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Line Of Fire

Page 41

by KB Winters

  “Can you look up something for me? It’s for my class,” she said. “I’d really appreciate it.”

  “Sure thing,” I said, turning my phone on speaker so I could access the web browser without hanging up. “What is it?”


  “Maggie? You there?”

  “I’m here,” she said.

  I was startled by a knock on the window, and with my heart racing, I looked up to find Maggie smiling wide and waving at me from outside my car. I was caught. Red feckin’ handed.

  I unlocked the door, and she slid into the passenger seat of my car with a knowing grin on her face.

  “I didn’t know the office moved,” she said. “Or that we were now suddenly a mobile office.”

  “I can explain—”

  “I’m sure you can,” she said, raising an eyebrow. “And I’m sure it’s a damn good lie, too. But let’s be honest here, Aidan. I know you’ve been keeping an eye on me. And I think I know why, too. Did you really think I dance around in my undies just for myself?”

  That settled it. She had seen me outside of her house last night. I didn’t think I was getting out of it, but I was going to try one last Hail Mary by at least pretending to be clueless about it all.

  “I have no—”

  “Oh, Aidan,” she said, tsking at me. “Don’t lie to me. Again.”

  Her big, blue eyes stared at me from beneath those long lashes. They burned with an intensity I didn’t think I’d ever noticed before. She smiled with perfectly pink lips that just begged to be kissed. I had to fight the urge to lean over and do just that—it was a struggle, but I somehow managed to maintain my composure.

  Others had told me my assistant was hot, but I’d never allowed myself to look at her that way. She was my assistant and our relationship was professional. Her blonde hair was pulled back in a tight bun that while pretty and professional, simply reminded me of how beautiful it looked as it flowed over her shoulders. And of course, thinking about her shoulders led me to thoughts of her breasts and that perfect, tight little body that I’d seen dancing around her place.

  Without even thinking about it, I reached behind her and pulled the pins from her hair. Her eyes grew wide as the hair fell over her shoulders, but she didn’t stop me.

  Since she’d already caught me in a lie, I figured that I might as well use it to my advantage if I could. And while I appreciated the smart, professional hairstyle, letting it flow naturally over her body just added layer upon layer of sexiness to her.

  “Sorry, I think your hair looks better down,” I said with a shrug.

  Her grin grew wider and her eyes smoldered, which set off another stirring in my groin. But rather than talk to my cock in front of her, I tried to ignore it.

  “See, I knew it. I knew you saw me last night,” she purred. “So, tell me, did you like what you saw, Aidan? Did you enjoy my little show?”

  Her question threw me for a loop. It was one of those things that didn’t have a right or good answer and could potentially open a can of worms I wasn’t sure I was ready to open. I knew if I answered her question honestly, things in the office would get incredibly awkward.

  But then, she’d busted me cold following her, knew I’d been sitting outside watching her, and probably knew I’d gone home and jerked off while thinking about her. Hell, it was going to be awkward regardless of what I said.

  “Yes, I did,” I said, staring back at her. “I liked it a lot actually.”

  Maggie leaned in closer to me, close enough that I felt her breath on my face. Her hand reached between my legs, surprising me as she grabbed my crotch.

  “I can see that,” she whispered. “Or rather, I can feel it.”

  Maggie slid over and climbed on my lap, straddling me and stared down into my eyes.

  “You have no idea how long I’ve wanted you, Aidan,” she said, her voice low, husky, and full of a knowing tone that said she knew we were about to fuck.

  Right there, in my car, in the fucking parking lot. I could have stopped it if I’d wanted to, but as I looked deeply into her eyes, I knew I didn’t want to. Things in the office would get weird, but we’d cross that bridge when we came to it.

  Maggie stroked my cheek and lowered her lips to mine. She moved slowly, as if giving me an out, waiting for me to push pause on things. But even if I’d wanted to, I really had nowhere to go—and watching those perfect, pink lips closing in on mine, I didn’t want to go anywhere else.

