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The Hunt is On (The Patroness)

Page 14

by Natalie Herzer

  Since I wanted to eat together with her I decided to snuggle up on the couch with a cup of coffee in front of me and turned on the TV after everything was set out. Malo jumped up and came to nestle himself in my lap. Smiling I started scratching him under his chin, and soon he purred and vibrated beneath my hands as if motor-driven.

  Outside the windows the world was gray, still caught in between darkness and dawn. Silence reigned in these early hours and demanded obedience. Honoring the timeless quiet and peaceful solitude I turned the volume off to watch the news with subtitles.

  Of course, the Turn was still on everyone’s lips, and would be for a while I guessed. Everywhere around the world people prepared for something they couldn’t even quite imagine. The governments and forces of order played their role of wise shepherd well, advising the population against panic, to stock up, to stay calmly at home, or to go to one of the designated help centers in case of an emergency during the Turn. The Council tried to educate, telling about the different species, showing only the cute ones, without revealing any of their weaknesses or the Big Five leading the magical community. The rest of today’s news covered nature’s latest whims and the resulting damages, the stock market going crazy, and – since some things just never changed – the death of a celebrity.

  I sighed and switched to cartoons. Sleet started to tap against the windows and although time trickled away the world stayed gray.

  A faint click made my head snap up and I watched as the door to Pauline’s room opened slowly. My roommate was still dressed in last night’s clothes, even though a little wrinkled and tousled, and looked very much surprised to see me, her mouth forming a funny ‘o’. Then she bit her lip, a blush creeping into her already rosy cheeks, and smiled sheepishly.

  She stepped through the door.

  Ben followed her.

  Bad moment to drink coffee but that’s what I did and it nearly came back out of my nose. Though my curiosity was thoroughly piqued I concentrated on my cartoons while the two of them said good-bye and Ben slipped out the apartment door. I suddenly realized that I’d never seen her blush because of a guy before and somehow, more than anything else could, it told me how serious this was.

  As soon as Pauline turned around I sprang to my feet. Eyebrows somewhere near my hairline, a big, fat grin and “Spill!” on my lips. I have to say I was quite proud of my restraint.

  She grinned and shook her head in amazement. “We just talked. The whole night. Well, at some point we did doze off, but that’s all. He just was there, beside me, holding me in his arms. It was…magic.”

  Putting my arm around her shoulders I led her into the kitchen. “A real gentleman. A rare species indeed.”

  “But it wasn’t platonic or anything. Quite the contrary. Oh God, his eyes.” She shivered. “We both wanted more but didn’t do it. It wasn’t the moment for that somehow. And it felt right, like waiting for Christmas.” She frowned. “Does that make sense?”

  I put croissants in the oven and then straightened to smile softly at her. “Yes, it does. You, or let’s say the connection between you at that moment was far more important than slaking an urge could ever be.”


  She sat on one of the high chairs surrounding the counter and studied me. “So…you and Kylian yesterday. That looked to be more than slaking an urge, too.”

  “I don’t know what it was, what it is. I never felt so…argh and grrr and hmmm before.”

  Pauline laughed. “That’s a good one.”

  I glared at her, throwing her croissant at her as a punishment. Which she caught. Hmpf. “I can’t describe it. I’m not a poet.”


  Remembering yesterday, the kisses and the heat, I answered without hesitation, “Bombs.”

  She winked at me. “Nice. I’m quite sure when Ben and I come around to that… he’ll rock my world. Well, he’s already doing it actually.”

  I poured coffee and looked at her. “Fireworks?”

  “In all colors of the rainbow.”


  After another phone call from Anouk that afternoon I knew that her two officers had officially gone missing, as had another woman. There were no obvious clues so far but the copies of the reports were on their way to me so I could have a look of my own. It still amazed me how civilized my dealings with the boys in blue had become, though I knew it was only thanks to Anouk. A smart shapeshifter was a lot easier to deal with than an ignorant and prejudiced human.

