A History of Ireland in 250 Episodes – Everything You’ve Ever Wanted to Know About Irish History: Fascinating Snippets of Irish History from the Ice Age to the Peace Process
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240. Ferriter, 2004, pp 396, 447–8, 395 (Irish Press quotation); Munck & Roulston, 1987, pp 66, 70–75; Barton, 1989, p. 12; Bardon, 1992, pp 529–34.
241. Fisk, 1985, pp 104–13; O’Halpin, 1999, pp 151–71; Bew, 2007, pp 464–71, 473; Ferriter, 2004, pp 383–8; Keogh, 1994, pp 108–30.
242. Barton, 1989, pp 27, 40, 81, 107; Barton, 1988, pp 137, 149, Bowman, 1982, p. 180; Fisk, 1983, pp 495, 500; Barton, 1995, pp 94–101; Bardon, 1992, pp 577–86.
243. Keogh, 1994, pp 157, 185–94, 218; Carroll, 1975, p. 163; Patterson, 2002, pp 84–91.
244. Keogh, 1994, p. 197; Jones, 2001, pp 219–21; Whyte, 1971, pp 196–239; Patterson, 2002, pp 91–2.
245. Belfast News-Letter, 3 June 1941; Bardon, 1992, pp 589–98, 600, 614–16; Akenson, pp 16, 178, 184; Belfast News-Letter, 9 Nov. 1946.
246. Delaney, 2000, pp 143–99; Ferriter, 2004, pp 382, 473, 479; Keogh, 1994, pp 215–18.
247. Delaney, 2000, pp 143–97; Ferriter, 2004, pp 382–3, 463–79; Healy, 1968, pp 9, 22, 27, 52, 63, 71, 76, 88; Brody, 1973, pp 35, 86–93, 100, 180.
248. Whyte, 1971, pp 303–23; Keogh, 1994, pp 221, 238–9; Bardon, 1992, pp 604–7; Bell, 1972, pp 305–93; Kennedy, 1989, pp 6–13.
249. Bew, 2007, p. 477; Delaney, 2000, p. 227; Patterson, 2002, pp 191–2, 197, 372; Keogh, 1994, p. 246; Liam Kennedy in Hill (ed.), 2003, pp 472–6; Kennedy, 1989, pp 14–20.
250. O’Neill and Faulkner interviewed by the author in 1975 for ‘O’Neill Meets Lemass’, BBC Radio Ulster, 1976; correspondence between Douglas Carson and T. K. Whitaker lent to the author; Patterson, 2002, pp 191–2, 197, 372; Keogh, 1994, p. 246; Jackson, 1999, 319–23; Maloney & Pollock, 1986, pp 111, 119.
Epilogue. Max Hastings in Sunday Times (Culture section), 23 Mar. 2008; Diarmuid Doyle in Sunday Tribune, 22 July 2001; Patterson, 2002, pp 259–60, 275–86; Foster, 2007, pp 5–7, 14, 17–19, 31–4, 41–2, 57–60, 75–6, 81; Keogh, 1994, pp 329, 334, 375; Garret FitzGerald in Irish Times, 23 Feb., 1 Mar. 2008; Vincent Browne in Irish Times, 13 Feb. 2008.
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