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The Perils of Judge Julia

Page 6

by DrkFetyshNyghts

  “Mmmmmmmmm noooooooo gawdddddddddd........”

  She was burning furiously inside the hood and there was one final attempt to move away from the fingers like a sign of rebellion but it didn't work. She could arch and she could pull her pelvis away, but the fingers simply followed. They follow and intensified the strokes of her slightly swollen sex-lips. From somewhere deep inside, the lawyer in her informed her that she was in the process of being kidnapped and sexually molested. But it told her this was more than that. The finger at her clitoris was finding that friction, the mesh of the nylon serving the purpose, making the clitoris fill and swell. The little nub becoming hard, and extra sensitive. That little nub, between strokes of the finger tip, pressing out against the tight nylon crotch of the pantihose. That pantihose slowly becoming damp. Then damper. That dampness turning into a wetness. Then a saturation. Judge Julia then sobbing bitterly as she became aware of the produce that was slipping from between the lips of her cunt and into the nylon crotch. All the time those fingers working. Working her incessantly, working non-stop. Once again Judge Julia's intelligence and intellect letting her down as she knew, somehow she just knew, maybe it was women's intuition or a deeper thing, but she simply knew that she was on the start of a downward spiral.


  The venue, oh yes, the Venue; an inner city basement flat used by 'specialist' prostitutes. That is basically a basement in an old sprawling townhouse, that normally would be snapped up and turned into a luxury pad for some City high flyer, but instead had been completely utterly gutted and then minutely designed by those who know about things like that. Almost 'lovingly' designed and fitted after being soundproofed and sealed. Hmmm, I guess just saying that this place had been soundproofed wasn't doing it justice at all. There was more to it than that. Much more. The basement had been excavated completely at the same time as keeping the main house above stable and safe. Then in the basement, a sub-basement had been dug out. That basement and sub-basement hadn't simply been soundproofed, but rather the soundproofing was as a result of sealing it from the outside world. Such a process would have incurred considerable expense and planning. To seal and keep sealed a room or rooms underneath an existing house would take considerable know-how and expertise, not to mention the expense. Thick walls, ceiling and floor lined with a soundproofing layer then an intricate and sophisticated eco-system and atmosphere fitted and commissioned. A complete self sufficient atmosphere inside which one could exist, live even, if that was what floated your boat. The desired result was a room or complex of rooms, that would, whenever a 'victim' or in most cases a paying client was taken down into it, would be left in no doubt that their contact and ability to contact the outside world once the processes were put into operation was a definite no-no. Neither would any contact filter in from the outside. A complete and desolate isolation. There would be no contact with the outside world, full stop. The way the heavy, lined doors sucked shut and clicked and whirred locked gave the impression of a secure and remote unit and that is indeed what it was. People only went down there if they had access, and those that were 'taken' down there did not simply leave they were 'released'. That place may have just as well been on another planet it was so desolate.

  The people that owned and ran this particular 'suite' were not simple spank them and send them home hookers who barked on about themselves not being hookers at all because they didn't offer sexual services. Rather these people, the people that designed and owned it, the people that used and operated it were 'specialists' in their field. Mostly from the Continent but also America, China, Japan and Russia. It would come as no surprise eventually to find that the organisation behind such a building in the heart of London's exclusive Chelsea area was indeed SECFAC. Just one of the snaking tendrils that were ever reaching out. Ever seeking and searching. These were not people that just hunted for quick sexual kicks. These were deadly serious people with the ways and means to make any fantasy, or nightmare depending on how one looked at it, come true. This was a facility that Mandy had been offered and pointed in the direction of when she had left the Centre. It was a kind of a nod that she was indeed one of them. That she had passed the test with flying colours and that she was being brought into the fold. This entrustment was a kind of a show of faith, of the trust that had been placed in Mandy. It was a nod to her and that nod came with all manner of other little sub-perks. Mandy's 'projects' of which Judge Julia was the current, would receive financial backing and support. The people who were involved with SECFAC had wealth and means beyond the normal. Money was no object and was in fact a bottomless pit. That and the long list of influential people behind it was a formidable thing to come across. If one were to delve into the hierarchy of SECFAC one might be surprised... no shocked at the list of people, male and female involved. One might suspect that if one were in possession of ALL of the facts surrounding the place then the sense of despair and hopelessness for anyone being brought there in any other way than willingly might actually be catastrophic.

