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The Ones Who were Chosen

Page 14

by Lady Lilium

  Lucas gasped at the sight of her, taking a small step back. Her eyes now were an unnatural bright pink shade.

  ‘Philosophers stones all have eyes like these’ Ebony indicated. ‘My sister had eyes like these, it’s one of the reasons she was so easily caught. Since then, I've hidden them from the world.’

  Lucas was speechless, as the information slowly began to sink in.

  ‘More guardians try to hunt my kind than those that try to protect. It’s the power we hold that they seek.’

  ‘I have no desire for such power’ Lucas whispered.

  ‘Then you are one of the few’ Ebony replied sadly.

  ‘So you’ve been hiding all this time?’

  ‘Yes’ she smiled sadly, ‘but now, because of you, I'm slowly learning that the world is not such a cruel place after all. There are good people in it.’

  Three figures materialised into the scene at that point, as if in answer to her words. They surrounded Ebony and Lucas, like three points of a triangle. Ebony glanced around at them, instinctively she moved closer to Lucas who braced himself, thinking immediately dark thoughts of attack.

  One of the three, a younger girl with long blue wavy hair, held a sort of orb in her hands.

  ‘It’s her’ she said simply.

  Lucas placed a hand on Ebony’s arm, pulling her closer to him.

  The other female, a woman also with blue hair broke her formation. Shire moved to stand with her daughter Siren, as if to show that they meant no harm. Lucas saw a potential escape route, though didn’t move. Not just yet.

  ‘What about this one?’ Indigo asked Siren, glancing at Lucas.

  He had light skin and pea-green eyes, with black rooted fiery red hair spiked backwards. He had two lines of black tattoos, each running from below his eyes, down his cheeks and down his neck and chest. He wore a hoodless black cloak covered in chains and links. He had the stance and demeanour of a born leader.

  ‘These are the ones I've been seeing’ the young guardian named Siren told him, clutching the orb she carried in both hands. ‘After all this time’ she said, ‘they are finally found.’

  Indigo flicked a section of his red hair back, placing his hands on his hips and swaying casually on the spot.

  ‘Tell me kids, what are your names?’

  Lucas didn’t answer; he just glared suspiciously, resenting being referred to as a juvenile.

  ‘Ok, then tell me this’ the Indigo said, speaking directly to Lucas now. ‘Why are you sharing company with a philosopher’s stone?’

  ‘Wait’ Siren interrupted. She consulted the orb. ‘The other one is nearby.’


  Indigo rounded on her. ‘Are you sure?’

  ‘Positive’ Siren replied.

  ‘Well…’ Indigo mumbled to himself. ‘This certainly is interesting….Stop!’

  Lucas had grabbed Ebony by the wrist and yanked her with him as he ran; breaking for the gap Shire had left. But Shire was there in an instant to stop them; blocking their path she materialized herself before their very eyes by magic.

  Lucas backed away from her, pulling Ebony with him.

  They were trapped, with no hope of outrunning three elder guardians. They were at their mercy.

  The trail the philosophers stone had left had been hard to find, and even harder to follow, but the beasts had found it eventually. Li held back, lips curling in a silent growl of frustration. Li saw her target, the philosophers stone dressed in black, with the young male who protected her, Lucas. Inexperienced as he was, it was easy pickings. She was about to approach, when others suddenly appeared, materializing around the younger ones, transported by their magic. Three other guardians, elder ones, the ones they had been fighting.

  They were outnumbered.

  ‘They got there first’ she tensed, ‘so sly, they got here before we did.’


  Li turned back to Kreas.

  ‘What the hell is wrong with you?’

  Kreas caressed his arm tenderly; still sticking out of his left shoulder was a handle. In their haste to chase after their prey, he had not had time nor chance to remove it yet.

  ‘He stabbed me with a potato peeler’ Kreas hissed. ‘That young guardian…dam him.’

  ‘Stop your whining.’

  Li slunk back from the top of the hill; she had been crouching, hiding there in the long grass. Out of sight now of the others she stood tall again, joining Kreas as he pawed at the thing stuck in his shoulder. Li grabbed the handle with her teeth, jerking it backward sharply and throwing it away. Kreas recoiled as she did this, but did not make a sound. He turned his head to lick the wound, cleaning the blood away.

