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The Ravenswynd Series - Boxed Set

Page 66

by Sharon Ricklin Jones

  “I wish Emrys was here,” I said letting my wet head fall back on the sofa. “I don’t feel very good.”

  Lindy reached for her phone. Assuming she dialed Emrys’ number, my head started spinning and my eyes were full of shiny, black spots that swam in all directions. My whole body was chilled - except for my legs: they began to feel like they were on fire. Before I heard Lindy say a word, my entire world went completely dark.

  * * *

  I had no idea how long I was out, but I heard voices murmuring in the distance. When I tried to open my eyes, the dimly lit room was still spinning. As I lay there recalling the events of the evening I became aware of something heavy holding me down and began to panic at the thought of being held prisoner and going to trial. I even imagined being found guilty of murder - which scared me even more. Within our Raven society, that would call for immediate death.

  Struggling to free myself, I found it impossible to move. My arms were paralyzed and my legs were still on fire. I opened my eyes but saw no one. The voices seemed to all be speaking at once and came from far off in the distance, but nothing made any sense. It was as though they spoke another language. Then, straining my ears and focusing on the words, I was able to understand some of the babble. I heard my name. Someone mentioned Rohan’s name. And I heard a voice saying something about another dead guard. Then, I picked out one familiar voice in the group. Emrys! He said something about getting here as fast as he could. At once I relaxed and took a deep breath. Surely he’d not let them take me away without a fair trial. After all, he was the Regent. He would have a say in the matter.

  I called out to him, but my throat was parched and scratchy. Nothing but a sorry whisper came out as I mouthed his name. I cleared my throat and tried harder, calling, “Emrys.” It felt as if I’d swallowed pieces of glass, and like I was in the depths of one of those dreams where you can’t speak at all, and you’re trying your hardest to scream for help.

  A light clicked on and I blinked at the brightness. Slowly things came into focus, and his beautiful face appeared right above mine, but he wasn’t smiling. Instead, he had a look of deep concern: furrowed brows and wrinkles circled his tired-looking eyes. His expression totally unnerved me. I tried to raise my head, but found I had little strength, and closed my eyes letting my head fall back onto the pillow. I was still on Melinda’s sofa, but lying down.

  He lifted my head with a gentle touch, cradled it in his palm, and put a cup to my mouth. I recognized the sweet aroma and realized my thirst all at once.

  “Drink,” he said, sounding worried. “Do not try to speak, just drink.”

  I took a sip and felt the warm liquid soften my throat, ease my dry mouth, and calm my insides. I drank some more. Still holding the cup, he lowered his face closer, breathing softly next to my ear. I felt his warm sweet breath on my cheek as he bent and brushed it with his lips.

  “Elizabeth. My lovely wife. I....I do not know what to say. I feel....” His voice caught in his throat. He set the cup on the table, laid my head back down on the pillow, rested his head on my chest, and buried his face in the thick covers that draped over me. If I didn’t know better, I would have thought that he was crying. Though not a sound came out, I felt him shaking. Guessing that his sadness meant I’d be taken away any minute - that somehow while I was unconscious, they had already found me guilty, and this was my last meal and final moments with my husband - huge tears escaped my eyes and started to drip down into my ears. And I still couldn’t move. I was trapped like an insane murderer in a straitjacket.

  What the flaming hell?

  Emrys glanced up at me. His questioning look bordered on amusement. He then suppressed a smile, obviously with great restraint. I wondered how he could do this to me - make fun at a time like this. Appalled at his irrational behavior, I licked my lips preparing to spew out a few venomous remarks. But before I could, he held his hand over my mouth to quench my furious words.

  “Shh. Do not waste your breath or your energy,” he whispered, leaning closer. “I know what you are thinking, and that is not the case.”

  I wiggled my head back and forth freeing myself from his hand, but instantly it was replaced by his lips. His kisses were soft and gentle, and, caught off guard as I was, I forgot all that I was about to say in my anger. Instead, the tears began again. This time they flowed in sweet release and in the realization that he was only trying to calm me down and get me to listen.

