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The Ravenswynd Series - Boxed Set

Page 17

by Sharon Ricklin Jones

  I didn’t know what to say, except, “I am so sorry, Emrys.”

  “Rohan was devastated when his father was killed.” He continued faster now, like he wanted the story to be over with. “He could not understand the rest of the Ravens siding with my father, the true Regent. Rohan eventually left, and was gone for over sixty years before any of us heard from him again.”

  I then asked the obvious question. I had wondered about this since he first told me his father had killed a vampire.

  “How exactly does one kill a vampire?”

  “Decapitation,” he said in a sober tone, as he pressed the button to resume our ascent.

  My hand went up to my own neck involuntarily, and I held my throat, swallowing down a dry chilling shiver as the elevator hitched into action once again. It was plain to see, Emrys was finished with his story for now. But I still had so many questions to ask him. I decided to wait until we were settled in the room.

  The elevator doors opened, and we stepped out into a small foyer. Emrys unlocked a door, and we walked into an enormous suite. It was nearly as large as the ballroom, but sectioned off into various sitting areas, and in the far corner I spotted a massive bed with a brilliant white satin comforter and pillows. Near the bed was a wide spiral staircase. Emrys guided me to a cozy corner, complete with sofas, lounge chairs and a fireplace, and we sat on a soft pecan-colored love seat. With all his never-ending affectionate caresses, I understood his reason for choosing the smaller of the two sofas.

  “What a lovely room!” I said, looking around as we sat close together. And just as I spoke, the weight of my impending decision settled heavily on me again. Yes, a lovely room for a - what was that word Fiona had used? - Macabre? A lovely room for a macabre event.

  Emrys nodded but never took his eyes off of me. He knew my next question before I asked, and I guessed he had to gear himself up to answer. He gave me a thin smile.

  “What ever happened to your father?” I asked in part to bide my time, but also because I truly wanted to know everything about Emrys.

  “I do not know where he is now,” he had started to answer just before I finished asking. It was obvious he would continue to accommodate my hesitations, though I sensed sorrow in his voice as he continued. “When I was old enough and had the proper training, he saw to it that I was turned. This had been my mother’s last wish before he sent her away - it was the one promise to her he managed to keep. Then a short time later he left us as well. I presumed he could not bear to be around any longer. Our existence reminded him too much of my mother.”

  I felt the need to switch subjects; this was just too sad a story. My God! Was there ever any happiness in this family?

  “Was it your father who did it - changed you into a Raven?”

  “No. I chose the woman who was in charge of Amrita: Tansy. She is a loving and kind-hearted woman. She moved to another society decades ago, although she still visits our home in England. She kept her promise to my mother and stayed until Amrita was raised, and transitioned.”

  “Who....?” Again, he knew what I was about to ask, when he smiled and interrupted me saying, “Amrita was the one person I turned.”

  I was relieved then, knowing now that the only time Emrys had bitten a human, was when his sister asked him. At the same time, I remembered what Larkin had said about inhibitions during this period and wondered about how they managed that.

  I raised my hand up to his beautiful long, silky, hair and stroked his head - running my fingers through to the ends, enjoying every single tingle of static I felt. My eyes met his as I waited to hear the rest.

  “I kept Amrita locked up during her transformation and until she was strong enough to stand on her own and take care of herself, and for good reason. It takes longer and is a much more difficult transition for hybrids than for humans. From the time she met and married Larkin, she has not stopped thanking me for keeping her pure and safe, so grateful she hadn’t ended up with another. If only Larkin could realize how very much she loves him. He tends to worry that my sister will fall out of love with him, and be drawn to another. That will never happen,” he said with confidence, shaking his head.

  “So you know her deepest feelings,” I stated.

  “I am not able to read her thoughts, but I could always read her face. Turning her has caused us to become even closer than we already were.”

