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Falling for You

Page 6

by Heather Thurmeier

  If looks could kill, he’d definitely be dead after Cassidy caught him filming her bending over to get the bag of flour at the challenge. The scenery had definitely been pleasing, as was her reaction. He couldn’t help but smile at the memory of her embarrassment when she realized he stood behind her, filming her every move. He liked seeing her flustered. It was cute and sort of sweet.

  “Welcome to the first bottom three ceremony, ladies,” Spencer started, pulling Evan out of his thoughts. “So what did you think about Brad?” He patted Brad on the back.

  The women cheered.

  “Excellent. We had a feeling you’d like him.” Spencer turned to Brad, addressing the next questions directly to him. “So, Brad, how did you enjoy meeting these beautiful women?”

  “What’s not to like? These women are extremely beautiful. I loved getting a chance to have a little one-on-one time with them. I’m looking forward to getting to know them better.”

  “I’m sure you are.” Spencer laughed again, although it sounded forced and unnatural.

  Ugh. Can they make this any cheesier? Does America really fall for this fake crap?

  “It’s time to get on with the ceremony.” Spencer said, a serious expression creasing his brow. “It’s time to hear who you’ve chosen to put in the bottom three.”

  Brad put on a grave expression to match Spencer’s.

  Oh, come on already.

  “Dude, this decision is so hard.” Brad shook his head. “I hate to put any of them in a position to go home.”

  I bet you have other positions you’d like to see these women in, don’t you?

  “I know this can’t be easy for you, but in the end you can only date one woman,” Spencer said. “Now, who’s the first unlucky woman in the bottom three?”

  “I’m really sorry, but it’s Julia.”

  Julia’s face fell and she was ushered to the side, away from the other girls.

  “Why Julia?” Spencer asked.

  “I just didn’t feel like we connected as well as I did with some of the other girls. It’s nothing personal. She’s a beautiful girl.”

  “Okay, who’s next?”

  Tension floated in the air as the other women waited to hear their fate.

  “I’m sorry to say that Courtney and I didn’t seem to have much in common so I’ve chosen her for the bottom three as well.”

  “Courtney,” Spencer said with sympathy, “if you could please join Julia. Your final choice tonight?”

  “Oh man, this is the worst.” Brad threw his head back dramatically.

  “What’s going on? Talk to me.” Spencer stared at Brad with concern.

  “It’s so hard to choose another girl. Two girls are bad enough, but to make me pick three feels impossible. I’ve been wrestling with this last choice in my head all night and I still don’t know.”

  “Take another minute and look at these women across from you.” Spencer held his hands out toward the women. “Think back to your dinner with them and about how you felt spending time with each one. Then, trust your instincts.”

  Evan held his breath as he watched Brad stare at the women. What he was thinking? Had he really not made a decision, or was he being overly dramatic for the viewing audience?

  All of the girls looked nervous. Even cool Zoe looked as if she’d had better moments. She stood there rubbing the pendent on her necklace between her fingers, almost like it brought her some kind of comfort.

  Brad seemed to stop at Cassidy.

  Evan’s heartbeat stuttered. Move on, dude. Don’t do it.

  “Okay, I think I’m ready.” Brad kept his eyes on Cassidy as he spoke.

  “Go ahead.”

  Evan’s heart sank. Oh no.

  “I have to send … Lauren to the bottom three,” Brad said, finally shifting his gaze from Cassidy to Lauren. “I’m really sorry.”

  Evan exhaled, relief washing over him. He focused his camera on Cassidy’s face only to find her staring at him. Was it his imagination, or did it seem like she suddenly had a weight lifted off her shoulders?

  Cassidy smiled at him — different than the other times she’d smiled into the camera. This time, it seemed like she gazed past the camera to him personally, almost as if she were trying to send him a message.

  Evan couldn’t help but smile back. Message received — she’s happy to stay.

  “Okay, Lauren, please join Julia and Courtney.” Spencer motioned for the three girls to move in closer. “I’m sorry, ladies, but you’ve been chosen for the bottom three. Only one of you will continue on with the hopes of being chosen as The One.”