  When he knew I was ready to hear him out, he pulled back and gazed at me with those eyes. Eyes I had missed so very much the past few days - loving me, calming me down, telling me everything would be all right.

  “There is not going to be a trial,” he explained, smiling. “You are already acquitted of the charges, my love.”

  “I am?” I breathed a sigh of relief. “Really?” I knew he saw all the questions in my mind.

  “We found the guards. Who knows how many more he intended to kill. Rohan made it obvious that he had no intention of ever abiding by our rules. He was clearly unable to settle down within our society and he certainly had no concept of the proper treatment of humans. He never even had regard for his own kind. It was only a matter of time before something like this happened, and we all knew it.” Another frown crossed his face. “I am just sorry it had to be you,” he said, followed by a heavy sigh. “It should have been me. I should have killed him back when he first attacked you.” Shaking his head, he said, “I was far too easy on him, giving him the benefit of the doubt, letting him leave without any punishment whatsoever. I take full responsibility; all the blame is mine.” His face was infused with anger and guilt. “I should have killed him the first time...” He put his head down on my chest again. “I am so sorry, Elizabeth. Can you ever forgive me?”

  I was relieved and my heart was filled with compassion for him. “There’s nothing to forgive you for, Emrys,” I said, whispering. “You couldn’t have known his plans.”

  I decided right then and there, that I must learn more about my so-called gift. Obviously, I’d had a partial vision of Rohan’s plan to attack me, but I needed to understand how to better interpret my visions, to see them through to the end.

  I tried again to move, but felt the added weight of Emrys’ head and couldn’t budge an inch. “Why can’t I move my arms?” I asked, squirming. “I’m feeling rather claustrophobic here.”

  Emrys stood and pulled back three heavy quilts, one at a time. Someone had tucked them deep into the back of the sofa and under the front cushion, pinning me down like a rolled sausage with my arms straight at my sides. The thick towel still wrapped around my body had bunched up under my arms causing them to become numb and achy. I lifted my arms and they started tingling as the blood rushed back. Instantly the sore muscles made themselves known once again. But my legs felt weird - as though they were wet and slimy. They were wrapped in some sort of gauze material from my thighs all the way down - including my feet.

  “What’s this all about?” I asked, wiggling my toes, glad to be unconstrained. Free to move about again.

  Just then Gavin and Melinda joined us in the living room. “Your legs were covered with burns,” Gavin explained. “The shower made things worse. It’s a shame we didn’t think to tell you.” The look on his face was full of self-reproach. It was obvious that he attempted to lessen Emrys’ guilt, at least a little. In truth, anyone could have warned me.

  “Burns? His blood burned my skin?” I asked curiously, thinking how very strange that was. “Why would that happen?” I turned to Emrys.

  “Well,” he started, as a deep look of remorse crossed over his face. “There is sometimes a mutation within the hybrid’s blood that occurs when massive amounts of alcohol are consumed, followed closely with Ambrosia. When the hybrid’s blood is exposed to air, the chemical reaction that occurs closely resembles hydrogen fluoride. If it then comes in contact with water it will convert to hydrofluoric acid, which can burn your skin. Taking a shower as you did was not the best course of action.
Being a Raven you would not have noticed any initial pain. However, for a human it would be instantly painful. It could potentially affect their bones or cause other internal problems, sometimes even cardiac arrest. In your case, the injuries were minor.

  Melinda broke in adding, “I saw little white marks on your legs before I covered you, and when Gavin came back I showed him. He knew exactly what to do. He gave me some magnesium oxide ointment to cover your burns.”

  “Speaking of covering me, what’s with all the quilts, Lindy?” I thought she had gone a tad overboard with the blanket routine.

  “Lizzy, you were shivering so hard! I wanted to get you warmed up.” She gave me one of her motherly smiles, which reminded me of my vision of her and the children - she was going to make such a great mom. I gave her a thankful nod and grinned.

  “How do your legs feel right now?” Emrys asked, interrupting my thoughts. He reached for my hand and helped me sit up.

  “When I first came to, I could hardly stand the pain.” I grimaced at the memory. “But they barely hurt at all now.