  I thought about my sister then and felt a heavy blanket of sadness. I threw my arms around Emrys, clinging to him as tight as possible. My fingers and arms tangled in his hair hanging far down his back. “I’m going to miss her so much,” I choked, no longer able to hold back the tears.

  “I know, my love, my Elizabeth. I know.” His voice came soft and tender.

  Losing my sister would be the most difficult thing I had to face. I knew I’d be grateful for Fiona’s friendship, and there was Amrita, and no doubt, many others I had yet to meet. But no one could ever take the place of my twin. How would I live my life without her in it at all, let alone an eternity? Being more independent from each other wasn’t a bad thing, but trying to imagine never seeing her again – that bordered on the insane. Flaming hell! How can I do this? I wept even harder.

  “In time the pain will ease. I promise I will make you happy, Elizabeth. My love for you is profound,” he whispered into my hair, caressing me. “Do not give up hope. Perhaps your sister will change her mind. The evening is still young.”

  He continued to hold me close for a long time, and then he pulled back, and using the softest of touches, wiped the tears off of my cheeks. He kissed my eyes, my cheeks, and then my mouth. The electrifying sensation was intense. I felt my whole body fill with it so strongly; the air surrounding us crackled. Searching deep into my eyes, he pierced my heart and soul, and I knew without a doubt that, somehow, everything would be all right.

  “I love you, Elizabeth. You belong with me,” he said, with even more passion.

  “I know.” I nodded my head as he continued to peer into my eyes. “I love you too.”

  He pulled me into his arms again and I felt his mouth go to my neck – kissing; velvety, tender kisses, tasting me with his tongue. Every now and then I felt his teeth as he pulled the skin softly into his mouth. I took a long deep breath waiting for the initial bite, but nothing happened.

  I pulled back, examining his face. He gazed at me, hunting for my question.

  “What’re you waiting for, Emrys?” I asked, feeling a new braveness welling up.

  “Dear, sweet, Elizabeth. Preparations need to be made. Your transformation will be far different from the scenes depicted in the movies. I must prepare myself first so you can receive your initial dose of my life force. You must drink of my blood right after I drink yours. Without it, you would die - permanently. I cannot lose you.” His voice matched the anguished look on his face.

  I thought I saw a shudder run through him. There was so much that I still did not understand, but at least for now, I felt like I knew what to expect next: before he could drain me, he’d have to take some of his own blood. I relaxed in his arms again, breathing a temporary sigh of relief. Now all I had to do was stay brave and wait for him to prepare things. I had to quit stalling and asking so many questions. This, I feared, would be easier said than done.



  Emrys picked up a remote from the table near the loveseat, aimed it at the stereo system, and pressed a button. Soothing piano music played a pleasing melody as soft violins and flutes mingled with the sound of gently flowing water in the background. If I had been able to keep my eyes off him, and allowed them to close, I could have drifted off to sleep. The melody embodied a perfect picture of serenity.

  His captivating gaze held me; I was fascinated by his ability to express so many emotions without uttering a word. I felt his undying love for me as it radiated forth. I sensed his gratitude for the good fortune we had in being guided by The Veinvedia. I captured his promise to be with me always. He ran
his fingers through my hair and then held my face in the palm of his hands pulling me to him for yet another kiss. Warm, soft and tender kisses. Always sweet. I couldn’t believe my good fortune! It truly would be happening for me, and, it was Emrys! A part of me had hoped he was the one, ever since the first time our eyes met. And to know, without a doubt, it would be forever - made it that much more exciting. The passionate way Emrys looked at me and kissed me, made it easy to believe that we would experience a never-ending love. His warm, yet intense, electrified touches filled me with such exhilaration.

  I marveled at the melody playing in the background. It seemed to mimic my feelings exactly: gently flowing water - gently flowing emotions, the sweep of the violins and flutes rising to the sweep of electrical surges. The sound of the soothing piano carrying us down a river of bliss: adrift, and no longer weighed down with worries and cares. Maybe this will be easier than I had imagined. I felt stronger, fearless.