  Julia's position was only made slightly more comfortable by the fact that she was in a sitting position. The slight comfort paled into insignificance when compared to the three, or even four fold indignity and humiliation she was suffering. Women of Judge Julia's standing and stature did NOT get humiliated, or debased, or degraded under normal circumstances. And so when the time came that very experience was bestowed on them, it was a harder hit. An almost catastrophic hit that in itself was debilitating. It remans a fact that one cannot really humiliate someone who WANTS to be humiliated. And, the truth is that the more one is humiliated the less the effect becomes. Its a bit like a patient becoming immune to antibiotics. For a while any particular humiliation bug might bite deep. But the longer it goes on the less deep it bites and then the bug gets immune to it. Think of this place as one big antibiotic... the longer one is in the place being humiliated and debased, the less the effect measures on the scale. The secret is to bring the victim to a level and keep them there. Not easy to attain and even less easy to maintain. One of the secrets is to place the person into a kind of shock and don't take them out of it. Simply use it for other ends. Use it to bring that person to below gutter level. In a manner of speaking Mandy had been subjected to that very process. With her though it started a little a way up the scale. She was already desensitised to a great degree by her prostitution work. With her SECFAC had known that with her age, and other factors, she would have not been aware of the darker sides of sex like bdsm, fetish and deeper addictive things. Getting her to that state of resigned shock, and system close down, in that chamber at SECFAC was relatively easy. Getting her through the Justice system all pre-meditated and planned to subdue her, and then the sentencing. All seemingly above board, but the deeper more secretive gears at work out of sight making sure the case followed a specific path then Judge Julia, completely innocently going about her work, passing sentence according to government guidelines. Those guidelines serving the deep darker forces at work

  Here and now Judge Julia was experiencing her first taste of bondage proper and with that first taste the humiliation was being heaped on. It would be heaped on until that shock status was achieved. The chair was a heavy wooden affair bolted to a bare concrete floor. This chair was not a normal domestic chair adapted. Rather it was a heavy wooden affair that had been designed and manufactured for purpose. One might suspect that not a lot of work would be required to adapt this particular chair into an executioners electric chair. A heavy duty serious voltage electric chair at that. The bolts to the floor kept it rigid and even more immobile than those secured to it for whatever purpose. A wide leather belt around Julia's waist held her into it. The leather rigid and holding her middle right against the chair's straight back. Her arms had been pulled up high and stretched back so that her shoulder blades almost touched. Straps had been secured around her legs, above the knees and at the ankles. To these straps, strong cord had been fixed and then in turn fixed to pulley posts at either side o
f the chair. She hadn't ever opened her legs so wide, willingly - they had been pulled and secured wide apart very effectively by the pulley devices. She still wore what was left of the dress, although it did nothing to cover her modesty. Her pantihose were laddered and torn in several places. A result of the journey in the back of that vehicle and the molesting that she had been subjected to. Her stilettos were still on her feet and at first the sack hood was still over her head. As she had been bondaged by Mandy's two partners, she had whimpered in both fright and at the discomfort being piled on her. It would be difficult not to feel sorry for the Judge under these circumstances. Even before the sack had been removed, it was easy to see the trembling that the older women was powerless to stop or prevent. There would have been a time when she would have considered trembling a weakness. Like all of those times when she was presiding over Crown Court cases. Even in her turmoil right now she could remember being more than slightly amused at how criminals from all walks of life had trembled in front of her. When those criminals recounted the slight smirk over Judge Julia's face and the cold callousness of her, it wasn't a natural thing that came from her, rather she enjoyed making that smirk casual. A professional casual smile. I mean, after all she would never have been able to laugh outright at the petrified convicts in front of her. Just let them subtly know that their predicament amused her. Kind of a justice all of its own. Now though, in this place, wherever this place was, she could feel Mandy's smirk. She could feel it as though it was crawling all over her. She could feel her smirking at her trembling and she could feel her smirking at what had happened to her on that ride so far. Smirking at her crude exposure and immobilisation now. And probably smirking about what was going to happen to her in the immediate future. It had to be the immediate future because Julia was convinced that in the longer term, there was no future for her. She had convinced herself that terrible things were going to happen to her, and then she would be disposed of. She was convinced that she was going to suffer terribly before being discarded. She let out an extra ripple of trembles at that thought. She was certainly right about some of what she feared the most.

