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Falling for You

Page 2

by Heather Thurmeier

  Evan nodded, understanding as best he could. “I don’t have kids, but I’m certainly going to have an angry dog on my hands when I pick her up. I dropped her at my brother’s house while I’m doing the show.”

  Aspen, Evan’s chocolate brown Labrador, officially held his heart in her front paw. He loved that dog more than he cared to admit. At least he knew his niece Annie would take good care of her while he was away.

  “How’s your brother doing?” Jake asked, concern on his face.

  Evan shrugged. How good can you be when you’ve lost your wife and are now a single dad? “He’s okay. Getting a little better each day.”

  Even after a year, losing his sister-in-law Melissa still made Evan’s chest burn. He couldn’t even imagine how Carter and Annie functioned daily without her. If the sadness in their eyes was any indication, it still hurt. A lot. Evan wasn’t willing to risk that for himself, so stayed away from getting involved with anyone as seriously as Carter had.

  “Hey, guys.” Chip sauntered into the room with a pile of file folders in his arms. He walked through the group, handing one to each of the cameramen. “Inside you’ll find information about the contestant you’re assigned to.”

  Opening the file, Evan’s breath caught in his chest as he peered at the picture inside. Dark brown, almost mahogany, wavy hair and tranquil jade green eyes. His heartbeat quickened — the girl from the piano.

  “Damn. She’s smokin’ hot,” Jake said from over Evan’s shoulder.

  Evan cleared his throat, trying to cut through the fog suddenly filling his head and flipped to the next page in the file. “Um, yeah, she’s a looker alright.”

  “Inside your file,” Chip said, “you’ll find your room number, taping schedule, list of responsibilities, et cetera. There’s the first set of interview questions, too. Each of you will conduct your first interview tomorrow, so make sure you read those tonight. You’ll still be behind the camera asking them, but it’s better if you’re familiar with the questions beforehand.

  “Two PAs will be here at the house at all times. Feel free to ask them any questions. Remember, filming is ongoing. So, if your contestant is walking, you’re walking. If your contestant is partying in the pool, you are at the pool’s edge getting it all on tape. Some, of the best moments of reality TV happen when the contestants forget the cameras are rolling, and you better be there to capture it.”

  Chip paused, eyeing the men before continuing. “Now, I can’t stress enough the importance of remaining neutral to your contestant. You’re not here to be her girlfriend or to let her cry on your shoulder. However, you can prompt her into talking with a few questions. Most of your interactions will be during the interview segments. Otherwise, you’re expected to film and not interact. Any questions?”

  The room was silent. Chip grabbed his coat from the back of a nearby chair. “I’m out. You guys get some rest. This is your last night of freedom, so if you feel the need to stretch your legs, do it now. I’ll see you at the first challenge.”

  Chip paused at the door. “Oh, and I shouldn’t have to tell you this but I will just to make sure we’re all on the same page. I know these girls are all babes, but keep it in your pants, okay? There’s no fooling around allowed. Later.” He disappeared through the doorway.

  Evan and Jake walked out of the interview room and toward the grand staircases that led up the second floor, pausing by the front door to grab their suitcases. “What room are you in, Jake?”

  Jake glanced at the folder in his hand. “Room three. You?”

  “Seventeen.” Evan hauled his suitcase up the stairs and started down the hall. Pausing in front of room three, he stuck out his hand to shake Jake’s. “Good seeing you here. Give me a shout if you wanna grab a beer in the kitchen.”

  Evan wandered down the hall and into room seventeen. He hoisted his suitcase on to the bed. A comfortable bed and a TV were about all he needed to get by for the next few weeks. This place was a hell of a lot better than most of the places he’d been forced to stay for some of his other projects, so he really couldn’t complain. It wasn’t every day he got to live in a mansion filled with beautiful women.

  Unzipping his suitcase, he began putting clothes into the closet and dresser drawers. He hated living out of a suitcase. If he didn’t unpack now before filming started, he’d still be fishing wrinkled clothes out of the suitcase the day he packed to go home.

