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The Ravenswynd Series - Boxed Set

Page 72

by Sharon Ricklin Jones

“No, it’s not selfish.” Gavin piped up. “What you are choosing to do is very noble and selfless. You are giving three children a home - a loving home. I already know how much you will love them, Melinda. And you will be their only mother. And I am quite sure they will love you too.” He put a hand on her cheek, tenderly and briefly. “I will do my best to be the husband and father you all need me to be. That is my promise to you.”

  “And I believe you will be a wonderful father,” Melinda said quietly.

  After a quick kiss to Lindy’s cheek, Gavin turned back to face the attorney, and said, “Now that the papers are all signed, Mr. Feldspar, what do we do next?”

  “Give me a moment to make some copies for you, and I shall be on my way.” Mr. Feldspar announced. “After that, we wait.”

  Emrys pointed toward the back of the room showing him to the copy machine. We all sat quietly, lost in our own thoughts while he was gone, and when Mr. Feldspar returned with all his duplicates he began to organize the documents, separating them into two piles.

  “I shall ring you the moment the children are born,” he stated, closing the two folders. He straightened out his bow tie, and nodded his head slightly.

  “Can’t you call us when she goes into labor?” Lindy asked anxiously.

  “Of course.” He paused briefly, and then looked more serious as he fumbled with the opening of his briefcase. “Would you like to be there during the birth?” Mr. Feldspar looked at Emrys again with a question in his eye. I had to wonder if he worried at all about breaking the rules, and what Emrys would have to say about everyone ignoring the travel restrictions.

  “Not exactly.” Lindy eyed Gavin quickly and added, “Certainly not right in the delivery room with her. I don’t actually want to meet her, but I would like to be there from the beginning, if that’s alright.” She looked expectantly to the attorney.

  “I understand. We can see to it that those arrangements are made for you then. I don’t believe that will be a problem.” He glanced at Emrys as he put his copies into his briefcase, and after a brief moment of eye contact and a slight nod from Emrys, Mr. Feldspar handed a folder to Melinda and they all shook hands. Gavin walked him out to the main door after everyone said their goodbyes.

  Lindy immediately thrust the folder at Emrys and then flipped her hair back over her shoulders. She looked serious and intense.

  “Please keep these safely locked in your room somewhere,” she began. “I don’t want to ever be tempted to see her name.”

  Emrys took the folder and nodded even though I could plainly see he was thinking that her concerns were a bit excessive.

  “Well, we better make some travel plans ourselves.” I smiled at my twin. “You guys are going to need all the help you can get, bringing three babies back here!”

  “Really? You guys would do that for us?” Lindy’s voice broke and then she began to cry quietly, tears of joy and relief. I held her in my arms as she simultaneously laughed and cried - her emotions now at full throttle. Just then Gavin returned, and after seeing his wife in my arms, he hurried over to us.

  “Melinda!” he said, sounding worried. “What’s wrong?”

  Lindy tried to speak, but her words were garbled. She sniffled, and cleared her throat.

  “She’s just overwhelmed with happiness.” I said laughing, as a few happy tears got away from me too.

  Gavin pried her from my grasp and held her. She was still unable to speak clearly, but eventually the laughing and crying slowed down.

  Talk about raw emotions!

  I glanced at Emrys and gave him my happy face.

  Gavin pulled back and said, “Sweet wife. Let’s go upstairs and relax. Maybe you could use a drink?” He peered helplessly over Melinda’s head at the two of us.

  “Yes, go upstairs and get some rest,” Emrys said, agreeing. “It has been a very emotional evening.”

  Emrys smiled at me, sensing my increasing thirst. I began to muse over the many names for our drink of choice: Ambrosia, sweet nectar, Nevar, life force. But calling it by any other name did not change what it really was: human blood - always our drink of choice, and necessity. And right now, it seemed all of us could use a large helping.

  “I think we shall be heading up to our rooms as well,” Emrys announced thoughtfully.

