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Truth or Dare

Page 2

by Amanda Martinez

  Dave said, “Max, we finished highlighting the folders.” Melanie and the others were smiling, expecting to be congratulated for their hard work.

  Instead, Max just said, “About time. Now you can start work on categorizing the comments.”

  James’s face turned red with anger, but he kept his voice even, “We’ve been working 16 hours a day on this project. Can we start on that Monday?”


  Lucy tried to interrupt, “Max, we will get it done, but we need a rest.”


  The four associates shuffled out of the office, all red faced now with embarrassment. They felt the eyes of all the people in the law firm watching them as they walked back to the Pen. Melanie had never felt this way before. She had been yelled at plenty, but never for no reason or with such animosity attached. When she got in the Pen, Melanie looked at the stacks of folders and wondered if this was really worth all the time and money she had spent at school.

  Lucy seemed to hear her thoughts, “Makes you miss the good old days of finals, right?”

  Melanie smiled weakly, “At least during finals, I knew what to expect. I would have never guessed that Granite would have blown his top like that.”

  James brushed past both of them and picked up a pile of folders. In a tense voice, he said, “Well he did and we are now stuck here for the weekend. So let’s get going.”

  Melanie and Lucy shared a look and followed his lead. Dave watched the three work for a few minutes and then began to pitch in, “You know, every day I put Phil and Donna on a bigger and better pedestal. They had the right idea.”

  Lucy turned to Dave with a mischievous smile, “I am not quitting with you Dave. So shut up and get to work.”

  When midnight rolled around again, the four associates called it a night and went their separate ways. Categorizing the comments was going to take a lot longer than highlighting, because most pages had more than one comment and often they fell into different categories. That meant making copies and re-highlighting.

  “Okay,” James said as he stood up in his cubicle, “let’s call it a night. We will come back tomorrow at ten in the morning and start again.”

  Lucy said, “James you are a wild man! Suggesting we come in two hours later on the weekend. Next thing I know, you’ll be suggesting we wear shorts.”

  “Hey, if the spirit moves you Lucy,” Dave said, “you can wear a bikini.” He turned to Melanie, “And you can also, Melanie. I’ll even wear a banana hammock.”

  Melanie shook her head, “A banana hammock? What’s that?”

  “Something none of us want to see Dave in,” quipped James. “Wear whatever you guys want. All I want is some sleep right now. See you in the morning.” He left the Pen and the other three were right behind him.

  It was 12:30 when Melanie arrived back at her apartment. Her eyes were already half-closed; in an attempt to jump-start the sleep process. They shot wide open when she walked in and say Shirley straddling someone naked on the couch in the living room. It was pretty obvious that Shirley was having a good time, because she did not stop her gyrations as Melanie opened the door and walked into the room. For her part, Melanie did not stay in the room for long. She had seen Shirley naked before, and while she was curious about the man beneath her, Melanie was too tired to play the role of voyeur at the moment. At the sound of Melanie closing her bedroom door, Shirley let out a small scream of surprise.

  “It’s just me, Shirley!” Melanie yelled through the door. “Continue on, I’ll see you in the morning.”

  “All right, Honey, sleep good!” Shirley yelled back. She smirked at Ted, the man she was currently riding, “That’s my roommate, Melanie. She’s a lawyer.”

  Ted moved his hands from Shirley’s hips and placed them on her breasts, “I don’t give a fuck. Keep going.”

  “That’s rude,” Shirley said, but she did as she was told. Ted pinched her nipples just hard enough to blur the line between pleasure and pain. Shirley increased her back and forth tempo, forcing Ted’s dick to tap her G-stop over and over. The combination was almost enough to make her climax, but she needed one more thing. Shirley placed her fingers on her clit, rubbing it in time with her other movements.

  “That’s it….that’s got me going,” Shirley almost whispered.