  Evan grabbed his book from the front pocket of his suitcase and tossed it onto the bed, then noticed a door to an adjoining bedroom.

  “I wonder which cameraman has that room?” He hoped it wasn’t one of the new guys who’d have a ton of questions. He didn’t have anything against the new guys; he just hoped he wouldn’t have to spend all his free time helping someone figure out the job. The hours were going to be long enough without any extracurricular activities. He knocked on the door.

  Evan looked at the carpet, trying to stretch out his neck as he waited. A moment later, the lock slipped and the handle turned.

  The door opened slowly revealing hot-pink painted toenails.

  Evan stared at the pink toes in front of him. This was not what he expected to see on the other side of the door. Generally speaking, cameramen don’t wear polish on their toes.

  His gaze traveled up from the toes. Calves with ivory skin that looked as smooth as satin disappeared under a pale blue robe, tied tight, accentuating a small waist. The edges crisscrossed in the front creating a plunging V between two enticing mounds securely hidden beneath the cloth. Long, dark waves of hair cascaded across her shoulders. Warm, soft lips — with just a hint of shine — glistened gently in the low light.

  “Hi,” the lips said.

  Evan pulled his gaze from the inviting pink lips to peer into the eyes of the person who’d spoken. He opened his mouth to respond, but the words caught in his throat as he peered into the jade green eyes he’d seen in the photo earlier. The same eyes that had been burning a hole in his thoughts since he’d first gazed into them by the piano in the great room — eyes that reminded him of the little sculptures and pendants he’d admired in the street markets of Beijing when he was there filming the Olympics.

  “Hi … I … um,” he cleared his throat, “expected someone else.”

  “Sorry to disappoint you,” she said with a smile. “If I’d known I was going to have a visitor, I would have dressed up for the occasion.” She pulled the edges of her robe closed across her chest with her left hand and held out her right. “I don’t think we were properly introduced earlier. I’m Cassidy Quinn.”

  “I know. I recognize you from your application picture.” He shook her hand, holding it longer than he should have. It was more delicate than he’d guessed. His thumb traced a circle across the back of her hand before letting go. “Although, the picture wasn’t nearly as good as the real thing.”

  He cleared his throat again, trying to gather his thoughts into something that didn’t reflect the sudden urge he had to tear open her robe as if it was a brand new big screen TV that had just been delivered on Super Bowl Sunday.

  It wasn’t working.

  “You’ve seen my picture why?” Her question interrupted his thoughts.

  “I’m Evan Burke, your cameraman for the show.” He smiled, relaxing a little. “I promise I’m not some random creep wandering around the house trolling for beautiful women.”

  “Well, that’s a relief. I hate to think how disappointed you’d be at my door if that were the case.” She ran her hands through her hair, gathering it at the nap of her neck and twisting it until it hung across her shoulder like a silk cord.

  Disappointment isn’t even close to what I’m feeling.

  He couldn’t express how much he loved seeing her in a robe, without makeup, and with crazy hair. Nothing was sexier than a woman who could pull off the all-natural look. Something about the way she looked at him or the easy smile playing on her lips as she greeted him sparked a reaction in him unlike anything he’d felt before. He
longed to feel the secrets hiding beneath her robe pressing against him.

  Stop. She’s off limits. Don’t even think about having sex with this woman … Think about something not sexy … Naked fat dudes in a locker room. Naked fat dudes dancing in a locker room.


  He needed to maintain a safe distance from Cassidy — to focus on his work and not get caught up with her. He’d have to ignore the fact that she was beautiful, engaging, and apparently had a sense of humor so often lacking in the girls he’d dated in the past. His body would have to learn to be in the same room as her without getting excited.

  His body strongly disagreed with that plan.

  Cassidy coughed, forcing him to realize he’d been staring at her like a lion stalking a gazelle. “So, how do you feel about everything?” he asked quickly. “Do you have any questions?”

  “Honestly, I’m pretty overwhelmed and nervous about everything. I’ve never been in front of a camera this way before.”

