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Page 19

by Aria Ford

  “I want to fight.” Pulling off my t-shirt, I dropped it in Aya’s lap as Johann shook his head.

  “I figured you’d be by when I heard that Georgio was here. Got a good line up. Maybe one of them will make you sweat.” I thought on that for a second, and in the corner of my eye I spied my opponents. They seemed like nothing special; they were probably the best fighter where they were from.

  “It’s too bad they’re going to die.” After all, this is the big leagues. There’s no bell, only a pulse check.

  Jostling my way to the opposite side of the ring, I ignored everything around me to focus on the two people climbing onto the platform. There were no ropes, no bars, no cage, to keep someone from falling off, and if he did the fight didn’t just end. No- the only way it ended was with a body being dragged off.

  Both men were built, tall, muscular; their hands were wrapped in bandages. The darker of the two blonds had a defined four pack, but not much else. His basketball shorts showed legs that could’ve been more defined. He’ll be no fun. The lighter haired man was much more toned, more muscular, but even then he couldn’t match me.

  It was honestly disappointing that this is what Johann considered a good line up.

  “I need to find a new fight club.” Muttering under the roar of the crowd, I pulled out my pack of cigarettes and flipped the top. Taking one in my mouth, my lips down turned as I fished for a lighter in my pocket. “Whatever.”

  The fights were boring; each man put up a show instead of trying for actual killing blows. Rolling my eyes as one short, stocky man rolled dramatically off the platform, I ground my teeth and gripped the wooden railing tightly. Instead of watching this farce, I turned my gaze to the ‘VIP’ landing. Johann looked like he had better things to do, his face a twisted mask of displeasure and disinterest.

  Still sitting on the floor of the grated metal platform, Aya met my gaze with her own. Her face was pale where it wasn’t black and blue, and even from my distance I could see the white ring around her mouth. Grimacing, I didn’t blame her for wanting to puke her guts out. Others in the audience had and no one was going to clean it up; it just ended up mixing with the stench of everything else.

  Shaking my head hard, I took a deep drag of my cigarette. I just want to kill someone…

  Jumping up onto the ring platform, I eyeballed the man that had won every other match. It was the blond from the first match; the lighter of the two. Sweat dripped down his skin, and blood stained his nose and mouth. Aggression radiated from his pores, his stance unyielding even as he panted hard. Calculating, light blue eyes scanned my form, and he reached up to swipe his forehead as he adjusted his feet.

  The man’s moment of struggle was short, and I flew at him with all of the strength and speed I possessed. He didn’t even have time to blink before my fist connected with the right side of his rib cage. A low grunt reached my ears, and the sound drew a wicked smirk to my lips. Slamming my knee into his gut, I relished his hurting sounds as he doubled over. Taking his pretty boy hair into my fists, I ducked and spun to spend him flying to the other side of the ring.

  Adrenaline surged through my veins, and a sick kind of joy made my hands shake. Strands of gold hair lodged under my fingernails, and I whirled around to watch the man groan as he pushed himself onto his elbows. I waited, the anticipation of bashing his skull in blocking out every other noise, every smell, every other part of my vision. Licking my teeth, I panted lightly from the pure pleasure that rocketed through me.

  “Fuck!” My roar shook the platform, and I charged just as the blond was straightening up. He couldn’t even defend himself when I knocked his feet out from under him, sending him onto his back. Straddling his chest, I bore down all my weight until his choking was all I could hear. Even my own blood rushing past my ear drums was absent. Sending my fist into his face, a low chuckle breached my throat at the satisfying crack that sounded.

  I wasn’t a patient man, and he groaned as I struck him again. His blood speckled my hands and forearms, the sweet, metallic scent of it wafted up to caress my brain.

  The blond’s face was a bloodied pulp by the time I felt his chest deflate and refuse to rise. Leaning back, I took a look at my handiwork as a satisfied smirk picked up my lips.



  “Tell me what Johann said to you, Aya.” The hoarse demand made me jump, and the seat belt rubbed harshly against my neck. Glancing across the center console, I licked my lips at Luciano’s glower.