  Licking my lips in anticipation, I wondered which donor we still had left in our fridge. Most days I was in complete control, but now and again just thinking about it was enough to set my teeth on edge - literally.

  As Emrys came and took my hand, I reached behind to the table and grabbed my half-eaten dessert dish. No use wasting a perfectly good bowl of chocolate.

  “Come, Elizabeth.” He turned back to Lindy and Gavin and said, “Good night my friend. Good night, Melinda, and congratulations. You shall soon be the proud parents of ...”

  I squeezed his hand so hard he stopped mid-sentence. “Shh, she doesn’t want to know,” I hissed.

  “I was going to say three beautiful babies!” He frowned at my interruption.

  Not only had my last vision showed me the sexes of the babies, it was exciting to me that I already knew their names. Of course, Emrys was well aware of the details within my mind and I thought he was about to give everything away.

  “See you tomorrow, sis! Love you.” I waved at Melinda as she still clung to her husband.

  “Love you too!” She called out, with a smile and half a sniffle.

  Emrys and I walked hand in hand up the stairway and then through the long hallway toward our suite. Neither of us said a word. We were both lost in our own thoughts; my main and newest concern was wondering if we would get into trouble – going to America at the wrong time. In addition to my worries, I kept trying to imagine how all of our lives were going to change, especially Melinda and Gavin’s. Everything would be so different for them once we returned. Thinking about these new additions to our family was both nerve-wracking and exciting all at the same time. I only hoped that these changes would be positive for everyone here at Ravenswynd. A quick and fleeting thought crossed my mind then. It had never occurred to me before this, but I began to wonder exactly who it was that we had made this so-called agreement with; who would we be in trouble with if they found us in the States?



  Before I had a chance to put my worries to question, someone called to me. We had just walked past the library when I heard her voice, and I turned back just in time to see Fiona leaning out the doorway and waving frantically.

  “Lizzy! May I have a word with you?” Just as quickly, she stepped backwards and disappeared from view.

  “I wonder what she wants,” I whispered to my beloved.

  “Go ahead and find out. I will be waiting in our suite, my love,” Emrys said, letting go of my hand, although a bit reluctantly.

  I stood still and watched him as he continued down the hallway without me.

  My God, still just as elegant and stately as the first time I’d seen him walking away from me.

  I wondered if he could hear my sigh from this far away. Just before he opened our door he turned and smiled at me. His dark eyes showed me what he was thinking as he slowly closed the door. I knew he wanted me to make it quick. A welcomed shiver washed over me, and I turned back toward the library, vowing to myself that this was going to be a short conversation if I had anything to say about it.

  Fiona was alone, which of itself was unusual. She was rarely separated from Rufus, unless he had business to deal with. Another matched couple, I mused, both adorned with blazing red hair, his straight and hers curly. She met me near the doorway as I stepped into the library.

  “Did Emrys go to your suite alone?” she asked, sounding surprised and sticking her head out the door again. It was still hard for anyone to imagine him leaving me on my own, but no longer fearful of the rogue vampire’s attacks, I was finally able to walk about freely. It was such a great feeling, knowing Rohan could never bother us again.r />
  “Yes! Can you believe it?” I nodded with a raised eyebrow. “It’s so weird to be left alone.”

  Fiona pulled me farther into the room with a knowing smile.

  “What’s up?” I asked. I was beginning to get the feeling she was in her gossip mode now.

  We sat across from each other on two huge chairs, and I realized I hadn’t spent nearly as much time in the library as I had originally thought I would. Quite possibly it reminded me too much of the night of my abduction. This memory I did not wish to dwell on. Even though I knew there was nothing to fear, a very small chill crawled up my spine as I glanced at the chair where Rohan sat just before he grabbed me that night.

  “Lizzy? What do you know about that Mr. Feldspar character?” Fiona asked point blank.

  I inhaled deeply, noticing at once the scent of burning candles, vanilla I guessed.

  “I only know that he’s an attorney, and that he’s working out some details for Gavin and Melinda. I don’t think I’m at liberty to say more just yet, but I’m sure she’ll tell you all about it soon enough.”