  My fax clicked on and I walked over to take the papers. Though I doubted to find something that Anouk might have missed I sat down at my desk and dived in.

  An hour later I called first Anouk to talk with her about my idea which she jumped at and then Kylian.

  A woman, her voice polite and ordinary, answered. Well, well, look who got himself a secretary.

  “Hi, this is Maiwenn Cadic, I need to speak with Kylian.”

  “He’s out at the moment. Would you like to leave a message?”

  I cast my eyes up and prayed for patience.

  It didn’t come.

  “Okay, you’re obviously new at this. I’m the Patroness of Paris. This is about business and I’m pretty sure Kylian would like to know what happened to his missing shapeshifters. So get him on the line.”

  A click later, the familiar deep voice asked, “What’s going on?”

  “Hi, and good morning to you, too.” Didn’t sleep well, huh? A mean grin curved my lips, though at the same time a happy butterfly decided to spread its wings at the thought. I didn’t want to think about the little bug and its meaning, so I concentrated back on the work. “I just talked to Anouk and told her I would give you the heads-up. Her two officers are missing, so is another woman. I spend the last hour going through new police reports. In one report two eye witnesses, a couple, state that they saw the victim first disappear into a screen of fog and then heard a scream. I don’t know about you, but I stumbled across some weird mist a couple of days ago. Once with Pauline and the other time during my patrol. I also saw a screaming ghost running away from it.”

  He gave it a moment’s thought. “You think all those people were taken by…fog?”

  It did sound ridiculous, but since Anouk and I had no idea what else to do…It was better than nothing. At least we would go out there and do…something.

  “Do you have a better idea?”

  He sighed.


  I could actually see him running a hand through his dark hair.

  Then he said, “I haven’t seen it personally, but I seem to recall hearing a wolf talking about it. That it made his hackles rise. I didn’t pay him that much attention since, hey, it’s winter and the pre-Turn weather can be quite unusual anyway. But hell, at this point I’ll grasp at any straw.” Exactly what I was thinking. “I’d meant to call you to ask you about teaming up tonight anyway.”

  “Teams of two, we will cover more ground and no one should be alone. Sunset, my place.”

  “Okay. By the way, I send Mathieu over. He was antsy and if he’s anything like you I thought punching you would help.”

  I snorted. “Thanks.”

  He chuckled. “You’re welcome. See you later.”

  We hung up, and I started rounding up the rest of the troops.

  Half an hour later Mathieu and Philippe arrived. Philippe looked a little weird, pale and more transparent somehow, and I wondered what it meant, but he was quickly telling me not to worry that it had to do with the magic already leaking through the gates between realms. It wasn’t like the abrupt magic waves that had hit us before, but more like a steady drip-drip-drip that had started after I talked to Kylian. Now, my blood seemed to buzz with the energy, making me feel almost like after a fight while adrenaline was still pumping through my system. Clear head, concentrated and aware of the surroundings. So I shrugged the matter off and after I put a sign on the door, telling possible clients that they just had to ring the doorbell for my apartment,
I went upstairs with the boys in tow.

  In my room I quickly changed into black sweatpants and a shirt before we headed up the wrought iron, spiral staircase leading to the rooftop. A cold and cutting wind charged with sleet and ice met us and so I decided to train in the little shed on the far end of the flagstone terrace.

  The shed was really just a shed. Two naked light bulbs hung from the ceiling, a punching bag in one corner, a simple desk and two chairs in another one, and old weapons covered the walls and some more useful ones were secured in a closet.

  Mathieu and I started with a little warm up and then continued to stretch our muscles, preparing ourselves for the training session. Philippe contented himself with watching us.

  “Last time, we went through important moves regarding self defense. We’ll repeat them. I want to see whether you trained without me as promised.”

  We ran through the moves, through different scenarios and I was surprised to find out that Mathieu had either gained strength or learned how to use it properly without changing into his beast. That was good, another sign that he was on the right path and not in danger of going rogue.

  “Well, you sure are getting stronger. With whom did you practice?”