  Spencer turned away from the women to speak directly into a camera near the edge of the gathering. “America, now it’s your turn to have your say. That’s right. You get to vote for who you’d like to stay. Dial the number you see on your screen. Press one for Julia. Press two for Courtney. Press three for Lauren. You can also log onto our website to cast your vote or text your vote to the number you see now. The lucky lady with the most votes will continue on this journey to find out if she is … The One.”

  Spencer paused, smiling into the camera for what seemed like an abnormally long pause. “How was that?” he asked Chip who was standing beside the camera. “Are we good for tonight?”

  Chip nodded and gave a thumbs-up sign. “Can you take Brad back to makeup for a touch-up before we film his challenge and ceremony recap segment?”

  “Sure thing. This way, Brad.” Spencer led him back to the makeup area.

  Chip turned to the women. “Ladies, if I can have your attention.” He waited for them to quiet down again. “We’ve learned some interesting news today and we think it’s important to fill you in.

  “Today, at the first challenge, it came to light that our bachelor Brad and our contestant Cassidy were previously in a relationship together.”

  Chapter Seven

  Chip held up his hands to calm the women. “Now, I know you’re thinking this puts you at a disadvantage because they have a history together. However after much consideration, we think it won’t affect the competition and we’re allowing Cassidy to continue as a contestant. Brad still has to decide if he likes her and wants her to stay as much as he has to with anyone else. Before anyone asks — no, they are not still an item, right, Cassidy?”

  “No,” she replied softly, uncomfortable talking about her former relationship with Brad. “We broke up six months ago.”

  Cassidy chanced a peek at Evan. The expression he’d worn during the dinner challenge had returned and seeing it again made her feel sick. And knowing she was the one who caused that expression — that her relationship with Brad had caused it — made her feel even worse. She didn’t want Evan looking at her like that. There were plenty of ways he’d looked at her already that were great … desire, amusement, even concern. This — whatever this expression was — wasn’t one of them.

  “And for the record,” Chip continued, stealing Cassidy’s attention back, “we had no prior knowledge of this either. We’re just as surprised by this as you are. I assure you this was not a stunt set up by us. Now, does anyone have any questions?”

  “Why did they break up?” Savanna asked.

  “I don’t think we need to discuss that right now. If you have questions you’d like to ask about their relationship, I suggested you ask Cassidy or Brad directly. However, I sincerely hope we can simply put this behind us.”

  “I think it’s fine Cassidy’s still here,” Zoe said. “I mean, Brad didn’t want her the first time around, so I doubt he’ll want her a second time. She wasn’t a threat, anyway.”

  “Thanks, Zoe. Why don’t you tell us how you really feel?” Cassidy asked. “Hey, while we’re getting things out in the open, maybe we should also talk about how Zoe’s a reality TV celebrity already.”

  “We know,” Lauren said. The other girls nodded, unconcerned.

  Cassidy stared at them, shocked. And annoyed. Had she been living in a hole for the last six months? How was she the on
ly one who didn’t know about Zoe until now? “And we’re okay with this? We don’t think this is a huge advantage to her?”

  “I have a lot of advantages over you. Being on TV before is only one of them. So really, why worry about it?” Zoe asked, looking at her as if Cassidy was a sad, lost puppy. “Feeling a little jealous, honey?”

  Great. Now I’m the jealous, bitter girl.

  “Nope.” Cassidy laughed weakly. “Have any tips for us?” She didn’t want tips, but she didn’t want to be seen as jealous either.

  “We’re done for tonight,” Susan the PA said, stepping in to finish for Chip who’d already walked away. “The show airs tomorrow evening, then America gets a few hours to call in their votes. The next day we find out who stays and who goes home. Any questions?”

  The girls remained silent.

  “Get some sleep and enjoy your day off tomorrow.” Susan eyed Evan, almost glaring at him before turning and wandering away, leaving the girls on their own to deal with the aftermath of Brad’s decision and the news of his previous relationship with Cassidy.