  My body was taking over, my mind was giving in, and I reacted. I grabbed the nape of her neck roughly and crashed my lips against hers, my tongue slipping inside of her mouth as she whimpered. She rubbed herself against me, groaning as my cock pressed hard against her warm, wet opening—just as I had fantasized she’d done the night before.

  Maggie’s hands were hastily working at my pants, clumsily trying to unbutton them. I looked around the parking lot. There were quite a few cars, being mid-afternoon, that wasn’t surprising, but it made me grateful for the tinted windows. As she finally slipped my cock out of my pants, she held it in her tiny little hands, gripping it tight and stroking it as my eyes rolled back in my head.

  “Jesus Christ, Maggie,” I mumbled. “And I always thought you were a good girl.”

  “I am, Aidan,” she said, moving her body so she was pressing against me once more, her skirt raised up around her waist and her panties pushed to the side. “Just let me show you how good I am.”

  Chapter Seventeen


  My head spun a million miles a minute, and my stomach clenched in a painful knot. I couldn’t believe it. This was really happening. I’d wanted it for years, and it was finally fucking happening.

  I was on top of Aidan, his hard cock pressing against me, and he wasn’t saying no. In fact, he kissed me with fervor and intensity, and I felt the heat and passion in his body. His eyes took me in as his hands moved lower, grabbing my ass. At first, I feared he’d suddenly come to his senses and realize he was about to fuck his assistant in his car and stop the proceedings.

  But no, he grabbed my ass with both hands as I held his cock, guiding it between my swollen pussy lips. He wasn’t stopping me—he was helping me. He was begging me with his eyes to take him inside of me. The tip of his cock teased my opening, taunting me. I moved my hips up, and he must’ve felt how wet and slick I was because he let out a small moan.

  He pulled my hips down slightly, his cock spreading me open. I damn near came just looking at him, breathing him in and hearing his little moans. I bit my lip to hold back, I didn’t want him to stop. Hell, I wanted to fuck this man for eternity.

  My hands were balled up on his chest, and I let out a screech as he pushed me up slowly, and then pulled me down hard again, his cock pounding against the deepest parts of me. Christ, it felt amazing.

  “Oh God,” I muttered, getting used to the sensation of having my boss’ cock inside of me—something I’d craved for so long.

  I shuddered against him, and I started to squeeze my eyes closed, but Aidan grabbed my face and pulled it close to him, kissing me long and hard as his other hand clutched my ass guiding me up and down on his big, delicious cock.

  The reality that I was fucking my boss settled around me, and I moaned out loud. Sure, I might have picked a better spot than his car—maybe somewhere a little more romantic and better suited for a night of passion. But I had to admit, fucking in his car in broad daylight, in the middle of a crowded shopping center was totally fucking hot.

  We were forced together, the steering wheel pressing into my ass each time I moved, but none of that mattered. Nothing mattered but having his cock buried deep inside of me.

  I rode his cock, hard and fast, bouncing on top of him, moaning and groaning as we kissed. His hand stayed there on my ass, holding me in place, keeping a steady rhythm even as his breath was growing more and more ragged.

  “Fuck yes,” he growled against my mouth. “You feel so fucking amazing, Maggie.”

  My head
fell forward onto his shoulder as I whimpered, feeling like I was ready to explode from the pleasure of having him so deeply inside of me. Aidan pushed the hair back from my face and stared up at me, smiling as I fucked him hard and fast. He was so sexy with his dark hair and dark eyes and that devious little smile that played across his lips. The one that never failed to turn me on. I stared down at him as he thrust upward, burying himself even deeper, and that was all it took.

  “Oh, Aidan! Oh God,” I muttered, burying my face into his shirt to keep the screams from escaping my mouth.

  It felt like the entire car was shaking as I ground my pussy against him, taking him in deeper—and maybe it was. My movements became more urgent, more desperate as I fucked him hard. If anybody were to walk by the car, they’d know exactly what was happening behind the black tinted windows.

  “I’m coming, I’m fucking coming,” I managed to croak.

