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Page 55

by Aria Ford

  Brian swung open the door, took one look at us and tried to slam it shut but not before Tanner put his foot in the way.

  “Brian, let us in. We need to talk like adults,” I said, coming out from behind Tanner.

  “Go away. I have nothing to say to you.”

  “Brian,” I hissed. “Open the damn door or I’m going to tell mom.”

  His face popped into view. “Seriously?”

  I raised my brows. “Yes. Seriously. Now move,” I pushed open the door and walked in.

  Tanner followed. The three of us stood there, facing off in the entry.

  My brother glared at us.

  “Stop it,” I said.

  Tanner stepped forward. “Brian, I’m sorry. Really, I am. It just happened.”

  Brian’s eyes narrowed. “And now what? It keeps happening? Is this one of those flings you like to have before you toss the girl aside and move on to the next one?”

  “No. I love her.”

  Brian and I both stared at him, eyes wide.

  “What?” I squeaked.

  He looked at me, really looked deep into my soul. “It’s true. I don’t know how to describe it, but I think it’s love.”

  I smiled. I wanted to kiss him and wrap my eyes around him, but I didn’t think Brian would appreciate that given his current upset.

  Brian looked at me, questioning my intentions without words.

  “I feel the same way,” I said in a soft voice. Brian only rolled his eyes. I looked to Tanner, who was grinning like a fool.

  “You need to go. I can’t take this shit,” Brian said, opening the door and gesturing for us to get out.

  “We’ll go, Brian, but please, try and understand. This isn’t a bad thing. I don’t know why you think you have a say in who I date, but you need to get over it,” I told him, tired of trying to please him.

  Tanner didn’t say a word. We left and got into the truck, neither of us talking.

  “Let’s go see my parents. We need to tell them before Brian blows this all out of proportion and gets them all fired up as well.”

  He grimaced. “But, your dad,” he trailed off.

  “My dad will be fine. Come on, let’s get this over with. If you meant what you said, we have to let the family know, don’t you think?”

  “I meant it,” he said, turning those green eyes on me.

  “Okay,” I whispered.

  Tanner started the truck and drove to my parents’ home. He knew the gate code and punched it in. When we pulled up to the front of the house, my mom came out the front door.

  I opened the door and jumped out. “Hey, Mom.”

  “This is a nice surprise. What are you two doing here?” she said with a warm smile.

  Tanner came around and gave her a quick hug.

  “Come in, come in. Your dad’s in his office. I’ll tell him you’re here,” she said, heading inside.

  We followed. Tanner took my hand as we walked into the sitting room. My mom turned back, saw our hands, and winked at me.

  “This is going to be fun,” Tanner whispered in my ear.

  Footsteps on the marble hallway alerted us to my parents’ return. Tanner and I both stood. My dad hugged me and clapped Tanner on the shoulder.

  “What are you two doing here?” he asked.

  “We wanted to talk to you,” I said, gesturing to the love seat across from the one Tanner and I were sitting on.

  “Uh-oh, this sounds serious,” my dad said, lowering himself onto the white sofa. “Do you need money? Did you make the team already?”

  I smiled. He was always ready to support my future. “No to both. But if I make the team, which I am sure I will, yes, I’ll need money because I’ll be heading to Colorado.”

  He nodded. “Okay, then, what’s up?”

  “Sir,” Tanner started, “we’re dating. We’re together. I love her, and she loves me.”

  My dad looked at me, then back at him, and then at my mother. “Finally.”

  “What?” Tanner and I said in unison.

  My mom laughed. “Oh sweetie, it was only a matter of time before you two got together. It certainly took you long enough. We were beginning to think you were never going to find someone, dear.”

  I blinked. “You’re okay with this?” I was only slightly offended that the thought I would ever be a spinster entered their minds.

  My dad looked confused. “Yeah, why wouldn’t I—” He stopped and narrowed his gaze on Tanner before looking back at me. “Are you pregnant?”

  “No!” I shouted.

