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The Perils of Judge Julia

Page 10

by DrkFetyshNyghts

  Mandy looked and laughed at how the woman's breasts swung, collided and stretched floor-wards as the session proceeded. She laughed as the first guy shot his initial load up inside Julia's womb - a second spurt inside her arse and then the remainder of the load of thick white semen over her buttocks and then outer lips of her sex hole. She giggled as the second guy erupted into Julia's mouth - bulged cheeks, her swallowing but not fast enough to keep up with the orgasm. Semen seeping from the corners of her mouth, down her chin, dripping to the floor. She laughed as the rigid, still erupting cock was slipped out of her mouth and allowed to explode all over her face. She laughed at Julia's tongue trying to lap it off her face hungrilly.

  "More cock. More cock - give me more cock - put it back in my mouth - back in my cunt. Give it to me, give it to me "

  Julia's voice and tone were obscene, disgusting as she dripped with spent semen. Her tongue was sliding out of her mouth and around the outside of her lips, hoovering up the semen, and she was taking this back into her mouth and visibly tasting it, savouring it before her throat would go into that sensuous rolling swallow. That semen sliding in thick, gooey gobs down into the throat and into her digestive tracts. Mandy was quite delighted at proceedings so far, especially at the sight of Judge Julia dripping with those spent gobs of healthy wriggling semen. Both adult and youth in her wanted to see this woman humiliated to the max. She smiled to herself, clenched her thighs again. It dawned on her that Julia, the one and only Judge Julia had no idea, no idea at all about how her journey would progress. Only that it would be ending soon. That her life would simply be snuffed out at any time soon. But Mandy would not be in any rush to alter Julia's perception on that, or persuade her otherwise. With Julia convinced, and afraid to the core of her soul that she was soon going to die, she wouldn't present much of a problem to Mandy. The teenager would have no problems getting the older woman to toe the line. Mandy smiled to herself as she thought 'in fact, will there be anything I cant get this fucking woman to do?' Mandy smiled again and watched. And she clenched her thighs again.


  Julia was fed with the drug on a regular basis at first. Via intravenous feed. The needle taped into a vein the back of her hand and there as a long term thing, not simply a quick fix. Julia had no objections to this 'stuff' being put into her. She loved it. It made her feel good. It made her ride the crest of that wave and it helped her through those periods of down deep, gutter deep despair that she often experienced after the sexual highs that she was treated to. This sexual highs that Mandy allowed her to have. Yes she recognised that – that it was Mandy who was being kind to her, allowing her to feel some of that sexual excitement, sexual joy. There was a kind of a gratitude. It was another line of gratitude, the drug line. Just every so often that inline into the back of her hand being plugged and another measure of that beautiful stuff dripping into her bloodstream and keeping her right where Mandy wanted her. Needed her. Mandy needed to plug that line and feed in that drug – she didn't have to, she could have had any number of others do it, but she had to do it. She had to push that line it, plug it and then turn on the flow of that drug. She liked that. She liked the knowledge that shortly after the drug had entered the blood stream, the taste would seep into her mouth, and the smell into her nasal tract. It made Mandy her clench her thighs and it fed that need between her legs. It made her clench her thighs as well when that stuff was flowing into the blood stream of the Judge, and the Judge would make tiny slight faces as the taste of it seeped into her mouth. Those little movements with her full deep red lips, and a swiping of the tongue as she tasted it. But then at the same time, the rolling of the eyes as she was being sent to that other place. There was the gradual decline in strength of the injected liquid that she was not aware of, couldn't be aware of. Making her hooked on the stuff – that was the easy bit. Giving her pure undiluted doses to instil the addiction and then ever so slowly cutting back. Cutting back on the strength and dose of the drug. Julia having to try harder to feel that hit. Having to try harder to make the crest of that wave. Every so slowly then, the need for that hit, the high of that drug being taken over by the need for the hit of the sexual high. The need for one being replaced by the need, the dire need for the other. Judge Julia falling for the whole thing, hook line and sinker. A cunning, devious plot by Mandy to turn Julia's dependency for sex from drug-induced to real-world. In a matter of days, Julia's personality and priorities changed. The old Judge Julia was no more, not would ever be again.

