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The Captive Flesh

Page 17

by Cleo Cordell

Consternation broke out amongst the guests as Selim dragged Gabriel away from Kasim. Marietta helped Kasim to his feet and draped his robe around his shoulders. Then she stood back a little. In all the drama of Gabriel's unexpected attack, Kasim had forgotten her completely. Their brief contact had been eclipsed totally by Gabriel's actions. Her disappointment was bitter.

  Her lips seemed to have retained the impression of that one burning kiss and she was furious with Gabriel for stealing Kasim from her.

  But her own feelings paled as she saw how furious Gabriel's master was. Selim was white to his lips. His full cheeks wobbled, his hands were clasped together, and he seemed to be having difficulty in controlling himself. He spat curses at Gabriel who knelt before him in the posture of submission.

  'After all I have done for you, this is how you replay me! You ingrate, you . . . you snake! You'll not eat for a week . . .'

  Gabriel's chin was lowered, his face hidden. He spoke no word in his own defence. Marietta felt suddenly very afraid for Gabriel, though she admired his spirit. If only she had the courage to be so rebellious.

  'I ... I am mortified, my friend,' Selim stammered, turning to face Kasim, 'that this slave should so insult you! And in your own house. Oh, I could weep for the shame of it. I feel this as a blow to myself, to my honour. I must make reparation at once. We have been friends, business partners, for so long. What can I do to atone for this . . . this . . . wretch's actions?'

  Kasim walked slowly over to Gabriel and looked down at him. There was silence in the room. Kasim smiled, long and lazily.

  'You can sell this slave to me,' he said.

  Chapter Ten

  The deal was swiftly made and Selim took his leave of Gabriel.

  'I shall miss you Gabriel. But by my honour, you leave me no choice. I am forced to sell you. Be sure that you atone for your behaviour. And be as loyal to Kasim as you have been to me.'

  Selim glanced at Kasim and said quietly, 'It is well that we shall continue to do business together. I value your custom. One thing only . . . Perhaps you will bring Gabriel to see me when you visit?'

  'I will do, certainly,' Kasim said shortly. 'Fare you well, old friend.'

  Selim departed almost at once, taking with him his entourage of slaves and many of the other guests.

  Gabriel watched his old master leave. His face was expressionless, but his hands were clenched into fists. In his own way Selim had been a good master. What was he to expect now? Well, it was too late for regrets. He remained kneeling in the submissive posture, waiting for his new master to order his actions.

  Kasim played the host to his remaining guests. Leyla, Marietta, and Claudine, mingled amongst them, hand-

  ing round water pipes and tobacco. Kasim gave Gabriel over to the guards.

  Tell the body slaves that he is to be washed and groomed and fitted with a gold collar - the one set with grey quartz and citrines. Also, fit him with a waist chain. His hands are to be fastened behind his back, until his obedience is assured. When he is ready take him to the small bed chamber. Restrain him there. I will follow shortly.'

  While Marietta moved amongst the last few guests, she thought of Gabriel. She was worried that the guards might torment him, even force him to pleasure them. It was known that guards delighted in using the choicest slaves whenever they could get them alone. No doubt Kasim knew this and allowed it. But she comforted herself with the thought that Gabriel was too valuable for them to actually harm him.

  Some time later, as Kasim began seeing each guest out, he called her over.

  'Go through that archway and down the corridor to my bed chamber. Wait for me there.'

  Her heart beat fast. Gabriel would be there by now. What was Kasim planning? She entered the small richly decorated room. It smelt of lilies and incense. Red and gold tiles covered the walls. A platform bed, upholstered and curtained in red velvet, dominated the room. There were a few wooden chests, some brass tables and an exquisite carpet, also red with gold fringing. Apart from this the room was bare. It had an air of intimacy. She sensed Kasim's preference in the colour scheme. Was this where he had brought Clau-dine? She imagined their bodies entwined on the red velvet covering and was surprised by the sudden hot flare of jealousy.

  Gabriel sat against one wall on a bench. He was naked. His neck was encircled by a gold collar. A chain, clipped to the collar, secured him to a ring set in the tiled wall. Around his waist was a thick gold chain. His skin looked pink from the bath and gleaming from a fresh application of scented oil. The long blond hair hung to his shoulders in damp waves.

