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Luke: A West Bend Saints Romance

Page 45

by Paige, Sabrina

  I was aware that was fucking ridiculous. Ludicrous. I was a grown woman.

  But it was complicated. I didn't intend to not have sex with anyone else. I just never found anyone else. I was Silas’ first, and he had ended up being my only.

  It was like coming full circle.

  But I didn’t tell him there’d been no one else.

  “I’m on the pill, and I’m clean,” I said. “Are you?”

  “I’m clean, Tempest,” he said. “And it’s been a while since I’ve had sex.”

  Not as long as it had been for me.

  “Well,” I said, returning my hands to where he’d put them on the window. “What are we waiting for, then?”

  “Are you sure?” he asked.

  I arched my ass out toward him. “Stop asking questions and put your cock in me, before I shut your mouth up another way.”

  “Are you threatening to shut me up by sitting on my face?" he whispered, his mouth close to my ear. I felt him tease my entrance with his cock. "I think I might like that way of shutting me up."

  “Another time,” I said. “Right now, I want you inside me.”

  He stopped at my entrance, taunting me with his hardness. “Tell me.”

  “Tell you what?”

  “Tell me how you want me, Tempest.”

  My body responded with a gush of wetness at the thought. “I want to feel you,” I said.

  “Like this?” he asked, sliding himself inside me inch by inch, at an excruciatingly slow pace. “You want to feel my hard cock inside you?”

  I moaned at the welcome intrusion and then again when he started moving, slowly at first, then gaining momentum. He kneaded my breasts, his thumbs circling around my nipples, the sensitivity heightening my arousal. I moaned his name over and over as he built up a rhythm, plunging his bare cock inside me as deep as it could go.

  We'd never done this, completely unprotected, skin against skin, even as teenagers. So I guess this was another first time with him.

  “Oh God, Silas,” I called out, my body responding to his touch. I felt like he was taking me higher and higher.

  He grasped a handful of hair, pulling my head back and holding me tight against him as he thrust inside me and kissed my ear. When he spoke, the warmth of his breath on my ear had me so far gone I couldn’t think about anything except being melded to him.

  His touch.

  His lips.

  His cock.

  Everything was a blur of sensation.

  “You are so tight, Tempest,” he said, thrusting into me harder. Letting go of my hair, he gripped the sides of my waist, my ass pressed so tightly against him that I couldn't think about being apart from him.

  "Silas," I cried out. Every cell in my body was on fire with his touch. My palms against the cool window, I closed my eyes, shutting out everything else except him and me.

  Silas' touch, his breath, the heat of his body... those were the only things that mattered.

  I rode the wave of pleasure higher and higher, until it flowed through my body to the tips of my fingers and toes.

  Close to my ear, Silas' voice cut through everything. "Come with me, bright eyes," he said, his voice gravelly. "I want to feel you come on me."

  I was already so close, but his words pushed me over the edge, and from somewhere outside myself, I heard my voice crying out his name over and over as I came, the explosion of pleasure so intense I thought I would lose my breath. Silas thrust inside me once, twice, three times, each time deeper than the last, and then crashed against me, flooding me with his seed.

  Afterward, he clung to my breasts, his face nuzzled against the side of my neck, murmuring my name. We stood there like that for what seemed like forever, my heart thumping wildly. Silas' chest was pressed up against my back, rising and falling quickly as he regained his breath. After a while, he smoothed away strands of hair on the back of my neck and kissed me, the gesture sending a ripple of pleasure through my body that was almost too much to bear.

  "Tempest," he said, his voice soft.

  "Yeah." There was nothing else to say.

  It was awkward as we padded around the bathroom, cleaning ourselves up, no longer distracted by the haze of desire. It shouldn't be awkward, I thought, feeling strangely disappointed. Had I thought things were going to magically fall into place, just because we'd had sex?

