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My Wild Irish Dragon

Page 16

by Ashlyn Chase

  “Okay. I’ll try it.” She took a generous mouthful and swallowed. Then her eyes nearly bugged out of her head. “Yech!” She sputtered and fanned her mouth as if it were on fire.

  Rory laughed. “Ye’re supposed to take small sips. It should just warm your throat goin’ down. Not burn you.”

  “Sheesh. You could have told me that before I scorched my esophagus.”

  He took the glass from her and set it on the bar. Then he stepped into her space and gathered her into his arms for a long, deep kiss. Whiskey never tasted as perfect as it did when he sucked on her tongue.


  Rory pulled away reluctantly, and Aiden stood there wearing a grin.

  “Forgive me for interruptin’.”

  “Ah, you caught me,” Rory said. “I was just tasting your fine whiskey. Again.”

  Amber rolled her eyes. “Have a seat, Aiden. I’ll be right back.”

  Aiden took the armchair and Rory poured two fingers for him. No need to ask him if he knew how to drink it.

  When he’d poured his own as well, he took the glasses over to the coffee table. “Would you mind settin’ a couple of those coasters down, Aiden?” He nodded once toward the pile of them on the end table. “Amber’s peculiar about keepin’ the furniture pristine.”

  “Peculiar, am I?” Amber came around the corner with an ice bucket and plate of cookies.

  Rory gave a nervous chuckle.

  “I understand why she wants to, Cousin. Someday you’re openin’ a new business here.”

  “Oh…burn,” Amber said.

  “We’ve been talkin’ about a January first openin’, so as to have the taxes all in one year.”

  “And I think we could open just a bit earlier for the New Year’s Eve goers,” Amber added as she set the ice bucket on the bar. “Taxes, shmaxes.”

  “Ye’re not the one who’s goin’ to fill out all the complicated paperwork.”

  “That’s what tax consultants are for.”

  Aiden was patiently listening to their discussion. “By the way, I was wonderin’… If you’re supposed to cater to paranormal visitors, how will you advertise?”

  “Ah, that’s the rub,” Rory said. “All we can safely do is rely on word of mouth. I’m thinkin’ we’ll put a note on the bulletin board at the paranormal club next door. Members can tell their out-of-town relatives.”

  “Well, we don’t need to decide right now, so let’s not ignore our guest,” Amber said.

  “Ye’re right, luv. Forgive us, Cousin. How are Conlan and Eagan?”

  “They’re right as rain. Busily supervisin’ the new staff, makin’ sure orders go out quickly… Keepin’ well. Thanks fer askin’.” His posture and expression changed, but it was hard to say why. “And how’s Chloe?”

  “You just missed her. She and her new fella were here a few moments ago.”

  His face fell. “She has a man in her life? Is it serious?”

  Rory nodded, confused. Why would he be disappointed to hear that?

  Aiden cleared his throat. “It’s just, well… I guess it doesn’t matter now.”

  “What doesn’t? If you have any concerns, it matters.”

  Aiden fidgeted uncomfortably.

  “Out with it, Cousin. We’re family. You can tell us what’s on your mind.”

  Amber had set the cookies on the coffee table and was about to sit down, but she paused. “I can leave you two alone, if it’s personal family stuff.”

  “You’re family too,” Aiden said. “No need to leave.”

  “If you’re sure,” she said hesitantly. He nodded and she nestled into the space beside Rory on the couch.

  His arm automatically wrapped around her. “So, about Chloe? Should she be here for this?”

  “Nay!” He slumped back in his chair and sipped his whiskey.

  “All right. I know you two haven’t always been friendly, but if it’s something that concerns the family…”

  “Forgive me, Cousin. I mean, Prince,” Aiden corrected himself and offered a slight bow of his head.

  “Jaysus, if you’re using me formal title, somethin’ must be desperately wrong.”

  “Not at all, Cousin. I’m sorry to cause you any undue concern.”

  Rory scratched his head. “The only thing you’re causin’ me is confusion.”

