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Married. Wait! What?

Page 33

by Virginia Nelson

  “Rule the…” Rune blinked. “I…”

  “It never occurred to you that marrying a princess would eventually make you a king?” I smirked at him.

  “Seraphine,” my mother chided. “You should speak more respectfully to your husband.”

  “Perhaps you should lead by example, dear.” My father huffed a laugh. Then he turned his attention back to Rune. “You will indeed become king one day, son. I know this isn’t the life you were raised to expect, but you must now prepare for it.”

  “Yes, Your Majesty.” Rune nodded. “I understand. Perhaps you could offer me some training?”

  “Now I am certain that the gods have guided you to us.” My father nodded. “Only a man with the potential to be a great leader would be concerned with learning how to rule. Yes, Rune, be at ease. I will teach you as much as I can before I pass on.”

  “Thank you, Your Majesty.” Rune took a steadying breath.

  When Rune looked to me, he found me considering him once more. I wasn’t at all surprised that Rune hadn’t thought through the ramifications of marrying me. It was just like him to chase after something without a care for what it brought. Nor did it surprise me that becoming a king wasn’t a thrilling prospect for him. Rune was too wise to want to rule a kingdom. Yes, a king was powerful, but he was also hobbled by that power. There was very little freedom for a king.

  What did surprise me was that I already knew this. I knew all about Rune after just a few days. Or was it just a few days? That memory had just surfaced. Randomly, out of the blue. Were there others lingering in my mind, influencing me and guiding me with Rune even without me knowing they were there? Were my instincts about my new husband actually based upon our history together in a dream world I couldn’t remember?

  Rune smiled as if he could hear my thoughts, and then he nodded. He may not have been prepared for what marriage to me entailed, but he accepted it. He had already accepted everything about me, within the imagined worlds of my own mind. Perhaps it was time for me to accept him in return.


  “My angel,” Rune whispered as his lips lowered to mine.

  “That’s a silly name”—I playfully pushed him away before our lips met—“stop using it.”

  “No, it’s not,” he huffed and leaned back.

  We were lying in soft, sweet-smelling grass by the edge of a waterfall, which roared over the edge of our floating island. It was one of our favorite places in my dream world. I didn’t even know how long I’d been living in my dreams. All I knew was that I’d spent a lot of time wandering through the fantastic lands of my mind before Rune appeared and declared he was there to save me.

  I hadn’t even known I’d needed saving. Blissfully unaware, I had wandered, having grand adventures with the myriad of people and creatures populating the numerous worlds I created. I didn’t even know they were my creations until Rune told me I was dreaming. That moment was what convinced me of his validity.

  I’d had dreams before in which I realized I was dreaming. Sometimes, I’d be able to alter the dream, but it rarely lasted long after I realized I was sleeping. Inevitably, I would wake myself up.

  This time had been different. I had that moment of realization, and then panic had hit. I had a sense that something was very wrong and wanted dearly to wake up. Except I couldn’t.

  Rune had helped me through it. He’d been patient and comforting. He’d explained what was happening in the waking world, making sure to tell me that my loved ones were alive and well, though a little older. He wouldn’t tell me just how much older. Rune simply said that I had been asleep for a very long time.

  When I asked how we would break the spell, he had smiled and said, “All we need to do is enjoy each other’s company.”

  I’d had no idea what he'd meant by that, until the day when he’d confessed his love to me and I had vowed my love in return. Something had shimmered in the air around us, and it had rung out through my dream world like the vibration of a massive bell, except we could see the shivering of it. Movement in the air that spread to include all we could see. I had looked back to him in shock and found him smiling.

  “We’ve done it, Seraphine,” Rune whispered.

  “Done what?”

  “Love was the only thing that could break the spell.” Rune smiled wider. “True love. Which means that we honestly love each other.”

  “Of course, we do.” I frowned. “Rune, if the spell is broken, why are we still here?”

