours,” Alice noted. “Let’s get a cappuccino for Mike and Marty.” Alice gave Jennifer a big grin.
“Roger that.”
“Why didn’t you tell Mike or Marty exactly how you had to pull me halfway around the island?”
Inadvertently she had done it again—exposed her enhanced abilities. “I just held your hand because I wanted us to be very close.”
“Jennifer, you saved my life! Thank you. Now let’s be more careful next time we go looking for lobster.”
“Roger that, we must learn from this trying experience.” She must learn to limit how much strength she showed, even in an emergency.
“Jennifer, you’re very strong for a woman. You must work out every day at the gym. I’m going to join you when I can in the future so I can get in better shape.” Alice flexed one arm and eyeballed her biceps.
“I would love to have someone to work out with.”
“Do you swim a great deal?”
“Yes, I did that for a living for almost four months, but now I mostly swim on weekends when I snorkel. I sail the catamaran out with Marty’s kids in the morning for a couple of hours of snorkeling. I occasionally will swim out to the surf and back next door at the Hilton Hawaiian Village where there is a break in the reef.”
“Well, whatever your routine—count me in!”
Leaving the Gambier Islands
Jennifer slept through most of the flight. She was still exhausted from pulling Alice and the lobsters. When she woke up Alice was there, drinking a cappuccino.
“Can I get you one, my savior?” Alice asked.
“Yes, thank you,” Jennifer said.
“After the coffee we can have lunch. Bill and Ken offered to prepare the lobster dinner on the flight and it should be ready, as most everyone has already eaten but you and me. I relieved Marty and Mike earlier so they could eat.”
“I am looking forward to the meal.”
“I’m glad to be alive!”
“So am I.” Jennifer chuckled; she had reason to repeat this sentiment many times over since waking on the island.
“I still need to do something to thank you for saving me,” Alice said.
“No! Alice, you are my only girlfriend in Honolulu,” Jennifer replied, keeping her voice low. “You do not need to do anything special other than a threesome or foursome now and then.”
Alice cackled. “Now we could become real swingers with Lacy, you, and me. That would be a great threesome if Lacy doesn’t want the men involved.”
“I prefer to have the men involved but I’m willing if Lacy wants to join us.” She smiled at Alice’s exuberance. As fun as Lacy and her other college-age friends were, Jennifer enjoyed the company of the older, more mature Alice. If she didn’t have such amazing endurance, she might not have Alice with her now. The thought was chilling.
They ate lunch and talked until Marty announced that the plane was beginning its descent.
Alice went to the cockpit and Jennifer went to her seat. Jennifer opened her book manuscript file on her iPad. She was working on the novel on and off as she remembered important things she wanted to include.
Jennifer did not feel she was a true member of the Secret Society, as her parents were not creators of the Syndos even though her grandfather, Professor LeVe, was involved. Jennifer had been brought in by her lover, Zexton Ho.
The SS also had a base on a floating city built about one hundred miles south of Tahiti. This facility was for Natural humans only. The floating island mission statement was that they conducted research on artificial reefs to restore fishing of certain species of fish depleted in the region; however, that was a cover story to keep the Syndos from intruding. In the depth of the ocean below the floating city, they were building another time machine—attempting two-way travel capability.
The SS needed a place to work on the time machine and other scientific ventures to modify the Syndos to make them more humane, Jennifer wrote.
As the plane touched down at Faa’a International Airport, Jennifer stopped writing and saved her work in a password-protected file.
“You can get up now; the engines are off and we are at Gate 4,” Marty announced.
Jennifer got up and met him in the cockpit.
“I’d like to see Erita tonight,” she told him. “She’s working at Le Méridien.”
“Sounds good,” Marty said. “Please get a table for all the students as well as Mike, Alice, Jules, Eeva, Lacy and Ian.”
“Roger that,” she replied.
“We have a van waiting to pick us up for a reception aboard the vessel named Research at the marine lab.”
“That sounds terrific.”
Marty, Jennifer, Alice, Mike, and the team of students carried their bags and samples off the Albatross and headed for the pickup area. Lacy was waiting for them. She greeted Jennifer with a warm hug.
They all left at a fast walk. Lacy spoke to Jennifer.
“Ian fixed me up with a couple of dates. I’m bringing one of the men I met along with us to dinner tonight. His name is Louis Vern.”
“Wonderful!” Jennifer exclaimed. “But that means we won’t be able to be together tonight.”
Lacy grimaced. “Yes, I haven’t spoken to him about us yet.”
“What about tomorrow?”
“I’d love to, though he might ask me out that night.”
Jennifer stifled her disappointment; she was the one who had encouraged Lacy to date others. “If you really like him, Lacy, you should focus on him for now.”
“Thank you for understanding.” Lacy gripped Jennifer’s hands.
