Book Read Free

Keeping the Peace

Page 36

by Hannah Hooton

  Her heart deflated.

  ‘See you Monday then,’ she said.

  ‘Until Monday.’

  Leaning against the closed front door, Pippa listened to the growl of Jack’s Land Rover fade away until just the patter of rain outside filled the void. She heaved a noisy sigh and wandered back into the lounge. She didn’t feel at all tired now. Instead a restlessness gripped her. She sat down and switched on the television, but turned it off with an irritable tut after a few seconds. She tapped the arm of the couch as she contemplated what she could do to occupy herself. She couldn’t paint when she was this distracted so that was out of the question. She hoisted herself to her feet and went into the kitchen to check her mobile for messages from Tash. She pulled a face when, no matter what angle she directed it towards, no signal lit the screen.

  ‘I’ll have a bath,’ she muttered. ‘That might make me relax.’

  She skipped up the stairs to the bathroom and set the pipes groaning as she spun open the taps. The room was soon clouded with steam, laced with a creamy aroma of bath oils. Undressing, she hesitated as the roar of the taps was interrupted by a muffled knocking noise downstairs. She shook her head, ridiculing her imagination. It was just the hot water filling the cold pipes.

  A second, a more demanding set of knocks sounded. This time she was sure she wasn’t imagining things. She switched off the bath taps and pulled on her top before bounding down the stairs. She opened the front door just as Jack raised his fist to knock again.


  ‘Hey,’ he said, sounding less than thrilled. Rain slithered down his cheeks and webbed his eyelashes together. ‘Slight problem. Can I come in?’

  Pippa realised, in her surprise, that she was just staring at him standing in the rain.

  ‘Yes, of course. Are you okay?’

  Jack stepped over the threshold, dripping rainwater onto the mat.

  ‘The road is flooded. It’s too high for even the Land Rover to get through.’

  ‘Oh, God. Here, come into the warm. You look frozen.’

  Jack peeled off his jacket and shook his hair, spraying Pippa with droplets.

  ‘Sorry to gatecrash on you like this,’ he sighed. ‘The storm’s moved away, but it might take a while for the water levels to drop. Do you mind if I wait it out here for an hour or so?’

  Pippa’s pulse raced and she swallowed.

  ‘Course you can. Come through.’

  Jack stepped out of his sodden shoes and followed Pippa through to the lounge. Under the glare of the electric lighting, fatigue was etched across his face.

  ‘Would you like a coffee?’ she offered.

  ‘Think I’m going to need it,’ he answered gratefully.

  He followed Pippa through to the kitchen, where she filled the kettle and set it to boil.

  ‘Are the roads really bad?’

  Jack nodded.

  ‘This one especially since it’s in a valley. Hopefully, it won’t get completely washed away.’ He gave her a wry smile. ‘Otherwise your little car won’t even get you into Helensvale.’

  ‘Wow, I’ve never been stranded before,’ Pippa replied. ‘I locked myself out of the flat in London once, but I was able to kip at Tash’s. Out here, you’re really isolated. Should I have been collecting tinned foods in preparation for this?’

  Jack shook his head with a smile.

  ‘The joys of country-living.’

  Pippa paused as she reached for a coffee mug and bit her lip. Did she have the nerve to say it? The poor man looked exhausted. Waiting out another hour on the off-chance that the roads would become passable would just add to his misery. Dare she suggest the obvious?

  With her back turned to Jack, she squeezed her eyes shut.

  ‘Um, you could always stay here if you like,’ she mumbled.

  With the kettle roaring and the ensuing silence from Jack, she wasn’t sure if he’d heard her or not. She looked to him for a reaction. He was staring at her.

  ‘I mean, I have a spare bedroom. I just need to get some bedding out and we won’t need to worry...’ Her voice petered out as her courage evaporated. She frowned to herself. What a foolish thing to suggest! What on earth had made her say that? Why did she never think things through before opening her big–

  ‘Okay. If you don’t mind, of course,’ Jack interrupted her mental self-flagellation.

  ‘Really?’ she said, unable to keep the surprise out of her voice. ‘I mean, okay, I’ll go get some sheets out and... stuff.’

