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At Your Mercy (VIP The Pink Collection, #1)

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by Rhyme Devereux

  At Your Mercy

  VIP: The Pink Collection, Book One


  Rhyme Devereux

  At Your Mercy (VIP The Pink Collection, Book One)

  By Rhyme Devereux

  Copyright © 2013 Rhyme Devereux

  All rights Reserved.

  Smashwords Edition

  Editor: Pauline Nolet

  Cover Artist: CoversbyRamona

  WARNING: The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal. No part of this book may be used or reproduced electronically or in print without written permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in reviews.

  Please purchase only authorized electronic editions and do not participate in, or encourage, the electronic piracy of copyrighted materials. Your support of the author's rights is appreciated.

  This is a work of fiction. All names, characters, and places are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, organizations, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

  Table of Contents


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  A Year Later

  About the Author


  To my girl, Sherri Jones. We did it! Mom, I finally finished something. Thanks to my hubby for dealing with my mood swings. Kids, thank you for believing in me. Jen, girl you really know how to keep secrets. I appreciate that. Pauline, you are an awesome editor. Thanks for working with a new author.

  Chapter One

  "Okay, Violet, I should be there soon." Rolling my eyes, I rest my forehead on the window of the limousine.

  "Ivy, one more thing …"

  Here we go again. “I’m listening.”

  "This guy is sexy as sin and single. Don't forget our rules." Violet emphasizes the last part slowly.

  "Not a problem. Have to go, Violet. Ciao." With a tap of my finger, I press the end button on the cell phone. Geez, my best friend and owner of VIP can be extremely pushy. Her business is booming, and that's turned her into one mean bitch when it comes to satisfying her clients. Soon she will need to hire more Companions. Right now, it's only the four of us. Well, five, counting Violet, but she doesn't serve as a Companion for her own business.

  That remark she made about our rule, well, I have my own: "never mess around with my clients." Not that I would even consider that idea. I’m damaged goods. My childhood was dysfunctional. As an only child, I witnessed on more than one occasion my intoxicated dad physically hurt my mom. Afterwards, he always came begging for mercy. I don't know where my dad is. The last I heard he's been in and out of jail. My mom never loved anyone else. Never dated. Love causes people to make all kinds of wrong decisions. Screw that, I'd rather stay single all my life.

  I'm happy working for VIP. The pay is impressive, especially for someone without a degree. I get to see tropical places, mingle with different cultures, and be with some tremendously powerful, attractive men. Don’t get me wrong. I fantasize about the things I would love to do with these insanely hot men. Some of my past clients had me manually stimulating myself as soon as I got home after attending one of their social events. Which reminds me. I need to buy more batteries.

  I check the time on my wristwatch—twelve ten p.m. I reach to press the privacy window control. "Joe, how much longer you think we will be stuck in traffic?"

  "Actually, we're almost there, Ivy. Sorry for not taking another route."

  "Sure. No problem. Thanks, Joe." Every Friday, no matter the time of day, there's a ton of traffic on the freeway. I pray my new client isn't a stickler for being on time. Being fifteen minutes late isn't terrible. Checking my face in my cosmetic mirror, I run my fingers through my curly red hair. All I need to do is refresh my nude-colored lipstick.

  The privacy window comes down. "Ivy, we've arrived."

  "Finally. Thanks, Joe. Pull up to the entrance, please."

  Joe opens the door and offers his hand.

  "I'll be ready to leave by two o'clock, but you may want to hang out for a moment in case this Jax Sterling has a tantrum over me being tardy." I laugh.

  Smiling, he nods his head. "No problem. Text me if I can leave."

  As I step into the crisp spring air on the West Coast, I wish that I had brought my shoulder wrap along. The sun is bright today. Not one cloud in the sky. Looking around, I see the parking lot is full of expensive cars—Lexus, Mercedes, Jaguars, and Range Rovers. This place is the hangout for business lunches. Violet only chooses the best. Yep, this is how the others live, and I get to play the part for a limited time.