  “But first, you have a few more questions for me, don’t you my sweet, beautiful Elizabeth?”

  I wondered if I would ever get used to him knowing my every thought. “I suppose your mind reading could come in handy if I ever lose my voice, but will it always be this strong?” I asked with a slight bit of impatience.

  “It could seem even stronger as you experience the quickening - after my blood is freshly consumed. We will be as one for those few hours until your transformation is complete. Then it will be... different, my dark haired beauty.” He put a hand on my head.

  My cheeks flushed. I wasn’t used to hearing so many compliments, not used to the tenderness he showered on me with such great abundance.

  “Oh, but I am the fortunate one,” he said, hearing my thoughts of happiness. “And yes, I can answer your other question now.”

  I smiled, so grateful he could sense my every need.

  “Before I begin taking your life force, I must remove some of my own and set it aside for you to drink later. It will give you strength, and supply you with all you need to know about your new life.

  He put his hand on the back of my neck touching the Sign. It felt hot and a jolt of electricity surged through me.

  “Ouch! What’s that?”

  “It is our proof that I am the one who put the Sign there. If anyone else were to touch you there, you would feel nothing. You belong to me, and I to you. Remember when you commented on my medallion, when you touched it that night in the pub?”

  “Yes, “I said, recalling earlier this evening how hot it had felt too. I glanced at it still around his neck. The raven’s bright red eye glowed in the light.

  “Until that moment in time, the raven’s eye was black. Now you see clearly, it has turned red.” He continued slowly, “Your touch has turned an onyx into a ruby.”

  I shook my head, frowning. “How can...? Why would my touch...? I don’t get it.”

  “Sibelle had quoted a line from William Shakespeare’s Cymberline just before she placed this medallion on me.” He touched the black raven and said from memory: “Swift, Swift, you dragon of the night, that dawning may bear the raven’s eye. Then she gave me the prophetic riddle. I did not understand the quote, or what the riddle meant, until the morning after you touched it. Not only had the medallion been changed, but now when you are near me it becomes hot.”

  I smiled to myself, thinking about how cool and supernatural everything was. Things kept on happening right before my eyes, which I had never before thought possible.

  Emrys went on, saying, “I will be somewhat weakened after drawing my own blood, but your life force will make me even stronger than a normal draft of blood does. In order to maintain our normal state, we must drink human blood at least every three or four days. We are never in lack of donors, and there is always a surplus which we keep stored away. If all else fails, we use animal blood, though the taste is much poorer. Most agree that lamb is the closest to human blood. Many of the people you saw here tonight - the doormen, the waiters and other staff members, are human donors. They are paid quite well and are able to live posh lifestyles.”

  “Okay. I’m switching subjects. Everyone keeps saying that being turned doesn’t hurt much. Is this true?” I asked with raised eyebrows.

  As Emrys took my hand in his, the electrical surge shot through me - warming me, and as before, calming me. “I promise you, I will not hurt you,” he started. “As I explained, I will at first be in a weakened state myself, and it may take some time for my strength to return. I will be gentle.” He paused for a minute. “I love you, my dear sweet one, my Elizabeth.” His eyes bore into my soul, my life, my eternity. Without a doubt, he was literally - my immortal.

  I took in a long, deep breath, then blew out slowly through my mouth, and finally, in a soft, quiet voice, said, “Okay. Let’s begin then.”

  “No more questions? Once I begin to prepare myself, there will be no turning back. Would you like to use the rest room, or get something to eat or drink first?” he asked.

  Was he the one stalling now? It had been a long time since he did this himself. Maybe he felt out of practice. Perhaps I should give him some time to get himself together.

  He chuckled, amused at my silly musings. For one brief moment, I had forgotten he heard my every thought.

  I rolled my eyes at him and snickered, “Sure, where’s the bathroom?”

  “I shall show you, my beautiful one,” he said, taking my hand.

