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Fire (Beautiful Ashes Series, Book 2)

Page 13

by Ann, Lora

  A couple of goons walked right past them and Shelby stared in fascination as Mitch silently put them to sleep. He stripped them of weapons and then used plastic ties as handcuffs. “Impressive work,” she praised.

  “Just doin’ my job, ma’am.” Mitch winked.

  Another man walked in. “You good?”

  “Taken care of,” Mitch replied.

  Shelby, Pamela, and Keeley sat watching the team as they checked the premises for any more thugs. Shelby noted that the ones Mitch took down were not picked up by the police. Good. Maybe they’d beat the truth out of the fuckers. Too many lives had been damaged or lost to those kind of people. She’d watched in horror as young runaways, girls and boys were pulled off the streets by them. Shelby tried several times to rescue a few but never was able to. That guilt was just another weight she carried. Keeley pulled her from her darkness. “We’re safe now. Please don’t worry.”

  “Honey, I’m not worried,” she shot a look over at Mitch deep in conversation, “I know the good guys from the bad ones.”

  Pamela added, “Not hard to tell the difference.”

  “I wonder where my good guy is?” Keeley pondered out loud as Leith took a seat beside her. She hugged him hard. “Oh my God!”

  “Hey, Kee. Good to see you.” He patted her back in a brotherly way. “Tar is still on protection duty.”

  She fought back the snide remark and replaced it with, “Will he bring them here?”

  “We’ll know more once our guests decide to talk,” he affirmed.

  Wait and see were the underlying words Leith didn’t say. Damn if that didn’t sit well with Keeley. She couldn’t shake the feeling that the more time Lisa spent alone with Tar, the harder it would be for her. A silent prayer went up that those men they were questioning would give them the necessary information so Tar would be free of that woman’s devices. Selfish…maybe. But Keeley couldn’t deny the sick feeling she got that Lisa was a little more involved in her husband’s disappearance than anyone realized. For Tar, Cole, and Chase’s sake, she hoped that gut feeling was wrong. Lives would be devastated if she were right. She added to her prayer, “Let me be way off. Please.”


  “What do you mean, detained?” Dr. Carla Thompson growled into the phone.

  “Ma’am, there was some sort of surveillance on that warehouse.”

  Fucking Mitch Rolston and his damnable team of former special ops. How would she get to Leith, or more importantly Keeley, if at every turn she was blocked? “They know the drill?”

  “Of course. The pills will take effect before anyone gets any information out of them.”

  God, she loved working with these crazies. Their desire to die for a cause helped her in more ways than one. She shook her head at the absurdity behind that. Rid the world of all sluts so only virgins were left. Really? Most of those girls taken were innocent until sold and raped. And how the hell did they justify the boys? She shouldn’t question anyone’s motives, killing was becoming second nature to her as was hiding under all these different skins. But Keeley Kincaid could point out her real identity and tie her to the murder of Senator Caleb Reynolds. She had to die and soon, very soon. That girl was smart and with each interaction she was trying to place her. Viv knew the clock was ticking. A knock at the door drew her attention away from her own reverie. “Yes.”

  “He’s ready for you.”

  “I’ll be right in.”

  She stood smoothing down her skirt while looking in the mirror. Assemblyman Chase McNeil suffered long and hard at the hands of some rather barbaric men. Her job was simple, earn his trust however possible. Braxton definitely knew how to play the game, even from jail. Every pawn was in place to his diabolical scheme. She wondered, as she pinned her hair up in a messy bun, what would Chase do when he learned his own wife was not only a part of this but willingly sleeping with the leader of the entire cartel? Money, power, and sex brought together odd bedfellows. She placed the little wire frame glasses on, looking the part. Dr. Carla Thompson would help heal his wounds. In return, Chase would give the necessary information to destroy the team and all involved. The public could never know of such an operation. They were too close to the source and many would suffer if that ever leaked. Yes, all for the greater good was her leverage. He’d comply, one way or another. She stepped into the examine room with a shocked gasp of, “My God, what happened to you?”