  Walking at a fast pace to the five-story restaurant, my beige stiletto gets stuck in a crack of the stone walkway. Suddenly, strong hands grab my elbow as I start to fall forward towards the ground. My eyes slowly drift upward from his black dress shoes, briefly taking in his tall, athletic build that his gray dress pants can't conceal. Then my eyes wander over his broad chest that looks hot as hell in a form-fitting black shirt.

  "Miss, are you okay?"

  I am now.

  I'm stunned to be looking into some gorgeous man's blue eyes that are the lightest color I've ever seen. Except … something's familiar.

  "Um … what?" I say as I remember to breathe.

  "Are you okay?" He raises his right eyebrow as he questions me.

  "Yes, yes, I am. Thanks for helping me avoid an embarrassing accident."

  "We wouldn't want you to hurt that beautiful body of yours." Smiling, he begins to walk away, but stops and comes back. "I know this is going to sound like a pick-up line, but do I know you? Are you from around here?"

  "For the most part. I lived in Florida a long time ago."

  "Really, what part?"

  "Tampa." A part of my life that I truly try to forget.

  "Well, if I did know you, I definitely would remember those big, green eyes," he says while scanning my body from head to toe. And then he walks in the entrance of the restaurant.

  Something in my mind is nagging at me. He seems very familiar. Looking into my Coach tote, I search for the envelope holding the picture that I haven't seen yet. I find the envelope as I reach the elevators. Finding the elevator empty, I push the third-floor button, which is the Italian restaurant. Violet loves this place for meeting new clients. Each of the five floors caters a different cuisine. I hear the soulful tunes of that famous female British singer, Adele. I just love her. There's so much heartache in her lyrics. As always my sweet mother’s voice resonated in my head.

  Ivy, listen. People will make you mad and treat you bad. Don't let those things cause hate in your heart. My mom always sought solace in her quotes.

  Looking at my reflection in the glass elevator walls, I smooth out various areas of my camel-colored linen pants suit and check that the lace part of my silk tank top covers my bra. My nerves are always a wreck when first meeting a client. Closing my eyes, I take a deep breath. Ready, set, action …

  * * *

  Once the doors open, I step onto the marble flooring and walk straight ahead toward a tall, thin woman with long, platinum-blonde hair standing at the podium.

  Showing her perfect white teeth as she smiles, she says, "Good afternoon. How may I help you?"

  "Hi, my name is Ivy Montgomery. I'm meeting someone here. His name is Jax Sterling." For the first time, I finally look at the picture as I show the hostess. I immediately recognize the sexy, dark-haired man as the one who prevented me from busting my ass on the ground outside.

  The hostess's lips make an O. "Ah, yes." She escorts me toward the
back of the restaurant.

  Looking around, I take in the ambience of this place—soft music, the lighting dimmed just right, and high-back, luxurious leather booth seats. Privacy is unquestionably obtainable if that's what you desire. As we reach the last intimate booth in a corner, my eyes drift to a handsome face whose name I now know. Oh, crap. It's him.

  The hostess's eyes are focused only on Jax Sterling. "Miss Montgomery, Mr. Sterling, is there anything I can get for—"

  Cutting the hostess off, I smile and shake my head. "No, thank you." I laugh to myself while watching the hostess bat her eyes at him. He is yummy. She smiles as she walks away.

  As I pull out my cell phone and text Joe that he can leave, I slide into the seat across from Jax. "So we meet again. Are you Jax Sterling, who requested a VIP companion?" My stomach is a little uneasy, and my heart pounds wildly. What is happening here?

  With a crooked smile, he rests his muscular arms on the table and leans toward me, whispering, "Yes, Ivory."

  I can feel my heartbeat in my ears. My hands are trembling. How do you know that name? All my childhood memories rush back to me at once. Trying to control the tears that are threatening to escape, I say, "It can't be …"

  He quickly stands and walks around the mahogany table to join me, grabbing my face with both hands. "I can't believe it."

  He presses his forehead on mine and closes his eyes. "Ivory, it's me, Jaxson."