  “I know about the adoption, if that’s what you’re worried about.” Fiona gave an exasperated sigh and after seeing the shocked look on my face she said, “My God, Lizzy! You should know how fast news travels by now!”

  I shook my head, blinking in disbelief, “How on earth did it get around that fast? We only left the office a few minutes before I saw you!” I was completely flabbergasted.

  “Oh, Mr. Feldspar spoke to Latimer, who told Constance, who mentioned it to Barbara Lee. You know how it goes. You were all still in the office I suppose. But that’s not what I mean. Earlier, before he met with Melinda and Gavin, I saw Mr. Feldspar in the kitchen - speaking to Priscilla. He was whispering up a storm and she was all giddy and beside herself. I couldn’t hear what they were talking about, but it sure made her happy, whatever it was. As a matter of fact, when they noticed me coming for more Ambrosia they quieted down and acted like they were talking about dessert or something.” She shook her head and added, “That really pisses me off too, when people act like that, pretending nothing’s going on, and then ignoring you like you aren’t really there.”

  “I know, it’s always so obvious,” I said with a smirk.

  “I even asked Kelsey if she knew what the big secret was when I returned to the dining room, but she was clueless. Do you have any idea what it was about?” she asked with a quick frown.

  At first I shook my head from side to side - just thinking, and then that vision that I’d had months ago rushed back into my mind. It was Mr. Feldspar being dropped off here at Ravenswynd, in a limo. And then I recalled Emrys asking me a particular question after I’d told him about the vision. He had asked me why I continued to wonder about the limo driver. But I had no idea why, even now. And then there was that day in the dining room when Priscilla had reacted so weird when she heard me talking about it. I wondered if any of these things had any bearing on Fiona’s question, and I decided to share a bit of it with her.

  “Priscilla was acting weird one day when she heard me talking about him. And lately she’s been all giddy and smiley,” I mused. “Do you think he told her about the adoption before he told anyone else?”

  “What are you talking about?” Fiona scrunched up her face. “Priscilla didn’t seem all that excited about the adoption. It had to be something completely different.”

  “What makes you say that?” I asked.

  “We were all talking in the dining room after dessert and coffee. Priscilla was there while we talked about the baby, but she seemed preoccupied, not at all interested in the topic at hand, like she was in another world. At one point, Kelsey even asked Priscilla what the attorney had said when they were in the kitchen together, and she hushed her daughter up so fast it would make your head spin. That reaction was so obvious. What the heck did the attorney tell her?” Fiona was so animated she could barely sit still. “And why is it all so cloak and dagger?”

  “I have absolutely no idea, Fiona.” I looked into her emerald eyes and remembered her excitement that day so long ago, when she told me her secret. How, more than anything, she wished to be turned into a vampire, and that there was a secret party where we could gather and get that wish. She really did enjoy secrets - telling them and finding out all about them. If anyone could get to the bottom of this new scoop, it would be my Fiona. It was just a matter of time.

  As she prattled on and on about Priscilla and the millions of possibilities, my mind wandered back to our visit with Sibelle. I had a feeling she had been keeping a secret too, and when I had asked her point blank about it, her excuse was that by telling me - Emrys would find out, and it was he she mainly kept it from. I wondered if it was possible for the two mysteries to be one and the same. But then why would the attorney spill the beans to Priscilla? And once again, my mind wandered back to my vision and the familiarity of Mr. Feldspar’s driver, but I still couldn’t seem to make any sensible connections.

  “Lizzy, you’re not even listening to me!” Fiona stood up in a huff. “You always do this to me!” she complained.

  “I’m sorry. I was thinking about something. It probably has nothing to do with any of this, but, speaking of secrets... Fiona, I do have some information I can tell you - if you promise not to say a word to anyone! And I mean it, you must promise. You can’t breathe a word, because if it gets out and my sister finds out, I will never trust you with another secret again.” My hope was that I could get her mind off Priscilla and perhaps she’d settle down and just let it go.

