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Married. Wait! What?

Page 35

by Virginia Nelson

  Magic slunk out and went to lounge on the bed.

  “We love you too, darling,” my mother said.

  “Shall we see you married properly at last?” My father held his arm out to me.

  “I would like nothing better.” I took the offered arm, and the three of us strode out into the hallway, then down the main stairs.

  A great number of people were already gathered in the entry hall, waiting for us to pass by on our way to the chapel. Rune would already be waiting inside the chapel with our priest. The crowd parted for us, and the main doors were opened to the blast of trumpets. My father escorted me and my mother, one of us on each arm, down a red carpet which led to the chapel. Excited voices called out blessings as we passed, and we nodded to our people in gratitude. Finally, we stepped into the church.

  The castle’s chapel wasn’t a huge building, but it was large enough for us. There were stained-glass windows set high in the soaring wall at the end of the main room. Sunlight shone through them, patterning the dais where the priest and Rune stood. Rows of pews were set to either side before this dais, and they were filled with people waiting to see me married. These people stood when another burst of trumpets announced our entrance. Then the musicians, set in the gallery above, started to play a slow melody.

  My parents continued down the aisle with me, but my mother veered off just as we reached the dais. She took her seat in the front row, next to the visiting royals and Rune’s mother, as my father and I continued up the dais steps. Then my father ceremoniously gave my hand to Rune before he stepped down to join my mother.

  “Hello, angel,” Rune whispered.

  “Hello, witch,” I whispered back.

  The ceremony went as those things usually go. Vows were exchanged, along with rings (our old wedding bands were used), and the priest declared us man and wife.

  That’s where the normalcy ended. I didn’t know why I’d expected my wedding day to pass without surprises. My entire relationship with Rune had been a surprise; why should our wedding have been any different? But what happened was so shocking even Rune, my steady husband, blinked as his jaw dropped.

  Just after the priest declared we were married… again, Rune’s mother stood and approached us. The cheering died down as she set herself right before us on the bottom step of the dais.

  “Mother?” Rune frowned.

  “I must make a confession”—Lady Bromley wrung her hands—“and an apology.”

  “Lady Bromley?” My father stood and hurried over to us.

  “Please, Your Majesty”—she held out a hand to him—“allow me a moment.”

  My father was incapable of being discourteous. He nodded but remained standing nearby. Polite was one thing, being stupid was another entirely.

  “Twenty years ago, my husband was abducted,” Lady Bromley declared.

  “Father was abducted?” Rune shook his head. “I don’t recall.”

  “You were only a year old, Rune,” Lady Bromley said. “Two days after he disappeared, Queen Meara knocked on my door.”

  The entire room gasped.

  “Mother?” Rune’s hand tightened on mine.

  “She told me she had my husband.” Lady Bromley’s voice rose so that the entire chapel could hear her. “She said that if I wanted him to come home, I would have to cast an enchantment for her.”

  “No,” I whispered.

  A hazy memory was surfacing in my mind, one even foggier than my dream recollections. My night-shrouded chamber, a shadowy form approaching my bed, words whispered in the dark.

  “I had no choice.” Lady Bromley swallowed hard. “It was either I betray my kingdom or my husband… and I had never made vows to my kingdom.”

  “What are you saying?” My father’s voice thundered through the chapel.

  “I was the witch who enchanted you, Seraphine,” Lady Bromley confessed. “I did it to save my husband, to bring Rune’s father home. I’m deeply sorry.”

  “You do this now, Mother?” Rune was horrified. “At our wedding?”

  “Yes.” Lady Bromley nodded. “Because this is not only an apology, this is a gift. I need to make amends.”

  “I forgive you,” I let my voice ring out clear and strong. “I do not require you to make amends.”

  Rune’s hand twitched in mine, and he turned to me with teary eyes. “Seraphine,” he whispered gently.

  Lady Bromley hung her head and wept.

  “No,” my father declared. “This is not for you to forgive, Daughter. You were not the only one affected by her spell.”

  “I am the only one who can forgive this,” I said simply. “It was my body that was enchanted and my life she froze in slumber. You had to wait, yes, but you also were able to live. No, this is my pain, and I will be the one to decide to let it go.”

  My father sighed and nodded. “So be it.” Then he turned to Lady Bromley. “You are blessed by my daughter’s kindness, Lady. If it were left to me, I would have you executed.”

  “I understand,” Lady Bromley said serenely as she lifted her eyes to mine. “And your kindness only makes me more certain that I have chosen correctly.”

  “Mother?” Rune started forward, but Lady Bromley lifted a restraining hand.

  “Please, just let me finish,” Lady Bromley begged. “Princess Seraphine, I thank you for your forgiveness; I don’t deserve it. As you have discovered, my magic left a mark upon you, and it has grown stronger instead of fading. This is by design… my design.”

  “What?” I frowned in confusion.

  “I have been feeding you my power through the connection I formed with you that first night,” Lady Bromley said. “Today, we will finish the process.”