  As if that’s what he was waiting to hear, he let out a low, animalistic groan. I knew he was exploding inside of me, filling me with his seed. And that sent me over another peak, sending wave after wave of pleasure rolling through me. I cried out louder this time, just imagining Aidan O’Brien filling me with his come was enough to send me over the edge again.

  My body shaking and my breathing ragged, he held me tight against his chest as he came inside of me. I felt him, so warm and sticky, filling me up entirely.

  My head fell against his shoulder, and I could hear his heart thundering in his chest. He just held me there, neither one of us saying a word, our bodies still entwined. As uncomfortable as it was in his car, pinned against his steering wheel, I was in heaven.

  Absolute fucking heaven.

  I slipped off of Aidan’s lap and over into the passenger seat, suddenly feeling incredibly exposed in public. I tugged my skirt down, covering myself, and felt heat blossoming in my cheeks. I couldn’t believe I’d just fucked the hell out of my boss in a public parking lot—in the middle of the day.

  As if Aidan could read my mind, he said, “We should probably get out of here.”

  “Yes, we probably should.”

  My voice was soft, and a million thoughts and feelings were buzzing around in my head. I not only felt exposed in public—I felt exposed to Aidan. I wondered what this meant for us. If it had meant anything to him at all. If I meant anything to him. Would he regret what we’d done? Was I just another notch on his bedpost?

  But this was your choice, Mags—I reminded myself. After the events of last night, I was the one who decided to bait Aidan. I knew he was leery of trusting me, but I needed him to give me the benefit of the doubt. I’d helped him cover up a man’s murder—a man who died by Aidan’s hands. I needed him to see beyond that, however. I wanted him to see that more than his assistant, in any realm of the statement, my feelings for him were genuine. And I’d do anything for him.

  He didn’t look over at me as he drove out of the parking lot and back toward the office. I needed to figure out what this meant for us. I didn’t want to lose my job, so even if we couldn’t be a couple, I needed to be sure I hadn’t screwed things up. That I could remain composed and professional.

  It would hurt like hell if he didn’t want anything to do with me romantically, but I’d made my bed. I was the one who pursued him. I was the one who initiated everything in the parking lot, and now I had to live with the consequences of it all.

  As I looked over at him, my heart stuttered. He was so beautiful to me. He was everything I wanted in a man. He kept his eyes trained on the road before him, white knuckling the steering wheel in absolute silence.

  Oh God, why wasn’t he talking to me? I suddenly felt so small and insignificant. Was I just another fuck for him? My insecurities were rising faster than the tide and were threatening to overwhelm me. I was drowning in my fears and uncertainty.

  Aidan reached over and took my hand in his, shooting me a sideways glance. “We need to talk.”

  “Of course,” I said, my voice coming out cracked.

  I stared down at his hand holding onto mine. I was completely amazed at how little my hand looked when enveloped in his.

  Talk. He wanted to talk. He gave me a half-smile, squeezing my hand, as if reassuring me that it would all be okay. But would it be? I couldn’t be sure. I hadn’t expected this surge of insecurity but like some malevolent spirit, it came roaring out of the darkness of my brain and demanded to be noticed.

  Aidan pulled into the parking structure of the office and parked in his designated space. As I reached up to open the door, he clicked the locks into place, stopping me.


  He touched my chin, turning my face toward his, his eyes searching mine.

  “What happened back there—” he started to say, but I cut him off.

  “—Can’t happen again, I get it,” I said, my heart sinking into my stomach. “I know it was a screwed up—”

  “No, Mags,” he laughed. “Stop. I was going to say that what happened back there was amazing. I didn’t expect that to happen today, but I’m glad it did.”

  “Amazing?” I gulped. It had been pretty fucking amazing for me, too. But his previous silence had scared me, and now with his confession, my mind was left spiraling in confusion. “Yes, yes, it was. I just didn’t know—”

  Aidan clasped his hands around my face and kissed me again, so soft and sweet as he gently stroked my cheek with his thumb.

  “You know, until the other day, I had never thought of you like this,” he said. “I’d always worked hard to keep things professional between us, and never saw the beautiful woman standing there right in front of me. But now—now, I can’t stop thinking about you. I don’t want to stop thinking about you.”