  “There are just a few more steps, my angel.” He kissed me. “First, will you marry me, Seraphine? Will you be mine?”

  “I will.” I smiled, forgetting about the dream world as I looked into Rune’s striking eyes.

  “Excellent.” He looked away from me, and I followed his gaze.

  We were suddenly standing in an elaborate church. Grand arches swept over our heads, stained-glass windows poured multi-colored light over marble floors, and a satin-robed priest stood before us, smiling softly.

  “Are you ready to commit yourselves to each other?” the priest asked.

  I blinked from the priest to Rune. “How did you do that? I thought only I could alter this place.”

  “It was what you wanted.” Rune shrugged. “I simply urged it along.”

  “Are we really doing this? Right now? Without my family?” I knew they were silly questions, but I was in shock.

  “We will be married here, then I will return to the waking world and marry you there with your parents in attendance,” Rune explained. “The two ceremonies will create a bond between your mind and body, hopefully breaking the spell. We will soon be together in the flesh, Seraphine.”

  “In the flesh,” I whispered.

  “But perhaps we could have just the barest preview here first.” Rune grinned.

  That had been this morning. Or at least, I thought it was morning. Time had no meaning in my dreams. What did have meaning was our marriage. I had eagerly repeated my vows to Rune, and then we had rushed out of the church together to find a massive crowd of people cheering and throwing rose petals over us. We laughed our way through them to the waiting carriage. The winged horses pulling the carriage immediately trotted away, increasing their speed until their hooves left the earth and we were lifted into the sky.

  They’d brought us to our floating island. Rune had made love to me for hours. We lay entwined: gloriously naked and even more gloriously happy.

  “I must leave you, sweet angel.” Rune gave me one last kiss.


  “Now.” He nodded. “But we will be together soon. You will not be alone for long, I swear it.”

  I sighed. “All right.”

  “I love you,” Rune whispered as he began to fade.

  “Rune?” I clutched at his phantom form. “Rune!” He faded completely, and I was left snatching at empty air. “Rune!”

  I sat up in my bed, screaming his name, and soon a pounding came at my door. Chest heaving, I peered around my chambers and realized I was back. I was awake in the real world. Rune had indeed saved me. He’d done everything he’d promised to do.

  And I finally remembered his promises.

  “Seraphine!” Rune’s voice came from the other side of my bedroom door. “Are you all right?”

  “I’m well.” I slipped out of bed and hurried to the door. I threw it open and stared at his beautiful face, hardly believing he was mine. “Rune,” I whispered.

  “My angel,” he said with relieved pleasure, “you’ve remembered.”

  Then I was in his arms again. He had been right about that too; I hadn’t been alone for long.


  A soft mewling interrupted our reunion. I pulled away from Rune and frowned, listening for it. There it was again. Rune smiled and backed out into the corridor. He returned with a wooden box in his hands.

  “If this is too soon, I can find him another home.” Rune held the box out to me.

  Another mewling cry came as I peered over the top of the box. In
a nest of blankets, a midnight kitten rolled around, trying to find his footing. He stopped when he saw me and hurried to the edge of the box, placing his paws on the side so he could peer up at me with huge, emerald eyes.

  “He has your eyes,” I pointed out with a smile.

  “And he’s black.” Rune nodded. “A true witch’s cat.”

  I reached in and carefully picked up the kitten. As I held him up to my face he placed one paw to my cheek. We stared at each other steadily, trying to decide if we’d be a good fit. Then he leaned forward and licked my nose. I’d been chosen. I had passed the kitten test. I laughed, lowering him to nestle against my chest.

  “All right then.” I stroked the kitten’s soft fur. “You can stay. But what shall I name you?”

  I carried him over to my bed and put him down in the rumpled blankets. He jaunted over the fluffy mountains while Rune came to stand beside us. His hand went to my hair, pushing it back at my temple, and it just felt right. It felt as if he’d done so numerous times before. I suppose he had.

