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Fire (Beautiful Ashes Series, Book 2)

Page 5

by Ann, Lora

  Lacey blinked but wouldn’t speak.

  “Okay. Look up for me,” Keeley directed.

  What Lacey saw brought tears to her eyes. Her beloved husband was above her with a makeshift rope of some sort. He reached down as she reached up, locking his hand around her wrist. She ever so slowly turned with her face to the mud and held on to his forearm. With his other hand, he reached down to grab hers then pulled. She finally realized she could help and used her legs to help ease the burden of her weight.

  E pulled his wife to safety with painstaking precision. Holding onto her with all he had at the relief of having her in his arms again. But their elation was short lived as a bolt of lightning caused the ground to quake beneath them. Both screamed, “KEELEY!”


  There was peacefulness in falling. Odd as it might sound, she felt like a feather floating in the wind. Maybe that was because, in her mind, dying would be the best answer for everyone—including herself. But all hopes of finally ending the pain and misery were dashed in an instant when she came in contact with another tree. This time though she hit with enough force to break a rib or three. Agony shot through her bringing with it what she craved, the high she got. Keeley couldn’t help but notice the demon perched on the limb with her, smiling in that all-knowing way. Seemed for each step forward she made to finding some sort of normalcy, one of these monsters rode in to take it all away. “Why won’t you let me die!” she roared out toward the flashing sky.

  The demon nodded as he leaned forward to pry her fingers off the branch. “If you just let go,” he hissed.

  But something in Keeley just wouldn’t give in and she locked her fingers down tighter. Between the claps of thunder, she could hear E and Lacey screaming for her. She couldn’t see them but knew they were worried. So she yelled back, “I’m here!” shooting pain through her upper torso. And that was where she found her strength as she called out into the raging storm. The pain providing her with what she needed to hold on.

  E scrambled around, he hadn’t found a rope earlier, which was why he stood on the edge of a cliff in his boxers. Being proficient at tying knots, he’d managed to use his clothing as a makeshift rope. But he needed it longer. As if Lacey could read his mind, she began to strip. Keeley was considerably lower than they were and E searched for anything he could attach to give more length. By the time he was done, there were a few bent branches between articles of clothing.

  Take that MacGyver.

  He knew this was a hail Mary, but didn’t see any other option, as he tossed it over praying Keeley could manage the climb up the slippery cliff. Lacey, even in her worn and tattered state, got down on her stomach to look over the edge, using her hand to give E directions on where to move the rope.

  Keeley managed to sit up refusing to look down, not from fear of heights but so she wouldn’t contemplate jumping. Every time the temptation to do just that crept in, a flash of lightning or rumble of thunder would shift her focus. Divine intervention? She couldn’t let herself go there either. What she did do was offer up a promise of sorts. “If I’m meant to live, then I will go get the help needed. Just like I planned on doing before this happened.” She glanced around at her precarious predicament as her gaze hit the jagged rocks below her. But the vision that appeared was not the one of her splayed out in a bloody mess. No. What she saw stole her breath. Tar was in some kind of trouble. He seemed physically all right but there was darkness crowding around him, fingers clawing at him like a scene from Tales from the Crypt, inching their way along his body. After a moment, she saw where they were heading—straight to his heart. A light, stunning in its blast of brilliantness, was fighting valiantly to protect what she now realized was his soul. Powerful beings stood at his back while dark and massive ones attacked with a vengeance. The horror and beauty brought together in the battle was one she couldn’t reconcile. Lightning shot across the night sky above her and everything she’d seen was gone. Keeley shook her head to clear it.

  What was that?

  E’s barking commands from above brought her back to the situation at hand. Whatever she just imagined? Dreamed? She’d have to figure out later. Keeley reached up to grab a hold. There wasn’t enough to wrap around her waist, so she wound it around her wrist and tugged. With her other hand, she reached above and used the makeshift rope to aid her climb up. She had just made it to the ledge Lacey was on earlier when the rope gave way. She lost her footing but was able to grab onto a tree root. Lacey was panicked and reached too far over. E barely caught her, pulling her back to safety. He grabbed her face and kissed her hard and furious. “If you do that again, I’ll, I’ll…” God, he couldn’t even speak, she’d scared him that much. Her tears were on his lips as he pulled away and retied the clothing minus branches.