  ‘Come on’ Li said. ‘We’d better tell our master.’

  ‘What news we have’ Kreas cackled straightening.

  ‘Indeed’ she agreed. ‘She has been found, but not the one we were originally looking for.’

  ‘Two philosopher’s stones!’ Kreas sniggered cruelly. ‘What fun…what power.’

  ‘Our master is far now and travelling fast. We must be swift to catch him. Can you run Kreas?’

  ‘I can run faster than you can’ he sneered. He had finished cleaning the injury.

  ‘Then let us not argue about it then.’

  They left the scene, heading back swiftly towards the centre of town to find their master.

  ‘Do not be afraid’ the red haired guardian said, ‘my name is Indigo. And we pose no harm.’

  ‘What do you want with her?’ Lucas demanded.

  ‘To protect her.’

  ‘You're lying.’

  ‘We’re telling the truth’ Indigo persisted. ‘If we had wanted to harm her, I would not waste my breath on explanations.’

  ‘I think he’s telling the truth’ Ebony muttered into Lucas’ ear. ‘I told you didn’t I? I told you there are those who wish to protect me.’

  ‘Tell me child’ Indigo continued speaking to Ebony, ‘what is your name?’


  ‘And what a beautiful name it is too.’ He put a hand to his chest. ‘I am Indigo, and these are Shire and Siren’ he indicated the elder guardians that stood nearby. ‘They are mother and daughter.’

  Shire smiled back at Ebony and Lucas. Siren remained impassive.

  ‘They do look very similar don’t they?’ Ebony said offhandedly, still sticking close to Lucas. ‘Except the eyes’ she said to them. ‘You have very different eyes.’

  Shire’s were burnished gold and yellow. Siren’s were light and misty blue.

  ‘Tell me’ Indigo asked Ebony. ‘Have you run into other beings. Those that hunt you?’

  ‘Yes’ Ebony answered. ‘Two creatures, one black and smaller, and the other tall and dog-like.’

  ‘It’s them’ Shire curled her lip in disgust.

  ‘It looks like you’ve gotten yourself into a bit of a scrap.’ Indigo said to Lucas, indicating his torn clothes and the scratches and nicks over his body. ‘And what's this?’ he asked, glancing to Lucas’ back, where there were the two vertical slits torn in his shirt, side by side and perfectly straight.

  ‘It’s nothing’ Lucas grumbled, avoiding the subject.

  ‘Don’t worry’ Indigo said getting back on topic. ‘You're safe with us now, they won’t attack if they're outnumbered.’

  ‘How do you know this about them?’ Lucas asked suspiciously.

  ‘Because we’ve fought them before’ Indigo replied. ‘Where was it you met them?’

  ‘At my home.’

  ‘Your home?’ Indigo was suddenly alarmed. ‘What about your family? Are they safe?’

  ‘I don’t know, my brother was there, and three of our friends.’

  Indigo nodded. ‘Shire will see to them, just tell us where you live.’

  Lucas gave the address, explaining briefly how to find the place, and Shire bowed her head respectively.

  ‘I will see that they are well’ she spoke politely.

  ‘Thank you Shire’ Indig
o said eagerly. ‘Now go.’

  Shire turned on the spot and strode away; she vanished into thin air, fading before their very eyes.

  ‘Aren’t we going back to see if they’re ok?’ Lucas asked.

  ‘In time’ Indigo replied. ‘First, I want to find out more about this fascinating creature’ he said looking at Ebony. ‘Tell me’ Indigo went on, distracting himself momentarily and speaking now with some level of amusement to Lucas. ‘How did one such as yourself become so close to a philosopher’s stone? I hear they are very shy by nature, and suspicious of most people.’

  Reuben stood by the broken window gazing outwards, shoulders slumped.

  Lucas, my brother…where are you now?

  Behind him the aberrant Culture still observed Lauralie, kneeling before her and muttering inaudibly under his breath. Drake sat quietly beside them on the sofa, Jacob on her other side was standing. They both watched Lauralie sadly.

