One More Try: A Second Chance Romance (Love Me Again Book 2)

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One More Try: A Second Chance Romance (Love Me Again Book 2) Page 12

by Ted Evans

  “This is amazing,” I muttered, forking some more. “No wonder this place is so crowded. This area isn’t exactly lacking in eateries.”

  Joshua tried some of his own. “It does taste good,” he said in agreement. “But try not to eat too fast, or you’ll choke, all right? And don’t moan, it’s distracting.”

  I felt my cheeks warm in a blush when he mentioned it. I hadn't meant to do it; it just slipped out. The food tasted amazing. Though, it could have only been that I was so hungry that I thought it was close to the best thing I ever felt.

  There wasn’t a lot of talking during lunch, and when dessert was brought over, I was sorely tempted to take some home with me.

  In the end, I ate it all; then we had to wait for our new order to be packaged because I decided to take something home after all.

  It wasn’t long before we were back in the car.

  “So, what’s the plan?” I asked. “My parents are going to want to see the papers.”

  He glanced at me. “Trent is with Mom, so we’ll pick him up. Wendy might insist on a little something, but since we already ate, she won't force anything. Then, I can take you home later, and you can tell your parents the good news.”

  I hummed. “It sounds like a good plan.”

  I was so excited to get back home so I could tell them. With all the support they had given me, I wanted to show them the results of years of hard work to see their reactions.

  The stop at his house didn’t take very long. As expected, Wendy tried to hold us back, but he quickly shut her down. While I wouldn’t say I was close with his mom, we were at least more relaxed around each other. It took barely twenty minutes before we were back in the car, with Joshua strapping Trent into his baby seat.

  Watching the two of them together always made me smile, especially since Joshua always looked so happy around his son. Not to mention how the two of them looked like so much.

  With Danny adequately strapped in, we got inside and put on our seatbelts. Then, Joshua drove us out of his family’s compound.

  “There was…one more thing I wanted to talk to you about,” I said as he drove.

  He threw a glance my way. “What is it?”

  I hesitated. The past several months had proven that Joshua and I were very much still in love with each other. It was no longer a question of whether or not we would stay together, but when we would take the next step to our future.

  After lots of thinking, I felt like I was ready now.

  “I wanted to move back in with you,” I admitted after a minute. “I’ve been ready for a long time, and I already spend a lot of time there anyway. That is…if you’ll have me?”

  While we were in college, before he had to move back home, we’d had a small apartment that we shared. It was nothing like his penthouse, but I had gotten used to it along with everything else.

  Joshua stopped the car, and I looked up in surprise to realize we were already home. I hadn't recognized so much time had passed already.

  He turned to me. His hand reached out to cup my cheek; then he leaned across the seat to press a quick kiss to my lips.

  Joshua grinned. “You can move in any time you feel like, both of you. I wouldn’t have it any other way.”

  I watched as he stepped out of the car, then moved to the back to pick up Trent. I got out of the car and followed him, into the house, and the first step toward our future together.



  I waved goodbye to Mom and Trent, who she held in her arms, as I left the house. Joshua waited beside his car, and as he saw me approach, opened the door for me to go in, before getting inside as well.

  We were silent as Joshua drove. I was happily waiting for tonight’s surprise. I had no idea where we’d be going, though since Joshua asked me to dress fancy, and even had the outfit for tonight delivered to my doorstep, I knew it had to be something big.

  The car stopped, and he turned to me. “Are you ready?”

  I nodded quickly. “I’ve been waiting for this for hours,” I admitted.

  He hopped out, and I waited for him to come around and open the door for me. He held his hand out for me, and I took it. Once I was out of the car, he locked it with the key fob, then wrapped my hand around his elbow and led me inside the building.

  It was a restaurant I’d never been to before. Joshua talked to the host about his reservation. I was surprised, and yet not, when we ended up in a large room with one table in the middle set for two. There were string lights hung on the walls around the room, and there were lit candles on the table.

  “Wow,” I murmured.

  “I’m glad you like it.”

  We sat down. Food had already been brought to the table. The man that led us to the room uncovered the plates, then opened the wine and poured it for us, before leaving.

  “Why don’t we have a toast?” Joshua said.

  He picked up his glass, and while I was confused, I picked mine as well and held it out.

  “Toast to what?” I asked.

  “To…another good year?” he offered, then chuckled. I was sure it was just my imagination that it sounded a little nervous. “To our, and our baby’s, future.”

  We clinked glasses and sipped the wine. I licked my lips, the sweet taste clinging to my tongue.

  “You should go ahead and eat. This is only part one of the surprises, after all.”

  My eyebrows shot up. “Is that so?”

  He smiled but didn’t answer.

  I had no trouble digging into the food. It was served all pretty like, the way you’d expect at an expensive, five-star restaurant. The food not only looked good, but it also tasted divine and was perfectly paired with the wine. We talked little during the meal, not because I didn’t want to or I was too preoccupied, but Joshua didn’t seem much as if he wanted to talk.

