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The Nano Experiment

Page 8

by Wid Bastian


  “You, Cassia, the woman I love as I would my own flesh and blood, where is she?”

  “I’m still here, General. But there is more to me now. The same applies to you. None of us are the same. We’re better.”

  “What would Rolf think about what you’re doing? Would he approve?”

  At the mention of his name Cassia had a brief vision of her husband. He was standing on the dock at home in his shorts with no shirt. Ferris wasn’t quite two and he and his father were getting into a skiff for a quick boat ride around the harbor. Feelings of love, joy, and contentment impeded on Cassia’s ever dominate thoughts of violence, revenge and control.

  But then she thought about how Rolf had been disintegrated by a Light Rifle pulse. She saw Ferris too, the way she imagined him dying. Her pleasant musings were quickly replaced by hate.

  “Rolf and Ferris are dead.” She said coldly. “We will join them if we don’t act now, General. It’s time to choose.”

  “Cassia, please listen to me. I’m begging you to stand down. Let me talk with High Command. I doubt they will come here in force once they hear what I have to say. This process they’ve started in you, perhaps it can be reversed or stalled. I will assure them of your willingness to cooperate.”

  “It was not my duty to lie down and die. That is not a viable option, General. I do not wish for this place to be the end of me. Do you? Are you ready to be exterminated like a virus or cancer?”

  At that moment, Alandreian realized his beloved Cassia was gone forever. He understood the colossal error he had made by telling her about Ferris’ death and her own scheduled execution. Now his mission was all too clear – he had to stop her. If she could indeed create these monsters, she could not be let loose in the world. No wonder General Larsen had used language like Armageddon.

  “No, I do not wish to die. I can see the scenario we are facing. We must resist and we must escape. I assume you have a plan?”

  Cassia wasn’t sure if she could fully believe in Alandreian’s rapid conversion to her side, but the human part of her desperately wanted to. “Yes. We need to use the attack as a diversion to reach the surface. Once we reach the surface, we will commandeer air resources and escape to South America or South Africa. Away from Forged Bay we can isolate ourselves, regroup and plan our next move.”

  “Have you spoken with the men yet?”

  “I have briefed them, but nothing else. It would be best if we addressed them together. General, we can make it out of here. I’m sure of it. We have the tactical ability to affect an escape.”

  “Alright. I assume your new four legged soldiers are our sentinels?”

  “Yes. If they detect any movement on this level they will let me know instantly.”

  “They will come when they have overwhelming force and not before, but it will not take them long to assemble a strike team.”

  “Agreed,” Cassia said. “We will have to acquire the weapons we need from them. If we can make our way to the surface undetected, or even with a few minutes head start, we will succeed.”

  Chapter Fourteen

  Forged Bay was on complete lock down. In the marina several warships were strategically positioned, their massive array of weapons pointed directly at the facility. Seconds after the order was given, aircraft circled the bay like vultures. Platoons of amphibious assault craft formed tactical perimeters around every access point.

  The small air base attached to Forged Bay was filled beyond capacity with troop carriers. A mobile command center had been set up outside Forged Bay proper. The troops were ready and eager to begin the strike. For the moment, the most important aspect of the operation was securing the base itself; ensuring that nothing and no one, specifically Cassia or any of her abominations, made it an inch outside the facility.

  The weather was turning nasty. A sizeable low pressure front was creeping in across the continent with seventy-five mile per hour winds and blinding snow. Visibility would soon be reduced to a few yards, but for the moment Forged Bay glistened in the sunshine, its cold steel exterior lit up by the last rays of the sun that glistened across the late afternoon sky.

  General Larsen was in command of the operation, but High Command was scrutinizing his every move. The government did not want to destroy the facility. To them this was just a small hiccup in an otherwise successful project. They fully intended to continue with the nano experiment, but their overriding concern was to prevent the release of nanites into the biosphere. If given no other alternative the generals would nuke the facility with enough atomic weaponry to destroy it ten times over. In theory, no nano material could possibly survive such an intense fireball.

  As with any fiasco, they needed a scapegoat. The captain in charge of the security detail who was overwhelmed by Cassia would have worked as a fall guy, but he didn’t hold enough rank. So General Alandreian was the High Command’s chief straw man – his visit with Cassia was sighted as the proximate cause of her escape.

  Inside the Supersoldiers’ complex Cassia and Alandreian addressed the men.

  “Our mission is simple – depart Forged Bay by any means necessary. Our aim is not to inflict casualties or destroy property; we are not here to win a battle. In order to accomplish this objective we need to use all means at our disposal. We have what they fear. I found a stockpile of nanites when I was in Dr. Leavitt’s lab,” Cassia said, pointing to a large plastic vat in the corner or the room. Silently she wondered why Dr. Leavitt was nowhere to be found. She assumed that if he had transformed he would have joined the other three by the entry door. Cassia did not have time to consider all the possibilities, but the prospect of the transformation process failing was of great concern to her.