  ‘I hope I’m not putting you out,’ Jack said, looking awkward. ‘You didn’t have plans for tonight or anything?’

  ‘No, no. I was just about to get in the bath, that’s all. That’s why I didn’t hear you knocking at first.’

  ‘Don’t let me interrupt then. Please. If you show me where the sheets are, I can sort myself out.’

  A playful smile tugged at Pippa’s mouth as she realised just how ultra-polite they were being with one another.

  ‘Come. I’ll show you.’

  In the darkness, Pippa lay on her back, staring up at the ceiling. The “soothing and restoring qualities” promised on the bottle of sweet almond oil had failed to deliver during her bath. Her every sense was keenly attuned to Jack’s presence in the adjoining room. She threw off her duvet and fanned herself. Maybe she was coming down with a fever. The cool night air seeped through the silken material of her nightshirt, relieving her burning body.

  The movements in the neighbouring room had stilled. Jack must already be asleep. She tried to distract herself in the hope she would drift off. Was spontaneous human combustion really possible? It certainly felt that way. Her tongue stuck to her palate as she swallowed, trying to moisten her dry throat. If she was coming down with a fever, she would need to keep hydrated.


  Actually she wasn’t sure, but it sounded good. And a glass of cold water was very tempting right now.

  Switching on her beside lamp, she eased herself out of bed and tiptoed to the door. Her gaze flickered towards Jack’s closed door as she slipped out into the hall. A large shadow blocked the bathroom doorway.

  She screamed, her nerves already at breaking point. The shadow jumped back in surprise.

  ‘Jesus Christ!’ Jack hissed. ‘You want to give me a bloody heart attack?’

  ‘Oh!’ Pippa fell back against the hallway wall, placing a soothing hand over her thundering heart. ‘I thought you were already asleep.’

  From the dim light shed from her bedroom, she noticed he was dressed only in his jeans. She gulped, unable to resist appraising his half-naked body.

  ‘What are you doing?’ he asked, raking a hand through his hair.

  Pippa’s focus snapped back to his shadowed face.


  ‘Why are you sneaking around?’

  ‘Oh! I was just getting myself some water. I – I was – er – hot.’ She flapped a nonchalant hand at nothing in particular.

  Jack shifted uncomfortably and he looked at his bare feet.

  ‘Yeah, me too.’

  A sizzling silence fell as they stood opposite each other by the bathroom door. Butterflies began to flit in her stomach.

  ‘Anyway,’ Jack said at last. ‘Back to bed, I suppose.’

  Pippa moved to the side to let him pass, unable to breathe. He stepped forward, the shaft of light from her bedroom lighting his face. She sucked in her breath as her mental colour wheel at last stopped spinning.

  ‘Brandeis blue,’ she breathed.

  ‘What?’ he frowned.

  A feeling of relief, like she’d been wracking her brain for an answer for ages and had finally found it, overcame her awkwardness. She smiled and reached out her hand to his face.

  ‘Your eyes. They’re Brandeis blue.’

  A muscle jumped in his jaw as he digested her words. Pippa longed to calm it. Her outstretched hand settled on his cheek as if she could smooth out the tension. His stubble tickled her palm sending sparks of energy rushing
through her body. Now she knew the colour of his eyes, she wanted to paint him. To paint him, she wanted to discover, to familiarise herself with every contour of his body.

  Jack stood stolid and tense, only broad shoulders rising and falling as he breathed. His ragged breath made the skin on her wrist tingle as she trailed her fingers over the strong line of his jaw.

  Her gaze flickered to the stern set to his mouth. She wanted to erase its grimness. Soft beneath her touch, his lips parted as she stroked her fingertips over them. She looked into his eyes again.

  They were three shades darker.

  He raised his hand to enfold hers against his cheek then entwining his fingers, he removed her hand from his face. The bold flame that coursed through her veins flickered in doubt.

  ‘Jack,’ she whispered.

  His fingers tightened around hers and a low groan rose from the back of his throat. In one swift movement he bridged the gap between them and kissed Pippa hard. Her senses reeled as she closed her eyes, incapable of even feeling embarrassed by the moan she uttered in response. She threaded her fingers through his hair, pulling him closer, yearning for his body to cover every exposed pore of her own. His day-old stubble rasped against her cheek and the faint tang of cologne teased her nostrils.

