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The Ones Who were Chosen

Page 11

by Lady Lilium

  ‘Can guardians be invisible to other people?’ Reuben asked.

  ‘If they chose to be I suppose’ Lucas shrugged. He walked away shaking his head. ‘I don’t know. Maybe time will solve this mystery.’

  Reuben followed his brother into the bedroom they shared. It was a small apartment that they lived in, and there was not a lot of room to spare.

  ‘What if our mother comes back and finds her’ Reuben asked. ‘It’ll be like the three little bears…sort of. Who’s been sleeping in my bed?’

  ‘I'm not afraid of her anymore’ Lucas replied simply, taking a seat at the desk against the far wall.

  Reuben marched over to the bunk bed, stepping over the messy pile of clothes and books on the floor. He collapsed onto the lower bed, lying back with his hands behind his head, staring up at the dusty dream catcher above him.

  ‘Are you starting another one?’ he asked Lucas absentmindedly.


  Lucas adjusted the light on the table briefly before returning his attention to the little metal ball he held. About the size of a golf-ball, it had many shallow ridges and grooves running upon it, with what looked like tiny screw heads protruding out from the surface. He placed this one to the side, picking up another piece of what looked like scrap metal. This one was shaped like a burnt piece of paper that had curled and scrunched up as it blackened in a fire.

  ‘Are you making another smoke bomb?’ Reuben sighed deeply.

  ‘No’ Lucas replied after a while. ‘I'm making something else.’

  ‘What does it do?’

  ‘It explodes when you pick it up’ Lucas said, ‘and magic wires tie you down so you can’t escape.’

  ‘Does it work?’

  ‘I don’t know’ Lucas shrugged. ‘I'm still designing it, and I haven’t had a chance to test it yet.’

  Reuben hummed thoughtfully, tapping his foot against the wall.

  ‘I like the purple smoke from the smoke bomb’ Reuben said.

  ‘Me too.’

  The desk was scattered with loose bits of metal, pots of paint, brushes and a variety of strange substances. Lucas pushed some of these things aside, creating more space for himself. He lifted the item he held in his hand, heating the metal in his fingers by magic. He began to work.

  ‘Are we going back to college later?’ Reuben asked him.

  ‘I don’t think so.’

  ‘What about the exams?’

  ‘To me they seem to matter less and less with every passing day’ Lucas replied.

  ‘Yeah’ Reuben said. ‘I feel the same.’ He sighed deeply again. ‘What about Ebony? Is she staying here now?’

  ‘I suppose’ Lucas said. ‘Until she and her foster parents make up with each other.’

  Reuben stared up at the dream catcher.

  ‘I bet they’ll make up with each other in no time’ Reuben said. ‘And then everything will be ok.’

  As the days turned into weeks, and Reuben found Lucas spending more and more time with Ebony. She was reserved and quiet, timid amongst strangers, and although she was friendly enough, Reuben began to form a gradually and increasing resentment towards her. Nowadays she took up most of his brother’s time, and her foster parents showed no sign of acknowledging her, let alone wanting her back. And so she stayed at their apartment, her only possessions were a few clothes and other meagre things. She spent most of her time either at the flat or with Lucas out somewhere, Reuben feeling more and more like he was simply tagging along. Reuben began to get suspicious of her when he found her, on more than one occasion drifting into their bedroom. She saw the things on the desk and grew curious. Reuben quickly drove her out, subjected to harsh whispered words from his brother afterwards.

  A simmering tension began to bubble.

  It had been many weeks since Reuben, Lucas and Drake had visited the abandoned hotel within the industrial estate to practice their magic. Drake was spending more and more time with his girlfriend Eleanor, helping her revise for the coming exams, as was Lucas with Sian for the same reason. Lucas and Drake both travelled together on the train most weekends to see them, Lucas doing so whenever he could afford it. Ebony too scared to leave the town chose to stay in the apartment, Reuben agreed somewhat grudgingly to Lucas’ suggestion that he should keep her company. On that occasion one Saturday morning, Reuben found himself sitting in silence and staring at her. The clock ticked loudly on the wall as he fidgeted with his cast.