  “He- he said you never lose… that he can’t find good fighters anymore because you scare them. And… and… that…” My throat tightened as Johann’s words echoed between my ears, and I gulped when Luciano shot me a hard glare. “That you… you never brought a- a sl- slave… before.”

  Choking slightly on the word, I forced my gaze to my lap as Luciano slammed his foot on the brakes. The smell of burning rubber instantly invaded the car, and a shriek bubbled up from inside me as the car skid sideways. Holding onto my seat belt with white knuckle tightness, I couldn’t even feel my heart beat as the car squealed across the concrete.

  “What the fuck!” Panting hard as his growl reverberated through the car, I didn’t try to stop the tears that welled in my eyes. The sun had been rising on my side, but now it was blinding me as it glared through the windshield. Blinking hard, my eyelids were the canvas for the bright flashing of the sun as we whirled in a circle from the forceful stop.

  “Quel dannato cazzo di merda di puttana…” Through wide, tearful eyes I watched Luciano hit his steering wheel with the butt of his hand. The horn sounded, cutting off the harsh muttering that dropped from his lips. His face was red, eyes blazing, and lips curled into a snarl. Sinking into my seat, against the door, I wished the leather would swallow me as he hit the wheel again and again.

  Twisting to me, Luciano’s hand shot out to wrap around my neck and jaw; his fingers were so long they went from ear to ear. His expression warped, and the first of my tears started to fall as he leaned over the center console. My body trembled; I couldn’t help but imagine this was what Trevor felt like staring down the barrel of that gun. Whimpers slipped from between my lips, and my abdomen tensed as fear took hold of my insides.

  Squeezing my face, Luciano breathed hard against my cheek before the scent of burning rubber was replaced.

  With urine.

  Those pitch black orbs widened, veering from my face to trail down. My thighs were warm, liquid pooling underneath me to drench the end of my borrowed shirt. Luciano’s jaw ticked, his brows coming together as he stared at the puddle in his passenger seat. Slowly, so slowly, he released my neck, and his eyes flickered back to mine.

  “Aya…” My name floated the near nonexistent space between us on a harsh breath, and I tensed. “I wouldn’t go through all of this fucking trouble for you just to hurt you.”

  Shaking my head sharply, I panted hard as my mouth dried and my throat closed. Luciano was too close, his heat scorching my face even as my tears blurred his expression beyond recognition. Pressing against the door, my body shook as I tried to bottle my sobs.

  “Non piangere. Non ti punirò. Non hai fatto nulla di sbagliato.” Softly Luciano stroked my cheek, and the gentleness of his foreign tongue was my undoing. My heart beat a rapid staccato in my chest, banging against my ribs hard enough to make them ache. Snot dribbled from my nose, and my sobs burst out of me as harsh, skull splintering cries.

  “Stop crying, Aya.” Tapping my cheek hard, Luciano pulled back as the shock of his mid slap rippled across my face. Those few inches between us made it easier to breathe, and I sucked in acrid, hiccuping breaths. My eyelids ached, glued together by tears and the dampness that filled the car.

  “I will never hurt you, Aya, no matter how rough I am with you.” Conviction colored Luciano’s declaration, and a half sob tore from my throat. His shuffling scratched against my ear drums, but it only took a moment for him to grab my borrowed shirt. My teeth chattered, and the muscles in my ab
domen bunched up as he curled his fists in the fabric.

  Ripping my shirt at the seam, Luciano grunted harshly. Staying as still as possible, I pulled my lips between my teeth as he tugged the material down. Fabric pooled at my waist, soaking up the liquid puddle beneath me. Once again he took hold of my chin, and a shaky breath surged out of my mouth.

  “I- I’m sor-r-r-y…” Sputtering the apology, I winced as my own hoarse voice caused my brain to pound. Luciano’s fingers slipped down my neck and between my breasts, and I tensed at the feathery sensation.

  “Just stop crying, Aya.”

  Luciano rolled down the windows, and I sucked in the air greedily as he righted his car. Each breath loosened the tightness in my chest, and my back slowly started to slouch. Leaning against the door, I stared through blurry, puffy eyes at the sun as it cast a golden, purple hue along the landscape.