  The thirty seven year old Judge seemed grateful for the cuddle she had just received from the eighteen year old. The young girl on the other hand, treated Julia as though she were a pet – and certainly as though she were a slave. Thanks to Mandy, Julia could get all the sex she wanted and needed. It didn't even register, not really, that she was being used as a source of income by the young girl. The Mandy was in fact her pimp. Or her Pimpess. Maybe that was not totally true. Of course Julia knew she was a whore. And not just a whore – not just a simple type of whore making ends meet – but the worse kind of whore. The most disgusting and vile kind who didn't know how, or where to draw the line of what services to offer in return for financial rewards and which ones she should decline on the grounds of obscenity and pure morality. It didn't matter to her. Her mind as well as her body had been turned into a mound of mushy nerve endings – all open and receptive. She didn't turn any requests down because she couldn't. She not only didn't want to decline any sexual activity, or any activity that could be remotely classed as sexually related she simply could not decline.

  "Now Julia, I'm sure you don't mind me calling you Julia. We don't need any of those formalities any more, like Judge Julia – that was the olden days, you are far away from that person now. No more Judge Julia and all those silk robes for you any more. Although, the thought did cross my mind that I could get a nice Latex Rubber set of judge's robes made up for you. Nice rubber robes and rubber wig. I'm sure we could market you in that way. And you would look VERRRRRRRY good in rubber. You mature, older ladies always do. As though you've been poured into the latex. Or the liquid latex poured over you. Every curve and piece of flesh enhanced and shiny..... mmmmmmmm you'd like that wouldn't you Julia. We could call you Rubber Whore Julia. Or Rubber Judge Julia – that way you'd keep some of your old identity, hmmmm? I have to say, I have been very pleased with you so far. Your trips out, working the streets have earned me a lot of money - more money than the targets I set you initially. I had no idea that there was such a market for older women like you. But then you are not just an older woman are you – you are the infamous Judge Julia, and whilst your fate cannot be made wholly public, there is an underground stream that is very interested in you. I've lost count of the ex-cons who have uhmmmmm made amends with your body, and your orifices since we've been 'together' like this. All those people you sent down, took out of circulation and then coming out and finding out that you are not the Lady you once were and in fact were available for all sorts of 'services'. My god. I only had to put the word out a little. I mean I didn't have to do much work at all. Just the right words in the right ears and all of a sudden there was a queue of men all ready willing and able to give you what THEY wanted. I'm sure they had been festering in their cells thinking, and dreaming and masturbating over the things they wanted to do with you and then all of a sudden, their you were, on the menu as it were. Its all good though Julia, very good. I am very pleased. If you keep using your sex-crazed whore body to earn me money then I will stay pleased with you. If you fail me in any way though you will have to be punished. Remember the chair, the bondage, me caning your tits?"

  Julia frowned as she remembered - she cringed and then nodded recognising all that Mandy was saying. Those words, every single one of them filtering in, tumbling round her psyche and settling just there. Despite her diminished, sexually addled state, she was fully aware of what Mandy was saying and the casual, almost matter-of-fact way she was saying it. She shuddered a deep
shudder down the core of her spine as she realised all those men – some she had had the feeling she had come across before but not really getting it that they were ex cons. People that had crossed her path in the Justice system. People she had taken away from families and partners. Ones that she had simply sent down without a second thought. If it was in her power to do it then she did. She had the law on her side and she could do anything within that law that she chose to do. It didn't ever really dawn on her that she was destroying lives; the lives of the less privileged – the lives of the children of the people she sent down, and the wives, sometimes the husbands. She cringed again when she thought about some of the women she had sent down. Was it those women she had willingly and gratefully drank the urine of. And, licked out spent semen after men had fucked them? Oh god yes it must have been! Her services all bought and paid for! Oh my god! They must have been. All of those people, counting hundreds of them to date must have been her old cons. Ones she had sent down and taken out of circulation. She nodded her head, vacantly nodded her head even though she knew full well what she was nodding to.. Oh yes she remembered that chair and the caning. The caning across her nipples and aureole and across the mass of her globes. She had thought even as she was experiencing that god-awful pain that this girl, this young girl, Mandy was such an expert with that cane. And then asking herself the question, how could she be so good with it? How could a young girl like that, still in her teens, be so good with a cane? For god's sakes what was this world coming to?