  Emrys nodded and smiled as he said, “That is why I encouraged you to drink as soon as you awoke. Once you begin to ingest our sweet Ambrosia, the ointment is no longer necessary.”

  “When can I take the bandages off?” My legs had started itching, and I thought that had to be a good sign.

  Gavin piped up first. He was more animated than usual, and he said, “I would say within the hour. I had Melinda wrap your legs in the bandages to keep the ointment in place. By now the benefits of the Nevar far outweighs anything in the ointment.” Gavin was the only one in our society besides Latimer, who still used the term Nevar on a regular basis. I couldn’t help but wonder why, but didn’t bother to ask. I was more preoccupied with my itchy legs.

  Lindy stood next to him, holding his hand, smiling in triumph at her nursing abilities. I reached down and lightly rubbed both legs at the same time, careful to keep the towel in place. I was finally able to move both of my arms again without pain or tingle. I took in a deep, relieved breath, and without a word, Emrys handed me the glass, knowing all too well my need to drink the rest of it. I sipped slowly, licking my lips after each swallow. Ambrosia - known for its fabulous healing powers. A fact I was experiencing first hand - again.

  Emrys sat down beside me and asked, “Are you about ready to go back to our quarters, my sweet?” He placed his hand on my shoulder and peered deep into my eyes. It seemed he was searching for something, some remnant of remorse or guilt, or perhaps even fear. The tiniest line formed between his brows, and even though he attempted to hide his concerns, I knew him too well now. I could see he was worried about my emotional stability. No doubt, he had a difficult time reading my thoughts, since all I could think about was my itchy legs - and his new look of worry.

  I smiled at him and answered with a question of my own, “I’m not sure I want to go back there just yet, Emrys. Have you seen the disaster I’ve created?”

  “Elizabeth, you didn’t create anything of the sort!” Lindy chimed in supportively. “None of this was your fault.”

  “I’m just saying I’m not sure if I want to deal with the mess yet.” I tried to sound convincing.

  “Everything’s already been cleaned. I put our best employees on the job,” Gavin stated.

  Emrys raised his eyes to Gavin but said nothing.

  “Of course, I handled the body myself. It is complete.” He gave a quick, respectful nod toward Emrys.

  “Well done.” Emrys said, in his most approving – Regent voice.

  I tried to sound more curious than concerned, and asked, “Does everyone know what happened already?” I was worried that Amrita would feel differently toward me, now that I had murdered her half-brother.

  “I am sure they all know by now. It did take quite a crew to clean up the room.” Gavin said with measured caution.

  Emrys knew exactly what I was getting at and added, “Amrita and Larkin have been informed. I told them it was not necessary to return home tonight if that was not their intention in the first place. Amrita asked me to tell you that she does not hold you responsible. She and Rohan were never close. As you probably recall, he wanted nothing to do with her since she was born. She has no feelings of animosity and she insisted I repeat these words to you, and I quote, ‘Tell my sister-in-law that I love her dearly and I am very glad she is in one piece.’”

  We all chuckled at the double entendre. Amrita had a knack of always lightening up a heavy conversation with her dry wit.

  “Let me get you a robe, Lizzy,” Melinda said. As she turned toward her bedroom, she called over her shoulder, “And Gavin, don’t forget the ring.”

  “Oh, yes!” he said. He reached into his pocket and pulled out the Trefoil Sanguis Alchemy ring and stepped toward Emrys, giving another courteous nod as he handed it over to him.

  Emrys looked baffled as he examined the ring that had been missing for more than a week, while Gavin explained where he’d recovered it. Inspecting it, turning it over and over with his fingers, Emrys studied it, almost as though he had to make sure it was indeed his. The shiny red decorations caught the light and the silver glimmered as he gazed at it, deep in thought. He caught my memory of the day it went missing, and his eyes widened. I could see he agreed with my theory by the surprised look on his face; Rohan must have been in our quarters when we soaked in the hot tub. His face shifted to fury as he remembered what else had happened in the tub that day, but for only a fleeting moment. And then his anger abated as I forced myself to think about Rohan’s final moments. Emrys heaved a huge sigh and looked up at Gavin. “Thank you, my friend. Thank you for everything.”