  Jack’s hands slid over her body in tremulous abandon.

  Wrapping his arms around her, he crushed her to him, suspending her off her feet. Revelling in his strength, Pippa allowed herself to be lifted, curling her legs round his waist as her nightshirt rode up. The burning heat of their skin against one another sent ripples of pleasure pulsing through her. She let her head fall back as his kisses sought her throat. She trailed her hands over his rigid shoulders and over his chest, its fine hair tickling her fingers.

  Jack groaned, his kisses on her collarbone becoming more savage. He gripped her closer to him and carried her towards the light of her bedroom.

  Beside the bed, Jack eased her to her feet. She uncurled her legs as her body slipped down his, feeling his hardness through his jeans graze her inner thigh. In the soft lamplight, she admired the broad set to his shoulders, suspended above the taut curve of his collarbone.

  His Adam’s Apple bobbed as he swallowed, allowing Pippa to trace her fingers down his neck and over the muscular expanse of his chest. Her fingers followed the narrow path of dark hair over his abdomen, feeling his muscles contract in response. With trembling hands, she fumbled with his belt.

  Jack gently moved aside her attempts to disrobe him and snapped open the buckle.

  Pippa flashed him a grateful smile. He returned her smile, lending her courage. With surer movements, she unbuttoned his jeans and tugged his clothes down over his hips. She felt him suck in his breath as her fingers folded around his hard cock, sweeping her thumb over its head and slipping her grip down its shaft. She smiled up at him, feeling empowered by his arousal.

  He cupped her face in his hands and kissed her fleetingly, flittering touches coaxing her. On her lips, her eyes, down her throat, tender nibbling at her earlobes. He ran his hands over her shoulders and down her arms, lifting them above her head as their mouths met once more. Pippa surrendered herself to him as he pulled her nightshirt up and over her head. The renewed intensity in Jack’s eyes was softened by an almost wondrous smile that parted his lips.

  ‘You know how long I’ve waited to do this?’ he murmured.

  Pippa closed her eyes as he stroked his hands down her sides and over her hips, tugging her knickers down with his thumbs. Lowering his head, he trailed kisses down her collarbone to her breast, teasing the nipple with his flickering tongue and teeth.

  She exhaled, release from such excruciating pleasure coming in short gasps. His arms encircled her, pulling her against him so his cock burned her stomach. She arched against him, exultant beneath his capable touch, grasping his shoulder muscles.

  ‘Oh, God, Jack,’ she gasped, feeling his hand slide over her bottom and down her inside leg.

  He pulled away from her briefly to look into her eyes.

  ‘You sure you want this?’ he asked.

  Pippa nodded.

  ‘God, yes, I want you.’

  ‘Good,’ he said huskily. Hoisting her into his arms, he lowered her down onto the bed.

  Pippa watched him looking at her, her inhibitions lost forever. She enjoyed the appreciation in his gaze as it travelled over her naked body lit by the glow of the bedside lamp. Kneeling over her, he continued his trail of kisses over her ribs. His tongue flickered over her belly button.

  She pressed her head back into the pillow and moaned, feeling the flex of his back muscles beneath her hands as he lowered himself over her. Nudging her legs apart, he brushed his fingertips against her sensitive skin, eliciting an appreciative moan from Pippa as he stroked her, kissed her, played with her desire.

  Her body took on a life of its own, her muscles contracting as each nibble and probe sent shockwaves juddering through her.

  ‘I want you now,’ she gasped.

  Jack loomed over her, steadfast on powerful arms. He raised an eyebrow.

  ‘Now, you say?’ he murmured. ‘But we’ve barely got started.’

  Rotating his hips, he ground himself against her groin.

  Pippa reached up to kiss him, to assuage the wantonness he’d provoked in her. She grazed her nails down his back before following the contours of his hips with the softest of touches. She ran the palm of her hand down his cock, feeling a renewed hardness push against her.