  “Well, try not to think about the camera. Imagine it’s you and me in the room, like it is right now, with no one else around. Let the camera be invisible.”

  Cassidy giggled. “I’m not making any promises that I won’t say something stupid or act like an idiot but I’ll try not to give you too many blooper reels.”

  “Don’t worry. Everyone’s nervous at first.”

  “Sure, but is everyone usually clumsy and accident prone, especially when they’re nervous?”

  He laughed. She couldn’t be talking about herself. She appeared too graceful and elegant standing there, with legs like a dancer. He couldn’t imagine her being clumsy. “Maybe it’s a good thing I’ll be right behind you — I’ll be there to catch you when you fall.”

  “Hmm, knowing you’re behind me will probably make me even more nervous.”

  “Nah. In a day or two you won’t even remember I’m in the room.”

  “I doubt that,” Cassidy mumbled, wrapping one of the robe ties around her hand. “I think I’ll have trouble forgetting you.” She glanced at Evan, her cheeks turning scarlet. “I mean — what I meant to say is, um, I’ll still see you even if I imagine the camera is invisible.”

  Interesting. Nervous about more than the cameras?

  “True. You will be seeing a lot of me.” He winked, suddenly eager for filming to start. He motioned toward her enticing robe. “We have a big day tomorrow. I’ll leave you to finish up whatever it was you were doing.”

  “Oh, yeah. I should finish unpacking. See you tomorrow.” She smiled and raised her hand in a small wave.

  “Goodnight.” He stepped back, taking one last look at the blue robe that he wished would suddenly fall to the floor as she closed the door between them.

  • • •

  As the door closed with a click, Cassidy turned the deadbolt. She leaned back against the cold wood, taking a deep breath. Her head spun with the influx of oxygen to her brain like she’d been holding it the entire conversation.

  Holy, hunky personal cameraman.

  She’d closed the door leading directly into the bedroom of the hottest man she’d ever laid eyes on. He made Dr. McDreamy look like Elmer Fudd.

  He could probably roll out of bed and still look like a GQ model. Cassidy closed her eyes. She could still see his light brown hair, so soft and natural — the kind of hair she wanted to run her fingers through.

  Maybe even tug on a little …

  He had the most incredible dark blue eyes the color of the Mediterranean Sea. When she’d first seen him by the piano earlier, she’d thought the color was a trick of the lighting. Her breath caught in her throat as the heat from those eyes smoldered deep inside her. No man had ever looked at her that way before.

  Evan. That’s a nice name to go with a very nice face.

  It wasn’t only his face that had been nice. Cassidy could do little to pull her gaze from his strong, sleek body as he’d leaned so casually against the doorframe. He had broad shoulders and a strong, defined chest filling out his T-shirt so perfectly it was as if the shirt had been tailored just for him. Those arms — they must have been made to build houses, not hold a camera.

  And his hands … Wow.

  She’d just experienced possibly the world’s most intimate handshake. She’d assumed his hands would be rough, but one soft circle on the back of her hand and her skin tingled. She shivered at the memory. If that was a handshake, what else could those hands do?

  Cassidy pulled away from the door and hung her clothes in the closet, careful to shake the wrinkles from them so they would be crisp and ready to wear the next day. She needed to stop thinking about Evan. He was her cameraman. They’d be working very closely together. The last thing she needed was to become a blushing idiot every time he spoke to her, like she’d done earlier.

  If this was the kind of man they had behind the scenes, what would the guy in front of the camera be like? She wasn’t prepared to enter heartthrob country, but it seemed like she was there, passport in hand.

  Cassidy was sure of one thing — men like Evan were always off limits. Either they had wives or girlfriends waiting for them at home, or they had the maturity of a twelve-year-old. Guys who were that smooth and charming without even trying didn’t come without strings.

  She needed to remember she was here for the bachelor, not the cameraman. Evan might be easy on the eyes, but she was going to have to try harder not to get lost in his. Suddenly, she understood why they’d made her sign the no fraternizing clause — because of crewmembers like Evan.