  "That pain was only slight compared to what I can inflict, or to what I can have inflicted on you by others. You just keep using your body to give pleasure to others and to make me money and there's no need for you to worry. Do you understand?"

  Ex-Judge Julia nodded - she was eager to get back to work. Despite everything, she was eager and hungry to get back to 'work'. The thirty seven year old looked stunning. Any man would want to use her for sex. She wore a black pinafore type dress that was hemmed just above mid-thigh. The dress was cut tight to her torso and hugged her waist, buttocks and hips. Inch wide straps, crossed at the back, supported the pinafore front which was cut so low that Julia's breasts were not contained within it. Instead, her large breasts were contained within a black, see-through body suit that was both high necked and long sleeved. Both the neck and sleeves were trimmed with a delicate, feminine yet patronising lace that drew attention to the whole effect. With Julia standing, broad black tops of her self supporting stockings were only just concealed under the dress's hem. When sitting, the dress rode up to reveal fleshy, masses of white, wobbly thigh and thickly haired, pantyless sex that was unashamedly slit by the thin, pop buttoned crotch of the body suit. The pinkness of her cunt slit was obvious. Every time Julia moved, or took a step, the material and buttons shifted up and down her cunt making her ever more desperate for sex. Her sex and upper thighs were already saturated. Julia's feet were arched severely into very high stilettos which she had become an expert at walking, strutting and performing on. To finish the effect, her main of long, flame red hair had been pulled back and tightly tied into a long flowing pony-tail. Her make-up was thickly, almost obscenely applied, paying special attention to her eyes and lips. Her full, attractive lips were thickly coated with several layers of deep red colouring and then several more layers of gloss sealant. The vision of Ex-Judge Julia in this state of dress and make up meant only one thing to anyone looking at her – SEX! There would be no puzzlement as to what she existed for. There would be no question as to wether or not this woman had made some kind of fashion fopar. Wether she had simply made the wrong decisions on how to dress. This was how she was meant to look. She was meant to look like a dripping needy bitch-in-heat. It wasn't supposed to look like an accident that she had dressed like that. One could not dress in that way, and carry oneself and make oneself up like that by accident. It wreaked of a deliberate sexualisation of the older woman. No accident. No accident at all. Simply the message given out that she existed for whatever was required, of a sexual nature. Her tongue swiped across deep red lips. She was ready for work.

  "Ok julia, off you go. You know where to go and you know what to do to earn the most money. Don't let me down. I don't want any bad reports. Just good ones that you have been the best whore on the market.... ok baby girl?"

  "I won't let you down, I promise."

  Utter servility in Julia's voice ans somewhere deeper that actually, possibly her life wouldn;t be ending any time after all. And although the words were simple. Smiling, smirking contempt on Mandy's face as her 'acquisition' went out to work. She waited a few minutes and then picked up the telephone and dialled.

  "Hello, sergeant Bartido. She's on the way. Remember, have her picked up in the most compromising position. Watch and time the arrest to perfection ok....thanks."