  Judge Julia whimpered as the sack was roughly loosened from around her neck. She craned her neck and her head, feeling quite rightly that she was a mess. It took a while for the Judge's eyes to become accustomed to the strong fluorescent lighting after the sack had been removed. When she could see again, because of her high, bondaged arms, she could see only in front of her.

  "Oh m-my g-god, p-please, n-no p-please "

  It wasn't really sense she uttered. Just a mumbled nothing and the colour drained from her face slowly the more into focus her own reflection became. The stark contrast of her trademark red lips made her appear noire as she took on a deathly pale, almost ghostly pallor. Her own, full reflection glared back at her from a large, wide and tall mirror and it was like she was looking at someone else not herself. She almost detached herself from that reflection, in her own melting mind feeling sorry for the 'creature' looking back at her and then the realisation that she WAS that creature. The colour draining more and the sound, and the feel of her own heartbeat. Her chest expanding and contracting with each and every breath. With each and every breath the constriction of the leather strapping holding her rigid in the chair, her breasts, not really still in the mess of a dress and not really out of it, bulging and threatening to overspill. As her eyes cleared Julia just looked at herself, at first as though she didn't recognise that person looking back at her, but then her eyes fixed as though mesmerised. The full horror of her predicament slowly but surely dawning on her. The bondage terrified. The humiliation bit soul deep. A large hole had been crudely but deliberately cut and torn in the pantihose at her crotch and her darkly haired genitalia was totally exposed. Because of the enforced spread of her legs, her sex was peeled open. The pink of her cunt slit could be seen, and if desired, molested, with ease.

  "I know how much you like the word 'creature' so I will use it frequently! At the moment 'Judge Julia', you are just a helpless 'creature'. By the time you see the outside world again, you will be a sex-addicted and 'disgusting' 'creature'. Do you understand?"

  Mandy's words registered with Julia and she shook her head to the negative. To be fair to the Judge, it wasn't so much a disagreement that she was shaking her head to, as another sign of her crumbling beneath the shell. But it was true, what was being said. Deep down she knew it was true. She understood but just didn't want to agree with what Mandy was telling her because that would seem like she was simply sealing her fate. It was like she was in some form of adolescent denial. It was a bizarre sight – an eighteen year old, barely more than a youth, taking charge and overseeing what was to be the complete and utter destruction of an older, mature woman. A woman of Judge Julia's immense standing in the community to. Even more bizarre that this older, mature woman, had been only a short time before, an icon of authority, law and order. Julia could do nothing but stare at herself in the mirror. Her eyes just would not leave that bondaged, helpless, pale skinned, red lipsticked vision. It was like she was looking at someone else but knowing it was herself. She still couldn't believe what was staring back at her, her breathing quickened again and she could feel her body numbing, and yet tingling at the same time.

  "I expected this early resistance. So what I have to do first is instil some discipline. In other words, I'm gonna beat the shit out of your tits. By the time I've finished you will agree, at least in principal, to what I am saying.”