  “What is it?” Her whole demeanor changed abruptly and she sat back down, but straight as a board. “I promise.” She lifted her right hand up and said, “I swear. You can trust me!”

  I chuckled softly at my crazy friend.

  “Two girls and a boy,” I said quickly with a satisfied grin, and then leaned back into the chair.

  “What?” She plopped back into her chair with an exaggerated scowl, crossing her arms.

  “The adoption! Melinda and Gavin will be raising not one, not two, but three children! They know about the triplets, they just don’t know their genders yet.”

  “Oh.” Fiona’s face fell flat. “Well, that bit of information will be easy to keep to myself. I thought you knew something really juicy.” She sighed and, with a quick nod, said, “But, still. I promise, I won’t say a word.”

  “Good,” I said quietly and, as an afterthought, added, “You know, you could be at least a little excited for Lindy. This is something she’s wanted her whole life, and you know that.”

  “I know, Lizzy, and I am happy for your sister. I just wish I knew what all the other chatter was about. You know me, I need to know things!”

  I nodded and said, “Well, here’s a bit of news for you. Emrys and I will be going to the States to help Melinda and Gavin bring the babies home. We’ll probably leave in a couple of weeks.”

  “That’s nice.” She nodded slowly and her red curls bounced up and down. “But be careful,” she added quickly, now scowling.

  “What’s the problem, Fiona? You seem upset.”

  She stood back up and said, “No, I’m not upset. Just concerned, that’s all. I just hope they know what they’re getting themselves into. One child would be hard enough to protect. It won’t be an easy task with three. We certainly won’t be able to turn anyone any time soon. You know how much harder it is to control the urges when you are first turned: a Newling.”

  “Why on earth would you worry about that?” My forehead tightened.

  “I’m not exactly worried. I had just hoped that I’d be able to turn someone soon - just for the experience of it.” Fiona twirled a lock of her hair with a finger. “You know, it is a big deal even though everyone around here pretends it’s not. Now I suppose it will be decades from now before I get that chance. At least until the triplets are older and can make up their own minds about this lifestyle of ours.”

  I hadn’t even thought that far into the future
, but she was right. Eventually everyone that comes into our society has to make that choice: whether by joining us as a donor, being born into it, or even being adopted.

  “Well, Fiona, here’s a thought. If you make a conscious effort to bond with these children, maybe someday one of them will choose you to be their maker!” I winked at her.

  She nodded her head thoughtfully and said, “Yeah, maybe. I just hoped it would be sooner, that’s all.”

  I congratulated myself. Even though Fiona was a bit despondent about having to wait a while to turn anyone, I had managed to calm her down and get her mind off this newest mystery. At least I thought I had, until I took a closer look at her expression. Her look was no longer despondent, it was more concerned.

  “Is that all you’re worried about, Fiona? Why do I get the feeling there’s something more?”

  Fiona shrugged and tried to look nonchalant, but she was blinking far too much.

  “Spit it out girlfriend. You know I can see right through you.”

  “Well, I did hear another rumor. I’m just not sure if I should worry you.” She eyed me closely, frowned, and licked her lips. “And I wouldn’t even be worried about it if you weren’t going back to the States.”

  I tapped my foot, waiting. “Out with it!”

  “Has anyone ever told you about the Hunters?” Her face scrunched up, and I couldn’t get a read on it.

  Is she kidding?

  Or was she worried I was about to freak out?

  Shaking my head slowly, I glared at her. “What the flaming hell are you talking about, Fiona?”

  “Hey, don’t get snippy with me! I’m the one warning you…”

  I held up a hand. “I know; I’m sorry.” My heart skipped a beat and my mind began to race.

  So I get rid of one menace, only to find out there are more?

  I put my face in my hands and groaned.

  Oh my God, I can’t take this.

  I lifted my head up and stared at Fiona, asking, “Are you serious? Hunters?

  “I guess they’re the ones who patrol the States,” she said slowly, and then rolled her eyes and added with a scowl, “looking for vampires.”


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