  He did not speak as she walked over to him, but she sensed his surprise at finding her there. They held each other with their eyes.

  'Kasim sent you?' he said.

  She nodded. 'I am to wait here for him.' After a moment she asked, 'You knew that it was dangerous to cross him. Why did you do it?'

  Gabriel smiled. 'I don't know. Perhaps the devil was in me. Perhaps to be with you.'

  Marietta coloured. 'But you took such a risk. Kasim will not tolerate disobedience in any form. He could have ordered you beaten publicly. How did you know that he would buy you?'

  'Because he is not done with tormenting me. Or you. He desired us both. Did you not know that? He wishes to watch us together. He will force you to use me, as he planned to do earlier.'

  'How so?'

  'Did you not see the phallus-harness? Surely you know what use he would put it to.'

  Marietta shook her head.

  Gabriel smiled. 'You have never worn such a thing? I did not expect to find one so innocent in the house of Kasim. You are charming Marietta, and worth the risk I took. If I could reach you,' he indicated his chained wrists, 'I would kiss your sweet mouth and explore that innocence until you begged me to stop-'

  Then it is well that you are secured!' Kasim said, striding into the room. In his hand he held the object Gabriel had referred to. 'And you read me well. No doubt you thought you could avoid the public humiliation of having Marietta use you. But no one escapes my will. Ever. I have simply decided to view the deed in private.'

  Gabriel's eyes grew hard. 'Why humiliate the woman? Beat me if you must. Use me however you wish. But leave her alone.'

  'How gallant,' Kasim sneered. 'Oh, I shall beat you. But that alone would not be punishment enough. Besides, I would not deny myself the sight of Marietta's lovely body as she toils over you.'

  While he spoke he had been loosening the chain that secured Gabriel to the wall. He allowed just enough slack so that Gabriel could be made to kneel and bend forward over a wooden chest. Gabriel's chained hands rested in the small of his back. With his heel Kasim nudged Gabriel's legs apart. He placed a stinging slap on the tight, rounded bottom.

  'Spread those knees and buttocks. Wider. Split that crease for me. You are mine now. Display yourself as you have been trained to do.'

  Gabriel grunted and struggled, while Kasim laughed. 'You are not eager for this chastisement? You amaze me. For surely you know that Marietta will be punished too if she does not obey me - or if you do not comply. Do you wish that? From what I have seen of you I thought you cared about her.'

  At once Gabriel stopped resisting. He pressed his stomach to the wooden chest, opened his legs as wide as possible, and arched his back.

  'Beat me then - master,' he said with derision.

  'Shall I use the belt or the switch?' Kasim said equably. 'No. My hand I think. I shall relish the feel of your flesh as it warms and trembles under my hand.'

  Kasim spanked Gabriel across the buttocks and the backs of his thighs until the taut flesh was a deep pink. Now and then he paused to admire the colour, then began again. Each slap landed squarely, sounding crisp and hard. Gabriel's flesh quivered. After some time he began crying out. The sounds seemed forced from him, each one muffled behind closed teeth. He flinched as each slap connected, but he did not try to pull away, nor to close his thighs.

  Marietta felt a movement deep inside as she gazed on Gabriel. Those bulg
ing thighs were turning a deep shade of red. His shadowed flesh-valley gaped obscenely. She found it impossible to look away. There was the puckered bottom-mouth, pink and clean, surrounded by damp blond curls. It looked so vulnerable, a velvet aperture in the midst of the hard flesh of his rosy buttocks. The sounds of the slaps, the spectacle of Gabriel as he strained for control, trying to bite back his cries and failing, aroused her strongly.

  Kasim took a long time over the spanking. He was breathing hard and rubbing his sore palms together when he stopped.

  'You are lucky the beating was so restrained, Gabriel. Another master would have used the strap on you. Remain as you are, but take a moment to savour the sweet pain. I must ready Marietta. What a pretty boy she will make.'

  Marietta dragged her eyes away from Gabriel. She waited, chin lowered for Kasim's instructions. So Gabriel had been right. She was to be part of his punishment.

  'Come here,' Kasim said. 'Open your thighs so that I can put this on you.'

  He held out the phallus-harness and she saw it in detail for the first time. The harness was made of black leather. Set in the centre of a curved, triangular pad was an enormous erect phallus of black, leather-covered wood.