  When the asphalt of the road was replaced with bright gravel I tore my gaze from the scenery to look at Luciano. His expression was loose, arm hanging out the window, and shoulders relaxed. Pursing my lips together, I held breath as his jaw swerved; he didn’t even seem to realize he was grinding his teeth.

  Luciano came to a stop at the front end of a curve in front of a massive house. The sun was beaming directly on it, causing the windows to sparkle and the paint to shine. Gutters that lined the porch glistened with dew, and the stained deck looked warm as it soaked up golden rays. Wrapping around the front of the house, the low porch was surrounded by a sea of green; there wasn’t a single flower bed in sight.

  “Let’s go.” Yanking open my door, Luciano’s gruff command sent a gasp flying from between my teeth. He didn’t wait, gripping my arm in his powerful hand to pull me from my seat. Large pieces of gravel dug into the soles of my feet, and a whimper lodged in my throat. Glancing around, my eyes landed on a man that emerged from the house. A casual suit hung off his frame, his jacket thrown over one shoulder and his free hand shoved into his pocket. Pausing when he caught sight of us, he frowned deeply as his gaze scanned me.

  “Luciano, what the fuck are you doing?” Automatically my feet brought me closer to the giant that held my arm. Luciano didn’t even bother replying, taking the single step up and dragging me across the wide porch. “You better hope he doesn’t find out about this, man.”

  “Piss off, Tyler.” My heart thudded in my chest as Luciano snarled over his shoulder.

  The inside of the house whirled past me in a blur of whites and beige, only pausing when Luciano stopped in front of a door at the end of a hallway. We were on the third floor, and I glanced behind me to find a railing instead of a wall. Peeking over the light chestnut banister, my eyes widened at the sheer drop that awaited me. At the bottom was nothing but shiny hardwood; there was nothing to break a fall.

  Whimpering as the height made me dizzy, I backed up just as the floor below started to swirl and warp.

  “You’re afraid of heights, Aya…” The low rumble almost sounded like a question, and I whirled around to find Luciano towering over me. Nodding hastily, I inched toward him as he glowered. “Right.”

  Following Luciano through the open door, my legs weakened at the familiarity that encased me. My body trembled, threatening to drop onto the soft carpet that slipped between my toes. Twisting to shut the barrier behind us, Luciano jerked me roughly in the direction of the bathroom. His grunt echoed around the otherwise silent room, and his fingernails scraped against my skin as his hand fell from my arm.

  “Go shower.” Staggering forward, my body was washed in cold as the entire morning hit me. My skin crawled, and I cringed from the sticky layer that coated my thighs and butt. Disgust tightened my lungs, making it hard to breathe.

  Glancing down, I couldn’t remember a time when I felt so gross.

  Slipping beyond the frosted glass pane that separated the shower from the rest of the bathroom, I shivered violently. Cold water gushed down on me, soaking my hair instantly only to run harsh, raging rivers down my chest and back. Keeping my eyes closed, I reached blindly for the loofah that hung on a hook under the shower head.

  Gradually the water warmed, washing the soap from my skin as I scrubbed away the events of the morning. Standing under the pounding spray, I took a shallow, wet breath tinged in lavender. Exhaling slowly, steadily, I groaned softly before forcing my eyes open.

  Questions plagued me, but the loudest voice in my head wanted to know why Luciano didn’t just kill me. He didn’t lack chances, but he never took them. It would’ve been so easy to just raise his already loaded, cocked gun at Trevor’s apartment. Instead, he just did nothing.

  My unfocused gaze was glued to the wall, and steam swirled around me as I reached to touch the thick, dark bruise on my cheek. Maybe that’s why, and when I’m better- when I had a taste of something good- he’ll kill me.

  Jumping into my throat, my heart throbbed and palpitated at that rationale. Memories floated into my mind’s eye of Sylvi, and his words floated into my ears on waves of steam. “If she’s not useful, she doesn’t stay. I’m not running a house for abused women here, Luciano.” Pursing my lips together, I tensed at the quake that lodged between my shoulders. He’d sounded so serious, so annoyed. Even in the heat of my shower my body went a little cold.

  And the screaming… Luciano said she got what she deserved for being a whore. My lungs jerked in a hiccup as realization dawned on me.