  “You are welcome.” Gavin stepped back with a gesture of respect.

  Lindy returned and handed me a thick white terry robe. I stood up slowly and eased into it, carefully hanging onto the towel wrapped around me. Emrys held me steady when he saw I still wobbled a bit, but all things considered, I did feel much better.

  “If you need anything, sis, please let me know.” Melinda brushed a stray hair out of my face and then pulled me into her arms. “Okay?”

  “I will.” I spoke softly into her ear. “Thank you, Lindy.”

  Gavin gave a quick pat on my back as Lindy clung to me longer than usual. He seemed at a loss for words as my sister and I finally separated. More than ever, I was grateful my twin was able to share this life with me. At a time like this I found it difficult to leave her side and we hugged once more. Emrys put one hand around my waist, and the other on my arm and led me to the door. As soon as I looked into his eyes, I knew everything was going to be all right. I leaned on him as he held me close all the way back to our quarters. I felt safer than I had in a very long time.



  I don’t know how they did it. Not only was our suite clean, but at first glance it seemed completely unaffected by recent events. The broken lamp had been replaced with a lovely Tiffany lamp of blues and greens. The sheets were changed and the rip in the drapes had been stitched up – curiously an almost invisible repair job, and the carpet was spotless. The smell of disinfectant and cleaning solutions had been cleverly hidden by burning candles: Apple-cinnamon.

  I walked over to the lounge chair and ran a finger over the damp spot where the blood had splattered from the gash in Rohan’s arm. Glancing down at the floor, I saw that the pool of blood was even gone, with no apparent stain in the carpet. I couldn’t help but gaze under the edge of the bed where his lifeless head had come to rest. I had anticipated feelings of remorse, but instead, found myself feeling flooded with relief, nearly to the point of exhilaration. Never again would I have to concern myself with the unexpected and unwanted appearance of the rogue vampire. Never again would I have to worry about him hurting anyone I cared about, or trying to ruin my life. He was really and truly gone this time. And I couldn’t wait to tell Kelsey.

  “I am afraid she already knows what happened, Elizabet
h.” Emrys said as he took my face in his hands, steering my gaze away from the bed and into his eyes. “She asked about you late last night.” With a gentle hand on my chin, he turned my face slowly away from him, and towards the window saying, “Look! It is later than you think. Morning has come and gone.”

  It took a few more moments for it to register in my brain. I must have slept most of the night on Melinda’s sofa.

  “No wonder you look so tired,” I said, glancing at the clock on the nightstand. Looking closer at Emrys, I asked, “You didn’t sleep at all, did you? And now I understand how you got home so soon.”

  He smiled as he peered into my eyes, still searching for something. “I received the call from Melinda just as we finished the final vote. You will be happy to know, it is good news.” With a quick nod, he added, “The vote went as we had hoped.”

  “It figures, now that it doesn’t matter so much.” I raised a weary eyebrow.

  He shrugged and said, “Well, it happens to be a two-fold ruling. Not only can Kelsey be married to Royal, but if there ever would be a situation like ours in the future, the choice would be up to the individual: whether or not to banish his mate.”

  “You mean a situation like your parents. Thankfully, we never crossed that threshold.” I knew I risked stirring up painful memories for him, and it made me sad that it had taken so long for this society of supposed modern Ravens to adjust to a more forward-thinking way of life. “I’m sorry, Emrys. If only...”

  He put a finger over my mouth. “Shh. There is no point in going over it again. It is a good change, and I am sure that it will benefit others in the future. And our dear friends can get on with their lives immediately.”

  “So, even if Rohan was still... alive, Kelsey could divorce him and remarry?”

  He nodded. “Yes, but let us deal with what is, not with what ifs, shall we? She is free to do whatever she wishes. Ironically, this has also opened the door for anyone else who is unhappy with their mate to make similar choices.” A sad, wistful look crossed over his face and I knew what he was thinking: divorce amongst the Ravens was unheard of - until now.


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