  Chapter Two

  "I may be stepping over some boundaries. Your dad's style of living-jail-fits him. Then your mom having Alzheimer’s; what a terrible disease. Your mom has been through so much. Ivy …" Jax snaps his fingers, taking me out of my trance. "You're not saying much. You okay?" Jax's eyes bore into mine.

  "Yes, I'm fine. I think I'm still in shock. I can't believe we met again after all this time." Not to mention how dangerously sexy you are with those addictive blue eyes I could get lost in.

  "Well, it's a surprise for me, as well. Of all the women I could have had as my first Companion."

  Excuse me? "I'm sorry. Do I not fit the description of the kind of woman you wanted?" My voice cracks a little. Normally I couldn’t care less what my clients think of me.

  He reaches for my hand. I pull back out of his grasp. "Ivy, you are more than what I expected. You are perfect."

  "I don't know about perfect." Now I feel bad for getting all defensive. "Jax, will our background interfere with our business relationship? I mean, us reuniting like this is wonderful. Surreal in a way."

  He smiles, showing his beautiful white teeth and those plump lips that I could lick and suck on forever.

  Chill, Ivy.

  "Just because you happen to be a stunning redhead who was my first unofficial girlfriend when we were kids will not affect your job duties." He arches his eyebrows. "Unless you want it to."

  Wow. Okay. Looking away from him, I get out my iPad, preparing to write down my upcoming events with him. "Okay, Mr. Sterling. What's first on your list of my Companion duties?"

  "To begin with, call me Jax or Jaxson. Using my surname is not required, Ms. Montgomery." He smiles.


  "Good. Now, if I could have the pleasure of your company to attend a cocktail party tomorrow evening. My presence is only needed for social niceties. A way to expand my network of business relationships. Be ready by seven thirty."

  "This cocktail party sounds quite dismal." My insides are bubbling with excitement, betraying my words.

  Head tilted back, he lets out a deep belly laugh. "Honestly, I wish we had reconnected earlier in our adult life. You are absolutely refreshing. Ivy, being with me will never be boring. You will come to realize that I'm capable of making anything quite stimulating."

  My breasts feel tight all of a sudden. "I will hold you to that," I say, smiling.


  I love the West Coast. The spring evenings are around sixty degrees. We just arrived at the Oceanfront Sterling Resort. During our ride over here, it was hard not to stare at Jax. He is absolutely mouth-watering. His gray Prada suit fits him in the best way and complements his blue eyes that seem to lure you into him like a magnet. Even with clothing on, you can see that he has toned biceps, ripped abs, and a tight ass to hold on to. Mmm …

  The cocktail party is being held outdoors in a Spanish-Mediterranean-style theme. The dining area is on a rooftop terrace. As we walk in, I'm surprised by the beauty of the grounds. Spanish-style columns and pillars along with downlights and accent lighting add a soft glow to the area. Most of the walkways and paths are made of irregularly cut bluestone pieces bordered with red bricks. In the center of the courtyard, there's an intimate area with a stone fire pit where you can lounge on earth-tone sofa sectionals.

  "This hotel is exquisite. You are brilliant when it comes to designing your hotels, Mr. Ster-Jax."

  His crooked smile tells me he is trying hard not to laugh at my slip-up.

  "Maybe one day we can visit my resort in the islands." Staring down at me, he takes his manicured index finger and gently lifts my chin. Those gorgeous eyes of his own my full attention. "Ivy, have I told you enough times tonight how beautiful you look?"

  Not at all. Jax needs to stop his flirting. And I need to shut off my emotions.

  Jax steps back to examine me, as if he's trying to memorize every inch of my five-foot six-inch figure.

  I flutter my eyes. "There are no limits to how many compliments you can give a woman." It took me forever to choose the right clothes to wear tonight. My chocolate, chiffon, layered, spaghetti-strap dress with flecks of gold on it might have been too edgy for this occasion. But I love the way it complements my natural red hair. Sensual. Sophisticated.

  As we walk side by side with our arms linked, we approach a group of people. A few men nod and smile at Jax. The women look at me as if I'm some odd endangered species.