  “I know it. Here’s the thing. I was thinkin’… I mean, we—me brothers and I—were discussin’ the fate of our species one day.”

  “Ah. I see the importance now. And what did you talk about?”

  “Well, as you know, a dragon can only have children with another dragon. And dragons are as rare a breed as there is on this earth.”

  “You speak the truth.”

  “Aye. And with wee Shannon already wed, to a human, that leaves only Chloe to procreate the next generation.”

  Rory didn’t care for the way Aiden almost spat the word “human.” After all, he was mated to a former human too, but he wouldn’t address that now. His more immediate concern was for Chloe. “Again. You speak true. Now speak plain and tell me what you and your brothers have in mind to do about that.”

  “Well, obviously one of us needs to volunteer to mate with Chloe. Conlan realizes that as the oldest and leader of the Ulster clan, if he were to wed her, he’d be made king upon your death, and we don’t want anyone worryin’ about a repeat of what happened with our fathers.”

  Rory’s brows shot up. “You think one of you would try to kill me to take the castle, title, and land—what’s left of it?”

  Amber’s hand shot up. “I vote for no.”

  “It’s all right, luv,” Aiden said and chuckled. “No one’s goin’ to try to assassinate Rory. We like the big lug.” He grinned.

  Amber relaxed, but only slightly. “I don’t understand.”

  “I’ll try to make it simple. Rory is king as far as anyone knows. His parents, like ours, disappeared long ago and without knowin’ where they are—or if they are—no one can be certain that the king and queen still live. That’s why Rory is called crown prince and is still next in line for the throne.”

  Rory laughed out loud. “King of a crumblin’ castle and caretaker’s cottage. I don’t think the good people of Ballyhoo or the Irish government would consider letting me rule anythin’ more than what I already own.”

  “I still don’t understand,” Amber said.

  Rory explained. “When I die, Chloe will be next in line. She is a princess now, and unless we find out what happened to our parents, she’ll probably stay a princess.” He looked to Aiden. “Did you think she’d call herself queen if I don’t call meself king?”

  “No. But she’d rule Ballyhoo and what’s left of your clan. In other words, Shannon and Finn.” Then he leaned forward and clasped his hands. “But wouldn’t it be grand if we could unite our clans? Conlan has already said he’d abdicate his position as clan leader due to the worry. Then with age being the deciding factor, Chloe would rule. She’s a few months older than I am…”

  Amber scratched her head. “Doesn’t the next male become king? That’s what they do in England. The only reason Queen Elizabeth is the queen is because she didn’t have any brothers.”

  Aiden gasped, and Rory pinched the bridge of his nose.

  “I beg your pardon, Amber,” Aiden was quick to say. “I didn’t mean to react so. It’s just that you brought up the English… But never mind. You see, long ago, we lived in a matriarchal society. The eldest, male or female, would rule the rest.

  “So that’s why I’m proposin’ that Chloe and I could marry and—”

  “Whoa!” Rory held up one hand. “I think you’re forgettin’ somethin’.”

  Aiden crossed his arms. “The boyfriend?”

  “That and somethin’ else,” Rory said.

  “And what might that be?�

  “Chloe hates you.”

  Aiden reared back. “She hates me? Sure’n we’ve had our differences, but hate is the wrong word, Cousin.”

  “She attacked you on our front lawn, and the two of you looked like you were fightin’ to the death.”

  Aiden chuckled. “Oh, that. Nay. She’s attracted to me and pushes me away, because that’s what she does.” He paused for a moment and said, “At least that’s what she did in the past. I was surprised to hear she was seein’ someone. I was beginnin’ to think she was gay.”

  “And you’d marry her even if she was?”

  “To save the species? Of course I would.”

  “And how do you propose to, well, propose? She’ll laugh you into next week.”

  “Not if her crown prince orders her to marry me.”

  Rory’s jaw went slack, and he forgot to breathe for a moment. Soon he recovered enough to kick his brain into gear.

