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The Ravenswynd Series - Boxed Set

Page 53

by Sharon Ricklin Jones

  He held his head between his hands. “This conversation is giving me a headache. Can we just drop it for now?”

  “Don’t be such a baby. No, we can’t drop it,” I said shaking my head. “You need to change your thinking, or when you go to the Regent assembly no one will believe a word you say. You must be convincing. I’m not kidding, Emrys. If Rohan would ever succeed, and I believe it is only a matter of time until he tries again, we have to make sure he doesn’t win. I don’t want to be anyone’s prize. I’d rather be dead than live without you.”

  All at once it hit me, and I completely understood Emrys’ mother and why she chose a human life. Facing an eternity without your true love would definitely be worse than death.

  I moved closer to him and laid my head on his shoulder. He reached up and gently touched my cheek. “I know you are right.” He sighed, resting his head on mine. He sounded weary, and repeated, “I know… you are right.”

  * * *

  We had a great time shopping. Actually, Kelsey and I did, although Emrys and Royal put on a good show. It was obvious to me they were quite bored, especially when we tried on dresses. At one point when we came out to show them our latest choices, we found the chairs they had been sitting in were empty. Kelsey shrugged, and said, “I guess they’ve had enough.” She laughed as we went back into our dressing rooms. This was a rare treat for her and I was glad she was enjoying herself.

  I gathered up all my findings and waited for Kelsey at the entryway to the dressing rooms. There were quite a few people around, most of them lost in their own worlds, some chatting with a fellow shopper, some silent. Quiet music played softly in the background. I busied myself by picking through each item one by one, making a final decision on what to purchase and what to hang in the return rack. It seemed strange that there were no sales ladies flitting about bothering us, but I actually enjoyed making my own decisions for a change. I could hear Kelsey humming softly behind the door and, as I turned to hang up a beautiful purple dress which was just a little too low-cut for my taste, a firm hand seized my wrist, sending not only electrical flashes up my arm, but goose-bumps as well. My scream rang out and I dropped everything, including my purse.

  A million thoughts flashed through my mind at once: I needed my purse; it contained my cell phone. I needed my cell phone to call Emrys. Nothing could possibly happen in this crowded place, could it? Where in the world was Kelsey and why wasn’t she out here with me? Didn’t she hear me scream? I bent to scoop up my purse and at the same time wrenched my arm free from the hand that grasped it. Still not used to my newfound super-strength and speed, I twisted so fast and forcefully that I lurched sideways and hit my head on the doorjamb, landing on the floor just as Kelsey came running out towards me. The look on her face was sheer horror, but I didn’t know if it was alarm from my scream, or that she had witnessed my ungraceful head-bashing incident and the fall that followed. I ended up in a heap on top of all the dresses, and, as luck would have it, my face grazed the edge of one of the hangers, nearly taking out an eye. I was completely embarrassed.

  Kelsey bent over me staring down with wide eyes and said, “Are you alright, Lizzy? What happened?”

  At the exact same moment, directly behind Kelsey, Emrys appeared with a questioning look on his face. His expression was more apologetic than concerned as he reached down to help me to my feet. “Good heavens, Elizabeth. I was only trying to stop you from putting the lavender dress back. It looked so lovely on you.” He examined my head, touched the scratch on my cheek from the deadly hanger, and smoothed out my mussed up hair. “Are you alright? Did you hurt your head?”

  “Why would you sneak up on me like that?” I asked, ignoring his questions. “You scared me half to death.” I took a quick glance around and saw that the small group of gawking people was dispersing. Kelsey bent to pick up the pile of clothes I had dropped, and Royal handed me my purse. I rubbed my head, feeling for injuries.

  “Come now, you know that is impossible,” Emrys quipped, referring to my comment about death. “And I certainly did not sneak up on you at all. You simply did not hear me come back.” He leaned in and kissed my cheek.

  “Where did you go anyway?” I asked still checking my head.

  “Royal and I carried all your packages back to the car. It may come as a surprise to you, but even though I may have more strength than many, I still only have two arms. That new quilt and bed set were quite bulky. I am sorry I scared you. I certainly did not mean to, my love.”