  This is a fitting punishment, is it not? He will remember what happens if he disobeys me after you use this on him!'

  Marietta shrank inwardly at the sight of the harness and at the thought of what Kasim wanted her to do. The phallus looked impossibly huge. Surely Gabriel could not admit the whole of it into his body. The thought of wearing the thing horrified her. She hung back, but knew that there was no point in refusing. If she did, Kasim would chastise her and then force her to the act anyway, willing or not.

  'So?' Kasim said.

  Marietta squatted slightly and parted her knees so that Kasim could position the harness. His hands brushed almost affectionately across her pubic curls.

  'Your obedience pleases me. You will enjoy this, Marietta. You do not wish to, I know. But I wish it. I want to see you pleasuring yourself - unable to control the sensations that flood your loins. See? There is a cunning little protuberance on the inside of this pad.'

  She shivered, thinking that she could never find enjoyment in shaming Gabriel in such a way. But Kasim was right again. Her pleasure was assured. Looking down, she saw the slim, elongated oval shape that stood proud of the leather pad. As Kasim pressed the harness close to her pubis, her flesh-lips were opened and forced to settle around the protuberance. The cool contact of the leather, pressing directly against her oiled inner-flesh, sent a little shock of pleasure deep into her.

  Kasim pulled one shaped strap through Marietta's legs, fitting it closely to the crease of her bottom, and fastened it to the thick strap that encircled her waist.

  'You see Marietta, everything comes to pass as I plan it. When I wish to withhold pleasure, you are denied it. When I wish you to feel pleasure, as now, you will do so. Despite your resistance, your repugnance for this act, you will feel the most exquisite delight as the leather slides against your oiled sex. Gabriel too will enjoy what you do to him, precisely because it is you who does it. And I shall enjoy watching, knowing how much Gabriel hates me for forcing this humiliating delight on him! Are we not all performers in the same dance?'

  Marietta's cheeks were flushed poppy-red. It was true. She could not help the feeling, the warmth throbbing richly between her thighs. The phallus-harness fitted so closely, rubbed so maddeningly against her pleasure bud, that she knew she would not be able to contain herself for long. The shaped strap pressed tightly along the length of her crease, holding her bottom-mouth firmly against the cool leather. The thick buckled strap constricted her waist, so that below it, her hips seemed to flare out more prominently than ever. All that tightness, that hard leather containing her flesh, made her feel vulnerable.

  The sweet feeling of submission began to rise in her belly. Her desire, which had been held in check for so long, kindled anew. She felt ready to explode right now.

  Kasim ran his long fingers down the curve of her hip and over the tight leather straps. He tugged playfully on the huge phallus that jutted up lewdly in front of her, smiling when a spasm passed over her face.

  'Now you must get to work. Go gently at first.' He pressed a small pot into her hand. 'Use this oil to ease the way for Gabriel. I do not want him damaged. My new slave will provide me with many hours of pleasure.'

  Kasim folded his arms and stood back to watch as Marietta unstoppered the jar. She dipped her fingers into the oil and smeared the leather phallus until it gleamed.

  'Good. Now anoint Gabriel. Work the oil well into him. Push your fingers inside him. That's the way.'

  Marietta knelt down behind Gabriel. He made no sound as she rubbed the oil around and inside his anus. The blond curls, lining his flesh-valley, glistened with excess oil. Runnels of it ran down the insides of his thighs.

  'That's enough. Enter him,' Kasim said hoarsely. He had positioned himself to one side of Gabriel so that he could see clearly.

  Marietta edged forward. Holding on to the shaft of the phallus, she nosed the enormous bulb towards the tight pink mouth. Carefully she pressed inwards.

  Gabriel gasped and thrust back and out, causing his anus to open around the tip of the leather staff. Making tiny thrusting movements with her hips, Marietta eased the head of the phallus inside Gabriel.

  Gabriel grunted and tossed his head back. His shoulders rose and fell as he drew in deep breaths.

  'Lean into him, Marietta. Bury the shaft fully,' Kasim ordered.

  'Wait!' Gabriel said. 'For pity's sake. Take it slowly!'

  Kasim laughed dryly. 'Better do as he says Marietta. Besides, I wouldn't want this to be over too quickly.'