  Odd. What the heck did Evan do to piss off the PA?

  Cassidy’s gaze flickered from Susan to Evan. Funny, he didn’t seem surprised by her attitude. What was going on between them?

  • • •

  Evan leaned back against the half wall separating the pool from the rest of the grounds. He panned his camera around the pool and chairs, taking in a general overview of the area.

  The girls were enjoying their day off sunbathing by the pool. Everywhere he turned, women in bikinis lounged, sipping fruity drinks and cooling off in the pool.

  Life is good.

  He had followed Cassidy downstairs about an hour earlier. She’d eaten lunch with the other girls, chatting casually about Brad and the experience as everyone else speculated about which girl they believed America would choose to stay.

  “Seriously, I don’t know why his decision was so difficult,” Zoe had said, her usual tone of superiority and disinterest hanging in the air. She poured two packets of sugar into her iced tea and stirred.

  Cassidy whispered into Paige’s ear so quietly Evan could barely hear her through the mic. “How is she so skinny with so much sugar? I’m gonna gain a pound watching her drink that. Stupid Zoe and her stupid high metabolism.”

  Zoe sipped her drink and leaned back in her chair. “Only one girl can win in the end — me. So really, the sooner he gets rid of the rest of you, the better.”

  “I like the girls here,” Savanna said. “None of y’all really deserve to go home. It’s the worst part of the show.”

  “That’s a Miss America answer if I ever heard one.” Zoe rolled her eyes at Savanna. “Leave the pageant days behind and grow a personality already.”

  “Once a pageant queen, always a pageant queen.” Savanna smiled a huge bright white, perfect-teeth smile at Zoe.

  “I think all of the girls are sweet and pretty, but not every girl is going to be a match for every guy,” Cassidy said. “If Brad isn’t interested in them for some reason, then I guess it’s better they go home before their hearts get broken.”

  “Really, Cassidy? You’re so sweet.” Zoe smirked. “Is your heart going to break when you get sent home? Oh wait, your heart’s already been broken by Brad, hasn’t it?”

  “Who said I’m going home?” Evan heard the annoyance filling Cassidy’s voice. “It’s a little early to tell who’ll be the final two, don’t you think?”

  “Maybe for you, but I already know I’ll be there. The only question is which poor girl will make it to the end only to leave in tears during the live finale.” Zoe examined her perfectly polished nails.

  Cassidy crossed her arms. “We’ll have to wait and see what kind of girl Brad decides he wants.”

  “Poor Cassidy. It must be killing you to wonder if Brad wants you back or not.”

  “I’m still here, aren’t I? Isn’t that answer enough for you?”

  “True, but how long until he tires of you and dumps you again … like last time?” Zoe smiled wickedly. “He did dump you last time, didn’t he?”

  Cassidy glared at Zoe before leaving the table. Evan would have liked to know the answer to that question, too, but he’d have to wait until she decided to share that information with someone.

  After the lunch drama, he’d followed Cassidy out to the pool to join the rest of the group. She’d worn a simple pink sundress all morning and he’d been intrigued all morning about what hid under that dress. Now it appeared he would finally find out.

  Evan focused his camera as Cassidy and Paige walked around to the far side of the pool to a couple of empty lounge chairs. Cassidy set down the bag she carried with her and pulled out a trashy celebrity magazine and a pair of sunglasses. With her back turned to him, she pulled up the hem of her dress, slipped it over her head in one smooth motion, and let it fall into the bag beside the chair.

  Evan had never been one for bold bright colors, but today, hot pink was his new favorite. He could stare at hot pink all day.

  As Cassidy got comfortable on the lounge chair, Evan couldn’t help but stare. Her hot pink bikini wasn’t skimpy like some of the other suits the girls were wearing. It covered more than enough of her ample breasts, maybe even too much, and the bottoms tied at the curve of her hips.

  I love my job.

  Evan leaned against the wall thankful he didn’t have to move again immediately. Seeing Cassidy in her swimsuit caused all the blood to rush away from his brain, invading other regions of his body instead. A few minutes against the wall should be all he needed to let things settle down.