  “You really like the purple dress?” I asked, suddenly realizing what he’d said.

  Royal smiled at Kelsey when she announced the obvious in a relieved tone: “Sounds like she’s fine!” He then lightened her load, taking the armful of dresses from her.

  “Yes, I think you should buy it,” Emrys said before turning to Kelsey. “Are we quite finished yet? Have we crossed everything off of your list?” He suddenly seemed anxious to leave.

  “Yes, sir,” Kelsey answered, looking and sounding a bit sheepish.

  “Very well. Then let us proceed to the pay counter and go get something to eat, shall we?” He relieved Royal of at least half of his burden, took me gently by my arm, and said, “Let me help you, my dear. I would not want you to damage any more store property.” As we edged our way out of the dress area, I took a quick glance back and saw a dent on the corner of the doorway - the exact size of my head. Amazingly, I felt fine.

  We returned to the same restaurant where Emrys’ friend, Graham, was the head chef. Even though many items on the menu sounded delicious, I ended up choosing the exact same meal as I had the last time we were there, remembering how fantastic it had been.

  From time to time while peeking at Kelsey, I found myself feeling quite like a mother hen. She had lived such an isolated life. This was a whole new experience for her, and I enjoyed watching her nearly as much as she enjoyed herself.

  Royal had been quite the gentleman too; pulling out the chair for her, helping with her napkin, and even helping her with her order. I also noticed, more than once, that Emrys still seemed a bit agitated at something, and I could not help but think it was the argument we had in the car, although he never said a word about it during the meal. He maintained an air of indifference to everything going on around him, but I could see right through it. He was still angry.

  I couldn’t stop going over our conversation in my mind. And finally, when our waiter brought dessert, which drew Royal and Kelsey’s attention away from us, Emrys put his hand on mine and whispered, “Stop it. I am not angry with you, and that is all that matters.”

  Before I could respond I heard a hearty laugh, and out of the corner of my eye saw someone in white approaching our table. “Look what the proverbial cat dragged in! If it isn’t my old mate, Emrys!” he boomed.

  Graham stood beside our table, a dishtowel slung over his shoulder, right hand reaching out in welcome gesture. A wide grin adorned his face revealing again the gap between his front teeth. Emrys stood at once to shake his hand. Surprisingly, his whole demeanor seemed to change as his face opened up with a reciprocating smile, and he said, “Hello, Graham. I must say, the meal was exceptional as usual.” They shook hands pleasantly; Graham thanked him for the compliment as he glanced down at our empty plates.

  Emrys introduced Kelsey and Royal as his friends, a sentiment that sat quite well with both of them as they gave huge grins. Royal stood, extending a hand with as much confidence as was possible. I saw the look on Graham’s face as they touched; he knew Royal’s humanity at once, there was no electricity in the handshake. He stooped, taking Kelsey’s hand, and I sensed his acknowledgement of what she was by his slight flinch.

  Finally, turning to me with a slight nod, he said, “How lovely to see you again, Mrs. Bertrand. And might I add, even more beautiful by candle-light than street light!”

  “Please, call me Lizzy.” I couldn’t help but smile at his compliment and wondered if my cheek still looked scratched from wrestling with the ha
nger. “It’s nice to see you too, Graham,” I added. I was thinking that it was a little odd that he didn’t shake my hand this time. I supposed he refrained out of respect for Emrys, as I recalled the last time he had hung on a bit longer than necessary.

  The conversation then turned to after-dinner drinks when Emrys sat back down and reached into his pocket. “I do believe we would benefit from one of your special cappuccino drinks this evening, Graham. It has been quite a long day. We all could use a pick-me-up, except of course Royal. He will have a regular coffee.” He gave a quick glance to Royal.

  Nodding, Royal said, “That would be great, thank you, sir.”

  “Coming right up, my friend. I shall have your waiter bring your drinks out in a moment or two.” Graham nodded at Emrys with a wink.