  Marietta continued to work the huge phallus inside Gabriel. It was difficult to control the thrusting of her hips. The pleasure of the now warm and slick leather, sliding up and down her wet channel, was intense. She felt the urge to work her hips back and forth, to thrust deeply into Gabriel, until the pleasure built to breaking point.

  Half of the thick shaft was now buried in Gabriel. He held himself very still and seemed to be holding his breath. The oiled bottom-mouth was stretched widely around the black leather. She circled his orifice with her oiled fingers, scratching gently between his legs at the firm pad above his balls. The pad was hard, pushed out by the pressure of the leather shaft. The balls were tight, the skin around them shrunk to velvet tautness. Marietta grasped Gabriel's cock-stem. She squeezed it hard as she pushed the leather phallus a little further into him.

  Gabriel's back was rigid. Every muscle stood out across his shoulders. He turned his face to the side, with difficulty, and she saw how his mouth was stretched over his teeth.

  The sight of his troubled beauty spurred her on. Suddenly she wanted to plumb the depths of his shame. To make him tremble with passion as she was doing. She pumped his erect cock, using firm strokes until his breath came fast and his hips began to work.

  Then she could hold back no longer. She let go of Gabriel's shaft. Her own passion demanded her full attention. She placed her hands firmly on Gabriel's buttocks. The heat of them seared her palms as she squeezed the flesh. So hot, so delicious. She could not help making a convulsive jerk forward. The phallus slipped in further.

  Gabriel's buttocks trembled, and he gave a groan. She slid the leather phallus the whole way into him. The triangular pad dripped with oil. Hot bottom-flesh was pressed to her belly. Powerful reddened thighs were pressed to her cool legs.

  All control deserted her now. She had been kept on heat for so long. The need to climax was all consuming. She ignored Gabriel's moans as she thrust into him, again and again. The tight strap around her waist dug into her, compressing her, forcing all feeling downwards. The shaped protuberance rubbed back and forth across her erect bud. She bent over Gabriel's body, her hips working obscenely, not caring that Kasim saw.

  There was only the feeling of building pleasure. As she made rapid, shallow thrusts, the stra
p between her buttocks pressed on her bottom mouth. Her moisture had soaked the leather, making it hot and slippery. Soon. Oh, soon. She could hardly bear it.

  Then she felt Kasim's arms encircle her. His mouth was at her neck, biting gently into the skin.

  'You are beautiful, my Marietta. How does it feel to use a man this way? Is power a more potent drug than submission? Tell me truly. For I would know your secret thoughts. Perhaps I shall indulge them. Are you ready to be a master instead of a slave?'

  'No ... no, my lord,' she gasped, on the very brink of dissolving, suddenly not at all clear about what she wanted.

  The thin strong body bending over hers, the contained hardness of his cock rubbing against her thighs, drew a fresh wave of sweet surrender from her. Kasim's scent enveloped her, his lips burned her skin. This was what she wanted. How long could she continue to fight the knowledge?

  Kasim's long fingers pinched her nipples, milking them gently outwards into hard pink teats. She groaned as he turned her head towards him and claimed her mouth. And this time his kiss was ail for her. The taste of him filled her. He sucked her tongue into his mouth, nipped gently at her under-lip. Her whole body tensed. Now. The shattering waves of pleasure broke over her. She cried out at the intensity of it. The feeling seemed to go on and on. The pleasure of being plundered by Kasim's lips and tongue added an almost unbearable note to her climax. Dimly she was aware that Gabriel too cried out. The three of them were locked in fleshly combat. For a moment everything went dark, then she heard Kasim calling her name. She had slumped across Gabriel's broad back. His chained hands dug into her stomach.

  'Come away now Marietta,' Kasim said, freeing the phallus. 'It has been an exhausting day for you. I am pleased with you, my treasure. Now it is time for you to return to the harem. You can bathe, rest. I will visit you soon.'

  Kasim clapped his hands and a slave appeared at once. She helped Marietta to unbuckle the harness. Marietta looked back at Gabriel who still lay bent over the wooden chest.

  'Do not concern yourself about Gabriel,' Kasim said. 'You have punished him enough for now. Quite beautifully in fact. He is now my body slave. You are not likely to see him again. Ever.'


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