  He led me to the far corner of the suite near the bed. Adjacent to the bed was the spiral staircase, and now I could see that it led to an inviting loft area.

  He walked me up the stairs and pointed to the door. “Here it is, my love. I shall begin to prepare things down stairs. Take your time.”

  I kissed his cheek and watched him as he moved down the stairs - quick and light on his feet. Turning my head back, I discovered a small sitting area which was every bit as lovely as the rest of the suite. Two wrought-iron chairs stood beside a matching table. The tabletop was smoked glass and the chairs had black satin pads. Right in the middle of the table sat a large, white vase containing at least two dozen roses. Here, too, there were wall sconces with candles, all lit and sending out waves of shimmery lights. I noted the beautiful scent of lavender with a hint of vanilla, all so romantic and calming. Behind the sitting area I spotted a set of glass doors leading to a balcony which, I resolved, needed further exploring. But, first things first: I turned to the right and went to use the bathroom.

  While washing my hands, I checked myself in the mirror, assuming this would be the last time I’d see myself as a human. I touched up my eyeliner and blush, put some fresh lipstick on, and ran a brush through my hair. I put the tip of my finger on the spot where my sign should be, and felt nothing unusual on my neck at all now. Weird. Gazing into the mirror, I started daydreaming about the aspect of forever. It was incomprehensible! Although at that exact moment I knew, without a shadow of a doubt: I was exactly where I was supposed to be. Of course, I had read that all new relationships started out like this: exciting and wonderful. Unfortunately for many, the excitement usually wears off in time. I thought about Amrita and Larkin. I had seen with my own eyes how she still looked at him after all these years. And to imagine that Larkin still worried about losing her! How amazing. The love they shared radiated; anyone watching them would think they were newlyweds. It appeared that forever actually did exist in this Raven world.

  Blinking back to reality, I took one last look into the mirror, one more deep breath, smoothed out my dress, and opened the door, whispering, “Welcome to forever!”

  I lingered at the top of the steps, listening to the sounds coming from downstairs: glass clinking, plastic and paper rustling, and drawers being opened and closed. A quick glimpse over my right shoulder, and I remembered my need to explore.

  “Emrys,” I called down the stairs, “Is it okay if I check out the balcony?”

  “Of course. Take your time; I am not quite ready yet.” I could hear the smile in his voice.

p; I set my purse down on the table, taking some time to smell the roses. Their delicate sweet fragrance reminded me of a velvety-fresh spring morning. I inhaled again, enjoying the deliciousness of the moment. Upon opening the glass door, a cool breeze drifted in; not at all like our freezing wind earlier in the week. I was flushed from the wine and heat of the fireplace, or possibly the constant rush of electricity that flowed from Emrys to me, and the air felt refreshing on my warm face. I stepped through the door into the night. Bright light from the full moon fell on an angle between the trees, lighting up a small section of the balcony. As I peered over the railing and looked down, I found that our suite seemed to be the highest point of the building. Far below, a few individuals strolled through the garden pathways, though they looked quite small from this vantage point, appearing to be nothing more than shadows moving among the trees and bushes. I glanced back up into the sky as a thin cloud passed over the moon, making it appear hazy. As the cloud moved away, it left a pale, thin ring circling around it. I marveled at how visible the night sky was here. With no buildings or streetlights nearby, the stars sparkled brilliantly like a million pieces of glitter tossed across a huge black canvas. Some of them shone steady and clear, and others blurry and winking. I spotted the constellation of Orion. The distinct row of the three brightest stars of his belt made it easy for me to find. I leaned over the railing and glanced down again taking in a deep breath. A soft breeze billowed through my hair, clean and crisp, bringing along the scent of fallen leaves sprinkled with dampness. These aromas mingled with the fragrance of the flowers from below and the candles burning behind me through the open door. I took another breath, sighing softly. It was a beautiful autumn night. I was unbelievably relaxed. The calmness I now felt was quite unexpected and completely amazing, since I knew full well: this was the last day of my life - my human life.


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