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Married. Wait! What?

Page 51

by Virginia Nelson

  “Yes, ma’am. Do whatever you need to so I can get out of here.” Alex gave his hand another squeeze.

  She checked his eyes for reaction to light before she tucked her flashlight into her coat pocket she said, “Well, you have a hairline fracture to your shin, and you don’t seem to be suffering from any side effects from the bite. Your ankle is swollen around the bite, perfectly normal but prevented us casting the fracture hence the splint. In a day or two the swelling will subside and we’ll cast your leg then.” Jacob sank deeper into the mattress, relief swamping his entire body. “I’ll get with the charge nurse and sign your discharge papers. You should be out-processed in a few hours, maybe sooner.”

  Before Jacob could respond, Alex reached across him to shake the doctor’s hand. “Thank you so much doctor. Is there anything I need to know about aftercare?” So this is the take charge Alex who would make sure everything was on point.

  “There will be some instructions with the discharge papers. I’m sure you’ll find them very straight-forward. Basically keep the wound clean and a general eye out for any odd symptoms that may pop up. If you don’t see anything over the next couple of days, he’s completely in the clear. If the splint isn’t enough to keep the leg stabilized he may need a cast after the swelling has gone down.”

  Jacob squeezed Alex’s hand, effectively stopping him from speaking. “Thank you doctor. Is there anything else I need to know?”

  “Well, no extreme activities until after your leg is healed, obviously. Your clothes should be in the dresser. I’ll go see to that paperwork for you.” She turned for the door and paused, “Oh and one other thing.” Jacob waited for her to continue, “Avoid rattlesnakes in the future.” With that she left, closing the door behind her.

  “She’s a funny lady, that one.” Jacob saw the twinkling joy in Alex’s green eyes. “Shall we get you dressed so we can blow this pop stand?” Alex tossed the sheet off Jacob’s legs, “Let’s get you up first. Maybe a trip to the bathroom?”

  The mention of using the toilet triggered the need in Jacob’s bladder. “I think that’s a good idea.” Alex helped him stand and kept a steady arm around his waist as they walked across the room to the restroom.

  “Standing or sitting?”

  Jacob felt the heat rush to his face. “Crude much. Standing.”

  “Need me to help?”

  “I’m good, thanks.” He missed the arm around his waist as soon as it was gone, but he’d been using the bathroom on his own since he was little, he could manage this simple task without Alex’s help.

  “Fine. I’ll be outside if you need me.” Alex swatted his ass before leaving Jacob alone.



  With Isaac’s help, Alex was able to get Jacob into a cab a short hour after the doctor had left. The thirty-minute ride back to the hotel seemed much shorter than the agonizing ride to the hospital.

  The valet opened the cab door for Jacob as Alex rushed around the back of the cab. “Let me help, here I’ll get this side.” Jacob’s brown eyes were muddled with pain as the valet reached for Jacob’s left arm.

  “I’ve got it, thanks, besides I’m not sure there’s room in this doorway for all three of us.” Alex gave the valet a quick wink as the man stepped back.

  “Come on, lover. Let’s get you to bed.” Alex waited for him to get his feet onto the pavement and then pulled lightly, offering support until he seemed steady.

  Alex looked at the valet as he helped Jacob hobble out of the cab’s open door. “Can you grab the crutches?”

  As they cleared the door, the valet stepped in behind them, grabbed the crutches and slammed the door. “If you’ll wait right here, I’ll arrange a chair for you.”

  “Thanks. I’m sure that would be better than maneuvering on crutches.” Alex hooked an arm around Jacob’s waist as Jacob wrapped his own around Alex’s shoulders, and acting as his crutch guided him toward the bench. “Do you have the room key or do we need to stop by registration first?”

  “It should be in my wallet, but you might want to check.”

  Alex shook his head at his new life partner as he slipped his hand into Jacob’s back pocket and extracted the wallet. “Didn’t think I was going to do that did you?”

  Jacob laughed. “Honestly, I didn’t.”

  Alex planted a quick kiss on Jacob’s cheek, “You’ll find I’m full of surprises.” As Jacob sat on the bench Alex handed the wallet to Jacob who flipped it open and pulled out the key card. He passed them both back to Alex, who tucked both into his own pocket. When the valet arrived with the chair and Jacob sat comfortable Alex took them both inside toward the elevator. “You’re going to have to tell me what floor. I didn’t pay attention when I left.”

  The doors opened and they stepped inside, Jacob reached over and punched the button for the twenty-sixth floor as the doors slid closed without a sound. “Even with all the sleep you’ve had you look exhausted.”

