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Married. Wait! What?

Page 48

by Virginia Nelson

  I have been reading romances since I was twelve years old and have always loved them. My oldest daughter talked me into writing a romance. She told me that I know the formula and all I have to do is write it down. I've been married 33yrs to my wonderful husband and I have four grown daughters.

  * * *

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  The Hesitant Husband

  Mae Hanley

  Copyright © 2017 Mae Hanley

  All rights reserved.

  The Hesitant Husband

  Waking up with a strange man in his bed has never happened. It’s an impossibility. Not only is there a man in his bed, he’s turning Alex on. Stirring a desire to explore the feeling he hasn’t felt in over a decade, and would never act upon. After all, Alex is straight. Isn’t he?

  Jacob has loved Alex since high school. As a closeted youth, he never acted on his attraction to his best friend, and then they lost touch when he moved away for college. But a decade later, he sees Alex across the room in a crowded Vegas bar. Jacob refused to lose the love of his life again and in a drunken stupor proposed.

  Now the two men must work through their issues and desires to achieve the happiness neither thought they’d have; to be reunited as they were destined to be.



  Alex became aware of his breathing as light filtered into the formerly dark room, signaling the dawning of a new day. The corner of his mouth lifted as he registered the weight of the arm draped across his chest. He almost groaned when he remembered going to the bar with Alyssa for some twin time before the girls arrived for her bachelorette party weekend.

  Must have been a good night. Drawing his right hand off his bare stomach, Alex lightly traced his middle finger down the forearm until he rested his hand over the rather large hand pressing into his chest, right over his heart.

  She has man hands.

  Before he could register anything else, warm lips pressed a light kiss to the flesh behind his ear. Instinctually, he tilted his head and hummed his approval. Alex joined his fingers with the possessive grip on his pec. Warm breath danced across his skin, as a vague memory of a ruder awakening long ago interrupted the promising beginnings.

  “If I see you with that little faggot again, I’ll kill the both of you.” The lightning fast blow forced his head to slam into the wall.

  Alex pushed away the memory of his grandfather as his mystery lover traced a path down his abs. The movement paused.

  He groaned when strong fingers squeezed his muscles even as the pinkie finger teased the beginnings of his happy trail. Soft kisses turned to light nips with an occasional tongue flick as the exploration descended until a firm grip wrapped around his burgeoning hard-on.

  Wanting to enjoy this sensual wake-up call, Alex kept his eyes shut. The slow dry glide of someone else’s hand on his cock, the teasing caress to the sensitive skin at the base of the head, was all that mattered. Alex’s sleep-fogged brain couldn’t remember the last hand job he’d received, but his dreams of Jacob’s hand wrapping his rod, working it until he exploded helped him relax and enjoy the experience now. He left you, stop dreaming about him already. Whiskers brushed across his shoulder.

  Alex’s eyes opened with a jolt. There was a man spooning him and giving him a hand job to die for.

  “What’s wrong, babe?” The deep voice sent a spark of desire to Alex’s core even as a ball of terror rolled in his gut.


  “You tensed.” The man continued working his cock. The cock didn’t give two shits where the pleasure came from as long as it didn’t stop. “I want you nice and hard so I can feel you deep inside me again.”

  The man ignored his unease and continued to work his cock, precum dampening the head. Alex willed the pleasure to last as an image of Jacob flashed through his mind. How did I get here? Nothing. He forced what little saliva he had down his throat, the swallow almost painful. Teeth latched on to his shoulder and another jolt of excitement coursed through his body. Damn, who knew being bitten could be such a turn on?

  “If you aren’t up to an encore of our consummation,” the hand squeezed his cock for emphasis, “I can wait until after breakfast.” A shudder ran down Alex’s spine as the man released his cock and rolled away. The bed dipped as the man sat on the edge.

  Curiosity got the better of him and he turned onto his back so he could sneak a glimpse of the retreating figure. Short dark hair, broad shoulders, tapered waist, firm buttocks atop strong legs. The man was a grade A visual fest. Alex’s cock twitched as he drank in the commanding form striding across the room. The image Jacob walking out of the school showers flashed through his head triggering the memory of last night’s bar conversation with Alysa.

