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The Ones Who were Chosen

Page 5

by Lady Lilium

  One of the two headed aberrants closest to her lifted its head snarling, and was immediately met by a swing from the metal pole. One head was thrown to the side, cheek bones and jaw broken on impact. The other head snapped backwards as Rhian struck it from below, swinging her weapon as if it were a golf club. The aberrant screeched in pain, writhing on the ground, trying desperately to escape her. Another aberrant roared at her in a display meant to intimidate. Rhian translated it as an invitation. Standing with its back legs up on the dumpster and its front legs on the ground Rhian lunged forwards. Stabbing the beast in the chest, the metal pole went right through the creature’s thin skin, stopping its heart instantly.

  The remaining beasts fled, scrambling away in a fit of raw terror. Aberrants they may be but they were still driven by instinct, and knew when they were beaten. They would rather flee than die.

  ‘Cowards’ Rhian spat.

  She let the end of the pole slide through her fingers until it touched the ground, blood still dripping from the end. Rhian observed the animals she had killed. Their pupils were white, their skin black, and their manes red.

  ‘Juveniles’ Rhian said to herself. ‘They don’t know how to fight yet.’

  The puddle of blood by the head of the first one she struck was rapidly growing, its jaw cocked sideways and the bones in its cheek caved in. The second one was still twitching.

  Rhian tapped her foot, and brought the metal pole up to rest on her shoulder.

  ‘I've not seen aberrants for many years; I wonder what they’re doing here?’

  The next morning (Saturday morning)

  The screen of the mobile flashed blue as it vibrated across the bedside table, coming dangerously close to the edge. Eleanor moaned in agitation, slowly waking up from her wonderful dream and feeling regret that she was already forgetting it. She furrowed her brow angrily at the loud and overly happy sound of her ringtone. Rolling over she pushed herself up with a groan, catching the mobile before it fell off the table and landed on the floor. She flipped it open.


  ‘Hey Eleanor, how are you?’


  She sat bolt upright, suddenly wide away.

  ‘Drake! It’s so good to hear from you, how are you?’

  ‘Are you still in bed?’ Drake said incredulous. ‘I should have known.’

  Eleanor groaned again, turning to look at the clock on her bedroom wall.

  ‘It’s only seven thirty’ she spoke in her morning voice.

  ‘I was up an hour ago’ Drake chirped happily.

  ‘Doing what?’


  ‘Don’t be stupid.’

  She rolled back into bed, withdrawing into her blankets like a hermit into its shell.

  ‘Sian and I had a sleep over; we were up late last night watching horror.’

  ‘Oh yeah?’ Drake replied. ‘Just the sort of thing you want to watch before you go to bed. Did you have any nightmares by any chance?’

  ‘There was this really horrible bit in one where someone drives a lawnmower over someone else’s face!’ Eleanor said dramatically, ignoring Drake’s question.

  ‘That’s horrible.’

  ‘That’s what I said. There were so many jumpy bits in it, I had to ask Sian to tell me when they were coming up so I wouldn’t get scared…because she’s seen it before.’

  ‘What's the point in that?’ Drake scoffed. ‘I thought you watch horror because you like getting scared.’

  ‘No. I watch horror because it’s exciting. But it didn’t work anyway because Sian kept deliberately forgetting to tell me when the jumpy bits were coming up.’

  ‘So you had fun then?’ Drake asked.

  ‘Sure did.’

  ‘Who’s that on the phone?’ Sian asked yawning as she sat up beside to her. ‘Hey you're taking all the blankets! No wonder my arse is cold!’

  ‘It’s Drake’ Eleanor told her.

  ‘Drake?’ Sian rolled over to the other side of the bed, resting with her head on her hands. ‘Could you ask him if Lucas is still coming tomorrow?’

  ‘Why don’t you ask him yourself?’ Eleanor said. ‘He’s your boyfriend.’

  ‘I can’t speak to Lucas at the moment because my phone is broken’ Sian sighed. ‘And I forgot his number.’

  ‘Fine’ Eleanor sighed dramatically. She spoke to Drake again.

  ‘Sian wants to know if Lucas is coming down tomorrow.’