  On the one hand, he could do that. He could order her to marry a dragon and shag every five years until the species had been repopulated. However, he’d never do that to Chloe. His beloved sister would truly hate him for the rest of his life, and he couldn’t bear the thought of that. On the other hand, the Ulster clan was right about her being the last hope for the species. But Aiden? Of all his three cousins?

  “Why do you want to volunteer for this, Aiden?”

  “Because the attraction goes both ways. You don’t have to worry. She’ll grow to love me. I know our love would be passionate and our lives would never be boring. And I swear to you, I would never hurt a hair on her head.”

  “It’s not her hair I’m worried about.”

  Apparently, he took that personally. Rory and Amber indulged Aiden while he ranted. Rory had expected him to wear himself out, but he continued pacing and swearing across their living room floor, going strong.

  At last, Rory rose, held up one palm, and said, “Stop. Me poor ears can’t take any more.”

  “But don’t you understand? Chloe marrying me is the last hope for our race. You’re her king. You need to think of what’s best for your people. You must order her to procreate.”

  Rory laughed. “First of all, I’m not sure I’m king. I haven’t heard about the demise of me father and mother. Until I do, I’m just a prince, and a limited one at that.”

  “What do you mean by ‘limited’?”

  Rory snorted a light curl of smoke. “Have you seen me castle? It’s in ruins. And me subjects? They consist of two sisters. Finn doesn’t give a fig about me royal status. He was born a free Irishman just nineteen years ago.”

  “What about the Ulster Arishes? You could be crown prince of us all. My marrying Chloe would unite our clans again. I’d restore the castle as a gift to you and me bride. Isn’t it time?”

  “Our truce has held without uniting clans. I’m not sure we’re meant to.”

  “How can you say that?”

  Rory rose. “First, our markings are different. You and your brothers have dyed the orange streaks in your hair, but I know the color doesn’t match our red ones.”

  “Perhaps our children will have reddish-orange markings. The two colors would blend rather than compete.”

  Rory was the one pacing now. “Perhaps you’re right, but I can’t—rather, I won’t—order me sister to marry you.”

  “You’d rather condemn our species to extinction than have me as a brother-in-law, is that it?”

  Rory stopped and sighed. “That is not it. I’d welcome you as a brother, but me sister would eat you alive and make herself a widow before she’d let you touch her. It’s for your own safety.”

  This time Aiden snorted. “You know she wouldn’t. And I’d be so good to her, she’d grow to love me. Mark me words.”

  Like hell. “She’d hate both of us forever. If you don’t realize that, you don’t know me sister a’tall.”

  Aiden balled his fists and his lips thinned. Steam poured out of his nostrils.

  Amber jumped in, probably fearing that steam would be blasting out of his ears at any moment. “I’m sure you’re angry. It’s never easy to be rejected, but you can’t take this terribly personally. Chloe fell in love with another firefighter before you ever thought about marrying her. Maybe you could find another dragon…”

  He crossed his arms. “Where?”

  She shrugged. “I don’t know. I’m sure there has to be one somewhere.”

  Rory grasped the chance to present a new option, since the other one was awful. “You should talk to Drake. Find the missin’ branch of our family tree. Mayhaps there’s a whole enclave in the Scottish Highlands where his family came from.”

  “Terrific!” Amber said. “I can fly you to his apartment right now if you like.”

  “Not so fast. I know you’re tryin’ to get rid of me, but I’m not ready to go just yet.”

  Amber strolled over to him and clasped his shoulder. “Yes you are.” Then the two of them disappeared.

  Chapter 13

  Ryan rolled over with Chloe in his arms. He liked the way she moved over him when she was on top. She played his body like she played her music.

  She’d had plenty of experience with instruments and almost no experience with the other—um—instrument, although he wouldn’t have guessed it. Instinct must be showing her the way. Of course, his groans of pleasure probably guided her as well.

  Her own sensations were evident by the way she threw her head back and moaned as she rode him…like now.

  God, I love this woman.