  Almost like they’d timed it, just when we’d finished our dinner, the door to the private room opened, and a waiter walked inside, pushing a tray, different from the man that had shown us the place. He carried another covered dish, and I wondered what else he could add. If it was more food, I didn’t think I could manage taking more.

  He replaced our used dishes with the covered tray but didn’t uncover it as he walked back out.

  “What’s under there?” I asked, curious.

  Joshua arched an eyebrow. Then, he reached to pick up the lid, and underneath were flowers.

  I was surprised for a moment, but then I laughed.

  “Is this a second dessert?” I asked, teasing. “Are these edible flowers?”

  Joshua snorted a laugh, then shook his head.

  “Uh, no. That’s not what this is. It’s something else entirely.”

  He stood up, and I watched as he picked up the flowers. Then, he rounded the table to come to my side. I wasn’t sure what was going on, but then he went down on one knee, presenting me with the flowers, and I gasped.

  “Joshua,” I whispered, gently taking the flowers.

  He smiled. “I did tell you the only surprise waiting for us was when,” he said gently, reaching inside his jacket pocket. “I was nervous when I planned this whole thing, so I wanted you to be surprised.

  I pressed a hand to my mouth as I felt my eyes sting. I stayed silent, waiting. Out of his pocket, he pulled a small black box that he opened and held out to me.

  “Alessandra,” he started, his voice clear. “I love you, and our son, more than anything else in this world. Would you do me the honor of marrying me?”

  I didn’t even have to stop to think. I nodded quickly, and it took a few seconds before I could find my voice to give a verbal reply.

  “Yes. Yes, Joshua, a thousand times, yes!”

  We reached for each other at the same time, meeting in the middle in a wet, ferocious kiss that left us breathless in seconds. Then Joshua rose and tugged me up with him.

  “Come home with me, Alessandra,” he whispered.

  I let out a happy laugh. “How many times do yo
u want to hear me say yes tonight?”

  He grinned. “As many times as possible!”

  We rushed out of the restaurant. I hadn't seen him pay, but I didn’t doubt he’d thought ahead. It was only a fleeting thought that disappeared the moment we were out of the building. Joshua had parked the car close, and we practically jumped inside, then he drove us back to his apartment building. The whole time, I had to keep my hands clasped in my lap so I wouldn’t try to reach for him.

  I have no idea how we both managed it, but somehow we did. When we stopped at his building, we hurried inside, then to the elevator. We stayed apart, up until we made it to the penthouse, and he unlocked the door.

  Then, we practically attacked each other.

  Hands met bodies and lips crashed together in a rough kiss. Joshua kicked the door closed then backed me into it, his hands tight on my waist. He rocked his hips against me, and I could feel his erection pressing against me.

  “Somebody’s eager,” I said, breathless when we broke off the kiss.

  “I’ve wanted to rip that dress off you since I saw you walk out of your house in it,” was his reply.

  We went to each other’s clothes. I shoved his coat off his shoulders, then undid his tie and shirt buttons to feel his chest, before finally undoing his belt and fly. He had it way more comfortable. All he had to do was destroy the zip in the back and tug it low enough to free my breasts, then raise the bottom of my skirt and spread my legs apart with his knee. One of his hands fondled my breasts, while the other teased at my sex between my thighs. Our mouths touched, then parted, then touched without too long breaks in between.

  Then, Joshua wrapped a hand around one of my thighs and lifted my leg around his hip. I was leaning entirely against the door, with his body pressing against me helping to keep me up. I felt the blunt head of his cock tease at my sex, pressing against my clit, before lowering to tease at my entrance.

  “In me,” I demanded, digging my nails into his shoulder.

  He did as I wanted. I let out a sigh, stilling momentarily as I felt him slide inside me.

  “Joshua,” I gasped. “Yes!”

  He growled in his throat, and he moved.

  I let out a sharp cry when, with a thrust of his hips, his cock slid in and out of me, causing fantastic friction that made my toes curl. I wrapped my arms around him, holding on tightly as he fucked me against the door, moans, and cries spilling out of me as I tried to move in time with his movements. I could feel the pleasure build and build, and just when I thought I would shake apart, I came, with Joshua right behind me.

  We clung to each other, bodies rocking slowly through our orgasms, until we went still, with the both of us slumped against the door.

  Then, Joshua pecked a kiss on my forehead and pulled away. My legs trembled so hard I wondered if I could stay on my feet, his hold on my waist keeping me on my feet.

  “Do you want to continue this in the bedroom?” he asked.

  I smiled. “Do you have to ask? Yes.”

  Joshua grinned, then ducked down and picked me up in a princess carry. I let out a yep, then a laugh, as he carried me as fast as possible up the steps and to his bedroom.

  ###The End###

  More Books by Ted Evans…

  About From Stepbrother to Daddy…

  Liam was the moody, bad boy of our town.

  I should have kept my distance.

  But I couldn’t.

  Even though he made my life hell.

  I wanted to get out of our small town and the only way to do that was to get good grades.

  I knew that it was wrong.

  I knew that he would get up to no good.

  My mind said no, but my body kept saying yes.

  One night changed everything!