  Mandy said the words casually and with a smile. Julia was taking in every single word and understanding it. It was what she did for a living; listen to words, draw conclusions from them and act on them. The spoken word, the written word, and the words that flowed from people as she read their minds in Court. She was hearing the words and her mind was computing them. She was right she was going to suffer terribly before being disposed of. One might suspect that a woman of her intellect and standing might have at least pulled herself together at that point. Once acceptance of her fate was to her a given – maybe the last chance at dignity. At having her life ended with dignity and pride. But this place, this godforsaken place that she was in did not lend itself very easily to that sort of inspiration. She shuddered and then she whimpered. Mandy hadn't even raised a hand, or lifted an implement with which to cause the real physical pain that she could easily do. Not yet anyway. Oh the mental torture had started. That had started in the underground car-park and was well on the way to melting her mind already. She did think that maybe she should die with dignity. Let the crazy little creature do her worse but all the way through hold her head up high. But that wasn't going to happen. Julia had begun not to function the way she was used to functioning. She had begun to become retarded in her mental ability. She was way out of her comfort zone and it was showing. It was showing badly. A solitary tear rolled down one of her cheeks taking a slither of mascara with it. That slither of mascara another highlight, like a slash down her pale, white ghostly face. That tears dripped to her cheek and then ran down, dripping onto the upper exposed globe of one breast. Her full lips were trembling and there was a noise, of sorts coming up from the back of her throat and into her mouth. That noise just changed pitch and altered slightly as Mandy continued to speak.

  "And you know, the good thing about all this is that you are supposed to have been holidaying abroad alone, from tomorrow. No-one is going to miss you for three weeks. A lot can happen in three weeks, as you will find out. I just cannot tell you how much I have been looking forward to this little re-union you fucking Bitch."

  The venom in Mandy's voice was enough to make Julia lose control of her bladder. There was a 'gushing' sound and then a pause before the splashing sound. Her urine flooding through the tear and gash in her damaged pantihose and then over the chair and to the floor. In the floor under the chair, a drain hole which seemed to be very proficient in collecting and disposing of the urine. Mandy watching, never taking her eyes off the older woman and yet her
mind wandering back to the time when she was in that chamber at SECFAC. The time when she was so petrified that she had lost control of her own bladder. What they had said to her during her three months in that place was that she had to experience rock bottom so that she would know what rock bottom was. As Julia deposited her bladder contents over the chair and floor of that room, Mandy knew, oh she just KNEW what the older woman was going through and that thought excited her, It excited her and thrilled her and she clenched her thighs, secretly as she watched the older woman in her despair. It excited her more because she knew what that despair and fear and fright felt like.

  Mandy was both very educated in certain ways and yet childish at the same time. For the first time, the eighteen year old came into view in the mirror. She was dressed the same as she had been in the underground car-park, her long shapely legs enhanced in the heels she wore. She carried a long, thin cane. More than slightly disturbing was the fact that she carried it with confidence. She carried it like it was an extension of herself. Mandy actually carried the cane like she knew how to use it. And something else coming through as well, another message, another tiny little thing just shining through – she carried it like she intended to use it. Like she only carried it when she intended to use it. She carried it with a purpose and yet with such a casual nonchalance that one could only shudder at the sight. That sight only enhanced with the sound of spike heeled shoes on the bare floor. The cane wasn't a bamboo cane but a wire-cored, leather covered one. Mandy knew all about canes of this sort. She had experienced one vaguely similar. She displayed that obvious and very present degree of expertise by slashing it through the air in front of Julia's face. The whoosh of air startling the older woman. Julia's eyes snapping open, like she had been snapped out of the living nightmare that she was having about her future, or lack of future as she had convinced herself was the case. It was like also, that she was coming to terms with the fact that her ending on this world, the end days, end game or however one wanted to put it would not be with her head held high, or with any form of dignity at all. That it was going to be just a terrible terrible ending, undignified, humiliating, degrading and above all painful. The cane slashing through the air was enough to convince her that this was indeed going to be the case.


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