  ‘You don’t have to stay here you know’ Ebony said politely, feeling a little out of her depths and lost without Lucas to keep her company. ‘I'm not keeping you from going out.’

  ‘Lucas told me to keep an eye on you’ Reuben said stubbornly, perhaps not realising how stupid he was being. ‘I have to stay here.’


  Ebony bowed her head.

  Reuben sighed, leaning back in the comfy armchair and closing his eyes.

  I wonder what Lucas is doing now, he thought.

  The town Eleanor and Sian lived in was one more open and less crowded than the one Drake and Lucas came from. There were fewer large shops to attract crowds, fewer abandoned buildings to attract the wrong people, and the town itself was generally cleaner and more pleasant.

  Sian turned, leaning against the rails on the edge of the harbour, holding the books in her arms. The wind was strong, buffeting her clothes and hair this way and that.

  It was a bright town, built right next to the sea with a wide river running right through the middle. Small ferries channelled people to and fro all day and night, and now in summer, there were more tourists visiting to see the attractions. From a distance Sian watched a family as they explored the deck of an old navy ship, the children pointing with excitement at its huge masts. It was a beautiful ship, one of the many attractions the local museum had to offer.

  ‘Sian, come away from the edge’ Lucas said to her.

  Lucas, Drake and Eleanor sat on the steps at the base of a statue of an old man, he leaning forwards on a rope with a ringing bell at the top.

  ‘It’s too windy there’ Lucas called over to her. ‘You’ll lose your notes.’

  She swung her arms round and ambled over to him.

  ‘Do you think it’s such a good idea doing this outside?’ Eleanor said tidying up her papers which were trying to fly away. ‘It’s always so windy here; we could lose all our notes. And I'm not swimming to get them back.’

  ‘Hey, I'd make the most of it’ Drake yawned twirling his pen, ‘before long they’d have us cooped up in exam halls like battery chickens, labouring away on something most of us would probably never use again in our lives.’

  Sian planted herself right onto Lucas’ lap where his books had been sitting open; he had been halfway through the paragraph until she came along. She was now applying lipstick in a mirror and ignoring him completely.

  ‘You know you're not making this easy for me’ Lucas droned at her.

  His phone began to buzz in his pocket and he flipped it out. It was a message from Jacob.

  Just got bak. Where r u guys?

  Lucas began to text a response, hands behind Sian so she could not read what he wrote.

  Gr8 hope u had fun. Any sign of any magc yt?

  He received a quick and short response.


  Lauralie threw her head back laughing hysterically. She was sitting in-between the two brothers Adrian and Diz. Since that day Drake had been so kind enough to introduce them to her, the three had spent more and more time together, and Lauralie was becoming very familiar with both of them and their quirky habits. It still amazed her how different the two brothers were from each other.

  The park bench on which they rested was positioned before a large fountain. It was a scenic spot within the town, made up of gravel paths with borders of flowers arranged by their colour, lots of grass you weren’t allowed to walk on, and beautiful trees planted everywhere. The three sat beneath a weeping willow. Tiny patches of light that fought through the leaves
of the tree were scattered in patters around them. Lauralie took a deep breath, smelling the scene of the flowers in the air. The park was a little piece of nature within their home town.

  ‘I love the birds’ Lauralie beamed, ‘they’re really beautiful.’

  She shredded the slice of bread into tiny pieces and cast her hand out. The sparrows and starlings came flitting down, picking at her feet.

  ‘They're not as beautiful as you’ Adrian purred.

  He turned his wrist up as he faced her, uncurling his fingers in a graceful action. And like a magician, smooth and elegant he flicked a beautiful red rose from his sleeve and presented it to her.

  She laughed even more now, her voice like glistening dew on a winters morning.

  ‘You're so funny’ she said taking it from him and smelling it.

  ‘How long have you been hiding that there I wonder? Waiting for the right moment to show me?’

  ‘I've got something for you I think you’d like more’ Diz voiced sweetly from her other side.