  Chase’s head lulled to the side, his eyes nearly swollen shut. His throat was parched and his lips a deep purple. He groaned toward the beauty standing there, “Help me, please.”

  “Yes, of course,” she replied as a spurt of liquid shot into the air from the syringe. “Just rest and let me take care of you,” she crooned gently as she injected the pain killer into his vein.

  His voice trailed off on, “t-t-th-thank you.”

  She studied the damage done to his body with a clinical eye. Not the first time she’d repaired a damaged body so more torture could be done to it. Keeley came to mind once more as she worked to repair the most vital wounds, noting they damn near tore him a new asshole. And one of those skanks had chlamydia, she noted by the discharge as she worked on the damage done to his genitals. A scheme brewed on how to use his damaged penis to her advantage. She’d prove to him he was still virile and able to use it properly, and that would be her leverage. Video footage of a wayward politician would destroy his career and his family, especially one on a mission to stop human trafficking.


  Tar searched along the beautiful tree-lined street to locate the address given. Orange county had neighborhoods that reminded him of his own childhood south of there. He knew Keeley was from this area, too, making her feel close by. Mitch mentioned a house used for operations not too far away. After he got Lisa and Cole settled in, he wanted to go check it out. Odd that when the thought crossed his mind he remembered something Rolston had said, “Make yourself at home. We have backup on your brother’s family if you need to take a break. Matter of fact, I encourage it.”

  No secret that one could get burnt out working protection and why it was usually done in teams. But he understood the need not to follow that protocol. Wonder what changed the Captain’s mind. Cole leaped into his arms. “Did you see the backyard?”


  “Uncle Tar!”

  “You wouldn’t be this excited about that swimming pool, now would you?”

  “Yessssssss! Let’s go!”

  Tar chuckled. “I’ll change and meet you in five minutes.”

  Cole grabbed his stubbled jaw, “You got two,” then jumped down and hollered, “Mooooooooom!”

  Tar stood there laughing. His nephew was a lot like his father. Chase was just as intense when he wanted to do something. He slipped into a pair of swim trunks and headed toward the backyard. The door was open as he walked by, so he was not expecting to see movement inside the room. He paused, watching. Lisa’s voice carried, and he reached for the door to give her privacy until he overheard, “I miss you, baby.”

  What the fuck? Who could she be on the phone with? He eased into the room a little further to listen better. Her feet were against the wall and she was lying on the bed. Tar observed her long brunette hair fanned out around her head but there was no phone or ear piece indicating she was using the handless function. Speaker, maybe? But when he noticed the deep crinkle between her eyes and her fingers pumping then moving in circles, it clicked she was masturbating to a fantasy. Shit! He did not need to watch that and quietly left the room. Unfortunately, he couldn’t unsee what he did catch a glimpse of. She was working her G-spot with one hand and her clit with the other. And, damn it all, that was an arousing sight. His cock in full agreement as it strained for attention. “Get in,” Cole half sang as he rounded a corner.

  Right. A cold dip in the pool was exactly what his dick needed. He didn’t want Lisa in that way ever again. But he was a red-blooded male, and she was a beautiful woman. One that he knew intimately. Memo
ries surfaced as he did his best to lock them back in a box. He dove into the deep end and focused on his nephew playing on the steps of the shallow end. His head broke the surface of the water. “Hey, come on, Buddy. Let’s swim.”

  Lisa sat seething as she looked out of the window. Her plan completely backfired. Damn man and his morals. Or was it his loyalty to Keeley? Whichever it was, she needed him fucking her. That was part of the plan, and he was making it more and more difficult. It wasn’t that she was against the idea. She wanted him—had never stopped if the truth be known. Sweetened the deal in her opinion. Clark might have his plans on the McNeil brothers and the team, but she had her own agenda. Determined to live out her fantasy of having both Chase and Tar inside her body at the same time. She’d been in plenty of threesomes and knew how spectacular those two would be. They made love so differently, one soft and one hard, that combination, along with her feelings for them, would heighten the escapade. She wanted the experience back when she was engaged to Tar but didn’t know her own sexuality then. Now she understood. The whole mess with the organization didn’t really appeal to her. Sure she’d enjoyed some of the perks that came with sex slaves, Clark insisted that she sampled. His own wife so tied up in the church she was totally clueless. But Lisa could adapt to anything, anyone, in any situation. Clark once told her she was the ultimate chameleon. Her nose wrinkled, she preferred the term actress. She continued to watch the object of her lust as she once more fingered herself. Their gazes locked just as she came.