  As Emrys reached over to shake Graham’s hand, I noticed a flash of green pass between them. Graham then gave a short bow to the whole table and said, “It was wonderful to be of assistance to you all. Please, come again soon. Thank you, my friend.” He directed his attention to Emrys with a respectful nod, backed away a few steps, turned and left the dining area.

  “As by now you may have guessed,” Emrys spoke in hushed tones, “Graham is not only a great chef; he is a friend and an exceptional donor as well. Our drinks may take a few minutes longer than usual, but they will be well worth the wait.”

  Royal cleared his throat and said, “Now I understand.”

  Kelsey giggled, the same realization occurring to her. “Don’t feel bad. Next time we come here, you can try one of his special drinks!” She rested a hand on Royal’s arm. I noticed his reaction to her touch had changed; no flinch, no shrinking back at all now. It actually looked like he enjoyed her electric current.

  I turned to Emrys and asked, “Is this what you and Graham talked about the last time we were here?”

  “Among other things, yes. You will be completely amazed, my lovely.” He bent close to my ear and whispered, “Graham has a very rare blood type, as you will soon see for yourself.” He straightened up, glanced across the table, and said, “Royal, I am sorry lad, but perhaps someday you too shall be able to partake of his special essence.”

  Emrys’ eyes flickered to Kelsey for a second and I wondered what shared knowledge passed between them in that moment. Detecting my unspoken question, he watched my expression change to a frown as he said, “You will understand shortly.”

  Kelsey giggled and then whispered to Royal, and for the moment I did not enjoy being the only one in the dark. I picked up my napkin, wiped my mouth, and then slowly and meticulously laid it back on my lap, smoothing out the edges flat. I looked up, trying very hard to not glare at my husband, but his saucy grin caught me off guard, and I caved.

  “What’s going on here?”

  “Tell her, Master Emrys.” Kelsey’s new display of courage indicated to me that she really was a good friend.

  Just then the waiter came with four rather tall glass mugs, all steaming hot. The waiter placed mine and Kelsey’s in front of us first, then Emrys and Royal. I peered down into the mug before me and saw what looked exactly like a cappuccino, right down to the frothy top with a decorative swirl, and sprinkled with a dash of what had to be cinnamon

  Royal picked up the creamer and poured a generous helping into his cup and, as he stirred, he watched the three of us, and waited.

  Emrys leaned forward, sniffing the rising steam from his cup. “The scent is unbelievable. Go on, take a whiff,” he said, pointing to my mug.

  He was acting in a way I had never witnessed before, and I wasn’t quite sure if I liked it. He pointed to my cup again. I rolled my eyes, pulled my hair all to one side, and holding it back, leaned toward the cup and sniffed. It was cinnamon, but mixed with the most alluring flavor I had ever smelled. I knew that our Ambrosia had its own special flavors depending on the donor; some more mild, some had a deep sweetness. But this was literally unbelievable. I actually felt a little giddy just smelling it. And anticipating the taste was not only alluring - without even realizing it, my fangs appeared. I clamped my mouth shut, trying not to gasp.

  “Do you get it now?” Kelsey asked, stifling a giggle.

  She leaned to her own mug, drinking in the scent. “I have heard of this type of drink, but never had the opportunity to partake. Before we begin, I must thank you, Master Emrys.” And then she snickered, saying, “Me mum will be so envious.”

  “Why? What’s going to happen?” I asked, feeling quite stupid, yet somehow I had an inkling of exactly what to expect.

  Finally Emrys spoke. “Graham has worked for our family for years. His life force is not only rare, but what he does with it is unique. He has tried several different mixtures through the years, and it does not matter how he changes the recipe, it is always the same. Regardless of what he blends into it, whether hot or cold, coffee, tea, milk, or alcohol; his essence comes through and takes over the taste. You may get a slight undertone of coffee, for instance. But the main flavor will still be him. It is one of our family secrets that we would prefer not to ever share with other societies. I doubt he is the only human in the world who possesses this unique blood type, but he is the only one we have around here.” Emrys raised an eyebrow.

  “What happens if you drink it straight?” I had to ask the obvious. “Or...don’t you?”