  It got worse when I found out that he was going to be my stepbrother and the father of my baby…

  Author’s Note:

  It’s the whole series in one box-set with bonus scenes at the end of the book.

  Have no fear, there’s no cheating in the book!

  Chapter One

  Chapter One

  I hated her so much. Chanel had dragged me to one of those parties that the popular girls and boys went to on the last Friday of every month. It was some kind of crazy ritual that every kid in school dreamed about being invited to.

  Not me.

  I had a dream, and it was to get an education and get out of town. Don’t get me wrong; there’s nothing wrong with the town of Small Borne, but there’s more to life than one place and I want to experience it.

  And that’s why my body, mind, and soul were focused on college.

  Not like Chanel; she only had her body, mind and soul focused on Dwayne, the all-star quarterback that was going places. Just like me.

  “Adele, can you walk faster? We’re late!” Chanel half-whispered and half-screeched at me.

  “I would if I didn’t have this stupid skirt on, and make-up that’s a second skin on my face.”

  Okay, so it was a bit of an exaggeration. The make-up wasn’t stopping me from seeing, but I was only keeping her company and I didn’t want to be anywhere near Dwayne’s best friend, Liam.

  “Oh, don’t be silly. If we get there too late then they may hook up with some other girls.”

  She’d said the wrong thing. But we’d had already taken our bikes and were already almost at the secret spot. I never understood why they called it that, when everyone knew how to get there. Then we changed out of our jeans into skirts and she touched up our make-up in the dark, using our cell cells as lights.

  I didn’t even want to know what I really looked like.

  I doubt I looked sexy. More scary. But I did it just to make her happy.

  “Isn’t hanging around your dad’s barber shop and waiting for Dwayne to come in every week enough for you?”

  I put my hands on my hips thinking that maybe she’d get the message and just stick to her usual routine of trying to get the guys’ attention.


  She sighed, that long exaggerated thing that she did whenever she wanted to make a point. One that I didn’t want to hear.

  “You know that it’s nearly Prom don’t you?”

  I couldn’t see her, but the sarcasm in her voice was enough to put me off going any further.

  “Besides you don’t want to stay at home and listen to Henry and your mom making out do you?”

  I shook my head, “No way. Why did she have to date him, out of all the men in town?”

  “And we know that ever though since your dad died, you’ve still not got over it. I’m sure your mom dating has been hard on you.”

  “It was at first, but it’s been five years. I know that Mom has to move on eventually. She had to work for the first time in her life since he died and she’s managed to pick herself up. It’s just why she had to date him. Henry’s fine. It’s his son, Liam, that has issues. Big issues. I don’t even understand why any girl would even hook up with him. The guy’s a mental case.”

  I didn’t know if I was trying to convince her or myself.

  “Is that why whenever he walks in the room, you go bright red and you can’t get keep your eyes off him?” She took my hand, “I told you, your secret’s safe with me. I know you have a crush on him.”

  “Now, you make me sound about five. I don’t have a crush. The guy’s a jerk.”

  “I know he took your homework, handed it in and said you copied him.”

  “Like that was likely? As if I would ever copy him.”

  “And then Liam turned up at your date saying that you asked him to come and save you from Pete.”

  “And I really liked Pete. I couldn’t even explain to him that Liam’s a jerk and how could I ask two men out at the same time?”

  “I don’t even know why you asked Pete out in the first place?”

  I sighed, because we’d had this conversation so many times. I’d always left out the part when we were in the cafeteria and Liam came up to me and said tha
t we should go to his place and get it out of our systems. He accused me of having a thing for him. I went out of my way to prove that I had nothing for him, by asking Boring Pete out. He was the safe option. Until Liam turned up, I was kind of bored. Everyone is whenever Pete starts to talk, but he’s such a nice guy. It’s just that no one wants to talk about Star Trek all night, apart from Trekkies, and no one wants to look at his collection of monuments via photos or the stash that he keeps in his backpack, again apart from Trekkies. After that night, he went and asked a Trekkie fan out and they’re happy in love and I’m just…

  “Anyway, let’s just get it over and done with.”

  I picked up my speed thinking about that night with Liam. There was another part I always missed out. Once Pete was out of the way, Liam held me in his arms and kissed me, then he broke away saying, “Pete could never kiss you like that.”

  He had a point, but he didn’t even ask for permission; then again I didn’t protest. I watched as he left me like a jilted bride on my doorstep after giving me the kiss of the year. Shit, it was my first kiss and it wasn’t just that it made my panties wet. It just made me want him even more. But, I’ll never confess it to Chanel, and certainly not him….nearly 90,000 words for free with Kindleunlimited or purchase for $5.99. Click here to grab your copy!

  About Virtually Bossy…

  My virtual assistant is going to find out who’s boss…

  When my PA quits, I can’t say I’m sorry. She was as incompetent in the office as she was in the bedroom.I need to stay the hell away from virgins.One f**k and they think that I’m ready to walk them down the aisle!

  HR are on my case, and I can’t hire another assistant.

  I own the fucking corporation, but I can’t get decent help… …apart from Olivia.


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