  ‘Is there anything you can do for her?’ Jacob asked. ‘Will she be ok?’

  ‘Not if she doesn’t receive help’ the aberrant replied. He stretched his wings, Jacob stepped back as one drew closer to him.

  ‘What kind of help?’ Drake asked.

  ‘The kind of help only a guardian can offer’ the aberrant replied. ‘Magic has done this to her, and only magic can save her.’

  Another figure materialized suddenly into the room without warning. All eyes turned to her, Drake slowly straightened up at the sight of the blue haired woman. She was tall, with very pale skin and burnished gold eyes.

  Reuben turned at the sound of the magic as she appeared, he moved away from the window, giving the strange woman a sceptical look.

  ‘Who are you?’ he asked.

  ‘Shire’ the blue haired guardian replied shortly without looking at him.

  Her attention shifted to Lauralie, who was still stiff and pale where she sat. Her eyes were glazed over, and she appeared to be completely unaware of her surroundings or anyone in the room.

  ‘What is the girl’s name?’ Shire asked as she approached, kneeling before her.

  ‘It’s Lauralie.’ Drake said.

  ‘Lauralie.’ Shire spoke her words calm and clear. ‘Lauralie. Can you hear me?’

  ‘She’s unresponsive’ Culture replied.

  Lauralie was sweating, her skin was clammy and her shallow breathing was rapid. Shire touched her at the neck and wrist.

  ‘Her pulse is weak and fast’ she said. ‘The girl’s hyperventilating; she’s entered the second stage of shock.’

  ‘Compensatory?’ Culture asked.

  ‘Yes’ Shire said rising to her feet. ‘If she enters the progressive stage, the damage may be irreversible.’

  The aberrant grimaced suddenly, rising and turning his back on the others, clutching his chest as he moved away.

  ‘Are you alright?’ Shire worried.

  Culture groaned, still holding himself. His body hunched over. ‘It hurts…’ he whispered. ‘…with every heartbeat…’

  The pain seemed to subside, for the aberrant’s body relaxed again, and he let out a deep breath.

  ‘Is Lauralie going to be ok?’ Jacob repeated, more urgently now. ‘Can’t you do something?’

  ‘There is a way.’ Shire mumbled. She spoke to Culture. ‘You know what it is.’

  Culture lifted his dark eyes to her. ‘Are you prepared to do it?’ he asked solemnly.

  ‘She is…the one I've been waiting for’ Shire glanced to Lauralie. ‘Perhaps it is fate’ she whispered. ‘I am willing to save her’ she spoke louder now to the others in the room. ‘But she will not be the same if I do.’

  ‘Do whatever you have to’ Jacob urged, brushing Lauralie’s auburn hair back tenderly. ‘Please, just save her.’

  Shire nodded. ‘Don’t be afraid’ Shire soothed. ‘Everything is going to be alright.’

  ‘What are you going to do?’ Jacob asked nervously. ‘How can you save her?’

  ‘By passing on my magic.’ Shire touched Lauralie in the centre of her chest, right above her heart. ‘She will be just like you.’

  A white light grew, gradually engulfing the entire room and all within, before fading again completely.

  Reuben blinked as his eyes adjusted to the regular light once more. The aberrant Culture rose to catch the blue haired woman as she stumbled backwards, suddenly overcome with fatigue. Culture guided her to the armchair and sat her down. She slumped, closing her eyes and resting.

  ‘She will take some time to recover’ Culture said absently.

  ‘And Lauralie?’ Jacob asked.

  ‘…Will be alright now’ Culture finished. ‘Rest will return her to her usual self.’

  It was true now that Lauralie was already looking better. Her breathing had returned to normal, and the colour was slowly coming back to her cheeks. She appeared now to be only sleeping.

  Jacob let out a deep sigh of relief.

  ‘You better watch your backs’ Culture warned them all. ‘There is still danger out there. Don’t assume that this is over just yet.’

  Jacob raised his hand before his face, summoning into existence a ball of light. He played with it, twirling it between his fingers with ease.