  Lacey couldn’t believe she was still alive. She was fully aware she should’ve gone over that edge. Then again, she shouldn’t be up there at all. How any of them were still alive was a miracle. Once more, she eased on her stomach to the edge but felt strong hands on her waist. “Uh-huh, not again.” Before she could argue, her husband assumed the position. She suddenly felt the panic he must have had only a few minutes ago and wrapped her hands tightly around his ankles.

  Keeley was able to wrap the clothing rope around her waist and held E’s determined gaze as she climbed and he pulled. Absently she noticed the rain was soft and the thunder was distant. There were still flashes of lightning, but intermittent. Just as Keeley was within reach, the rope gave way. E lunged forward to grab her. Lacey pulled back to hold onto him. Her grip was giving way as she yanked hard enough to hit the ground behind her. It was just enough to give E a chance to pull back with Keeley now on the edge. “One more time, Lacey,” he called. But there was no response, verbal or physical.

  What the fuck now?

  E couldn’t worry about it as he and Keeley worked as a team to get her back to safety. She scrambled past her brother-in-law toward Lacey, who was sprawled in an awkward position. Keeley screamed when she saw the blood from behind her sister’s head. Even crawled over and began talking to his wife. “Sweetness, come back to me.”

  Keeley sat there staring, helpless.

  “Lacey, I need you to wake up,” E said more forcefully. “Keeley,” he barked out, “go get help.”

  She got up, wincing from the pain in her ribs, but ignoring them, as she ran back to the house. Meanwhile, E kept trying to revive his beloved wife. “Don’t you leave me,” he ordered, checking her pulse and searching for the wound. He laid his head against her heart, “Keep beating. For me. For us,” he pleaded.

  A loud gasp brought his head up. Lacey’s frightened gaze locked on his. She tried to speak but only squeaks were coming out. He put his ear by her mouth. “Keeley?”

  “Is getting help for you now,” he reassured. Lacey’s fingers went to his cheeks wiping the tears. He stilled them. “I thought I lost you,” came the emotional confession as more tears spilled.

  Her voice almost didn’t exist, yet she had to tell him, “Never.” She swallowed past the pain. E’s finger went to her lips, but Lacey wasn’t going to let him silence her. “Forever,” she managed.

  He shook his head and leaned forward. “Always,” he whispered against her mouth before worshipping her lips, silently thanking God.

  By the time Keeley called 911 and went back with blankets, E and Lacey met her along the way. She hugged her sister so tight that both found it hard to breathe. E chuckled and wrapped his arms around them. “One for all and all for one.” Keeley couldn’t fight the giggle even though it hurt. Only E could pull that off. And she realized that this was worth living for. When you were able to savor the victory of a hard fought battle. Those tiny, precious moments of pure happiness.

  Chapter Six

  She sat out in the waiting room of the silent hospital and sipped from a straw, looking out at the night sky. Lacey had a decent concussion and E refused to leave her side. The lights were low and Keeley could actually hear herself th
ink. She’d grown used to the cacophony that was her companion. Noise was all she’d known for years. But something changed. She couldn’t quite put her finger on what it was. Thoughts of finding Tar, once she was released from the mental facility, gave her something to look forward to. She was determined to check herself in and do what was necessary to heal completely. But darker images began creeping in, along with the voice, “He’ll never truly love all of you. Tar will demand you change for him.”