  His shoulders sagged in relief. “Thank God. I mean, grandchildren are fine, but I would prefer you waited until you graduated and, of course, after the Olympics.”

  My mom was nodding her head in agreement.

  “I’m glad you guys are on board. Brian isn’t. He punched Tanner, and he kicked us both out of his apartment,” I pouted.

  “Don’t worry about Brian,” my mom said. “He’ll come around. Give him some time. His little sister and the best friend he considers a brother dating is a lot to take in.”

  “Thanks, Mom.”

  “Are you two going to stick around for dinner?” she asked.

  I looked at Tanner, and he shrugged. “Sure.”

  There was one burden off my shoulders. Now it was up to Brian to figure out how to get okay with us being together. We were together, and this was a relationship I wanted to keep, no matter what my big brother thought.

  Chapter 19


  My life felt like all the pieces were falling into place. I felt—complete? That sounded totally cheesy, but it was the best way to describe it. Lindsey completed me. I heart Lindsey. Shit. I have turned into a mushy girl.

  After dinner with Lindsey’s parents, we had gone to visit my mom. She was thrilled to see me and Lindsey together. Everyone was on board with it except for Brian. Fuck Brian. We decided to stay at a hotel instead of driving back home. My mom and her parents both offered to put us up for the night, but that was a little too weird.

  Plus, I wanted her all to myself, and what I had planned was not appropriate for doing under our parents’ roofs.

  “You ready?”

  She was sitting on the edge of the king-size hotel bed, tying her shoe.

  “Yep. I feel like we should clean up a bit. We kind of trashed the place,” she said, standing and looking around the room.

  “It was fun doing it, though. It’s not something I will ever forget,” I said, my voice dropping a couple of octaves.

  Her face grew flushed, and I knew she was thinking back to the moment we’d broken the small table. That was going to cost me. The blankets were in a twisted mess on the floor. I looked around the room, but there wasn’t a surface we didn’t use. I had fucked her every which way possible until both of our bodies were completely spent. We had collapsed on the bare mattress and passed out. Both of us were overheated and didn’t require any blankets.

  “I’m so glad I don’t have a meet this weekend or training.” She looked at me with a warning in her expression. “Don’t even think about trying to drag my ass into a pool today. I got a good enough workout yesterday.”

  I wrapped my arms around her. “Yeah, you did. Maybe I’ll give you a workout tonight. Your place?”

  She stood on her tippy toes, kissed my nose and then my lips. “We’ll see.”

  I growled. “I want you right now.”

  “It’s checkout time. We need to go. The last thing I want is the maid coming in and me having to look her in the eye when she sees this mess. That’ll be embarrassing.”

  I laughed at the picture that put in my head. “All right. Let’s go.” I swatted her ass, and we headed out the door.

  When we pulled into the parking lot of her apartment, she turned to me, her mouth agape.

  “What?” I asked, glancing around, trying to see what had made her speechless.

  “That’s Brian’s car,” she said, pointing to the little Nissan in the lot.

nbsp; Sure enough, it was his. Had he been there all night?

  We got out and started toward her apartment, where Brian was sitting on the steps. I warily looked at him, sizing him up, trying to get a read on his mood and figuring out whether I should protect my face.

  “Hi,” he said with a sheepish smile.

  Lindsey looked at me, took my hand, and smiled back at Brian.

  “I’d like to talk,” Brian said, standing and brushing off his jeans.

  “That would be great. Let’s go in,” she said, climbing the stairs.

  I was slightly hesitant to walk past Brian, but he seemed cool. I eyed him as I went by. He seemed normal, but I couldn’t be sure.

  Lindsey unlocked the door, holding it for Brian and me to pass by.

  “Sit,” she ordered.

  Brian and I sat on opposite ends of the couch.

  “I wanted to apologize,” Brian started. “I shouldn’t have freaked out on you.”

  “It’s okay,” Lindsey said.

  I didn’t agree with her.