  “Mother, no!” Rune cried.

  “It is already begun, my son.” She smiled sweetly at Rune. “Don’t mourn me; I will be with your father at last. I’m truly looking forward to finding peace.”

  “You’re all the family I have.” A tear slipped down Rune’s cheek.

  “That’s not true.” Lady Bromley waved a hand to me. “You have a new family now, and I intend to see that your love lasts forever.”

  “What do you mean?” I asked.

  “For my wedding gift, I give you, Princess Seraphine, my magic, and I give you both my life. In exchange for the years I stole, I offer you and my son immortality. Your magic worked with his because it was my magic. Now, it shall bind you together in love and longevity. My present to you, Prince and Princess of Hannaleigh, is love everlasting.”

  With her last word, a blinding flash exploded from her body, bathing me and Rune in its light. A tingling warmth spread over me and then seeped into my skin. My body came alive with sensation, power zipping through it and electrifying it down to blood and bone. I gasped through the influx of energy, my hand clenching Rune’s as we rode the waves of magic together. When I was able to see again, Lady Bromley was gone.

  “Mother!” Rune rushed forward to the empty space she’d been standing in.

  All that remained was a single white petal from the rose she’d worn in her hair. Rune bent over it and wept. I hurried to him, holding my husband as he mourned his mother. The gathering watched on in humbled silence until Rune wiped his eyes and looked up at me.

  “She gave us eternity,” he whispered.

  “What does that mean?”

  “It means that we have a very long time to love each other.” Rune pulled me into a hug. “I vow that I shall do so with every ounce of my being. I love you, Seraphine.”

  “I love you too.”

  “Let’s not sully her sacrifice with sadness.” Rune stood and helped me up. “This is our wedding day. Mother would have wanted us to rejoice.”

  “Well said, Son.” My father nodded. “I’m sorry for your loss, but she was right; you do have a new family now.”

  “Thank you.”

  “My new son, Prince Rune!” my father declared. “And his wife, my daughter and your princess, Seraphine!”

  The entire chapel erup
ted into applause.


  Rune and I ruled Hannaleigh for many years after my parents passed away. We never forgot his mother or her sacrifice. The village where she had lived was named after her. When the ways of kingdoms faded away and modern society took hold, the village of Bromley held on, and it was there that we made our home. The castle long since passed into the hands of our descendants; an event for which Rune and I were grateful. The running of a kingdom is difficult enough to manage for one lifetime, to do so for several would have been exhausting.

  Our children were not blessed with immortality as we were. It was heartbreaking to lose them to time. No parent should have to bury their child. But we had entire lifetimes with them, in whole and hearty bodies, and that’s something no one else is given. We were grateful for that, and for the ability to look after our grandchildren and their grandchildren and their grandchildren and so on.Mortals often say immortality is a curse. What could you possibly do with eternity? Well, those are bitter grapes indeed. Eternity is a gift, one which we refuse to squander. Rune and I have used the time to grow our wealth and power, but only so that we could employ it in helping others. We work quietly, building foundations to ease humanity through its struggles. We have seen many leaders come and go, many governments rise and fall, but through it all, through pain and war and tragedy, there was always goodness to be found. A reason to keep helping. And we do it all for her, Lady Faith Bromley. Every act of kindness we perform in her name, and every moment we live, we honor her memory through our love for each other. A love she made eternal.

  You may think it strange that I hold her in such high regard after what she did to me. But love has a way of making you understand the motives of other lovers. Lady Bromley cursed me to save her husband. I would do the same and far more to save Rune. Besides, without that enchanted slumber, Rune would never have come to wake me.

  And life is far sweeter after being awakened from a long dream.

  About the Author

  Amy Sumida is the internationally acclaimed author of the Award-Winning Godhunter Series, the fantasy paranormal Twilight Court Series, the Beyond the Godhunter Series, the music-oriented paranormal Spellsinger Series, and several short stories. Her books have been translated into several languages, have made it to the top seller’s list on Amazon numerous times, and the first book in her Spellsinger Series won a publishing contract with Kindle Press.

  She was born and raised in Hawaii and brings her unique island perspective to all of her books. She doesn’t believe in using pen names, saving the fiction for her stories. She’s known for her kick-ass heroines who always have a witty comeback ready, and her strong, supporting male characters who manage to be sensitive and alpha all at once.

  All she’s ever wanted to do since she was a little girl was to write novels. To be able to do so for a living is a blessing which she wakes up thankful for every day. Beyond her books, she enjoys collecting toys, to keep herself young, and cats, to keep herself loved.

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  For information on new releases, detailed character descriptions, and an in-depth look into the worlds of Godhunter and the Twilight Court, check out Amy’s website:

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  Married to Trouble

  Carmen Falcone

  Copyright © 2017 Carmen Falcone

  All rights reserved.

  Married to Trouble

  All Beck Anderson needs to make partner at his law firm is to drive Clarissa Garubo from New York to Vegas. He’ll prove to everyone—including himself—he can make it on his own, without his father’s influence. Waking up married to an Italian mob heiress was not part of the plan. Neither is the explosive heat that flares between them every time they’re together.