  Walking past me in the bedroom, Silas smacked my ass, the gesture jolting me out of my thoughts. He grabbed my arm and pulled me against him, his lips brushing mine lightly, not kissing me. Regina Spektor played Samson on the stereo, and I began to hum the song, as Silas nuzzled his face against mine and swayed softly to the music. He didn't say anything, and I let him hold me as we danced naked in the hotel room.

  Dancing with him felt sad. I should feel happy, I thought.

  But being with him didn't feel like hello.

  It felt like goodbye.




  Lying in bed, I ran my hands through Tempest's hair, my thoughts all over the place. I didn't know what the fuck to think about what was happening between us. She was a ghost from my past I never thought I'd see again. And now, not only seeing her again, but touching her, fucking her...lying here, holding her.

  My brain couldn't begin to process that shit.

  I didn't know what the hell to say to her. There was so much that had gone between us.

  She stirred beside me. "How have you been, Silas?"

  I exhaled heavily. It was the kind of question you get asked at a high school reunion and answer with some bullshit about all the things you're doing, brag about your promotion and your leggy blonde wife and three gorgeous kids.

  I didn't have an impressive response.

  How did I explain what she'd done to me when she left?

  "I'm good," I said.

  "Good," she said. "That's good."

  I was silent.

  "I wasn't good," she said. "For a while. Things weren't good."

  No, I thought. They were shit when you left.

  "Your parents?" I asked. "Are they around?"

  She laughed, the sound bitter. "Somewhere."

  "You don't know?"

  Tempest shrugged. "We had a falling out, after we ran from West Bend," she said. "They needed to lay low. I wanted to stay somewhere, finish senior year. I didn't want to grift anymore. I threatened to turn them in to the cops and they kicked me out."

  "Jesus, Tempest," I said, my hand paused.

  She took my palm, turned her face into it. "I know," she said. "I shouldn't have done something like that."

  "Something like what?"

  "Threatened to turn them in," she said. "It was the ultimate betrayal."

  I slid up to a sitting position, pulled her up against me on the pile of pillows stacked at the head of the bed. "They were the ones dragging you all over the country and raising you like a criminal," I said. "You were seventeen. They were the ones who kicked you out."

  I couldn't fucking understand the way her parents used her. How the hell was she supposed to do grow up to be anything except a criminal, if they'd raised her that way?

  Tempest turned to face me on the bed and tucked her legs underneath her. "It's a grifter thing," she said. "You don't turn someone else in. And family..."

  "But you didn't turn them in," I said.

  "I threatened to," she said. "And I was serious. I would have. I think I would have turned them in and watched them go to prison. It was wrong. I was angry and hateful and I wanted to hurt them for taking me away from West Bend."

  Away from me. I knew that's what she meant.

  "So what happened?"

  "They left," she said. "Hit the road. Disappeared."

  "Without you."

  Tempest nodded. "Poof," she said. "Gone. I've put out feelers, tracked them here and there, just to keep tabs on them. I wanted to make sure they were okay. My mother sent me postcards a few times. I don't know how she found me. I guess she's
keeping tabs on me just the same as I am on her.”

  I reached out and cupped her face with my hand, my palm resting on her cheek. Running my thumb along her chin, I said, "Why the hell didn't you just come back to West Bend?"

  Why the hell didn't you come back to me?

  Tempest bit her lower lip, and I ran the pad of my thumb over her lip where she'd pulled it between her teeth. "Back to you?" she asked. "You hated me. And your mother had a point. You were going to wind up getting a college scholarship. You had everything going for you to get the hell out of West Bend. You didn't need me holding you back, getting you in trouble when I stole stuff from someplace or conned the wrong person."

  "Tempest," I began.

  "No," she said. "Don't give me some bullshit about that not being true. It's exactly what would have happened. I would have ruined you." She shrugged away from my hand and looked down at the bed. "I would have, and you know it."

  I wanted to tell her that she ruined me anyway. When she was gone, I had nothing left. For years, that's how I lived. As if I had nothing to live for.

  I was angry at the goddamned world.

  But she silenced me before I could say anything, climbing onto my lap and pressing her lips against mine.