  ‘Yeah, we both are’ Drake replied.

  Eleanor gave a thumbs up to Sian, who turned away with a smile and went back to sleep, taking most of the blankets with her.

  ‘I’d better go now anyway’ Drake said.


  ‘Sorry babe, I'm just going out, and anyway you should have your breakfast.’

  ‘I suppose, where are you off to then?’ Eleanor asked.

  ‘Just going to town, apparently there’s going to be a show there today, two street dancing brothers.’

  ‘Cool’ Eleanor said perking up. ‘Well I hope you have fun.’

  ‘You too’ Drake answered. ‘Whatever it is you two are doing today.’

  ‘I love you Drake’ she smiled.

  ‘I love you too.’

  He ended the call.

  The girl slowed to a stop, glancing fearfully around her and wondering which direction the danger was going to come from, and which direction she should run to next. Clutching the hem of her white dress, palms sweating now, she noticed an insect hover above her head, it was a dragonfly.

  They were very close now, those that hunted her.

  The dragonfly darted back and forth quickly, before whizzing away in another direction. The girl followed at a run, barefoot across the skate park and weaving in out of the people who all saw through her, completely oblivious to her presence.

  She fled the scene, and moments later, her pursuers appeared.

  They met in the centre of the skate park, appearing from different directions.

  ‘Where is she?’ the black creature called Kreas hissed, crawling on all fours, red eyes gleaming pupil-less.

  ‘We’ve lost her’ his companion realised with a howl of fury. Li sniffed the concrete feverishly, crouching close to the ground on her long legs. ‘That way!’ the canine beast cried.

  ‘Stop right there’ commanded another voice.

  Li growled in acknowledgement at the newcomers, white eyes narrowing at her adversaries. They were freakish, pupil-less, like her companions.

  ‘We will not let you hurt her’ the guardian ordered. He stood tall and proud alongside his own companions, a girl with long blue hair, and an aberrant, with a figure shaped like a man, but with black skin and large bat-like wings.

  ‘The longer you stall us the further she runs’ Li informed him.

  The tall guardian averted his attention, brushing his fingers through his fiery red hair as if in disinterest. He let his hand drop, speaking now to the youngest of the three, the blue haired girl.

  ‘Siren. See if you can find her’ he said. ‘Don’t lose her trail. We’re so close now.’

  The young guardian clutched tightly the orb she held in her hands. She left her companions side, jogging she headed in the direction the one dressed in white had fled. The winged guardian watched her go silently.

  ‘Indigo’ Kreas purred. ‘You are missing one in your company.’

  The slinking black creature before them chattered happily. His red eyes laughing at them in mockery.

  The red haired guardian glanced behind him towards the winged guardian.

  ‘Where is she?’ he muttered under his breath.

  ‘She seems to be preoccupied lately’ the winged guardian answered in a flat tone.

  ‘With something more important?’ Indigo replied exasperated. He turned back to the creatures before him. ‘We are evenly matched’ he declared.

  ‘Or so it would seem’ Li replied smoothly.

  ‘This isn’t how it should be’ Kreas told them, d
aring to crawl closer. ‘We should be working together.’

  ‘To kill her?’ Indigo cried. ‘We are trying to protect her.’

  ‘Is that right?’ the slinking creature said leering. ‘And what do you think the king will do with her if you bring her to him?’ he asked the red haired guardian.

  ‘He will keep her safe’ Indigo replied.

  ‘Will he now?’ Kreas cackled. ‘Just ask yourself…do you truly believe that, or do you just want to believe it?’

  The winged guardian behind Indigo began to groan, clutching his chest, body hunched over.

  ‘Looks like one of you at least is in no position to fight’ Li remarked.

  Indigo clenched his fists, jaw tightening.

  ‘Let us not shed blood here’ Li went on. ‘We don’t want to do ourselves an injury’ she gleamed sardonically. ‘At least not if we can help it. Not yet anyway.’

  She ran away then, after Siren and in the same direction the girl in white had fled. Indigo called for them to stop, though his efforts were futile, he knew he was no match for the two of them, not on his own at least.

  He gritted his teeth, turning back to his companion. ‘Culture. Are you going to be alright?’