  Clarissa has long yearned for freedom, and her quickie wedding to Beck will fit the bill. Her father will see her in a new, mature light and she’ll be able to take over her late mother’s business interests. This marriage was supposed to be a means to an end for both of them, but love might just take this deal legit


  “Rise and shine, Hubby.”

  Beck Anderson rubbed his eyes. The melodious female voice seemed to come from close to him, but as he turned around in the bed, he couldn’t recognize it. His throat felt dry, and migraine hammered his temples, trying to crawl out from the inside of his skull. When was the last time he’d had a hangover?

  Hangover. He swallowed, tasting sourness in his mouth.

  Beck cleared his throat, and opened his eyes.

  A red-haired beauty sat at his side of the bed with a smile on her face.

  Clarissa Garubo. A hot sensation moved through him, a throbbing much different than the one from the migraine. He willed it away, remembering the weight of her surname. Entertaining fantasies involving Clarissa would not only keep him from his reaching his goal, but also possibly cut some of his body parts if her father ever found out.

  His heart thrummed in his chest. Flashes from the previous night danced in his mind, the images too blurry. Abruptly, he sat on the bed against the frame and assessed his surroundings.

  Gold accented furniture and extravagant interior design surrounded him. Vegas. The trip he’d made all the way from New York in a fucking car because he’d wanted to nail the Garubo account. Yet, as he faced Garubo’s daughter, looking lovely in a fluffy robe, he hoped the account was the only thing he nailed.

  She chewed on her lower lip, her big hazel eyes studying him. “I decided to let you sleep for a few more hours. You really looked exhausted,” she said, and didn’t move away from him.

  Beck glanced down his sheet. Shit. He was naked. “Clarissa…” he started, then let out a breath. “You and I…” He cleared his throat.

  “What? You don’t remember?” She frowned. “We got married last night.”

  “Married?” he repeated slowly, as if he pronounced a foreign word. The vague recollection of them laughing while waiting in front of a chapel stabbed at him. He swallowed again. Hard.

  “You don’t remember anything?” she leaned closer. “I told you I was virgin, and you said we should do it the right away and get married before having sex.”

  Beck rubbed his forehead. “And did we?”

  “Get married?”

  “Have sex,” he said.

  She shook her head. “At the end of the night, we were exhausted and just tumbled into bed.”

  A wave of relief washed through him. He let out a sigh. “There’s a way out of this. We got married. We were both drunk. We can ask for an annulment.”

  She shrugged. “Hhhmmm… I guess,” she said, a pang of what sounded like disappointment in her voice.

  “You guess? I’m a lawyer. Of course we can get an annulment. Our marriage hasn’t been consummated.”

  She angled closer, and he caught a whiff of her delicious smell, a blend of wild flowers and warm vanilla. “You wanted to.”

  No shit. During their three day drive, he’d done his best to keep from touching her. A few unintended brushes had sent electrifying thrills through him. Clarissa had an infectious laugher, huge hazel eyes that socked the air from any man’s lungs. From his lungs. But he knew better than to mess with a mobster’s daughter. “I’m sorry.”

; “You said some pretty dirty things to me in the elevator.”

  His cock jutted out. Cold sweat slicked his forehead. I’ll never drink so much again. Snippets of him whispering into her ear flashed in his mind, but he willed them away. His DNA obviously didn’t help, so he had to make a conscious effort to walk the line and stay as far from the image of his womanizer, cold-hearted father as possible. “Nevertheless…”

  She tilted her head in the direction of his cock. “It seems like you feel dirty now, too. Are you sure you don’t want to have a one day honeymoon?”

  One day honeymoon. Sweat slicked his forehead. Holy shit. “We can’t.” What part of annulment didn’t she understand?

  “Why not?” She ran her hand down his chest. “We’re married. I won’t tell anyone if you don’t… we can still ask for an annulment afterwards. This is just for fun. We got married so you could screw me. Why not take advantage of it?”

  Her touch warmed his skin. He curled his fists, desperate to find within him the strength to push her away. After all, why deprive himself from a little fun? He’d have to do the paperwork to get their wicked marriage annulled… why not make it worthwhile?

  “Let me at least give you a parting gift,” she said, and pulled the sheet off of him.

  Damnit. His cock pulsed, and she slid it into her mouth. “Clarissa…”

  She licked the underside, causing his veins to throb for more. And she’d said she was a virgin? For someone without experience between the sheets, she sure knew how to burn them. “What? You want me to stop?” she asked, feigning innocence.

  “No.” he hissed out. “Don’t you dare stop. And take off your robe while you suck me.”

  Clarissa smiled, then she tried to fit that huge, gorgeous cock in her mouth. She’d made the phone call to her father’s assistant quickly before she woke Beck. Francesco should be here soon—and she hoped he wouldn’t catch her sucking a man. Though it would make her case a lot easier.


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