  “I invited Jacob to my wedding.”

  “What? Alex slammed the glass on the bar. “Why would you do that?”

  “Because you loved him once and let him leave for a stupid reason that never mattered to anyone but you.”

  Alex’s cock remained stiff and needy as he shook off both memories and took in his surroundings. Hotel room? How the hell did I end up in a hotel room with a MAN? He continued to sweep the room seeking out anything to trigger a memory. There must be something. He glanced back at the closed door before flinging off the sheet and getting out of bed. Jacob’s face flashed through his memory as he looked at the closed bathroom door. Can’t be.

  He scrambled around the room. It was perfect, nothing out of place, and no clothes strewn anywhere. Where the fuck are they? He dropped to his knees in front of the sofa, bent over and looked underneath.

  “Well, that’s a sight I’ll never tire of seeing.”

  In one awkward move, Alex jerked up, turned and sat on his ass as he grabbed a pillow from the couch and tucked it protectively over his crotch, willing away his erection as he zeroed in on the cargo shorts encasing the man on the other side of the room. Thank God.

  Realizing he was staring, Alex pulled his gaze from the other man’s crotch and took in the magnificence of him from the front. Taut abs, not too cut but definitely a well worked area, a light dusting of hair adorned defined chest muscles, well defined forearms and biceps leading to shoulders solid enough to support a massive amount of weight. His cock hardened as he continued to ogle the man. A neat beard surrounded full, inviting lips. He sighed. Gorgeous. Deep pools of crystalline brown Alex wanted to lose himself in twinkled with amusement as the man smirked.

  Shock struck as he tumbled into a gaze he’d dreamed of for years. The only person Alex ever felt any true attraction for. The only one he dreamed about; Jacob McKenzie. Ten years…

  How the hell did I end up in bed with Jacob after not seeing him in over ten years? And damn has he filled out.

  “Alex, are you alright? You’ve gone pale.” The smile faded as Jacob crossed the room and dropped to one knee beside Alex.

  Memories, vague yet so real, stirred. He’d been dancing, and drinking. Oh God, the drinking. Alex felt the room shift, unable to focus on anything he grabbed his head to stop the sudden spinning. Alyssa flashed into focus and faded just as quickly. Alex closed his eyes as faces drifted through his memory, strangers, all of them, all male except for his sister. Music so loud and steady it flooded his entire body. A man slinked around him from behind and began rubbing his ass on Alex’s crotch. Alex grabbed the hips before him imagining, Jacob’s firm ass rubbing on his cock as he danced. And at this moment, in a room full of strangers it didn’t matter that it wasn’t Jacob. Arms wrapped around his waist, turning him, guiding him off the dancefloor and into a separate room, a much quieter room. The chair at the table was pulled out; Alex turned and sat to see Jacob down on one knee, with his right hand over his heart and his left hand touching Alex’s right knee.

  “One knee. Holy Shit!”

  Blood pounded through Alex’s brain, he could hear nothing but his own h
eartbeat as he watched Jacob reach into his pocket and produce a gold band.

  Shock and excitement flooded his body as Alex instantly focused on Jacob. “You proposed to me yesterday!”

  A sexy smile crept across full lips. “I did. And you said yes.” The plain gold band on Jacob’s ring finger caught Alex’s attention. He dropped his gaze to his own hand still clutching the pillow which now hid his raging hard-on, and saw a he wore a matching band.

  “But,” Alex’s eyes darted between the two gold bands and around the room before he had enough courage to look Jacob in the eye. “I don’t understand.” The ever-present mantra followed. “I’m not... I mean, I’ve never…”

  Jacob leaned in giving him a quick peck on the cheek before standing and reaching down to him. Alex accepted the offer of assistance. Easily pulled to his feet he found himself looking up about six inches into those warm brown eyes. “You said yes. So now,” a seductive gleam caught Alex off guard, “you’re mine.” Jacob tugged his hand, pulling Alex into him. The pillow fell to the floor. Alex was keenly aware of Jacob’s arms sliding around him until each hand held a butt cheek each. All movement ceased for a moment before Jacob pulled Alex closer, groin to groin. Thin fabric separated them, yet there was no denying his cock’s reaction to Jacob’s hard rod sliding next to his own.