  “We will threaten to release the nanites, which is exactly what they fear most… aside from me that is,” Cassia locked eyes with Alandreian before pressing on. “Sergeant Kano will shortly be acquiring another form of leverage. Are you ready Kano?”

  “Yes sir,” Kano answered.

  “Kano is going to the surface to take a hostage. One of the commanding brass, we hope. Preferably a general who will provide us with a brief, but effective, cover as a human shield to use at a critical juncture.”

  “They will detect Kano on their motion sensors,” Commander Halverson pointed out. “If they can track him, they can target and kill him.”

  “No, Commander. They will not be able to track Kano on their sensors. Not only is he completely invisible, his speed has increased tenfold. He can also compress himself into a cube no larger than a quarter meter square.”

  “I thought his, our, transformation was complete,” Colonel Lancet asked.

  “It was complete,” Cassia explained. “I added to what the doctors started. Kano and Carter have now both progressed beyond their previous limits.”

  “You enhanced them?” Alandreian asked. “You injected them?”

  “She did,” Lieutenant Carter said. His body was still translucent, but he had no spine or other visible bone structure. The molecules of his body spread and shifted to assume any position, even to the point of becoming mist. Cat like claws extended and retraced from his hands and feet. “It’s an indescribable feeling of power. I’m indestructible,” Carter proclaimed looking around the room.

  “General, are you in agreement with what Cassia is doing?” Colonel Lancet asked.

  “You are being briefed by my second in command, Colonel. Of course I’m in agreement with her. We have no choice but to leave Forged Bay and leave now. Our only other option is certain death.”

  “Yes sir,” Lancet responded. Halverson, Parsons and Mason, despite their misgivings, were now fully committed. If Alandreian was with Cassia then they would fall in line too.

  “My responsibility will be to defend this complex until Cassia has executed her plans. I need to see everyone other than Parsons and Carter over here right now,” the General said, pointing to a table in the corner.

  Although no one had noticed him leaving,
Kano made his way to the laboratory in the center of the room. Once there, he headed directly to a small access duct used to transport material to the main lab. The space was barely big enough for Kano to squeeze into, but he did after activating a thirty-second delay on the transport actuator. When the container arrived in the main lab it would appear to be empty. Cassia and Kano were counting on a lab tech’s curiosity to unlock the sample door and allow Kano access to the upper levels.

  When the men were assembled around Alandreian, he spoke freely. He was taking a huge risk by being so bold, but his odds of survival were miniscule at best so if he died now or in few minutes it wouldn’t make much of a difference.

  “I’m only going to say this once men,” Alandreian said, as softly as he could. “Cassia has gone insane. She poses a real threat to human life, not just ours but on a global scale. We have a duty to stop her. We must kill her here and now.”

  “I thought you -.”

  “Zip it, Lancet. I have a com device in my pod. They will attack in twenty minutes. I was not able to warn them about Kano, the com link was severed, I have no clue why. They will come in here full force – gas, weapons, flames, everything. They cannot access any of the systems in the complex, but they will enter this level from three directions and proceed here. Cassia, Kano, Carter and Parsons must be terminated. Once they’re dead we lay on the floor, hands behind our heads and hope for the best.”

  “We’re going to die,” Halverson said.

  “Almost certainly, but let’s go out knowing we prevented the spread of a plague that could destroy the entire planet.”

  A small flashing green light on the receiving indicator startled the lab technician. He reported the delivery immediately up the chain of command to ask for instructions. After reporting the container was empty, the lab tech was ordered to remove, secure and disable the transport system on his end.

  As soon as the locking mechanism was released Kano slipped by the lab techs and emerged on the first level. While he was invisible, he still had form. If he ran into someone they would feel it. He carefully proceeded to the Forged Bay Command Offices where he thought he might find a general.

  He checked each one of the unlocked doors, but his efforts were in vain. The generals must have moved off the base. While Kano stood debating what his next course of action would be his luck took a turn for the better.

  General Larsen and two armed escorts were headed back into the offices. No doubt the General had forgotten something in all the chaos. As soon as the General entered his office, Kano grabbed a pen off the desk and stuck it between the first soldier’s ribs. Still holding him close to his body, Kano grabbed the soldier’s side arm and sent two well-aimed shots through the second soldier. Larsen fumbled for his own pistol but wasn’t nearly quick enough.

  “Getting rusty General,” Kano said mockingly. “I need you to proceed to the lift pad in the west wing. If you so much as breathe wrong, I’ll turn your brains into confetti.”

  “Who… where are you?” Larsen said.

  “I’m one of your lab rats, Sergeant Kano. I’ll be your executioner if you don’t obey my every word.”

  “You have no hope of ever escaping from Forged Bay.”

  “Really? Who would notice if I left?”

  “Listen, son. I don’t know what Cassia told you, but if she escapes everything -Umphh!” A quick jab to the sternum had Larsen gasping for air.

  “Move and keep your mouth shut. If anyone asks you where you’re going, say ‘west end’ and keep walking.”