  “Kylian’s second, when he has the time or Ben.”

  “Do I know him, Kylian’s second?”

  Philippe said, “Oh, we thought you already knew. He made Gabin his second.”

  “No, I didn’t know it.” I raised my eyebrows in surprise. “I’d never have guessed that the others would accept him. Sure, he can shift shape, but technically he’s not one of them.” But it certainly explained why Kylian had sent him to the meeting with the police in his stead. He had been preparing Gabin for his new role. I was glad for the raven, he was a good guy and intelligent, with the heart in the right place.

  Mathieu shrugged. “Yeah, there were some arguments about it, but Kylian nipped them in the bud telling them all if they weren’t happy with his decision, they only had to challenge Gabin. Some did, but he always won, and so they dropped it.” He shrugged, but his eyes gained a revering edge though he tried to hide it and seem indifferent. “He’s okay, a no-nonsense type.”

  I played along. “Really. How so?”

  “Well, if he’s not fighting, he’s always reading books, studying. That guy carries a pocket encyclopedia with him. Sure the ravens are young and have to learn stuff, our world and so, but he really seems to want to learn. He says to win a fight you need brains and body. Says his body is trained and fully grown, but his mind isn’t and so he needs to gear up.”

  Gabin was the raven of the group who had been the first to decide to join sides with me and fight against his mad, murdering father. His decision had been quick, and the others had followed without hesitation or the slightest doubts. Yes, I could see him as an eager mind and strong leader. And found that Mathieu had chosen his new idol wisely.

  He went on, “Gabin is head of house bird, too. No one challenged him there, though.”

  I secretly gestured for Philippe to step back. “Smart, and a decision I can only recommend.” I already had the pleasure – well, pain – of fighting the ravens and sure was happy they were on our side now. “But enough talk, let’s fight. Hand-to-hand combat.”

  Without warning I went for him. It only took one blow. A palm-heel strike to his solar-plexus and he stumbled, gasping like a fish out of water and trying to get breath back into his lungs. Philippe laughed his head off.

  “Okay, let’s talk a bit about hand-to-hand struggle after all. And just like Gabin said, we’ll not only train your body but you’ll also have to use your brain. Until the next session I want you to study human anatomy. Learn the vital targets of head, torso and legs. You need to know where to strike or punch to be effective. Then you’ll move on to the vital and nerve motor points, which are your best targets. You need to learn which strike to what point will end in the death of your opponent or just in delaying him. Always try to go for incapacitating your opponent, not killing him. So, scenario, let’s say I want to punch you in the face, your jaw just seems too pretty. What would you do?” I moved my fist to side of his jaw, and stood still, so he could have a look at the situation.


  “Possible, but better retaliate. Look at my elbow, just below it, there’s the radial nerve. Counter with a strike to that nerve. And then follow up, for example with an uppercut to my chin.”

  We went through different scenarios of front-to-front encounters and then returned to some self-defense moves. The training session ended with both of us sweating but smiling at the thrill.

  Glancing at him I could see something brewing inside of that pretty head of his. “What?”

  “What’s going on between Kylian and you?”

  My eyebrows hit my hairline. That was the last thing I had expected to come out of his mouth. “Why?”

  He shrugged. “During the summer I thought there was something between the two of you. He was all protective and so. But then that stopped. So I thought…I don’t know. But now, I hear he’s back to putting the moves on you. I mean, you ‘kay with that?”

  My heart wanted to fly out of my chest as I realized that Mathieu wanted to protect me from getting hurt, just like a loving brother would. Blinking rapidly for fear of tearing up, I smiled reassuringly. “Yeah, I’m okay with that. Don’t worry.” Little brother.

  Apparently done with that he nodded and together we headed down. While Mathieu took his shower I prepared coffee and talked with Philippe.

  “How is it going in furry village?”

  “Furry village? Nice one. Well, at first I liked being there since every one can see me and talk to me. But it has its drawbacks.” He slouched his shoulders.

  “What do you mean?”