  “Alex. I’m fine. I just wish I could take a shower, I feel gross and these dirty clothes aren’t helping.”

  Alex shrugged at Jacob, “Maybe we can get you in the tub.” The ride to their floor was faster than expected and Alex pushed the chair from the elevator and down the hall toward the room he’d left yesterday.

  Yesterday. Man seems like ages ago I woke up in his embrace. When they reached the door, Alex swiped the card and propped the door open. “Maybe we put off the bath until tomorrow.”

  “No Alex, I’m dirty and feel gross.”

  Alex moved Jacob to the bed and helped him out of the chair. “Fine, but you’re only getting a sponge bath.”

  “You can’t wait to get your hands on me.” The lascivious look Jacob gave Alex caused his cock to stir.

  “You put that idea right out of that pretty head of yours. You could probably use some more rest.” Alex gently lifted Jacob’s legs, placed them onto the bed and moved the chair out of the way. “Relax and I’ll be right back.” A quick kiss and Alex headed to the restroom.

  He grabbed a towel and a washcloth when he spied the ice bucket. Perfect. With the bucket under the tap, and the water running, he unwrapped the hotel soap. When it was full, he grabbed his supplies and returned to the bed.

  Alex slipped both hands beneath the flimsy cotton tee, running them over the sculpted abs of his lover who attempted to pull Alex down so they’d be chest to chest. “None of that. You’re going to behave while I get you clean.” Alex removed the shirt before arranging his accoutrements to his liking. He turned his attention to finish disrobing his patient with an occasional grope.

  “Close your eyes Jacob, relax while I make up for some lost time and take care of you.” Alex wrung out the washcloth before he washed away the sweat and grime from a face he adored. With dips into the warm water as he went, Alex eased the cloth around Jacob’s neck, across broad shoulders and down each arm. He locked their fingers as he raised first one arm and then the other so he could attend to every inch of his lover. Learning the contours of the man he could now claim as his own.

  Alex didn’t fail to notice Jacob’s cock plumping as he washed the muscular abs before him. As he washed the bed of fur, he cleaned the hard cock before dipping the cloth back into the warm water. With his attention focused on the task at hand, Alex almost missed the hiss when he moved on to Jacob’s inner thighs. “Sensitive area? I’ll remember that.”

  “Stop teasing me Alex. Look what you’ve done to me.”

  Alex swallowed his amusement. “I am doing nothing more than cleaning you. If you read more into my touch, that is on you. Now, I’m almost done, I just have your thighs, feet, and one calf to go. Are you going to behave?”


  Alex dropped the cloth in the bucket and stood. “No, Alex. Please finish. It’s just that it’s driving me crazy to have you touching me.”

  Alex raised one brow and stared at the heap of wanton lust sprawled across the bed. “I’ll behave. Promise.”

  Alex finished his tas
k brusquely and after toweling Jacob dry put everything in the bathroom. When he’d settled once more next to Jacob, he clasped their hands together. “We need to talk before we move on to other pleasures.”

  “Kiss me first?”

  The need in the quiet request pulled at Alex’s heart. He stretched out along Jacob’s uninjured side and began to trace invisible patterns on the expanse of flesh before him. When he reached the soft, slightly parted lips, they begged Alex to taste their decadence once more.

  He traced the outline with the tip of his tongue before claiming them in a passionate kiss. Jacob accepted the dominate move and melted beneath him. Alex eased off the kiss and nipped along the strong jaw, the whiskers, soft and prickly, he teased with his lips. Working down Jacob’s neck, he found his target, the meaty bit of flesh right where the neck and shoulder meet, and he grasped the spot with his teeth and his tongue teased the skin.

  “Mmm.” Jacob panted through the pain. “You like biting.”

  Alex released his prize, gazing into the crystalline pools of golden brown. “I do. But I already told you that.” He gave Jacob a quick kiss. “What else did I tell you?” Alex couldn’t stop touching the man.

  “You told me you’re a take charge kind of guy, and that I’d have to accept that if I was serious about marrying you.”

  “Then I have a question for you.” Alex sat up enough to pull his own shirt off and toss it away. “Since we are married,” Alex wiggled the fingers between them displaying the wedding ring, “You accepted my need to control? Dominate?”

  “I have no problem handing over the reins to you. You have more than proved yourself capable of meeting any need I may have.” Some of the heat left Jacob’s voice as he added, “But, on occasion, I will want to top you so you can fully experience the love between us. And you are aware there’s more room on the bed.”

  “True, but I’m quite comfortable where I am.” Alex captured Jacob’s mouth in a searing soul awakening kiss before ending it abruptly. “I’m scared.”