  God, she was tired. Why didn’t she simply let go of that tree and fall to her death? “Because true love is worth fighting for. You are worth fighting for,” came another voice she wasn’t all that familiar with. It was hers, but then it was not. She contemplated that for a moment when the scene over the edge of that cliff replayed. In particular, the vision with Tar was now in full color as she acknowledged it for what it was: Demons and angels at war over Tar’s soul. However, it wasn’t that which gave her the will to live. She searched her memory and found what’d been missing—the will to fight. She decided to get help not for Lacey, E, or Tar, but for herself. A weight lifted as her hand stifled her gasp. Keeley still felt the complexity of her emotions, the very real battle she was in with her demons; yet it was no longer crushing her, suffocating to the point where she thought only death could bring relief.

  Without a care in the world as to who would see her or what anyone else thought, Keeley hit her knees in that small hospital waiting room. Only two words she could mutter, “Thank. You.” But they didn’t seem to be enough and she found herself face down on that floor, crying out in the dark to continue this fight. Dredging up every single dark place inside her, begging for the light to shine and show her the way. She didn’t know how long she’d lain prone on that carpet. Her face was still wet as she finally rose to her feet. There was now purpose in her steps. She would live to fight another minute, and hopefully those minutes would add up to an hour. Then the hours would lead to a day. Maybe, just maybe, someday she could make it longer than that. But Keeley didn’t want to jinx anything, accepting the gift she was just given.


  Mitch and Tar were in the dining room arguing again over the situation at hand. “I don’t give a flying fuck what orders are!” roared Tar. “My brother is in this godforsaken nightmare because of me!”

  “No,” Mitch ground out through clenched teeth. “Chase made a choice. Don’t you ever forget it was his to make.”

  Tar stood and paced. “He never would’ve if he hadn’t wanted to repent. His way of offering an olive branch.”

  Mitch shook his head. “I stand firm on, still his motherfucking decision.”

  Tar willed himself to find that place of calm inside. Every fiber of his being wanted to rage and tear things to pieces, but for what? Didn’t change the facts, and damn sure wouldn’t undo things. The feeling of impotence crawled along his skin finding just the right place to sink its nasty teeth into. To add to the fun, it’d brought along a friend. Failure wanted its pound of flesh too. It wasn’t that he thought one could never fail. He actually knew that most lessons were learned best through our failures not successes. However, when lives were on the line, when someone he loved was in danger, failure could not be an option. Lives were at stake. One wrong move, a miscalculation, and people were dead. Not just anyone either, his family. Tar might not have close ties, but blood bonds ran deep and thick no matter the circumstances. “What matters most is that we get him the hell out of there as fast as humanly possible.”

  From the doorway a feminine voice demanded, “Faster.”

  Tar glanced over his shoulder to see Lisa standing there with a deep V between her brows. Worry etched in every line on her face and seeping through each movement she made. He couldn’t just stand there and do nothing. Walking over to her, he enfolded her against his body wanting to protect, to shield her from this horror.

  Mitch coughed out, “We’re doing everything we can to get your husband home safely.”

  Tar couldn’t deny the emphasis he’d just heard on ‘husband,’ reminding him this was his brother’s wife. He distanced himself and continued to wear a spot out in the carpet thinking of how he could go into the field and not stay there with Lisa and Cole. Surely Mitch would see what a bad idea it was. The two friends locked gazes. Neither budging on their position: Mitch’s was to get Chase home safely as quickly as possible while following orders, meaning Tar stayed put and protected the wife and son. Tar’s was to get out there and save his brother from imminent danger and back home to Lisa, who so happened to be a woman Tar couldn’t deny he still loved to some extent. The latter brought with it a boatload of memories and feelings he didn’t want to revisit, now or ever. The past needed to stay where the fuck it belonged—on the battlefield of betrayal and heartbreak. He spun around, “Get me on the team that’s searching. Now,” he commanded.

  Mitch met him toe to toe, “Stand the fuck down,” he ordered. “You’re under my command and don’t you ever forget that.”

  Tar’s fist slammed down on the table making Lisa cry out, “Just stop, please.”

  Both men looked over at her then back at each other, saying everything through their fiery gazes, This conversation isn’t over.