  We didn't speak after that. Instead, she slid onto my cock and we found a gentle rhythm as she wrapped her legs around my waist and rode me until we finally came together in a blinding explosion.

  When she came, I didn't take my eyes off her. I tried to memorize her expression, to etch it onto my brain, save it in my memory so that I could retrieve it in the future.

  I knew what was happening between us couldn't last.

  This moment was fleeting.

  Everything was.


  When I woke, sunlight was streaming through the windows and bathing the room in its golden light. Beside me, Silas pressed his body against mine. When I moved, he murmured something and pulled me tighter against him.

  Lying in bed like this with him was a first. When we were teenagers, it was frantic coupling in an abandoned hunting cabin or outside on a blanket under the stars. Never like this.

  It was nice. But at the same time, the bitter sweetness of it broke my fucking heart.

  Silas slid his hand down the side of my hip, nuzzled his face against my neck. "Good morning."

  "Good morning."

  Silas ran his hand over my hip, his erection pressed into me. My body immediately responded, my nipples hardening as he brushed his hands over my breasts. "Tempest," he said, his hand moving back down to grab a handful of my ass. "I can't get enough of you."

  "You sure had me enough last night," I said, barely able to keep the smile from covering my face. "I barely got any sleep."

  "Mhmm," he murmured. "Are you complaining? It doesn't feel like your body is complaining." He reached down between my legs, found my clit and simultaneously pulled my ass against him.

  I laughed. "I'm not complaining in the least," I said. But I swatted his hand away. "I have to pee."

  I slipped out of bed, dodging Silas and laughing as he lunged at me, trying to make another grab for me. Inside the bathroom, I brushed my teeth and generally made myself presentable, marveling at my horrendous case of bed-head.

  Silas pushed open the door and walked inside.

  I whirled around. "Silas!" I squealed, my voice high pitched. "The door was closed. Inappropriate, much?"

  "What? I'm out there about to piss myself," he said, grinning, standing in front of me, morning wood evident.

  "So you're about to pee in front of me?" I asked, shielding my eyes and stepping around him. "I don't need to see that!"

  "Are we not in that place yet?" he asked over his shoulder as I shut the door behind me. I heard him chuckle.

  "No!" I yelled. "We are definitely not in that place."

  When he emerged from the bathroom, he stood, hands on his waist. "So, no peeing in front of you," he said. "Anyone ever tell you you're kind of a prude?"

  "Yeah, I'm totally a prude" I said. "Just because I don't want to see you take a leak. I'm like a fucking nun."

  "You've got a dirty little mouth," Silas said, grinning. He grabbed my waist, his hand circling around it, to the small of my back.

  "Maybe you should wash it out," I said.

  "Shit, Tempest," he said. "Don't tempt me. You're going to have me thinking about what I should use to wash it out. We didn't finish things that way last night, if you recall."

  If I recalled. Yeah, I definitely remembered being on my knees at Silas' feet, his cock in my mouth. The memory brought an instantaneous rush of heat between my legs.

  "We could finish things that way today," I said, my hand trailing down, my palm rolling over his hardness.

  "I fully intend to," he said, his mouth close to my ear. "I'm going to put my face between your legs and lick you until you scream. I want you to come on my tongue."

  I stroked the length of his cock with my hand. "Are you trying to start something with me right now?"

  Silas growled in my ear. "Nope," he said. "I've got water running in the bathroom." He turned, and I followed, padding across the marble tiles in the expansive bathroom, where the tub in the middle of the room was nearly filled to the brim, bubbles dancing along the surface.

  Silas leaned over and turned off the water, and his gaze met mine. "What?"

  "A bubble bath?"

  He shrugged. "You saw the shithole where I grew up," he said, crossing to where I stood and drawing me in to kiss me. "You brought this poor white trash boy to a fucking penthouse suite in Las Vegas. You might be used to this kind of thing, but I'm not. So you're going to climb into this bathtub that's the size of a small pool, and let me do what I've always wanted to do to you."

  I looked up at him. "What's that?"