  I was at his mercy; this man that was the opposite of lenient controlled my life, and there was no way I could sway him.



  “You seem to be a bit of a downer this morning, Sylvi.” Standing opposite my brother, I crossed my arms over my chest as Georgio’s stern voice took the room. Carefully concealed annoyance brightened Sylvi’s eyes, and his face twisted into a sneer as he leaned his elbows on his knees. Supported by a low wall that also served as a counter, I tilted my head as he heaved a harsh sigh.

  “Yes, well- your escapades are beginning to take their toll on me, Georgio. Normally, I wouldn’t mind, but lately any whores I fuck feel like cold, wet potato sacks.” My eyelid twitched in disgust as Sylvi clasped his hands together, but Georgio hummed as if he knew exactly how his ‘son’ felt. They’d always been open about this kind of thing; as revolting as it was the two had bonded over their enjoyment of hurting women. Hovering up air through my nostrils, I held my breath and hoped to pass out before they went into details.

  “I see. I went through that as well, several times. Sometimes, my boy, you need to mix it up a bit. Find a woman that isn’t a whore. There’s nothing more satisfying than destroying a woman with pride, you know.” Glancing at Georgio, my eyes narrowed on the sick smirk that cracked his lips. “Where’s the fun in a woman that doesn’t fight back? I will tell you- it is like your seasons in America. It comes and goes, replenishing itself after taking some time away. Besides, there is always the option of not fucking the same woman you intend to beat.”

  I watched the exchange with a twisting gut as Sylvi grunted absently, his head dipping in a nod. The conversation was so serious it was almost comical.

  “Yes, I’ve considered that. The time between the two just seems too long. Maybe finding a woman to fuck that also-” Cut off by a soft cough, Sylvi stiffened as my eyes flickered to the patio door. Tyler stood, looking mightily uncomfortable, and a grimace smeared itself across my face when he looked at me.

  “Luciano, can I borrow you for a moment?” Pushing myself off the ledge, my legs felt tight as I stepped around a few lounge chairs. The relief I felt at being able to escape this conversation was sharp, and I shot Sylvi a glare as I passed. Shouldering my way past Tyler and into the house, I let go of my filled lungs. Air gushed from my mouth, and behind me a wisp of a laugh sounded before Tyler appeared in my peripheral.

  “Sorry to take you from such a lovely conversation, Luciano, but something came up that you would be interested in.” Only offering a grunt, I followed Tyler to the stairs to his little cave of computers
with slacked shoulders. “I haven’t brought this up with Sylvi yet-”

  “Aya.” Her name tumbled from my mouth, and I clenched my hands into fists at my sides. She’d been here for four days, but Georgio hadn’t discovered her yet. If he had, he never mentioned it, and I wasn’t going to bring it up. A quiet affirmation from the man before me was all I needed to grow tense again.

  “Yeah. This literally just came in half an hour ago, and I didn’t see it until now. Apparently Sovich just announced he’s holding auditions for a wife.” Pushing open the door to his office roughly, Tyler dropped into his chair as his terse words rang in my ear. For a moment everything was quiet, my brain not registering his shuffling of papers or the slight squeak of his chair. “I don’t understand why Trevor would’ve had Aya for a year and a half and never touched her. This is literally the only reason I can think of- that he had something to gain by not raping her. If that’s the case, why did we just hear of it now?”

  I didn’t answer, couldn’t answer, that rhetorical question as an image of that Red bastard filled my mind’s eye. He was smart and good looking enough to find his own wife; there wasn’t a shortage of women for a man like him. Sylvi and he had the same stature, but what that little bitch lacked was proper ambition. The only reason anyone did anything for him was because his father was a top dog.

  “We need to go deeper.” The declaration was guttural as it bubbled up from my throat, and Tyler grunted without looking away from his papers.

  “Yeah, that’s my thought as well. I’m not oblivious to the fact that this might be a trap to catch the spies we planted with the Russians, but I honestly don’t think Sovich is sneaky enough to do something like that. Maybe Trevor was two timing us longer than we knew, and Sovich told him something of his plan. If so, I can see someone like him taking a liking to Aya.”


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