  A phone call interrupted the hostile exchange as little Cole ran past his mother and into his uncle’s arms. “You find, Daddy?”

  Tar gentled his voice, “I’m trying, pal.”

  “I have faith in you, Uncle Tar.”

  He held the boy close. “Glad someone does,” he whispered more to himself than to the child, or anyone else for that matter.

  Lisa walked over. “I never lost faith in you as a man,” she spoke with conviction, winning Tar’s admiration just a little more.

  Mitch acknowledged what he was witnessing, a woman manipulating a man. How the hell was he going to save his friend from her when he’d been the one who put him in the lionesses’ den? He didn’t much care for the fact these were his orders. Tar was right, he shouldn’t be there with her. Too many casualties would come from this if she managed to get her claws into him. The whole thing spelled F-U-B-A-R. And suddenly, Mitch knew what he had to do. “We’ll talk later,” he said heading out the door with his phone in hand. “Come on, Keeley, pick up!”


  Keeley kissed her sister’s cheek admiring how peaceful she slept. What did Lacey have to worry about? She had a husband who loved, honored, and cherished her. Knew just what a treasure she was and treated her with so much adoration, and once more, Keeley found herself envying that. But as she watched, Lacey’s face crimped in anguish and her head violently turned left then right. She cried out, “No. No, you can’t have her. Take me instead.”

  God, was she remembering the past, or predicting the future? Didn’t matter. Keeley wouldn’t let her sister sacrifice again for her. Had she just thought Lacey lived an enchanted life? Hell. She’d given up so much and never once gave up on Keeley. “You are an angel. Please don’t worry about me.” Tears fell as she placed her mouth against Lacey’s ear. “I love you. I promise to fight.”

  “Don’t make promises you don’t intend to keep,” E’s voice was hard with the words Keeley knew were spoken out of love.

  “I’m going to do my best, isn’t that enough?” She turned toward him.

  “You tell me.” He stood there, muscled arms folded over his sculpted chest.

  Keeley eyed him cautiously. “I want to fight. Surely that makes it different.”

  He nodded once. “Why?”

  “Well, you all seem to think I’m worth it, so I figured maybe you’re right.” She shrugged.

  “Hey,” he gentled and relaxed his arms to his side. “I’m glad you’re finally listening.”

  Keeley smiled. “I’m trying to hear you. But…” How much should she confess to? She figured there was nothing to lose at this point and continued, “The noise is still there.”

  “Push through. Only you can take down those demons.”

  She knew he was speaking from
experience. “What if I fail?”

  E walked over and hugged his sister-in-law tight. “Then we’ll be here to help you.”

  Keeley stepped back and wiped the tears from her face. “I still crave pain,” the confession ripped from her as she looked back at her sister. “What do I do if I can’t overcome that?”

  “Let’s cross that bridge if you get there. One step at a time,” he assured.

  “E, are you listening to what I’m saying?” She leveled her gaze on his.

  “Loud and clear, Kee,” he apprised. “But I won’t have that conversation with you until we know exactly what you need.”

  She took a deep cleansing breath. “That’s all I can ask for.” Keeley stroked Lacey’s face. “Will you explain to her why I had to leave before she woke up?”

  “You have my word.”

  “Thank you.” Keeley turned to leave. “For everything.”

  “Absolutely. It’s all set up. Only you and I know where you’ll be, though I still think Lacey should be told that much.” His brow scrunched with intensity.

  “If I change my mind, I’ll let you know,” she promised.

  “Fair enough.” He gave her one last hug and kissed the top of her head. “I’m proud of you, Keeley. You’re going to get through this. Remember how much we love you.”

  “I love you both more,” she choked out, backing out of his embrace. “Take care of our angel.”

  “Always,” he declared.

  Keeley didn’t say another word as she left the room. She was terrified of not being strong enough, yet continued to walk, knowing she had to try.

  For them.

  For Tar.

  But most of all…for herself.


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