  He breathed in a sharp intake of breath as she stroked the tender skin at the base of his erection. His mouth close to her ear, she heard him swallow desperately as his cock leapt forward.

  ‘Jesus Christ, Pippa. Do you know what you do to me?’ he groaned as she held him.

  She caressed him with firmer strokes, basking in the feel of his very bold maleness. Jack cupped her breast towards his mouth and sucked hard. Pippa arched against him, wrapping her legs around his hips. With a decisive grunt, Jack swiftly moved out of her hand and into her. Pippa cried out at the velocity of his entrance, a fire that roared through her body in delectation. Clutching his back, clawing at the rumpled sheets, she met him with each satisfying thrust.

  She opened her eyes to look at him. His eyes were dark with arousal, a raw wildness in the tense set of his jaw. His mouth twitched as he filled her, a tender smile teasing his lips. Pippa lost herself in him, absorbed by a feeling so heavenly she’d never thought sex could be like this.

  Gazing into his eyes, she wallowed in the knowledge that it was Jack, finally it was Jack that she was touching, sharing this intimacy with. She felt her pelvic muscles tighten, building, gathering momentum. Her breath quickened as a raging heat flooded her body. She thrust against Jack, feeling him respond to her urgency until the floodgates opened.


  She cried out, clinging to his shoulders, digging in her nails, not caring if they hurt or not, anything to keep her from losing complete control. Jack’s efforts became more savage as he too reached his climax. With a moan, he shuddered, his shoulders shaking beneath her caress, riding out his orgasm to its furthest reaches.

  Jack half-slumped over her. With effort he raised his head to look at Pippa again. His satisfied smile mirrored her own. He leant forward and kissed her, his lips lingering.

  ‘I have one question for you,’ he said gruffly and rolled over onto his back beside her.

  Pippa propped herself up onto one elbow and looked at him. His chest was still heaving, his body damp with sweat.

  ‘Which is?’

  He looked at her, bewildered.

  ‘Why the fuck have we waited this long?’

  Chapter Forty-Two

  Pippa awoke with a smile on her lips. The previous evening’s events came tumbling back to her and she took a moment before opening her eyes to savour the memory. She breathed a satisfied sigh and huddled closer to the body lying beside her. When all she felt was rumpled bedding, she opened her eyes. Only sunshine filterin
g through her window warmed the empty space next to her. A sound behind her made her turn over.

  Jack was standing beside the bed, zipping up his jeans. He paused when he realised Pippa was awake.

  ‘Sorry. Didn’t mean to wake you,’ he mumbled.

  Pippa sat up, modestly covering herself with the duvet.

  ‘That’s okay.’ She hesitated, trying to read Jack’s expression. ‘What time is it?’

  ‘Nearly eight.’

  ‘You’re leaving?’

  Beneath her searching gaze, Jack looked down at the floor and buckled his belt. In the light of day, Pippa drank in the broad figure in front of her, from his hair-darkened chest, his toned abdomen down to his slim jean-hugged hips.

  ‘I’ve got to get back. Horses to be worked. You know how it is.’

  When he couldn’t meet her eye, Pippa felt a pang of uncertainty. She smiled to cover up her hurt and nodded.

  ‘Yeah. I know.’

  Jack looked at her, apology etched on his face.

  ‘Sorry.’ He shifted awkwardly and gestured to the door. ‘I’ll just finish getting dressed and leave you to sleep.’

  He strode across the room, leaving Pippa with an uneasy feeling in her stomach. This wasn’t how she pictured the morning after the night before to be. But this is Jack we’re talking about, she argued with herself. Of course things would be a little awkward. She jumped out of bed and wrapped herself in her dressing gown. Stepping into her slippers, she padded out of the room.

  She met Jack on the landing. He had donned his shirt and was buttoning it up as he walked. He stopped and stared at Pippa.

  She gave him an encouraging smile.

  ‘Can I make you some breakfast?’

  He shook his head.

  ‘Thanks, but I’d better get back.’

  Pippa followed him downstairs. He paused to put his shoes on and unhooked his jacket by the front door. Something resembling panic began to rise in Pippa’s throat. Was he just going to walk out? Just like that?

  ‘At least let me make you some coffee,’ she offered.


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