  “I’m okay with your relationship, not that you need my permission, but I want you to know it’s cool. I’ll get better with it. You took me by surprise, Tanner, really. You can’t say you’re banging my little sister and not expect me to be a little pissed,” he reasoned.

  “I never said that, and I would never speak that way about your sister, man. Never. Don’t put words in my mouth,” I growled, more than ready to knock him on his ass.

  “Relax, Tanner,” Lindsey was saying. “I’m glad you’re okay with it, Brian. Please understand that neither of us thought this would happen. It just did. I know that sounds terrible, but, well, it did. I mean, come on, you had to know I was crushing on him for years.”

  He laughed. “Gee, is that why you asked me a million questions about what he was doing and who he was dating?”

  She shrugged, looking a little embarrassed. I smiled and winked.

  “Whatever,” she shot back. “I know you were watching me too. Brittany and I used to parade around in our bikinis whenever you guys came home from school.”

  Brian’s eyes grew wide in horror. “Oh my God. I don’t need to hear that. You were in high school, Lindsey. Like, underage. Illegal.”

  “Stop, like you weren’t checking Brittany out,” she chided.

  I took a deep breath. “I’m sorry you had to find out that way, but I’m not sorry that I’m with her, and I am with her. Like, all in. There is nobody else. There won’t be anybody else. I promise you I won’t hurt her, Brian.”

  “That’s fine. It’s cool. It just caught me off guard. Tanner, I’ve known you a long time, and you can’t blame me for being a little worried. I can see you’ve changed. I believe you when you say you love her. I can see it. You’ve both changed—for the better. Maybe we can double date, sometime down the road. For now I’m going to keep my distance. I still can’t get my head around you guys kissing and whatever. It kind of creeps me out,” he said.

  I wanted to be mad, but I couldn’t be. Brian had been looking out for Lindsey for a long time. I didn’t have a great past. I could be an ass, and I did have a long list of jilted women in my phone history. I had to prove myself to Brian, and I had to prove I was worthy of Lindsey. I could. I would.

  “All right, well, I’m gonna go. Thank you for hearing me out. I hope this works out for you both, and hopefully we can all go out sometime.”

  Lindsey walked him to the door while I waited in the living room. I wasn’t sure if I totally believed this sudden change of heart. I would still be watching my back when he was around. She came back into the living room and sat down on my lap.

  “That was a surprise, huh?” she said, her arms going around my neck.

  I nodded. “Do you think he’s for real? I mean, is it a setup so he can get close to me, wait for my guard to drop before he tries to kick the shit out of me?”

  She threw her head back and laughed. “I doubt it. I think he’s genuine. He’ll come around all the way eventually. Give him some time.”

  “I will. I will do whatever it takes to make him like me again if that’s what you want, but I won’t give you up, Lindsey. You’re mine, and that isn’t going to change,” I said, squeezing her thigh.

  She buried her face into my neck, kissing a trail up to my ear, her tongue brushed over it before she nibbled on my lobe. My dick sprang to life under her.

  “I thought we were taking the night off,” she murmured in my ear.

  I wrapped an arm around her, ripping her off my lap and dropping her onto the couch before coming over the top of her. “I never agreed to that.”

  She giggled. “Thank God. But Tanner?”

  “Hmm?” I said, kissing her collar bone while running my fingertip up the inside of her arm.

  “You cannot break my furniture. And remember, I eat on that table and prepare food on those counters.”

  I chuckled. “You can clean them, which gives me an idea.” I leaned back, pulled her up to straddle me again before standing and walking to said counters. “Perfect,” I breathed, spreading her legs and standing between her.

  She put her hands on my face and kissed me with such passion, I nearly exploded in my jeans.

  No matter how many times we had sex, it was always like the first time. I was always ready and willing. I had a feeling there were going to be many nights in like this for us.



  I couldn’t believe what I was looking at. I had to pinch myself daily to ensure it was all real. It was. My life couldn’t be better. I had the man of my dreams literally by my side as I worked toward my goal of winning an Olympic medal. Of course I wanted to win the gold, but hell, I’d be just as happy with a silver or bronze. The very fact I get to represent my country was amazing.