  Alex stood, frozen to the spot as his brain tried valiantly to catch up to this new reality. He didn’t even notice Jacob closed the distance between them until the tongue trace across his lips. He opened at the silent request and allowed Jacob to control everything. The electric charge of the meshing of their mouths signaled Alex that this was so right. So perfect. This is wrong. Alex melted into Jacob’s masterful kiss, and superior strength. He willed himself to relax and enjoy the feeling of pure desire.

  Instinct took over as he embraced Jacob, exploring the expanse of the man’s back, up the spine until he could get a firm grip on the massive shoulders and take hold. Control, this is what I need. Slowly, the power shifted between the two men as Alex began to direct the kiss with slight nips as he pressed his body into Jacob. When he relaxed, Alex knew control was his.

  He released his grip with one hand and mapped the expanse of Jacob’s skin. The warm flesh was smooth, stretched over taut muscles. Alex could feel the strength beneath his fingers and knew if Jacob wanted control, Alex would have a hard time winning in a battle of pure strength. But Jacob seemed content to allow Alex to be in charge.

  He slowly ended the kiss with a slight nip on Jacob’s lower lip. “Jake.” Alex kept his hand roving over one full butt cheek. “So, we’re married? Legally?”

  Jacob trailed kisses along Alex’s jaw line, the soft beard tickling his flesh added to the erotic sensation. “Mhmm. Licensed and witnessed.”

  Right, Alyssa’s bachelorette party weekend. Alex tilted his head allowing Jacob better access to his neck. “Jake, I need to ask you something, but I’m not sure how without sounding like an ass.”

  Jacob answered while never ceasing this nibbling kisses. “Ask me later. Right now, I need you.” Jacob’s firm grip on Alex’s hips urged Alex to slide along the thick thigh pressing into his cock. “I need you Alex.”

  With his cock fully erect and begging for attention, it was impossible for Alex to deny his attraction for Jacob. But can I do this? As the man of his dreams trailed kisses down his bare flesh, sinking to his knees, Alex gasped as Jacob’s tongue circled the head of his cock. Oh. My. God!

  “Jacob, you don’t,” Jacob’s lips wrapped around the tip of his cock and he slowly took him down to the base. “Oh shit.” Alex feathered fingers through Jacob’s short hair as he thrust his hips enjoying the skilled oral ministrations. “As good as I always knew it would be.”

  The orgasm caught him by surprise as his balls pulled tight and he exploded in the warm cavern of Jacob’s mouth.

  “So tasty.” Jacob swiped the corners of his upturned lips.

  He encouraged Alex to sit on the couch and joined him.

  After a several minutes with Jacob wrapped around him, Alex took a deep steadying breath. “I really need to know something”

  Jacob stroked Alex’s chest, “I’m listening.”

  In a sudden surge of embarrassment, Alex looked away. “You said earlier we consummated our marriage.” He waited hoping Jacob would fill in the blanks.

  “We did.”

  “Okay, here goes.” Alex took another deep breath then met Jacob’s gaze. “I’m sorry, but I don’t remember anything. Well, there are some fuzzy bits, but I don’t remember getting a license, not to mention getting married.” He swallowed. “Or us fucking.”

  Alex searched Jacob’s face for any pain or anger. Nothing but acceptance and patience. And silence.

  “You haven’t asked me anything yet.”

  Alex reached up and stroked Jacob’s neat beard. The sensation was more pleasurable than he thought it would be. “I’ve never had any complaints from the women I’ve been with, and I’ve never considered myself a selfish lover. So, why doesn’t my ass hurt?” He cringed as the words spilled out before he thought to phrase them differently.

  Jacob’s warm, quiet laugh filled the air. “You did have a few too many yesterday. I warned you.” Jacob kissed the tip of his nose then leaned back. “I haven’t had that pleasure yet. You aren’t ready for me. But you topped me and damn, babe, you were good.”