  Tar jerked away from that window and dove to the bottom of the pool to retrieve Cole’s dive toy. He wanted to believe Lisa was innocent and too caught up in her own desire to realize it was him she was staring at. But something told him she was most definitely aware of who, and it was no accident. He decided, as he tossed Cole into the water with a big splash, that from now on his nephew would always be with them. Tar would not permit himself to be alone with Lisa. Not because he wanted her either, but because he wouldn’t let her get the idea she could seduce him. Still, he felt that might be a tad unfair, odds were, she simply missed her husband. It was only natural to pleasure herself since he was gone. Yeah, he was being an egotistical prick. She wouldn’t do that. Lisa loved Chase, and Tar convinced himself he was reading into something that wasn’t really there.

  Cole was beginning to shiver. “I’m hungry, Uncle Tar.”

  He tossed a towel around his nephew’s tiny shoulders and picked him up. “Time to raid the fridge.”

  “You think there’s hot dogs?”

  “Only one way to find out,” Tar announced, walking inside.

  They sat at the kitchen table and dined. Cole with a couple of hot dogs smothered in ketchup, and Tar with some ham and cheese sandwiches, both drank milk. A big yawn told Tar that Cole needed a nap. He went in search of Lisa, finding her sound asleep. After tucking his nephew in next to his mom, he took a shower. Tar made sure they were both sleeping before he left. He didn’t know why but something was pulling him to that other house used by the team. If he’d learned anything as a SEAL, it was your instincts were usually spot on.

  Chapter Seventeen

  The streets of Anaheim brought back all kinds of memories. Even the smells were taking Keeley back to a once happy childhood. She could see Lacey up in the treehouse, coloring. Her mom in the garden with her flowers. Everything changed when her dad made his first million. He uprooted them and moved to a posh neighborhood where no one seemed to be into anything but what you drove, where you shopped, and who you called friends. She was miserable and began acting out. Lacey, being the good girl, locked it all away and reminded Keeley love was sacrifice. She sat there on the playground swing contemplating that. Lacey lived out her beliefs. Unlike their mother, who stifled her own opinions and pretended to be someone she was not. Their dad didn’t treat her like his partner in life, she was his property. A beautiful trophy brought out to play with when and if he felt like it. That set her stage of anger and bitterness. Darkness seeped into those cuts left in her heart and filled them with lie after lie. She got it now. Saw just how and where it all went to hell. Her sister had chosen wisely, she did not. She was desperate for the love of her parents and felt betrayed by them. Money and power came before family with their father, it didn’t take long for him to drag their mother down with him. Her own rebellion was at the root of so many things, yet she shared the same beliefs as Lacey—love, honor, sacrifice, protect. Her way of doing that was self-destructive where her sister put others first, but not to the point that Lacey lost herself. Bottom line, she was weak and Lacey was strong, though she knew her sister would argue that was backwards.

  Maybe it was time to really sit down with her mom and have a heart-to-heart. Apologize for her mistakes and heal. Learn how to put forgiveness into practice. She knew deep down her mother loved her, but couldn’t help feeling abandoned by the way she chose to live her life. Thoughts of being a mom surfaced, and with that came the heartbreak of knowing she’d never have life growing inside of her. She’d never know what kind of mother she could be. For the best, she thought, wiping away her tears. Keeley had made too many poor decisions to be entrusted with another’s life. But what she was coming to terms with was that she either stayed in that pit of despair, or she pulled herself out. All on her. Tar deserved her trying to be a better person. She wanted to be for him. He’d never ask her to change, and that made her love him more. His love for her, just the way she was, made her want to change and be the best person she could be. No, she’d never be perfect, but no one ever could fit that bill. You did the best you could at the time, when you knew better, you did better.