A van came to a stop and they all got on. The van was soon on its way to the new marine lab that Marty had put in so much of an effort to build. Jennifer saw a dedication to Dr. Martin Zitonick as the founder of the new marine lab posted above the opening art in the lobby.
There was tremendous excitement in Marty’s voice, he was so impressed with the new facility. “This new vessel Research and new Tahiti Marine Lab location creates an opportunity to broadcast a very positive image for the University of Hawaii worldwide.”
The party spent all afternoon looking at the center and the research that was on display in the labs. Jennifer thought Marty would have liked to spend the night there still looking through research files when someone flicked the lights off and on, signaling that the lab was about to close.
“We will get together soon!” Lacy said. “I will be in Hawaii in October and I hope to see you.” Lacy and Jennifer hugged each other.
* * *
Jennifer went to check in and take a shower with Marty. She loved having sex in the shower with him.
They watched Er
ita perform and had a wonderful dinner after with all of Marty’s students. Lacy and her new beau, Louis, seemed engrossed in each other. Jennifer was happy Lacy had found someone, although she indulged in more glasses of wine over dinner than usual to help suppress her disappointment.
On the way to the hotel, a tipsy and horny Jennifer suggested that Alice and Mike come up to her and Marty’s room for a nightcap.
The couple sat, drinking and talking. Jennifer fidgeted in her seat, watching Alice.
Alice licked her lips, the flash of her tongue adding to Jennifer’s excitement. “I’m interested in a foursome, although I have never tried one.”
Marty looked steadily at Mike. “I’m willing under the condition of total secrecy.”
Mike nodded almost imperceptibly then turned to his wife. “This could be a scandal that costs us our jobs. U of H is not as liberal as mainland U.S. schools.”
The room spinning, Jennifer approached Alice and kissed her passionately as the men watched. The women undressed each other, stroking along each other’s tender areas of arms, sides and breasts as their tongues licked against each other. Alice dropped her hands to touch Jennifer’s outer lips. She teased the top of Jennifer’s clit until Jennifer was thrusting her hips.
Marty knelt between the women, lowering his head to lick Jennifer’s wet vagina before sucking at her clit. Mike followed him, mirroring his movements on Alice. Both women came, still kissing each other. Jennifer reveled in the attention. Intoxication made her bold and unafraid to display herself in front of Mike with Marty present. She relied on Marty to set the boundaries this evening.
Alice turned down the sea-green hotel comforter to expose the crisp white cotton sheets. Marty’s arms and busy hands prevented Jennifer from assisting. She enjoyed dueling with his tongue instead and pulling his clothes off. Behind her she heard Mike undressing as well. Mike and Marty sat on either edge of the bed, their backs to each other, while the women knelt and sucked their penises. Jennifer got Marty good and wet before he pushed her back.
“I want to come inside you,” he said, eyes wild, mouth aslant with desire.
Jennifer and Alice lay on the bed facing each other while Marty and Mike penetrated them each from behind. Jennifer kissed Alice, stroking her soft white freckled breasts while enjoying Marty’s thrusts. Alice stroked Jennifer’s clit, her hips moving from the force of Mike’s movements inside her. Alice’s breath came in short bursts, timed with his thrusting. Jennifer spread her fingers around the penis pistoning into her friend, causing a surge of tingling pleasure that made her moan.
Marty shouted as he came and Mike let out a hoarse cry. Mike’s fingers joined Jennifer’s as they made Alice come together.
Alice slid down and tongued Jennifer while Marty and Mike played with Jennifer’s nipples. Jennifer screamed as a third orgasm surged through her center.
The four all snuggled together and slept until early morning. Absently Jennifer noted Mike was also circumcised, as she watched him dress. Flaccid, it was difficult to compare with Marty’s in other ways. Jennifer sipped water after they all left the warm nest and recalled the pleasures of the foursome. She fretted that sex with only one other person might dull in comparison, as much as she enjoyed Marty’s lovemaking.
Alice kissed her goodbye and the couple left.
Jennifer and Marty got in the shower together and had quick rough sex before getting dressed and ready for the activities that day. To her delight, sex with only Marty was no anticlimax.
Over breakfast, Jennifer told him, “I would like to do the ciguatera poisoning project for my marine science master degree.”
“Jennifer, I cannot be your professor and date you unless we’re married.” Marty shook his head, reminding her of fact. “Do you want to marry so you can study under me?”
“Yes, I will marry you,” Jennifer said with a big smile and a hug.
“You would marry me just to get a degree in marine science?” Marty asked with a sly smile.
“No! My love, I will marry you if it is what you want in your heart.”
“Do you care about getting a degree in marine science?”
“Not really, but I want to help the Polynesian people and the ciguatera poisoning problem needs to be addressed. I am willing to do the work as part of the team without a degree. I believe Professor White will grant me a PhD in Physics this January, as I have completed my dissertation. Shinji Matsubara and Jean-Yves Satre want to grant me a PhD in Archeology for my work in Tahiti, and I will spend the next summer in Tahiti to complete my work. That is enough PhDs for me.”