  "Run my hands all over you in the tub," he said, sliding his fingers through my hair before he kissed me gently on the lips. "Wash you."

  "You want to take a bath with me," I repeated, distracted by his fingers on my head.

  "I want to enjoy this place with you," he said. "The tub, the bedroom, the living room, the hallway. I want you all over this place."

  "Silas," I started. Part of me wanted to leave, right now. Run. I was headed back to Colorado to see my grandmother, and then who knew where. Somewhere overseas, probably. And then New York. Next month, someplace else. And Silas was in Vegas now, fighting.

  I didn't stay in one place. Not for him, and not for anyone. No matter how much I wanted to.

  Not that he was even asking.

  But I could feel the impulse to stay with him here, playing house in this giant hotel room, spending days in bed.

  That feeling was dangerous.

  Silas seemed to sense my hesitation, and put his finger to my lips. "Don't say another fucking word," he warned. "Whatever you're thinking, don't say it. This is what it is. I want you, and I'm going to have you, bright eyes. I'm not arguing with you, and I'm not playing. I don't give a shit about anything else. Right here, right now, you're mine and that's all there is to it."

  I opened my mouth to speak, but he cut me off.

  "If I have to kiss the words right out of you, so help me, Tempest, I will," he promised, before he brought his mouth down on mine, leaving me speechless. He pulled away. "Now," he said. "Get in that fucking bathtub before I throw you in there myself."

  I shook my head, laughing as I stepped into the tub and the warmth of the water enveloped me. I didn't know what the hell to make of Silas anymore.

  He ducked out of the bathroom, and when he emerged, I heard the stereo on, Matt Nathanson singing about drowning in love, and Silas had a bottle of champagne and two glasses in his hand. "I found this in your refrigerator," he said.

  "At - what time is it, anyway?" I asked.

  "I don't have a clue," he said, grinning as he filled the glasses and handed me one. "And I don't want to know. I don't care. Nothing else matters to me right now."

  Silas slid into the tub,
holding his glass high, out of the water. He sat opposite me, leaning back, and smiled before he sipped from his glass. "So is this what it's like all the time?"

  "What?" I asked. "Champagne and bubble baths?"

  "Yeah," he said. "Living the high life?"

  "Sometimes," I said.

  "Should I ask how you got here, after your parents took off? Or do I not want to know?"

  I shrugged. "It's complicated. You don't want to know."

  He nodded. "Nothing about you is simple, Tempest," he said. He downed his glass in one gulp, then set it on the floor beside the tub.

  I smiled wistfully. "None of the best things in life are easy."

  "Come over here," he said, taking my glass from my hand and setting it beside his on the floor before pulling me against him. He ran his hands over my wet body, circling my breasts, and I felt a rush of arousal at his touch.

  Cupping his hands, he brought water up to the top of my head. It trickled down my hair and over my back, and he ran his hands over my hair again and again.

  I rested against him, closing my eyes as he washed my hair slowly and tenderly without saying a word. For a while I just got lost in his touch and the music. I didn't know if it was all of the sex the night before, or the lack of sleep, or the heat from the bath, or the glass of champagne, but I felt tipsy, drunk on him.

  I slid underneath the water and rinsed my hair, and when I came up, Silas pulled me against him on top of his lap, his hardness evident.

  "I want you," he said, guiding the head of his cock to my entrance. I rocked on him little by little, sliding onto his length until he was fully inside me. My hair fell forward, dripping, sending little rivulets of water running down his face as my lips found his. I didn't say anything, just moved against him, slowly at first, and then harder as I became more aroused. Silas gripped my ass, grinding me down on him.

  "Tempest," he said, his voice hoarse. "I don't think you have a clue what you do to me."

  I moaned, my tongue catching on his teeth as I kissed him harder, pressing my breasts against his chest. He cupped one of my breasts in his hand, then covered it with his mouth, swirling his tongue around my nipple, and sucking me as I rode him.

  "That's it," he growled. "Take it deeper. Ride my cock."


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