  Keeley got back in the car, Mitch loaned her, and decided it was time to start this new journey. Take the risk of true forgiveness. And that began with her mother.


  Protocol was to not get involved personally in any assignment. But damn if he could just stand by and watch a bitch like Lisa destroy his best friend. They might have grown distant through the years, but a lot of that had to do with this particular woman. Mitch had been very vocal about his thoughts and opinions regarding her. Tar didn’t take too kindly to them either. But once he was taken prisoner and tortured, the subject was off limits. It was a fucking miracle they found him and the others as fast as they did. Though they’d lost a couple of brothers in arms to those ruthless zealots. And Mitch would never apologize for killing some of them on that rescue mission. None of that came even close though to the fear he felt the night Tar almost succeeded in swallowing a bullet as he held his own weapon in his mouth. Mitch still had nightmares from that sight. Tar struggled and fought hard to take control of his demons, and in the process hurt those who only wanted to help him. Mitch forgave him long ago. He sure as hell didn’t blame the guy. War and betrayal fucked with a man. The fact his friend not only got through it but became something more in the process, was amazing. He respected the hell out of that man. And he would not let the one woman who set the whole mess in motion anywhere near him again.

  Fuck no.

  She was sleeping soundly in the other room with her son. Mitch took the opportunity to nose around. There had to be something, anything, he could use as proof. His gut wasn’t enough. Plus, there was this other notion toying with him that somehow Lisa was behind her husband’s disappearance. He needed irrefutable evidence on that one for it to hold up in a court of law. His search came up empty, and Mitch decided Alex Strand might be better on this investigation instead of directly involved with the cartel. He’d contact Alex and his wife Sofie just as soon as possible.

  A noise caught his attention. Cole was playing quietly in another room. Where was Lisa? He eased around a corner to see her animated while speaking on a cell phone. Didn’t take long for Mitch’s trained eye to notice it wasn’t the one they had given her. What the hell are you up to? He attempted to get a little closer but she’d turned another direction, so he couldn’t make out what she was saying. Her body language told him she was pissed off. Wh
y? Who was on the other end of that phone call? Mitch thought he heard the name Clark but couldn’t be certain. She came around from a different side and caught him eavesdropping. “Hear anything interesting?” she inquired with a gleam in her eyes.

  Shit! And what was with that look? “I’m sorry. I was checking to make sure you were alright,” he lied.

  The angle of her jaw said she didn’t buy his line for a second. Smart girl. But she wouldn’t be able to manipulate so many if she wasn’t intelligent. Mitch would give her that. Made her more dangerous, but not unstoppable. He liked a good challenge. Her demeanor shifted and her lip began to quiver. “I was simply listening to news to see if there was anything on Chase.”

  Oh, she was a pro at playing the poor distraught wife card. “You coulda just asked me.”

  “Yes, but I needed to know what the news was saying,” her breath caught.

  And cue the waterworks. Damn woman could cry on command. Her breasts began to heave and Mitch knew that was not by accident. She was going to try this shit on him? He met her toe to toe and stroked the outline of her jaw. “Sweetheart, I’m not remotely attracted to you, but it was a nice try.”

  Lisa huffed and jerked out of his reach. Bastard! She schooled her features. “My heart and body belong to my husband, Mr. Rolston.”

  There was no holding back his, “bullshit.” Her surprised look said it all: he was onto her and her schemes. Mitch took the advantage he had. “I will find Chase, and I’ll uncover every hidden secret there is to do so. Have no doubts about that,” he declared.

  She stood facing away from him. “That’s good.” Turning toward him, “I want the SOB’s responsible to pay dearly for this,” she said with steel in her voice.

  Mitch fought the urge to clap at such a performance. Bravo! Instead he simply nodded before taking his leave. On the way down the hall he vowed to himself, I will put her ass in jail for her role in this debacle.


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