  Was this all some fever dream? A cruel joke? I couldn’t believe what he was saying to me—I mean, I heard what he was saying, but I couldn’t believe it. My heart thundered in my chest, and my eyes filled with tears—but they were tears of happiness.

  “I can’t stop thinking about you either, Aidan. I’ve wanted you to notice me for a very long time,” I said as I tried to pull myself together and ask the question that had been in the back of my mind—and on the tip of my tongue—the entire time. “So, what does this mean, Aidan? For us, I mean.”

  He sighed and gave my hand another gentle squeeze. “I don’t know, Maggie. I really don’t. All of this has taken me by surprise. If possible, I’d like to take things a bit slower for a while. But I guess we just have to wait and see,” he said, his voice softer than I’d ever heard it before. “Regardless of whatever happens here, you will always have a job by my side. No matter what. I want you beside me here as long as you want it.”

  I wanted more than a job, that much was sure, and I think he knew it. But Aidan was a complicated man who had a lot going on in his personal as well as his professional life. I knew that no matter what, developing something romantic with him wasn’t going to be super easy.

  I smiled. Hell, I’d already gotten more from him than I ever imagined I would. Not only did we have mind-blowing sex—in the car no less—but he’d confessed to having romantic feelings for me. So, whatever else came from all of this would be a bonus.


  “I agree, Aidan. Let’s take things slow and see what comes of it all.”

  Chapter Eighteen


  So much for taking things slow. The next morning, I awoke with Maggie’s head resting on my bare chest. She was sleeping soundly, her breathing even and slow. She looked so peaceful asleep, so—angelic. I hated to wake her. But the alarm was about to go off, and while I was the boss and could technically not go into work today if I didn’t want to—I knew I had to go in. I had a meeting with a client first thing that I couldn’t postpone.

  Normally, I wasn’t one to stay in bed until my alarm sounded, but having Maggie’s warm body nestled against mine made it so easy to want to stay in bed all day. In my ideal world, we’d wake up, have some breakfast, and have more mind-blowing sex—in an actual
bed this time.

  When the time came and my alarm sounded, Maggie let out a small groan. “What time is it?” she muttered. “It’s not even light outside yet.”

  “It’s five-thirty,” I said and planted a soft kiss on the crown of her head.

  “In the morning?” she asked.

  Laughing, I wasn’t sure if she was serious or not, but I answered anyway, “Of course, in the morning,” I said. “We went to bed well after five-thirty in the evening.”

  “Why the hell would you get up at the ass crack of dawn like this? Are you some sort of a masochist or something?”

  “Because I have to be at work,” I said, poking her playfully in the side. “Like someone else I know. You really don’t want to be late. I hear your boss is a real dick.”

  She grinned at me. “Well, he’s got a real nice dick, anyway,” she said and snuggled up closer to me. “Besides, I don’t have to be in until nine. My boss is awesome like that.”

  “Well the boss has to prepare for a meeting with a really needy client at eight this morning,” I said, kissing her forehead as I tried to slide out from underneath her—as much as I hated to do that. “You can sleep in if you’d like. I’ll just be working in my office downstairs.”

  Maggie groaned and tried to hold onto me, but it was no use. I was already slipping into work mode. But as I looked down at her, curled up in my blanket—naked underneath the covers—I wanted to forget about my morning meeting and climb back in bed with her. Sometimes, being the boss meant I could take time off when I wanted. But of course, it also meant there were times I couldn’t let the work fall onto someone else’s shoulders. And in this case, there was no one else to let it fall onto.

  I’d set it up that way because I’d wanted the responsibility on my own. Plus, the appeal of having to answer to nobody was too great to pass up. But it also meant I had to pull up my big boy pants and get to work even when I didn’t want to. Like when there was a gorgeous, naked woman in my bed who I wanted to fuck again and again.

  “Fine,” she said, playfully pouting at me, “I guess I’ll have this giant bed all to myself then.”


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