  Heat radiated from his face as Jacob smiled at him.

  “You’re cute when you blush. But to be clear, when we decide you’re ready for me, you will have no doubt about the fact that you belong to me. You will feel me for one, possibly two days after.” Jacob leaned in, his lips tickling Alex’s ear as the seductive words danced across his flesh. “It will be the best feeling ever.” Alex felt goose bumps skittered across his body.

  Teeth tugged at Alex’s earlobe and he pulled away. “You like biting.”

  “I do. But you like it too. Told me so last night.”



  Jacob’s discomfort was obvious. “Touch me, Alex. I need to feel your hands on my skin.”

  With his tongue, Jacob traced the vein down Alex’s neck until he reached the apex of the shoulder. “Please Alex. Touch me. Anywhere.”

  The hesitant caress on his knee from calloused fingers sent a shiver coursing through his body. “Explore me, Alex. Anywhere you’re comfortable touching. I need to feel your skillful hands on me. Imagine I’m a piece of the high-quality wood you sculpt into art.” Through the fabric, Alex caressed Jacob’s thigh, his hip but avoided Jacob’s hard cock. He couldn’t stop the moan of desperation as Alex bypassed his groin entirely and stroked his beard once more.

  “I never pictured you with a beard. It’s a good look on you.”

  Alex's half smile didn't fool Jacob. He could feel the turmoil rolling off Alex.

  Alex leaned in and captured Jacob’s lips. The sudden aggression was rough, almost vicious as their teeth clashed. Maybe I was hoping for too much too soon. Jacob pushed him back into the couch, stood and crossed the room. “I knew I shouldn’t have believed you last night. I knew you weren’t ready.”

  Jacob faced Alex, even from across the room he noticed the subtle change on Alex’s face and his body language was all wrong. With arms locked around his legs, he’d transformed from the aggressor into the complacent teen he’d left behind.

  A twinge of sympathy softened Jacob’s ire. “I wanted you to be, so much so I ignored my gut.”

  “I… I need to think. I need to, I don’t know, remember how all this happened.” Dazed green eyes peered up at him. “Even then Jacob, when you were my world, I never thought of myself as gay. I’m not sure I can do this.”

  Searing pain, like a red-hot serrated knife twisting in place, raced through his heart. Nothing’s changed. He’s the same closeted teen from ten years ago. He’s going to push and there will be no one to catch me when my world crumbles. “Why did I listen to you when you said things had changed?” He wanted to punch so
mething. Never Alex, but maybe a wall. He unclenched his fists and stepped closer.

  Alex looked like the young boy he’d left behind, a little lost and searching. The desire to comfort his lover, the almost broken man before him, had Jacob on his knees once more. “Alex, I know you’re confused and have questions. Talk to me.”

  Though mere inches apart, Alex had never been further away. How do I reach him? The gaping hole of raw emotion had grown so wide Jacob wasn’t sure how to bridge the expanse. “Babe, let me help you.” Alex seemed to focus on him.

  “You came on to me, Alex. You were the one doing all the pushing last night. I get it. You need time to process all of this so I’m going to give you that time. But know this,” his eyes stung with unshed tears, “I left you once, hoping you’d realize we belong together. Well, guess what? We’re together now.”

  He regained his composure. “I’m going to go now. Give you some room.” He donned the t-shirt he pulled from his waistband as he walked across the room. Stopping in front of Alex, he took a slow deep breath and released it. “Give me a call when you’re ready.” Slowly he leaned down, watching for any sign of discomfort, capturing Alex’s lips in a possessive kiss. With one last deep breath, taking in Alex’s scent, Jacob stood up, squared his shoulders and walked away. “Alex, I won’t be leaving again. Not without a fight.” With that he closed the door and made his way down the long hotel corridor to the central elevators. He punched the elevator call button multiple times. “As if that’s going to do any good.”


  The familiar voice filling the empty hall wasn’t Alex’s. Ignoring it, he turned a bit more so his back was most prominent when whoever it was entered the elevator lobby.

  “Jacob, where are you off to so bright and early?”


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