  “Hey,” Tanner said, coming up behind me, wrapping his arms around my waist before dropping his head on my shoulder. “What are you doing out here? It’s early.”

  I sighed. “I like watching the sun come up. I can’t believe we’re here. Like, we’re living here and training at the Olympic facility. Do you know how long I’ve dreamed about this?”

  He chuckled. “I do, actually. I think I have been dreaming the same thing for just as long, although I never had any desire to be the one in the pool. I’m glad I get to be your trainer.”

  “Me too. I think my parents are going to come out this weekend. They’ve been dying to see the training center out here. I can’t wait to show them around.”

  He stepped away and went back inside the small apartment we had rented when we moved out here to Colorado Springs nearly six months ago. The climate was a little cooler than we were used to. Gone were the days he could walk around wearing shorts every day. He came back out, pulling on a sweater.

  “It’s fucking cold out here. Thank God that pool is heated. You would freeze to death,” he grumbled.

  “What are you and Brian doing today?” I asked, ignoring his comment about the cold. He always complained about the cold.

  “I don’t know.” He shrugged. “I’m going to go by his office while you attend that nutrition class. We have to hook him up with somebody. I mean, he’s a lot better now that he’s moved out here, but the guy needs a woman.”

  I laughed. It was good he was so happy with his relationship that he wanted to share the feeling with her brother, but Brian wasn’t quite ready. “One step at a time. Brian has always been more career orientated than the type who wants to settle down and get married.”

  He nodded. “I guess. I’m glad your dad agreed to let him open a branch out here. When we move, do you think he’ll stay behind?”

  “I don’t know. He seems to really like it here. Maybe he was simply not cut out for life in Southern California. He needs the mountains and the cold, fresh air.”

  He grabbed my hand and pulled me back inside, shutting the doors to the terrace. “I’m happy he’s here, and I’m happy he’s cool with us, but I hope it doesn’t change when it’s
time to get back to the real world.”

  “We’ll see. I need to get ready to head over to the center. Are we still on for that hike later today?” I asked.

  “Yes!” he said with way more enthusiasm that I would have thought. We’d been hiking several times a week. It was one way for us to spend time together, alone, while I strengthened my legs and lungs.

  “Okay, well, I better get moving.”

  After a boring session about eating right and fueling our Olympian bodies, I was ready to get outside into the fresh air. I walked home, enjoying the cool, brisk air. I couldn’t wait to see Tanner. Granted, I had seen him this morning, but I missed him. I missed seeing those green eyes and that tousled blond hair. I couldn’t wait to run my hands through it and maybe squeeze in a quickie before we left for our hike.

  When I walked into the apartment, Tanner was there—pacing.

  “Everything okay?” I asked.

  “Yeah, fine. Everything’s great. Are you ready? Do you want to change?” he asked, slightly out of breath.

  “I think what I have on is okay.” I looked down at my jeans and tennis shoes. “I’ll grab a jacket in case it gets cold.”

  He nodded. I could tell something had him worked up. I grabbed my jacket from the bedroom and returned to see him packing a bottle of champagne into the little picnic basket we had bought at a flea market.

  “Are you sure you’re okay?” I asked again. He was really starting to freak me out.

  “Yes, I’m great. You ready?”

  I nodded, still a little concerned for his mental health. Maybe he was going stir crazy from waiting cooped up inside all day. A walk would do him good.

  We headed to his truck. The trailhead was a few miles up the mountain. Once there, Tanner grabbed the picnic basket from the back, and we started out. It was a trail we frequented. We had even made love on it one occasion. Thankfully, it was off the beaten path and few people bothered to come out this way.

  He grabbed my hand, and we walked at a leisurely pace, taking in the sights, sounds and smells. I loved it up here.

  “You think we could live out here one day? Like in the future,” I said clarifying.


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