  “It is quite tempting, but the repercussions may not be worth it. It would be like Royal here drinking enormous amounts of coffee or energy drinks with caffeine.”

  His comment caused Royal to emit a slight flush, but he maintained his reserved demeanor giving a quick grin and nod.

  “So, it’s like alcohol?” I asked. I didn’t get why that would be so special.

  Why not just have a few drinks if you want to get a little buzz?

  Emrys picked up his mug and smelled it again. “It has a similar effect in that, initially, you may feel a slight buzz, but the after effects are spectacular. It is more like an enlightening with massive amounts of strength as a side effect. Perhaps you can compare it to an energy drink, but much tastier. Things begin to make sense to you, which may never have before. You may see things clearer and brighter. It is as though your mind is opened up to simply know and grasp ideas and situations easier. For most, it is the exact opposite of being asleep. You are truly awake to the world around you.” I turned away from him with a frown, and glanced at Kelsey; she grinned, wide-eyed, nodding at me.

  “Are you sure he doesn’t just add some kind of drug to his concoction? This reminds me of conversations I’ve overheard in college. Mind bending drugs - yuck.” I shook my head.

  “I have witnessed his preparations, sampled it both straight and mixed immediately afterwards; he adds nothing that would be considered illegal. In the beginning, there is a sense of serenity and peace, and later you will experience more strength and speed than you ever had before,” Emrys explained. “You will feel invigorated.”

  I picked up my mug and shrugged, saying, “Ok, I trust you guys. Bottoms up!” The three of them watched me as I put my lips on the mug and took a sip, then placed the mug back down on the table. The first thing I understood was that one sip would never be enough. The taste was indescribable. Sweet, yet heady; intoxicating. Full bodied, thick like syrup, but easy to swallow; smooth as warm butter. A sense of melted caramel and rich liquid chocolate and, yet vanilla, came to mind. It was very weird, but I wanted more. After my next sip, my head felt like it had floated away from my body and I could look down on everything below me. I watched Emrys take a mouthful and lean back in pleased appreciation.

  Kelsey took a gulp, sighed with delight, and said, “Oh my.”

  All at once a feeling of complete relaxation came over me. I had no worries and no fears. An extreme euphoria took over, mingled with glimpses of joy and happiness, and I knew exactly what had to be done to make my future a perfect one, and somehow the thought of someone dying to make it possible, didn’t seem to faze me.

  I smiled at Emrys. He smiled back. I glanced ov
er at Kelsey, who now stared deeply into Royal’s eyes, a wide grin splashed across her face.

  Again, she said, “Oh my. Royal, I sure hope Master Emrys will bring you here after next week. I can’t even explain how good this is. It’s like the best chocolate melting in your mouth and it makes you feel so full of hope and sunshine, and rainbows and flowers. It’s amazing!” The way she beheld him, I knew that she meant her hope and sunshine included him.

  I touched Emrys on his cheek. “I agree with Kelsey, but I also feel warm and cozy, like the feeling you get after a soak in the hot-tub. Or the satisfied feeling I get after… you know.” I leaned closer and whispered into his ear, “After we make love.” My lips brushed against his ear, and I felt him shudder.

  Emrys didn’t say a word. He just sat there looking at me with an appreciative smile. I sensed he now basked in the much-needed realm of serenity.

  I finally started to understand. He glanced over at Kelsey and Royal on occasion, and even though Kelsey now had Royal’s hand in hers, there wasn’t even a hint of anger in Emrys’ expression. This was a far cry from when she sat in the front seat of the vehicle with him. She was out in public, holding a human’s hand, smiling sweetly at him. Royal looked to be somewhere between heaven and paradise, but his complete bliss and delight came from simply being with the woman he already loved. Our nirvana had come from our unbelievable after-dinner drinks. Everything was at peace in my mind. For the moment anyway, I had no concerns or troubles that couldn’t result in a positive outcome. I knew there was nothing that couldn’t be accomplished if I put my mind to it, and the future felt like a palpable promise of happiness and elation.

  “Look Emrys, they’re holding hands,” I whispered, taking his chin in my hand and aiming his face toward the young couple.


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