  Leaning is good. Focus on something else. Ah, lovely day today. So sunny and bright. Birds, flowers, pink flowers, pink bikinis covering soft ivory skin glistening in the sun. Damn it.

  Evan remembered the feel of her skin beneath his hand a few nights ago. He longed to feel it again, but he couldn’t. That wouldn’t be good for his job.

  Watching from a distance and suffering in silence was his only option. He worried tonight’s dreams would be filled with hot pink bikinis falling to the floor — and tomorrow morning would start with a cold shower.

  Evan shook his head and tried to clear his thoughts of Cassidy. She was off limits, and nothing he could do or say would change that. He needed to be smart and not let himself get carried away by his thoughts of her.

  We work together. No more touching her hair or arms or anywhere else. No more getting too close in the moment. And hopefully it’ll rain for the next month so there’ll be no more bikinis.

  Movement near Cassidy caught his attention. Paige sat on the edge of her chair and grabbed a bottle of sunscreen as Cassidy rolled over onto her stomach. Cassidy swept her hair off her back and shoulders, and turned her face toward Evan. She shrieked as Paige squirted cold lotion onto her sun-warmed skin, and laughed as Paige rubbed it on her back.

  You’ve got to be kidding me. And there’s another shower. Tonight. Before bed. Good thing cold-water showers were plentiful in a mansion full of women.

  I’m going to get frostbite.

  Evan held his camera still and closed his eyes. Maybe if he held them closed long enough, the sun would fade away and they’d be able to go back into the house and get her out of that bikini. Well, she’d get out of the bikini.

  He’d be in the hall thinking about her getting out of that bikini.

  • • •

  The day had been longer than feared, followed by a restless night of dreams. He had no idea his mind could be so creative with ways to remove a little pink bikini. Who needs hands when you have teeth? In his dreams, he would sweep her into his arms, kissing her, tasting her … touching her. Every dream ended with him startling awake. He either woke fearing they’d been caught by Chip and his career was over, or worse — remembering the pain on his brother’s face the day he lost Melissa.

  Evan couldn’t risk the same fate. He wouldn’t.

  He couldn’t think of Cassidy that way. She was his assign
ment. She was a risk too big to take. And she could still have feelings for her ex, douche bag Brad. Or was Chip right when he said the past was in the past?

  He took a big gulp of steaming coffee. He didn’t have time to let it cool, but he also couldn’t function without it. Coffee was the one thing that he could always find anywhere in the world and the one thing he couldn’t go without. He took another gulp and peeked out the window to see clouds filling the sky.

  Thank God for perfectly overcast, no-bikini-wearing days.

  Grabbing his camera, he opened his door to find Cassidy leaning back against the opposite wall, sexy as all hell in a white see-through blouse and capris. He could see the silhouette of her shape through the thin material and her tight tank top left little to his imagination.

  Damn, she’s hot.

  “Hey, Cassidy.” He held his gaze at her eyes, refusing to glimpse anywhere that might lead to more dreams. “We’re getting a bit of a late start today, huh?” He checked his watch and saw it was after noon already.

  How long was I in the shower this morning?

  “Well, I didn’t want to sit around speculating on which poor girl is going home in tears today. I know that’s the only thing everyone will be able to talk about,” Cassidy said.

  “Ready to join the others?” Evan asked.

  “As ready as I’m going to be.”

  • • •

  Evan stood opposite Cassidy so he could get a good shot of her reaction as the ceremony began.

  “Welcome back to The One. I’m Spencer Daley and we’re about to find out which lucky girl will get another chance at becoming The One. America, over 2 million of you voted last night.”

  Spencer motioned for the bottom three girls to come up to the front. “Julia, Lauren, and Courtney, if you’ll please join me. Brad, before we find out who’s leaving us tonight, is there anything you’d like to say to these ladies?”

  Brad sighed. “I just want to say it’s nothing personal. I think you are awesome girls. I wish you could stay longer. To the girl who stays, I’m looking forward to a second chance at getting to know you.”


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