  Because she was so adventurous, he thought he might try some flavored lube next time. She didn’t need it, for sure. Her hot, wet channel was plenty lubricated, but it might make the experience of sucking his cock more pleasurable. She insisted that she liked to do it, but he couldn’t help wondering if that were true. Melanie had grudgingly done it when he’d asked, and soon he’d stopped asking.

  He’d thought Melanie leaving him was devastating. Now he was grateful she had. Meeting Chloe really was the best thing that had ever happened to him.

  She ground her pelvis against him with each thrust until her inner muscles spasmed hard. She bucked and tried to hold back the scream she obviously wanted to let out.

  “Go ahead, baby. Scream if you want to.”

  She whimpered and moaned, but eventually gave in to a series of louder animalistic cries. So much for trying to be quiet. Suddenly his own orgasm hit. He let out a groan and she milked him as he surfed an incredible high, and he rode his release all the way to the last aftershock.

  At last, Chloe stilled, then toppled off him onto the mattress. He gathered her panting body into his arms and kissed her forehead.

  “That was incredible,” she said between deep breaths.

  “Yes, it was.” He cradled her head in his hand and stroked her back while she recovered. They stayed like that, basking in the afterglow for several minutes. He wondered if he should tell her how he felt…if he should say those three little words, packed with such enormous meaning.

  This would certainly qualify as the happier time he’d been waiting for. He was just about to speak when a soft snore met his ears.

  * * *

  Amber had transported Aiden to the room he used when he was visiting. Apparently she wanted to speak to him alone.

  “We need to talk to Drake Cameron,” she said.

  “The only other dragon in this city?” he asked. “For Chloe? I thought he was already married.”

  “Not for that,” Amber exclaimed. “Bliss would kill anyone who touched her man—dragon or not. I just know he searched for female dragons already. We should find out what he may have learned.”

  Aiden sighed. “It wouldn’t hurt to ask. Maybe there’s someone else out there.”

  “I’m glad you’re being reasonable.” She muttered “at last” under her brea
th, but he heard it clearly.

  “So, where does Drake Cameron live? Can I get there from here?”

  She grinned. “I can get anyone to anywhere. Let me go speak to him. Meanwhile, why don’t you unpack?”

  Impatiently, Aiden did as she suggested, then returned to the parlor where Rory was still sipping his whiskey.

  Aiden didn’t even have a chance to say hello. Amber and Drake strode out of the closet and Rory jumped to his feet.

  “Drake,” Rory exclaimed. “Grand it is to see you. Can I pour you a taste of me cousin’s fine Irish whiskey?”

  “Sorry, Rory. I’m going on duty in a few minutes, otherwise I’d be glad to join you.”

  “Ah. Some other time, then.”

  “I can get a cup of tea for you, Drake,” Amber said. “It won’t take any time at all.”

  “That would be great. Thanks.”

  She disappeared into the closet again and Aiden eyed Drake. The firefighter sported his dragon clan’s yellow streaked widow’s peak without trying to hide it. Aiden and his brothers had covered theirs since hair dye was invented, thinking they’d need to blend in.

  “You remember Drake, don’t you, Aiden?” Rory asked.

  “Actually, I’ve never had the pleasure of meetin’ him before now.”

  “Oh! My apologies. Aiden Arish, meet Drake Cameron, and vice versa.”

  Amber returned with Drake’s tea just as they were shaking hands. Then all four of them sat down in the living room.

  “I hate to skip the pleasantries, but Amber didn’t have much time to explain things to you. Since you’re due somewhere else soon, would you like the short version?” Aiden asked.

  “Actually, she filled me in pretty thoroughly.”

  “Ah, that’s right. A muse can manipulate time a bit. So, what can you tell us about your hunt for a female dragon before you met the love of your life?”

  Drake groaned. “You don’t want anything to do with the only willing one I found. That ended in disaster. There are the Asian dragons, but they wouldn’t even consider me.”

  “Why not? Are they racist?”

  Drake laughed. “It probably had more to do with my not-so-dear departed uncle.”


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