Marty looked far away for a moment, thinking. Jennifer wondered if he had heard her prattling on about her degree plans.
Slowly, seriously, he said, “I do want to marry you, as I have changed my entire value system because of our relationship.”
“How so, can you explain?”
“I see women as equals in sex and life. I see sex as just an act of love but not the emotional love I have developed for you.”
“Entire value system? Do you still want to save the ocean and make the ocean a sustainable resource for humankind, or should I say humans and animals?”
“Yes! I meant my personal values. I want to be happy in work and in life now. You make me so happy.” Marty gave her a squeeze.
Jennifer held his hand. “Can you accept me as your wife? And as a woman who likes women and men, and gets you into threesomes and foursomes?”
“Last year it would have been unthinkable, but today I see the world through a new pair of green-blue eyes. We’re a team, and I like what you’ve shown me so much I’m eager for sharing this new life together.”
Marty lowered himself down on one knee, still holding her hand. “Will you marry me?”
“Roger that, I will marry you,” Jennifer answered with certitude, followed by a passionate kiss.
“I need to take you home and introduce you to my mother and father. Are you up for that?”
“I would love to meet your parents!”
“I want to celebrate our engagement in style.”
Jennifer grinned. “Call Ian and see if we can have a foursome with Erita and him.”
* * *
She had been joking, not expecting Marty to run with the idea so soon. But Marty called and asked Ian and Erita to come over that night for a rented movie and drinks and whatever else might happen. Jennifer was happy Marty accepted her lifestyle and wanted to join in. She could barely contain her excitement that day as she waited for the other couple to come over that night.
Ian and Erita arrived and they all had drinks. Before they started the movie, Jennifer formally asked them if they would join in a foursome with her and Marty, perhaps after the show. Ian cracked a devilish smile, his easy charm encompassing all of them.
“I’m game if you are, my love,” he said to Erita. “I’m curious to try your mysterious friend here. If that’s all right with you, Marty.”
Marty nodded.
“To be clear, how much guy-on-guy action are you into?” Ian asked.
“Not...that’s still too out there for me,” Marty admitted. “Let’s concentrate on the ladies.”
“Fair enough.”
Erita pushed the play button on the DVD and the four of them settled back to watch, the two couples entwined but still separate. Jennifer snuck glances at Erita while Marty’s hands wandered along her neck and breast in the darkened room, imagining her friend doing the touching. Her arousal increased.
As the credits rolled, Jennifer and Erita went to the bedroom first. They undressed and arranged themselves on the bed for the men. Jennifer felt like a movie star waiting for her close-up; Ian was leading-man attractive and she was actually nervous anticipating his view of her. She reached over to stroke Erita’s arm. Erita kissed her neck, sucking at the skin where her shoulder met her neck, touching the nerve and increasing Jennifer’s arousal.
Jennifer sighed and played with Erita’s hair. The men found them like that and joined
them on the bed once they’d taken their clothes off. The undressed version of Ian didn’t disappoint. He was ripped. Jennifer drew in breath, watching him move as one would a fine stallion. His penis was unaltered, more like those of her past she had been used to. Like Zexton’s.
Marty kissed Jennifer deeply. Ian touched Jennifer’s breast, giving Erita the other breast to play with. Jennifer moaned into Marty’s mouth as Ian moved down lower, penetrating her vagina with his tongue then sucking her clit.
“Fuck me,” Jennifer moaned.
“Who?” Marty asked with a smile.
Ian got on his knees and thrust into Jennifer’s wet vagina. He was larger than Marty in circumference, though she was so aroused the difference caused only pleasure, not discomfort. However, as he thrust in and out she didn’t know how to direct his angle, his youthful exuberance finding his pleasure in her body without considering her need. Marty was a more considerate lover, she decided, perhaps from his greater age and more dedicated style. Still, the view alone of Ian in action was enough to bring her to the edge of orgasm.
Erita got on her knees, inviting Marty to penetrate her from behind. He and Ian found the same rhythm, entering both women at the same time. The men came within seconds of each other.
Jennifer lay back and Erita went in the opposite direction so they could lick each other at the same time. She licked Erita’s little clit until she came against Jennifer’s mouth. Only a few seconds later, Jennifer’s thighs tensed and she came.
Jennifer was still aroused so she took Marty into her mouth, encouraging him to harden again. Erita did the same with Ian until both men were hard again. They had sex again and again, sleeping for a while followed by more lovemaking. The couples slept together, tangled up and exhausted.
The next morning, they got up slowly and had a great breakfast. Ian and Marty made veggie omelets with egg whites. Ian and Erita offered to drive Jennifer and Marty to the airport and they agreed.
Engagement Party