  He handed her a single boiled sweet.

  ‘It’s orange like your hair’ he said.

  Lauralie blushed and grinned at him; Adrian leant back and cast him a comical frown.

  ‘Really?’ he asked his younger brother.

  ‘Oh Diz that’s so sweet of you’ Lauralie said taking it. ‘You're so cute!’ she squeaked.

  Diz flashed his brother a smug grin. Adrian rolled his eyes.

  ‘So when are you going to teach me how to dance?’ Lauralie demanded. ‘It was just amazing watching you for the first time, the timing…the way you moved…the way you danced together…’

  ‘Oh my dear’ Adrian said in a serious tone, ‘it’s not just simple movement; it’s an art, an expression of our being. There are some things in today’s world that cannot be felt in words alone.’

  Adrian stood up and walked a short distance away from her, hands in his pocket, the birds scattered.

  ‘The unique characteristic of street dancing my dear allows one to use their own personal style and influences in his steps.’ Adrian gave a brief demonstration.

  ‘It’s not a dance that’s rigid in its rules as to what exactly it should constitute, its open to the imagination.’

  He cast his arms open in a dramatic fashion.

  ‘Are you ready to begin?’

  ‘It’s really fun’ Diz said leaning forward, his words formed round a lollipop he had materialised out of nowhere. ‘Adrian and I spent years practicing to get to where we are now, so many hours every single day. Right Adrian?’

  Adrian lowered his arms. ‘That’s right little brother.’

  ‘Where did you get that lolly from?’ Lauralie asked Diz suddenly distracted.

  ‘I've got loads’ he grinned at her. ‘Want some?’

  Adrian put his hands on his hips; he shook his head sighing; then gave a huff of amusement.

  ‘My dear girl’ he said. ‘You will be the death of me.’

  Shire saw her from a distance; Lauralie was sitting talking to two young men on a bench by the fountain. Shire had watched them for a long while from the opposite end of the park, fascinated by Lauralie’s every move. But something distracted her then. A voice carried on the wind.

  Shire raised her head, turning away from her newfound obsession and looking towards the edge of the town.

  Trapped in a world, full of betrayal

  Only the angels trusted

  Demons are fleeing, fearful, frightened

  Weapons and swords now rusted

  ‘I can hear her…’ Shire breathed.

  Chapter Six

  Crystal’s Warning

  Lucas was woken early the next Saturday morning by his mobile ringing. He rolled over with a groan, leaning over the rails of his bunk bed.


  ‘Hmm?’ his brother groaned in the bed below, shifting in his sleep.

  ‘Reuben can you pass my phone?’

  Reuben did so, moving in autopilot. Now free from his cast, taken off the night before, he raised himself up easily and took the mobile from the bedside table. He handed it to Lucas; his injury had healed by now also, the deep gashes that had been in his side were gone. Only faint scars remained.

  Reuben collapsed back on his bed and went back to sleep as Lucas flipped the mobile open, answering the call.

  ‘Yes Drake?’

  ‘Hey I'm so glad you answered your phone’ Drake sang merrily back. ‘Are you still in bed?’

  ‘What do you want?’

  ‘I was just wondering why we hadn’t met up in so long? We haven’t practiced our magic in ages; do you have a new girl in your life or something?’

  ‘Kind of’ Lucas replied flatly.

  ‘Really?’ Drake answered in surprise, clearly not expecting that kind of answer. ‘Did you split with Sian; you know she’s apparently expecting you to visit her tomorrow?’

  ‘No’ Lucas said, defensively now. ‘I didn’t split with her. I just…I’ve found another guardian.’

  ‘Really?’ Drake repeated. ‘You mean you’ve found a new guardian and you didn’t tell me?’

  ‘She’s a little shy.’

  ‘I don’t care I want to meet her. Is she cute?’


  ‘When can I meet her?’


  ‘I know! I’ll see you at your place. Be there in about…an hour?’


  ‘Alright an hour and a half. I’ll see you soon. Bye!’

  And he hung up.