  Jax stops and tucks a loose curl behind my ear and whispers, "Excuse me, Ivy. I need to speak with these gentlemen for a moment." His words are a sultry breath against my ear, and the scent of him stirs a familiar ache between my legs.

  "No problem. I'll just get a drink." Just as I am walking away from Jax, a woman in an ankle-length, black, sleeveless dress walks toward us, with her plum-colored lips pouting at Jax. She looks to be ten years older than us. Maybe thirty-five.

  "Ah, Miranda, how lovely to see you this evening," he says as he kisses her hand. She stops to give me a once-over and then returns Jax's affection. "Miranda, this is Ivy. Ivy … Miranda." He turns and winks at me.

  Stop with the flirting, Jax.

  "You’ve been ignoring my calls. Now I see why." She smirks at me.

  "You know I'm a busy man. Miranda, I need to speak with some people. Would you mind keeping my date, Ivy, company?"

  "Sure, darling. No problem. Anything for you, Jax." Her smile doesn't reach her eyes.

  "Thank you, Miranda." He takes my hand. "Ivy, I'll only be a moment." Then he kisses my cheek and walks away.

  Taking a swig of whatever she has in her glass, she places it on the tray of a passing server. "Shall we take a walk?"

  "Sure, why not?" As we walk, I notice the way she exaggerates the swaying of her hips. Cougar for sale. We stop at a stone creek surrounded by trees and vegetation.

  And then her claws come out. "Let me give you some advice," she says, pointing her finger at me.

  Damn. I knew it.

  "Stay away from him."

  "Um, excuse me? Not that it's your business, but Mr. Sterling and I work together. Nothing more." I straighten my posture and put my hands on my hips.

  Bitch troll continues. "For now you are. Somehow you will end up fucking him. Word of advice, you will never be significant enough for him. He will never settle down with one woman."

  "Oh, is that so?"

  "Unfortunately for you, yes. He will toss you out on your butt right after he fulfills his second-brain needs." And with that, she walks away.

  What crazy nonsense was that about? I need a minut
e to calm down before I return to find Jax.

  "There you are, beautiful." I hear him say from behind me as he places his hands on my shoulders.

  Crap. There goes my minute.

  "Did you ditch Miranda?"

  "She had to go." My smile is strained.


  We finally sit down to eat with the other guests. I can't help but take in all of the elegantly decorated tables. Godetia flowers in pink and carmine colors match perfectly with the burgundy tablecloths.

  "Ivy, are you enjoying yourself?" He lays his hand on my thigh for a split second.

  I lean in closer to him. "Yes, you proved yourself to be able to make anything stimulating." I shove another forkful of crab cake sliders in my mouth. Jax is looking at my lips as if the movement of them is hypnotizing him.

  "Here, I want you to try some of this." He places his hand once again on my thigh.

  Yes. This time I cover his hand with my own. He offers to feed me some white meat with dark red coloring on the outer parts along with a few bumpy spots dipped in an orange-colored sauce. Opening my mouth, I take a bite. "Not unpleasant. What is it?"

  "Spanish octopus."

  I'm going to vomit. "What? You should have told me first." I grab my glass of water and drink it all in two gulps in hopes of getting rid of the remains of what I just ate.

  "But if I did, you wouldn't have tried it."

  We simultaneously laugh. I can't remember the last time I laughed like this.

  Thinking back, I swear it was with Jax when we were kids.

  My mom would say, Ivory, honey. Don't brood. Get on with living and loving. You don't have forever.

  Just as I'm taking a spoonful of some caramel pudding, a man with all-white hair, which doesn't match his youthful appearance, questions Jax. "Your brother seems to be doing quite well with his ski resorts. Aren't you a bit worried, Jax?"

  Jax lays his fork down and clears his throat. "George, if I worried over every single statistic that is presented on Forbes or Fortune, I wouldn't be where I am today. My brother, Andrew, seems to be doing quite well with his resorts, and I only wish him the best. There is no competition between the two of us."


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