  Recovering from the blow Larson tried to gather his thoughts. He could not understand why Kano would be taking him to the west end elevator. He had to know the assault troops would be using that lift as one of their entry points to the lower level. How could he possibly hope to get past over thirty heavily armed Special Force troops?

  He won’t have to, Larsen suddenly realized. I’ll walk him right through.

  Chapter Fifteen

  “General,” a soldier said and saluted as Larsen passed him on the way to the west lift. Kano was walking in lockstep with the General still holding the side arm he’d confiscated from the guard he killed in the office. Concealing the pistol in the General’s jacket, Kano pressed it firmly into Larsen’s side as a not so gentle reminder to keep his mouth shut.

  As they approached the elevator a platoon of soldiers in full battle rattle was staged and ready for the first wave of the assault. The plan was to send a small recon attachment down the shaft. Just as Larsen and Kano arrived a silent alarm flashed signaling the reconnaissance team to begin their descent. Simultaneously access points at either end of Forged Bay were being breached.

  “Sir,” a Major said as he saluted Larsen. “I thought you were going to remain outside in the Command Post. We were not informed you’d be joining us here.”

  “Last minute decision, Major. I want to closely supervise the assault.”

  “As you wish, sir. As soon as the scouts radio back with their reports, we are ready to proceed. Any changes to our orders?”

  “None. Terminate everyone on the level. Remember, this level will be sealed behind them. There is no retreat. Once you have secured Level E we will bring your troops back up one at time after they complete the decontamination process.”

  “Understood. Any further intel, sir?”

  Yes, General Larsen said in his head, I’m being held at gunpoint by an invisible man. He could feel Kano’s hand and the gun being wedged into his side. Considering his options, Larsen chose not to become a martyr just yet. If he did, Kano could easily escape down the open shaft and kill all of the scouts before they knew what hit them. For the moment, Larsen thought it best to remain silent and wait for Kano’s next move.

  Down on Level E, the newly infected were standing guard. Cassia’s orders were simple; do not engage, immediately report to me what you see and hear. Unless the system techs found a way to restart the cameras, the troops would be forced to drop in blind. The scouts were on their way down and Cassia was ready.

  Alandreian, Halverson, Mason, Lancet and the rest were all strategically positioned in the main area of the Supersoldiers complex. Although they had no Light Rifles or arms of any kind, they did expect Cassia to provide those in short order. Cassia and Carter were on their way to the west lift. Corporal Parsons was guarding the east side. The plan was to engage the scouts as soon as they appeared.

  “Movement… Two, three, now four emerging. Engage?” Cassia could hear her servants call out for instructions.

  “No, slowly retreat. We are twenty meters behind you. Pass us and proceed to the east end lift.”

  Seconds later Cassia and Carter heard soft clicks approach. Cassia’s new creature servants passed them like magnetic passenger trains going in opposite directions. Carter knew his newfound allies were headed to the east lift. He was surprised at how efficient they were at carrying out orders.

  “Wait until they are almost on us,” Cassia said to Carter. “Move to the ceiling, but stay behind the sensors. They will not detect you until they are directly below you.”

  The recon scouts swiftly completed their decent and cautiously pressed on to rendezvous with the other two teams before breaching the Supersoldiers’ complex. If they encountered any resistance, their orders were to fall back to the lift and set up a defensive perimeter.

  Each member of the team was equipped with flex boots, specially designed to be silent and flex with the terrain to minimize impact during tactical movements. Neither Cassia nor Carter could hear the soldiers approach their position, but somehow when Cassia closed her eyes she could feel them coming. Her powers of perception were astonishing and extremely accurate. Each soldier was positioned exactly how she saw them in her mind’s eye.

  The six soldiers were moving forward in two staggered single file columns visually scanning in all directions. Cassia was all too familiar with the limitations of the equipment they were carrying. She had been using the same equipment for years on over a hund
red special operation missions similar to this one. It all seemed like child’s play. She was having trouble justifying how she felt with what she was thinking. She didn’t fully understand or trust her newly acquired abilities. The human part of her brain still resisted the idea that she was stronger and faster than six highly trained Special Forces soldiers, but she knew that she was.

  As soon as the first two soldiers moved a meter ahead of where Carter and Cassia were lying in wait, Carter dropped from the ceiling and sent the first two men flying into the wall at high velocity. With her hand Cassia severed the point man’s arms from his body sending his Light Rifle and two flailing arms sliding across the floor. Spinning on the balls of her feet she backhanded the soldier to the left and broke his jaw putting him down.

  When the two trailing Marines brought their Light Rifles to bear, Carter propelled himself forward with incredible force deflecting the soldier’s weapons. Simultaneously, Cassia moved in dodging a Light Rifle blast that appeared to slide over her shoulder as she ducked low. Rising from the floor in one fluid motion Cassia rammed her fingers through the soldier’s head in an upward strike, like a pitchfork.


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