  Mandy's pretty mouth was stretched into a broad smile even before she had replaced the hand set. She lit a cigarette, drank from a bottle of Diamond White, and waited. The downfall of Judge Julia was not going to be the pure underground thing that Julia was being led to believe it would be or had been. Not that by this time, it mattered to her because it didn't. By this time the addictions and the cravings had well and truly taken over her and she was completely in a world of her own. Even if she knew what was happening around her, which she did, it didn't matter. Julia had been sent out to work, and into the biggest trap that it was possible to be caught in. Only now was Julia's true downfall path was becoming apparent.

  Julia couldn't have walked the main streets dressed and made up the way she was. She would have been targeted as a prostitute by police straight away. It wouldn't have taken the most clever officer to see her sauntering down the street, parallel to the kerb and therefor to the kerb crawlers and put one and one together. Julia was the vision of sex-on-legs. But not just sex-on-legs but rather an enhanced hyper-vision of sex on legs. The look of her, the way she was made up, dressed and how she carried herself gave over that message. But not just that. Not just that at all. The vision of Julia, Amazonian and dripping sexuality brought out the most vivid and disgusting fantasies. Men, and some women would simply look at her and want to buy her, for the hour, for the evening or weekend – whatever. But what they would want to do with her would not fit the menu of the normal street hooker. Even if she did ooze pure street – what they would want to do with her and to her and with her defied any normal sexual relations. Julia's haunts were the dimly lit, sleazy back alleys where drunks, drug addicts and general losers hung out. Mostly no-go areas for police. Or at the very least the police would not go down there single handed, and even in pairs they were accompanied by dogs. More importantly there were kerb-crawlers - lots of them, out for sex and unable to refuse the delicious temptation of a baggage like Julia, stacked on top of spiky heels and ready for ANYTHING. Julia could blend into the dimness down these back alleys and in the little urban nooks and crannies of the City's low life areas. But at the same time Julia was unlike any other prostitute. She stood out. She gathered the crowds and for some reason, somehow, where normal street walkers did the things required of them for money and solely for money, Julia indulged in acts of gross obscenity because she had become addicted to sex. Julia had become a valuable commodity. But she had yet to learn her final, belittling, degrading lesson.

  During her first half an hour on the street, the discreet vice squad had watched, and filmed with infra-red cameras, as Julia had sucked off two men to completion in their cars and given a third a leg weakening knee-trembler up against the back door of some rough night club. In the oral sex Julia had gone about it with her usual hungry, filthy vigour. Using her lips and her tongue in unison. Using her lips to tighten around the filthy bell ends of the losers that were paying her. One taking great joy in simply sliding the money down the front of her transparent top and between her huge breasts as a kind of further degradation. In the knee trembler she had used the natural strength of her long long legs and she had allowed herself to be propped up against the wall a
nd used the natural rhythm of her hips to be fucked and reamed. Her sexuality gripping and sucking onto the cock hungrily and dirtily. She had wanted that fuck, that dirty reaming fuck to last longer. But it didn't. The guy, the useless prick of a guy (her own thoughts at that very time) couldn't hold onto it. Couldn't believe he was fucking something, someone as fucking gorgeous as Julia and as he fucked her his orgasm was all but premature. No sooner had he jacked her up the wall and started to pump her than his pathetic cock was beginning to tremble with his pre-cum and then almost after one motion she was sucking the seed out of him with her experienced, hungry sexuality and then it was all over. Her taking the money off him as that pathetic watery seed was dripping over her stilettos. It was all evidence against her but not yet compromising or degrading enough. When the police did pounce, Julia was at her most 'creature' like.

  "Hi, what can I do for you?"

  Her tone had been husky and begging the middle aged guy in the Jag to do what he wanted with her. From the kerb, she leaned forward and rested her elbows on the ledge of the open window of the car. Gravity forced her tits to strain against the nylon of the body suit. She enjoyed the man's gawping eyes on her melons and she shifted accordingly allowing them to move and slightly swing in their nylon prison.


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