  I looked over to Rune. “I remembered the island.”

  “And our wedding?”

  I nodded.

  “And after our wedding?”

  I nodded and blushed.

  “We don’t have to.”

  I stood and rushed into his arms, into his kiss. He caught me automatically, then strengthened his embrace and set his mouth more firmly to mine.

  Oh, I remembered now.

  The way his hands felt on me. The way his tongue seemed to sear my skin. A flash of his naked body above me had me shaking. Rune steadied me and eased back to look in my eyes.

  “We can wait, Seraphine,” he whispered.

  “Till when?” I asked.

  “When you’re ready.”

  I turned, scooped up the rambling kitten, and placed him on the floor. He scampered off to play with the curtains.

  “I’m ready.”

  Rune’s gaze heated then lowered, taking in my whole body. I had only a sleeping shift on: a single layer of cloth. But Rune began to remove his own garments first. I started to lift the hem of my shift, but he stopped me.

  “Let me begin, angel,” he said. “You can get accustomed to seeing my body in reality. If you take that off now, I won’t give you the chance to look at me.”

  “All right.” My voice was just the barest breath.

  His belt was already on the floor—a new toy for the kitten to chew on, along with his boots. Then his tunic fell over the little, black furball, and the kitten let out an offended whine. But I was too busy taking in the curves of Rune’s chest: muscles, which belonged on a warrior, not a witch. His shoulders were wide and strong, his waist was trim. Biceps bulged and forearms tensed as his hands reached for the ties of his pants. I held my breath as he undid the cord and then slowly pushed the fabric down. It slid past his slim hips to pile around his feet.

  And there he was. My husband. Rune. A man as magical as his name. I remembered that sleek shaft, rising up proudly. I remembered the feel of it in my hands and in my body. It looked the same as it had in my dreams. All of him did. But I still took my time appreciating the view, making a new memory.

  “Seraphine?” Rune reached for me. “Have you seen enough?”

  “Not just yet,” I teased. “Maybe if you turn about.” I twirled my finger in a circle.

  Rune chuckled but held his arms out and did as I asked. Ask a man to preen, and he would. They just couldn’t help themselves. In this instance, I was grateful for it because Rune’s backside was nearly as magnificent as his front.

  I stopped him before he made a full circle by pressing my body into his. The breath hissed out between his teeth as his hands slammed down around mine, holding them to his waist.

  “Angel mine,” he whispered, “if you don’t let me see you soon, you shall consign me to hell.”

  “If you must.” I chuckled and let go.

  Rune turned instantly, grabbing my shift as he set his mouth to mine. He tore himself away from me briefly, just to toss my shift aside, then went right back to kissing me. His hands roamed my body, igniting my skin like a forest fire—an inferno blazing in his wake. I was trembling within minutes, and he lifted me to set me down upon my bed. Rune crept over me, his eyes as hot as his hands, his knees dividing my own. I let him come closer than any other man had been. Then I grabbed him by the hips and brought him home.

  “Seraphine,” Rune groaned my name as he slipped inside me.

  I felt only a brief flash of pain before the pleasure consumed me. His hips fit against mine perfectly; he filled me perfectly. There was nothing about us that seemed awkward together. Flashes of our first time, inside our dream world, replayed in my mind, and our two interludes merged into one. Body and mind, together at last.

  “There were things you did,” I whispered in his ear. “Are those only possible in a dream?”

  “Things like this?” Rune asked as a languorous rubbing started over a very intimate spot of mine.

  I gasped, my hips bucking into his automatically, and Rune smiled against my neck. His mouth opened on my skin and nibbled gently. Pleasure crested for me, and I screamed as Rune pressed his lips to my throat, luxuriating in the vibrations of my ecstasy.

  “Or like this?” Rune purred as a wet sucking sensation surrounded my nipples.

  “Dear gods!” I cried as he slid into me faster.