  ‘Put your magic away’ Reuben hissed. ‘It’s magic that did this to Lauralie.’

  ‘It’s ok’ Jacob said absently. ‘She is one of us now.’

  Drake turned his head curiously towards him. ‘Jacob?’

  ‘Don’t call me that’ he said, staring at the light in his hand mesmerized. ‘My name’ he continued, closing his palm and cutting off the magic, ‘is Venom.’

  ‘Two philosopher’s stones?’ the master repeated.

  Kreas tittered to himself, listening with pleasure and anticipation as the news was delivered to their master.

  ‘Are you sure of this?’ their master asked, speaking to Li.

  ‘Positive master’ the beast replied. ‘I saw them with my own eyes, we both did.’

  ‘Two of them’ Kreas sniggered in agreement. ‘One white and one black.’

  ‘This is interesting.’

  ‘Does it change anything?’ Kreas asked.

  ‘It does’ the master replied coolly. ‘Now we hunt two, instead of one.’

  ‘But what about the other guardians?’ Li asked her master. ‘They have the black one.’

  ‘Have they taken her to the Ancient World?’ the master asked.

  Li shook her head. ‘I can’t be sure.’

  ‘But the white one’ Kreas interjected quickly. ‘She is still free.’

  ‘Then we will find her’ the master said.

  ‘It is likely that the other guardians will remain here’ Li said, ‘until they have both of the philosopher’s stones.’

  ‘Then we had best be quick’ the master said. ‘We need to…up our game.’

  ‘The black philosopher’s stone seems to have an attachment to one of the young guardians’ Li told him.

  The master nodded.

  ‘I want you to find them. Keep an eye on them, and strike when you have the chance. Strike when the elder guardians drop their guard. I want you to get the black philosophers stone back.’

  ‘We will watch the young guardians’ Kreas hissed. ‘We will not fail.’

  ‘Be sure that you don’t’ the master warned. ‘Do what needs to be done. Whatever the cost. We cannot fail Lagoon. He would not be pleased.’

  The small group walked slowly through the tall grass of the meadow, moving gradually away from the town in no particular direction. The area grew more open the further away they walked, and they passed easily over the broken picket fences and the strands of barbed wire that curled and twisted in the grass.

  ‘So tell us more about this second philosopher’s stone’ Indigo said, after hearing the story Lucas had told about how he and Ebony had first met.

  ‘I already told you’ Ebony sighed. ‘We only talked to her briefly, she ran off just before you guys arrived. She seemed very frightened when she realised you were ab
out to turn up.’

  ‘She knew we were coming before we arrived?’ Indigo asked.

  ‘She did’ Ebony replied, glancing sideways at him.

  Indigo pondered at this, humming thoughtfully to himself. ‘She must be a sharp one in that case. No wonder it’s been so hard to find her.’

  ‘Anyway’ Ebony continued. ‘Wouldn’t I be the second philosopher’s stone if she was the one you were originally looking for?’

  ‘I suppose’ Indigo smiled. ‘She has been eluding us for a while now. You on the other hand seemed to come from nowhere.’ He paused. ‘It’s so unusual to find two together, such rare creatures that you are.’

  Lucas and Ebony led the way with Indigo walking slightly behind, Siren followed after them several steps after, still clutching her orb firmly in her hands.

  ‘Did you see which way this other philosopher’s stone went?’ Indigo asked, trying his best to sound casual.

  Lucas glared suspiciously at him at this.

  ‘Oh…I don’t know’ Ebony shrugged distractedly.

  ‘Pleeeze’ Indigo whined. ‘This is reeelly important.’

  ‘Why?’ Ebony demanded turning on him. ‘What do you want from her?’

  ‘She needs to be protected’ Indigo replied.

  ‘I don’t think she needs your protection’ Ebony told him, ‘nor would she want it. I think perhaps she just wants to be left alone.’

  ‘Why, do you know her?’ Indigo asked slyly.


  ‘Then how do you know what she would want?’

  Ebony crossed her arms stubbornly. ‘Because I feel the same’ she said.


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