  Lucas sighed, handing the mobile back to Reuben in the bed below him.

  ‘He’s getting more and more like Lauralie by the day.’

  ‘Was that Drake?’ Reuben asked opening his eyes and taking the mobile.

  ‘Yeah’ Lucas answered. ‘He’ll be around here soon. He wants to meet Ebony.’

  ‘Oh’ Reuben said turning over. ‘Wake me up in ten minutes.’

  ‘Are you sure this is a good idea?’ Ebony asked nervously, holding her hands before her and scratching at her palms nervously.

  ‘Don’t worry’ Lucas smiled reassuringly at her as she gave him a worried look. ‘Drake is a nice guy. I'm sure you two will get along fine.’

  ‘But what if he doesn’t see me?’

  ‘He’s a guardian’ Lucas said. ‘Like me, like Reuben. Of course he will see you.’

  ‘Ok’ Ebony said looking down. ‘If you say so.’

  Pokie flew through the air between them, descending he placed himself into her arms and stared at Lucas in a way that would have been a glare, had the toy been able to do so.

  It was shortly after that, there came a knock at the door and Drake entered.

  ‘Hello’ he said to the brothers, glancing at one, then the other. And then he looked at Ebony, his face breaking into a smile. ‘So you must be the new guardian that Lucas has found.’ He strode across the room, weaving his way around the coffee table and seating himself next to Ebony upon the sofa.

  ‘My name is Drake’ he said extending a hand. ‘What's your name?’

  ‘Ebony’ she replied, beaming back at him. ‘You can see me?’

  ‘See you?’ Drake echoed, raising an eyebrow in confusion. ‘Of course I can see you.’

  ‘Ebony is having trouble with being noticed’ Lucas explained to Drake. ‘She says that people don’t see her.’ He glanced at Ebony. ‘Isn’t that right?’

  ‘It is I'm afraid’ she said bowing her head shyly. ‘Most people seem to look right through me; even my foster parents completely ignore me now.’

  ‘That’s terrible’ Drake said.

  ‘It’s ok’ Ebony replied looking up at Lucas. ‘I've been feeling much better since I met Lucas. And Reuben’ she said glancing at him. ‘I've never had such wonderful company before. I’ve never met anyone before who understands magic like they do.’

  Drake frowned at her, biting his lip in thought. ‘I've not heard of a guardian being unseen unless by choice. How long has this been happ

  ‘Only recently’ she said. ‘In the last few months or so.’

  ‘That is odd’ Drake mused, scratching his chin. ‘Do you use magic often?’

  ‘Very rarely’ Ebony said. ‘And only in small amounts.’

  Drake hummed thoughtfully. ‘You know I saw several aberrants on my way here’ he digressed, speaking to the brothers. ‘It was very odd. The closer to the flats I got, the more often I saw them. I must have seen about…six?’

  ‘They are drawn to me’ Ebony said.


  ‘The aberrants’ she explained. ‘They are drawn to my powers. I don’t know why. It’s just always been that way. It’s been getting worse lately though.’

  ‘Drawn to you…?’ Lucas mumbled.

  Lucas thought back to that day when they first met. He remembered then seeing an aberrant nearby, just before he saw Ebony. He and Reuben had also seen several near their home since Ebony first started living with them. He understood now.

  Pokie then made a move beside her, sitting up and facing this new stranger. Drake’s attention immediately snapped to the toy.

  ‘Did I just see that move?’ he asked the room.

  Ebony lifted the toy, sitting it on her lap, and for the moment the talk about aberrants was forgotten.

  ‘This is Pokie’ Ebony explained. ‘I used magic to make him come to life, he keeps me company. I made him when I was feeling lonely.’

  ‘I make her happy’ Pokie said. ‘And no one is taking her away from me.’

  Drake gave an uncertain glance towards Lucas.

  ‘He gets a bit jealous’ Lucas shrugged lazily

  Reuben looked on in silence.

  ‘I have an idea’ Drake suddenly declared. ‘Why don’t we invite over Jacob and Lauralie? That would be fun wouldn’t it?’


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