  Ted could see the orgasm approaching by the look on Shirley’s face, and he could feel it in the tightening of her pussy. He wasn’t close yet, but he knew that Shirley would take care of him once she recovered. Shirley’s mouth opened and she moaned as a fire spread from her vagina to the rest of her body.

  “YEEEEEEEESSSSSSSSSSSSSS!” Shirley yelled. She lost control of her hips, which started to jerk back and forth with each orgasmic wave. When the last one passed through her body, Shirley collapsed forward onto Ted’s chest. “That was awesome, Ted. Mind blowing,” she said. Shirley moved off his cock and stood up in front of the couch. She held out her hand and Ted took it, getting on his feet. Together, hand in hand, they walked into Shirley’s bedroom. For thirty minutes, Shirley teased and sucked Ted’s cock, bringing him to the edge over and over again before finally letting him climax in her mouth.

  Melanie slept through it all, but on a subconscious level she heard every moan. They painted her dreams, which kept shifting from a work related nightmare of highlighters and towers of manila folders to a meeting of all the associates that had a decidedly erotic overtone. When her alarm blasted at eight, Melanie’s body was filled with physical and sexual tension.

  “I need to get laid,” she muttered to herself as she prepared to go back to the office. After a quick shower, Melanie got dressed and left her room for the kitchen. Shirley was already there, standing by the sink, wearing a long, pink tank top and nothing else.

  “At least you’re wearing something this morning,” Melanie said in a dry voice.

  Shirley turned towards her roommate and took a sip from her coffee mug, “Someone has to have sex in this apartment. You were barely here this week. And from the look of your clothes, I have a sneaking suspicion that you won’t be here for long.”

  Melanie nodded, “That is correct. I have to go back to the office. We have soooo much work to do, thanks to the deserters. Any more coffee?”

  Shirley spun around again and grabbed another coffee cup and handed it to Melanie, “I was going to give that to Ted, but he’s still snoring.”

  “Wore him out, did you?” Melanie asked with a grin.

  “Of course,” Shirley said, “that’s my specialty. He was a good boy and pushed all the right buttons, so I made his world explode.”

  Melanie sipped the hot coffee and it succeeded in waking her up, “Well there’s no need to kick him out of the apartment anytime soon on my account. I won’t be back until way late.”

  Shirley pouted, “Are you getting paid for all of this extra time?”

  “Maybe eventually, when the billable hours come back,” Melanie answered.

  “Well are any of your fellow lawyers cute? Any chance of them dipping their pens in your company ink?” Shirley asked with a grin.

  “That makes me sound like the law firm whore!” Melanie laughed, but then she thought for a second, “The guys are all right, both trim and clean cut. Dave has light brown hair and James has almost black hair. Lucy is obviously a girl.”

  “And?” Shirley prompted.

  Melanie rolled her eyes, “And I’m not into girls, so I don‘t think of her that way.”

  “You’re missing out,” Shirley said, “Us chicks are wicked awesome in the sack.” She walked up to Melanie wrapped her arms around the other woman’s waist and pulled her close. Melanie just laughed as Shirley slowly ground their hips together.

  Ted walked out of Shirley’s bedro
om just in time to see the display, “Now that’s an image to wake up for!”

  Melanie and Shirley turned to Ted at the same time and noticed he was still naked. Blood was rushing to his dick, making his intentions obvious. Melanie liked the look of it, but turned back to Shirley, “Looks like something likes you.”

  “No, it likes both of us,” Shirley said as she withdrew from her roommate and walked over to her latest boyfriend, “too bad you can’t stay around and get acquainted.”

  Melanie walked to the door and opened it, but then looked back at the couple. Shirley had Ted’s cock in her hand, slowly stroking it as they watched Melanie at the door. Melanie sighed and left. All the way to work, she could not get the vision of Ted and Shirley having sex out of her mind.

  “Let’s face it Melanie, you’re horny,” she told herself, “and there is only one cure for that. Too bad you have no one to scratch that itch.”