  “Well, it’s not much fun to play the poltergeist if everyone knows and sees the noisy ghost.”

  That was indeed a problem. A ghost who had so desperately wanted to be seen - and was now tired of it. I blew out my cheeks, trying to figure out how to cheer him up. Beats the hell out of me.

  Luckily Mathieu came back out of the bathroom and I was saved from a headache that surely would have come from trying to solve this weird problem. I took a quick, hot shower and dressed with tonight’s patrol in mind. Black jeans, a teal-colored warm sweater and boots. With Cutter once again strapped on my back I returned into the kitchen/living room area.

  At the same moment Pauline opened the door to the apartment, coming home from her very first day in her own store.

  “How was your day?” I asked her as I filled two mugs of coffee, of which I handed her one.

  Dressed in tight dark blue pants and a ginger, wide neck sweater, she flapped her delicate lavender wings and walked to the counter dividing the kitchen and living room. Earlier I had texted the girls that I would need their help tonight for the patrol and that we would team up with the shapeshifters and Anouk’s team.

  “Well, with the weather and Turn and stuff they aren’t actually beating a path to my store door but I sold some Christmas floral arrangements.” She actually beamed at me. “It was great.”

  “I can imagine. Congratulations.”

  A knock sounded from the door and then Anouk came in, dressed all in black and her short hair wild. “Salut. Thank God that sleety rain is slowing down out there.”

  Mathieu had tensed and Anouk stopped dead in her tracks. I frowned and raised a questioning eyebrow sensing trouble.

  Anouk’s gaze was fixed on Mathieu, but she explained to me, “Mathieu is trying to figure out whether he’s submissive to me, or I to him. Though he’s still a pup and the question of dominance shouldn’t come up yet.”

  Oh. My stomach plummeted. Not even an hour ago I had admired his new strength and had been sure he was doing alright.

  She continued to talk, addressing Mathieu this time, all the while walking slowly into the room, not challenging or showing aggressiveness of any kind. “Don’t worry, sometimes it’s just a side effect of
being half-half. But you should talk with Kylian about this. I’m a loner, not pack, and as I said you’re too young for dominance fights with the grown-ups.”

  He nodded sharply, murmured a good-bye and was out the door, Philippe close on his heels.

  “Is that true that it’s just a side effect of him being more than just a wolf?” I asked her, all the while pouring another coffee that I carried over with mine to the low table that stood in front of the couch.

  Pauline sprawled in one of the red, comfy armchairs and after Anouk got out of her leather jacket she sat down beside me on the couch.

  She frowned. “It could be something else, but given the fact that he’s human, something other and a wolf, I’d say it really just is a side effect. Can’t say why, but sometimes the beast of a mixed shapeshifter seems to grow up faster. Mathieu is a pup and his beast should behave like one. But being turned so brutally and having weird magic in his blood might accelerate this whole process. His beast feels grown-up, so Mathieu will have to prepare for fights to establish his rank within the pack. But really, don’t worry. If Kylian declares him not fit for it yet, Mathieu’s beast will have to obey and given the fact that Mathieu is young, not only among shapeshifters but also from a human’s point of view, the other pack members will probably cut him some slack should he overstep.” She sighed and laughed quietly. “Pecking order, I had troubles with it, too.”

  Pauline said, “You know the advantages of this apartment-sharing? You can be on your own, without being alone. Viv, M and I, we’re our own small pack, without the drawbacks.”

  I grinned back at Pauline. “That’s right. By the way in these last minutes I learned more about the insides of a pack than in the last twenty-odd years.”

  Anouk frowned. “I’d have thought that Kylian would be more open about it, since the two of you seem to know each other quite well.”

  I got the between the lines but ignored it. “I’ve known him for a couple of months and, yes, he tells me some of it. What he wants to change within the pack and stuff. But a while back we had to check out a shapeshifter hang out, you know, those without weapons and a lot of skin.” She nodded. “Anyway, mating came up and he shut down completely. The other morning I wanted to ask Ben about it but then Kylian came in and he practically ran out.”


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