  “Or this?”

  Inside me, deep inside—where he had just teased me with his shaft—a pressure began as if a finger pushed gently there. Over and over, a steady rhythm of just pushing and releasing in one place. Oh, but that place was divine. Shivers spread out from it into my thighs, and my legs began to shake. Making love to a magical man was more pleasure than I was prepared for.

  I screamed again, but this time, I screamed his name.


  “Thank you for Magic,” I said into Rune’s chest.

  We were lying languid and naked in my bed. Our bed, I supposed. We’d made love for hours and had finally worn ourselves out. That lovely lethargy had taken over my limbs, and I felt like melted butter spread across Rune. Hmm, melted butter on Rune. Delicious.

  “It was pretty magical,” he murmured.

  “Not you”—I laughed—“the cat. I’ve decided to name him Magic.”

  Said cat came clawing his way up the bed linens as if he already knew his name. Magic found a nice warm spot between me and Rune and settled in.

  “You named him ‘Magic’?” Rune reached over to scratch Magic’s head.


  “A black cat?”


  “So, he’s actually Black Magic?”

  “Well, that took you long enough.” I began petting my Black Magic, who then began to purr.

  “And so he shall be known.” Rune tapped Magic’s head.

  “Did you just knight my cat?”

  “Of course not,” he huffed. “Naming a cat ‘Magic’ is fine, but knighting him ‘Sir Magic the Black’ would be taking it too far.”

  “Too far seems to be a theme with us.” I smiled up at Rune. “Sir Magic the Black, it is.”

  “All right, Sir Magic.” Rune picked up the kitten, who gave him a disgruntled look. Magic was getting good at that. “It’s time for you to step aside. I’ve got a different kind of magic to teach your mistress.”

  “Teach?” I sat up and gave Rune a shocked look. “Me?”

  “I guess you don’t remember everything.” He sighed. “You asked me to teach you how to perform magic. I told you that if it was possible, I would. Now, I believe it may be possible.”

  “I asked you?” I thought about it. “I would like to learn. But your mother said you had to be born a magic user.”

  “You do, normally, but”—he smirked—“being enchanted for twenty years has left its mark on you.”

  “Are you saying that I’m a witch now?”

  “No, I’m saying that you may have absorbed some magic, basically by s
oaking in it for two decades,” Rune corrected. “That, combined with all of the mental exercises you’ve performed—working with your imagination to create dream worlds—may be enough to allow you to cast some minor spells.”

  “This was what you and your mother were talking about, isn’t it? The thing you told me not to worry about. The lingering thing.”


  “Minor spells like what?”


  “You said I may be able to do minor spells,” I reminded him. “What sort of spells?”

  “Moving objects, creating light, calling animals.” He shrugged.

  “Calling animals?” I lifted a brow and looked towards Magic in consideration.

  “Would you like to start there?”

  “Yes,” I agreed. “After breakfast. I’m starving, and I’m sure Magic probably wants a little bite to eat as well.”

  “Then my Angel and her Magic shall be fed,” Rune declared, scooping up Magic and heading toward the door.


  “Yes?” He looked over his shoulder at me.

  “Maybe we should get dressed first?”

  Rune looked down at his bare ass and smirked. “You don’t think the court will appreciate my posterior?”

  “I think several members of the court would appreciate it far too much.” I stood and headed toward the wooden chest at the end of my bed. “And then I’d have to protect you.”

  “I can fend off a group of women just fine.” Rune rolled his eyes.

  “I’m not talking about the women.”

  Rune’s face went blank then his eyes widened, and he began searching for his pants.


  Two weeks later, I had conquered the ability to call small animals, with the exception of Magic, who seemed to do exactly as he pleased no matter what I did. But that’s the way of all cats. Magic was simply representing his race to the best of his abilities. Besides the animals, I could also summon a small fire to my palm—though it petered out fast—and I could make a passable breeze.


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