  Chapter 3

  For twelve straight hours, the associates categorized transcript comments without saying a word to each other. They did not stop for lunch or dinner, and only Lucy took a bathroom break. When 10pm came around, James and Dave got up from their desks to see how much damage they had done to the mountain of transcripts.

  “Jesus, there are still so many!” Dave said as he counted the folders that remained in Phil and Donna’s cubicles.

  James shook his head, “I don’t see how we can get all of this done. Monday is a pipe dream. Hell, Friday would be a challenge.”

  Melanie and Lucy walked over to check out the work that still needed to be done. Melanie tried to sound optimistic, “C’mon guys, we have done some serious work today. We should be proud.”

  “Yeah.” Lucy chimed in, “why don’t we knock off for tonight, and come back in at eight tomorrow morning. I’ll bring in some donuts.”

  The two man shrugged and agreed to return on Sunday, but Melanie and Lucy could tell their hearts were not in it. Truth be told, Melanie was not so sure about how much they would accomplish on Sunday. She was so tired that when she climbed into bed back at her apartment, Melanie did not remember exactly making the journey home.

  When the alarm went off at seven Sunday morning, Melanie was surprised at how refreshed she actually felt. She jumped into the shower, got dressed, and was on the L train in record time. Melanie stopped at a bakery and bought a dozen cupcakes, in hopes of inspiring a midday sugar rush. When she arrived at the law firm, she was the first one there, but not for long. Dave came in next, still looking tired. Then Lucy arrived with the promised donuts. James showed up just as the clocks showed eight.

  “So let’s get to it! I know we are going to make some great advancement today,” James said. His mood had approved a great deal, which Melanie was glad to see.

  Dave was a completely different story. During the first hour of work, Melanie noticed that he only completed one folder, and the second hour was not any better. She had to think of a way to motivate the team. Without warning, an idea came to her.

  “You know what this job is severely lacking in?” Melanie said after standing in her cubicle.

  Lucy stood up next, “You mean besides realistic expectations?”

  “Yeah,” Melanie said, sticking her tongue at the other woman, “besides that. This job needs the element of competition.”

  That got James’s attention, “What do you mean? You want to make a game out of this? You know this is serious work, right?”

  Melanie laughed, “We are categorizing comments be personal, business, and disparaging, and you don’t think this is a game?”

  “Good point,” James conceded, “but how do you want to turn it into a competition?”

  Melanie said, “Well, how about the person who completes the most folders in an hour gets to dare the person who has done the fewest number of files?”

  Dave finally stood up, “What kind of dares are we talking about?”

  Lucy winked at Dave and said, “This idea waking you up, Davey? You like the idea of making me and Melanie complete a dare get you all hot and bothered?”

  Dave blushed and did not say anything, but James did, “He raises a good point though. What kind of dares are we all comfortable with? We all have to work together here, so it wouldn’t be a good idea to get too risqué.”

  Melanie shrugged, “Suit yourself. As for me, I believe in playing as hard as I work, and as you’ve all seen, I work very hard. So is everyone on board?”

  Lucy nodded her head, and so did Dave, which was a happy surprise for Melanie. She thought it would take more convincing. Melanie turned to James and raised an eyebrow.

  “Fine, I’m in,” he said, “but don’t blame me if this gets horribly out of control. So what are the ground rules?”

  Melanie said, “First, full honesty and dedication to the job. Continue to be thorough when it comes to the transcripts. Second, you take the folder on top, no digging for thin ones. And third, no whining when it comes to the dare. Just do as you are dared, and remember that pay back is a bitch!”

  “I like the sound of that,” Lucy said, “I already have five dares lined up.”

  Dave’s smile showed he was truly getting into the spirit of the competition, which is just what Melanie had hoped. She looked at the digital clock on the wall, “Okay, it is about to be 10:15. The contest starts,” she paused as the last few seconds ticked down, “now!”

  All four associates grabbed folders and ran back to their desks. Melanie’s plan to get them energized had worked, but suddenly she had a frightening thought, What if I lose? What will I be dared?