  ‘Yes’ the aberrant said smiling, as he lowered his body to the ground. ‘I just…need to rest a while…’ he lay back on the pavement, breathing a deep sigh as he relaxed his muscles. ‘Go’ he said.

  Indigo gave a nod; then ran after the creatures, leaving the aberrant alone in the skate park to rest.

  A short pursuit followed that ended in failure, the creatures snarled and howled in frustration, throwing curses and words of hate towards the guardians for delaying them. They turned their tails and ran away. The two creatures returned to their master, who was waiting patiently for them in another part of the town.

  ‘Well?’ he said when they appeared.

  Kreas began to cackle.

  ‘We saw her, very briefly though. She is here after all, as we thought.’

  ‘And the net?’ the master asked. ‘You’ve trapped it here?’

  Li growled with the thrill and pleasure, still excited from the chase. Her white pupil-less eyes gleamed.

  ‘The net is complete. She is trapped here. With thanks to the others.’

  ‘Thanks?’ the master asked.

  ‘They were creating a net to trap her also’ Li replied. ‘Like we were.’

  ‘I see’ the master said thoughtfully. ‘Well it makes sense. We have the same cause after all. It’s just too bad we’re not working together. Things would be so much easier if we were.’

  ‘They will not be convinced’ Kreas said slinking forwards and hissing in frustration.

  The master nodded in understanding. ‘You’ve done well Kreas, and Li’ he said looking from one to the other.

  The two changed then, transforming into their human selves.

  Kreas cracked his knuckles, and Li brushed her hair back.

  The master grinned cruelly. ‘It’s become a game then’ he said. ‘Who will catch her first?’

  ‘Have you checked the drawers?’

  Reuben began pulling out everything that was in the drawer, dumping the contents untidily wherever there was space.

  ‘Nothing’ Reuben sighed.

  ‘Check in the kitchen.’

  Reuben shoved everything messily back into the drawer and shuffled towards the kitchen. Lucas continued to scroll down the page on the laptop, listening to the sound of pots and pans being thrown about and doors banging loudly.

  ‘There’s a job going in the bakery’ Lucas called to his brother. ‘Just down the road, you know the one.’

  Reuben popped his head round the door.

  ‘I am not wearing a hairnet.’

  Lucas snapped the laptop shut, turning with his arm on the back of the chair.

  ‘We’re going to have to get a job soon or else won’t be able to pay for anything.’

  ‘The money for this place automatically gets taken out of her bank account every month’ Reuben argued.

  ‘I know that’ Lucas huffed in irritation. ‘But what about food? We can’t eat the furniture can we?’

  ‘Good point.’ Reuben mused. ‘The cupboards are near enough empty….she could have at least done a shop before she left.’

  Lucas groaned, rubbing his forehead with a hand. ‘Did you find anything?’

  ‘Found this’ Reuben produced a coin. ‘Two pounds.’ He looked to his older brother. ‘One pound each? We could go to the shop and buy something nice.’

  ‘Oh how dire our situation has become, alright lets go.’

  Reuben tossed the coin in the air and Lucas caught it as he rose from his seat.

  ‘So where’s Jacob gone then?’ Reuben asked, picking up a hoodie from the back of the chair and putting it on.

  ‘He’s on holiday with his parents to visit family. Cousins and grandparents…you know.’

  ‘I wonder what it’s like to have a big family’ Reuben thought aloud.

  ‘Must be nice’ his brother said forlorn.

  ‘Oh well. So what are you going to get?’

  ‘I don’t know’ Lucas shrugged. ‘Lion bar?’

  ‘What are we going to eat later?’

  ‘Let’s not worry about that until later comes’ Lucas said, grabbing him round the shoulders and walking with him towards the door.

  ‘Aren’t we going to lock it?’ Reuben asked as they left.

  ‘Why? It’s not like there’s anything to steal.’

  ‘We could sell the TV if things get really desperate.’

  Lucas shrugged again. ‘I don’t see why not. Sounds like a good idea.’ He turned and locked the door behind them.

  Once they were outside, it was only a short walk towards the shop where on the way they met Drake and Lauralie.