  Grabbing her makeup bag, she went into the bathroom to arrange everything on the vanity so it would be organized for the next day. An envelope sat waiting on the counter as she came in. Chip had told them to expect a packet of information, but she hadn’t bothered opening it yet.

  She sat on the edge of the bathtub and turned on the faucet. As the tub began to fill with hot water, she flipped open the envelope and pulled out a note.

  Welcome to The One.

  As you know, you have signed consent forms that allow us to film you for the show and promotional purposes. This filming will take place twenty-four hours a day. Please be aware that we have outfitted all rooms with wall-mounted cameras. We are aware of your privacy needs, so there are no cameras in any restrooms or in your walk-in closet/dressing area. In all other areas, you’re under constant surveillance.

  Also, you’re required to have your mic pack on and a cameraman with you at all times when you are out of your personal room. Your door has been equipped with a chime to let your cameraman know if you enter or leave your room. However, it is always preferable to let your cameraman know in advance of leaving your room.

  We hope you enjoy your experience on The One.

  Chip Cormack, Producer

  “Oh my God.” Cassidy’s head felt hazy. She surveyed the walls of the bathroom, but found no evidence of cameras or areas where a camera could be hidden. She poked her head out of the bathroom and scanned the room. Sure enough, small black cameras were in every corner. She counted four cameras pointing in toward the middle of the room, and another pointed toward the door. All of them had tiny microphones attached to the tops.

  “Well, that’s just great.” She pulled her robe tighter around her naked body, suddenly grateful that she’d changed into her robe in the bathroom.

  Note to self, always read production letters immediately.

  At least she could take a bath in privacy. She chose one of the fancy purple bottles of bubble bath provided and poured a generous dollop into the running water. Cassidy took a deep breath, inhaling the delicious scent of chocolate and strawberries filling the steamy air. Climbing into the deep tub, her worries and nervousness washed away.

  Tomorrow she would be on TV, and who knew what chaos that would bring. For now, she would enjoy the quiet and calm of the bath.

  Cassidy forced the show from her mind and instead pictured herself floating on a raft gently drifting with the current of a calm sea. She imagined the heat
of the sun on her face and body, melting away her anxiety about the show, the dark blue water lapping beneath her.

  Her skin grew hot, almost feeling feverish. Suddenly, she wasn’t peering into the deep blue sea anymore. She stared directly into the smoldering heat of Evan’s blue eyes.

  She splashed water on her face trying to erase Evan from her mind, but every time she closed her eyes, Evan stared back at her with those piercing eyes.

  Oh crap. This is bad. Very, very bad.

  Chapter Three

  Evan glanced up from the clipboard on the table in the interview room when he heard a gentle knock. Cassidy poked her head inside the door, offering him a quick smile.

  “Am I early?”

  “Nope, right on time. Have a seat,” Evan said, motioning toward the small couch set along one wall. “I need another minute to finish setting up, then I’ll be ready to roll.”

  He watched out of the corner of his eye as she settled herself on the couch, crossing her legs then uncrossing them again. She glanced up at him as she folded her hands in her lap for a moment before apparently changing her mind and placing them at her side.

  “Try to relax. It’s really not as scary as it seems.” Evan tried to lighten the anxiety he could feel radiating from her.

  “It’s that obvious, huh?”

  “A little, but don’t worry. Everyone feels naked their first time in front of the camera. It’s completely normal and expected.”

  “Naked, huh?” Cassidy giggled and smoothed her hands over her blouse, tugging on the material between the buttons as if to make sure there was no gaping — not that he would mind a little peek. “I’m not sure I’m ready to be naked around you just yet.”

  “It’s a figure of speech not to be taken literally, of course.” That sounded natural, right? The fact that she was nearly naked in front of him last night should be of little concern to him …

  He fought the vision invading his brain of her standing in her robe again. Naked would be good.

  “Here, use this to get yourself more comfortable.” He placed a decorative pillow beside her, swallowing hard as the back of his hand brushed against her thigh. His eyes flickered to hers to see if she’d noticed.


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