  Her fear became reality as 11:15 rolled around. She had completed the fewest folders, and Lucy completed the most. For a second, Melanie thought Lucy would go easy on her, but one look at the other woman’s face changed Melanie’s mind.

  Lucy tapped her chin with a finger, as if lost in thought, and said, “What should I dare our newest associate to do?”

  Dave said, “I thought you said you already had five dares lined up?”

  “Yes, Davey, but they were all for you,” Lucy said and then turned back to Melanie, “I know. Since you’re still such a young girl, why don’t you get up on the table there and sing the Teapot song, complete with movements.”

  Melanie groaned, but inwardly she was relieved. She jumped up on the table and performed the song and dance. Her coworkers laughed when she almost tipped over for real, and then applauded at the end of the song.

  “I’ll get you back, Lucy,” Melanie said, “you can count on it.”

  Lucy said, “Only if you get faster, deary.”

  Melanie did pick up the pace, but she still could not beat Lucy. Luckily for her, James fell behind and completed the fewest folders. Dave was only one folder better than him.

  “Davey, I’m getting the feeling that you don’t want to be dared by me. Do I make you nervous?” Lucy asked. She pouted as she asked the question, and Melanie noticed for the first time how plump the woman’s lips were. It was a stark contrast from the rest of Lucy’s body, which showed just how much she loved to run.

  “Lucy, the idea of the game is to dare others, not be dared,” Dave said, “so make your dare so we can start a new round and I can humiliate you.”

  “Thanks, Buddy,” James said, “make her mad as she is about to dare me.”

  Lucy pinched James’s cheek, “Don’t you worry, James. I already had your dare picked out. I want you to run around the entire law firm in your underwear, yelling, ‘Order in the Court’ as loud as you can.”

  “What?! You can’t be serious!” James turned to Melanie, “You only made her sing that goofy song, but I have to get almost naked?”

  Lucy said, “Well, I don’t really care about seeing her underwear. That is something I think you and Davey would be more interested in. But your underwear? I am VERY interested in that.”

  James looked at Dave and Melanie for some help, but got nothing but goofy grins for his trouble, “Okay fine, I’ll give you a cheap thrill.” He pulled off h
is striped polo and went to work on his pants. Melanie’s first look at James’s torso was a shock. He was ripped, with a perfectly toned six-pack and a solid chest.

  “Melanie, I really like this game you came up with,” Lucy said as she took in James’s body.

  James dropped his pants; revealing navy blue boxers underneath, “Hope you ladies are enjoying the view.” He then started running and yelling. It took James about forty seconds to make his rounds, and Melanie giggled the entire time. When he returned, James put his pants back on, but left his shirt off. “Not really cold in here, and I’m a little sweaty.”

  Lucy said, “What ever you are comfortable with, although it seems you are enjoying this a little too much. Maybe you are an exhibitionist?”

  “Believe what you want,” James said, “let’s get back to work so I can give you a dare.”

  James did not get his wish, even though he did complete the most folders. Instead of Lucy being the slowest, it was Dave. James made him do fifty pushups without his shirt on, which gave Melanie and Lucy another surprising glance at beefcake.

  When he was done, Melanie asked, “Do you two work out together or something? When do you find time?”

  “Gotta look good for the ladies,” Dave joked.

  By this time it was almost two in the afternoon, so they broke for a quick lunch. Lucy and Melanie went to the restroom together, and once inside Lucy said, “I don’t know about you, but all of this competition and seeing Dave and James shirtless is getting me hot.”

  Melanie nodded, “Yeah, I hear ya. This is not how I expected this to turn out. But it has increased our pace, even with stopping to do the dares.”

  “You’re focusing on the wrong thing here, deary,” Lucy said, “but I plan on changing that the next time I get to dare you.”

  Melanie saw the evil grin on Lucy’s face, and decided to match it, “Well right back at ya, Lucy. Two can play this game.”


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