  ‘Hey look there’s Drake and Lauralie’ Reuben called as he spotted them approaching.

  Lucas groaned as Reuben ran towards them.

  ‘Hey guys!’

  ‘Reuben’ Lauralie beamed slowing to a stop. ‘It’s so good to see you.’

  Beside her Drake smirked and gave a nod.

  ‘Where are you two off to?’ Reuben asked as Lucas dragging his feet followed his brother.

  ‘There’s a show here today’ Lauralie smiled. ‘We’re just going off to see.’

  ‘A show?’ Reuben asked.

  ‘There are two brothers performing as street dancers’ Drake replied. ‘They're supposed to be very good.’

  ‘I've heard about them’ Reuben said. ‘Never actually seen them before though.’

  ‘Hey why don’t you come along with us?’ Lauralie volunteered. ‘It’ll be even more fun with more of us.’

  ‘Maybe some other time’ Lucas interjected before Reuben could agree and result in them all being dragged around the town by her.

  Lauralie pouted, deflating. Disappointment was written all over her face.

  ‘Lucas you're such a bore sometimes.’

  The two glared at each other.

  ‘We could meet you later’ Reuben thought aloud suddenly, causing Lucas to wince.

  Lucas turned and glared at Reuben now.

  ‘Where is it exactly?’ Reuben asked, ignoring his brother.

  ‘In the centre of town’ Lauralie said becoming suddenly animated again and bouncing on the balls of her feet. Drake had to steady himself as she used him for support. ‘It should be easy enough to find’ she smiled. ‘Just follow the crowd.’

  ‘Good’ Reuben nodded. ‘We’ll see you there.’

  Lucas shrugged.

  ‘I told Sian we’ll be there tomorrow’ Drake said to Lucas.

  ‘You did? Good.’ Lucas suddenly perked up. His stomach growled then.

  ‘Well we’d better go now’ Reuben said. ‘We’ll meet you later ok?’

  ‘Great’ Lauralie cried out excitedly. ‘Don’t be late!’

  Drake touched a finger to his forehead and nodded at them, before he was dragged off by Lauralie.

>   Once they were out of earshot, Lucas spoke to his brother.

  ‘Why did you do that?’


  ‘Volunteer to go to this stupid show.’

  ‘You don’t want to go?’ Reuben asked.

  ‘I don’t want to go with her.’

  ‘Don’t be like that.’ Reuben frowned at Lucas, shaking his head. ‘I know she can be annoying sometimes but she’s not that bad.’


  ‘Don’t be like that’ Reuben said again.

  ‘She just never shuts up.’

  Reuben shrugged. ‘Stick your fingers in your ears.’

  Lucas made a strange face.

  ‘How peculiar would I look walking around doing that?’

  Reuben smirked in amusement.

  ‘Come on’ Lucas said marching away. ‘Let’s hurry up and buy some food. I'm starving.’

  They walked for a short time before Lucas spoke again.

  ‘We’ve got to be careful’ Lucas told his brother seriously. ‘She seems to want to spend a lot of time with us; we have to be careful she doesn’t see our magic.’

  ‘She won’t.’

  ‘Oh? You seem certain.’

  They came to the edge of the pavement to cross the road. Lucas suddenly grabbed Reuben by the sleeve and pulled him sharply back.

  The car sped by, and Lucas relaxed his arm, letting go of Reuben.

  ‘How can you be so sure?’ Lucas continued their conversation as if nothing had happened.

  ‘Well as long as we’re careful, there will be no mistakes.’

  ‘Everybody makes mistakes’ Lucas replied. ‘I worry sometimes that she’ll find out.’

  They crossed the road at a quickened pace, careful to avoid the cars. The weekend was always busy here, especially on sunny days like today.

  ‘We have to ensure our mistakes are kept to a minimum’ Lucas went on.

  ‘I thought we were doing that.’

  ‘We can never be too careful. Especially around her.’ Lucas paused momentarily, taking in the environment. ‘Let’s go through the skate park.’

  ‘You want to avoid the crowds?’

  ‘I would like to avoid people altogether’ Lucas said, stepping forwards. ‘But in a town like this and on the weekend it’s impossible.’


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