  Jacob’s reassuring touch eliminated some of the fear. “Of what?” His silky voice caressed his soul.

  “Of fucking this up. Losing you again.”

  “Together we can work through any issue or problem either one of us has.”

  Alex pressed his weight into Jacob, “Right now, I need to experience you. I want to learn every little thing I need to know about you.”

  “I’ve always been yours, Alex.”

  Alex claimed Jacob’s lips effectively cutting off anything else he may have been about to say. His hands explored the hard lines and muscles so very different from the soft females he’d been with in the past. But so perfect for him. He squeezed Jacob’s left pec while tracing kisses along his jaw.

  He pulled away, looking deep into the brown eyes he hadn’t realized he’d missed. Jacob lay, compliant beneath him, seemingly willing to allow him his freedom to explore. Alex shifted his weight to his left arm as he trailed his right hand down Jacob’s side and across taut abs stopping when he felt the soft fur at the beginning of Jake’s happy trail.

  Alex glanced down at his hand resting so close to Jacob’s burgeoning erection. “You don’t…”

  “Shh.” The abrupt sound was a command. Alex briefly glanced at Jake’s face before returning his gaze to his hand. He drew his thumb back and forth across skin he knew was sensitive on him and hoped Jacob enjoyed it as he did.

  Alex stared as Jacob’s cock hardened from the gentle caress and he had to touch, know how different it would be to palm someone else’s cock. Over the cotton boxers, Alex ran his hand over the bulge, testing its size before he wrapped his fingers around it with a solid grip and gave it a slight squeeze. As Jacob hummed Alex smiled at this relatively small progress in exploring another male’s anatomy. His thumb traced over the tip of Jacob’s penis the urge to taste the pre-cum was almost overwhelming.

  He took hold of the solid erection, stroking once, twice until his thumb teased the sensitive nerves on the underside of the crown. He felt the moisture on his thumb, released his prize. He could smell Jake’s essence as he brought his fingers to his lips. Just before he licked his thumb, Alex looked up and saw Jacob watching him with such an intensity he almost blushed. Keeping eye contact, Alex stuck his tongue out, tentatively touching it to the tip of his thumb and got his first full taste of Jacob. He sucked all the moisture from his thumb and smiled at Jacob. “Tasty.”

  As Jake laughed, Alex sat up so he could remove his own shorts and toss them over his shoulder.

  “Where’s the lube and the condoms Jake?”

  Jacob sat up, leaning on his elbows, “Closet, inside pocket of my suitcase.” Alex knew Jacob watched him as he moved to the closet, and as he reached for the suitcase, he bent over more than was necessary exposing his ass and balls, letting Jacob see he was not opposed to allowing some exploration on Jacob’s part. He heard the moan from the bed and knew exactly what Jacob was thinking. Alex grabbed the condoms and lube from the suitcase, slapping his ass as he stood in what he hoped was a seductive manner. Looking over his shoulder, he saw Jacob was stroking his impressive erection as he watched Alex.

  Alex grabbed his own ass and gave it a squeeze, “You want this." The statement was confident. "Don’t you?”

  Jacob nodded, his eyes never leaving Alex’s ass. He released his cheek and moved back to the bed. “Such a good boy, keeping silent for me.” Alex placed the items on the nightstand before he crawled onto the bed. “How shall I reward you?” Jacob collapsed onto his back and spread his arms; an open invitation.

  Alex trailed light kisses and licks along Jacob’s neck, down to one pert nipple. He gently worried the nub with his teeth as he tweaked the other nipple. Alex felt Jake’s cock jerk. He straddled Jacob’s legs, sitting high on his thighs to avoid the injury, until their cocks aligned and he could wrap his hand around them both.

  Jacob reached for the lube and handed it to Alex. Taking the tube, he popped the cap and poured some on his fingers, rubbing them together to eliminate some of the chill, before he leaned over Jacob’s chest and moved the slick digits to his own opening, circling the sensitive skin, teasing his anus. He watched as Jacob’s eyes enlarged, clearly shocked at his actions. He slipped the tip of his middle finger into the sphincter. Jacob tried to lean his upper torso to one side so he could see what Alex was doing. The reaction encouraged Alex to add another finger and after a few moments a third.

  When he felt confident he was stretched enough, Alex removed his fingers, wiped the excess lube on Jacob’s cock and grabbed the condom. He carefully ripped open the package and rolled it down Jacob’s massive erection.

  "Alex, you don’t…” Alex placed a finger over Jacob’s lips silencing him. Alex aligned himself with the sheathed cock and slowly began to lower himself.

  Jacob grabbed his hip, stopping his progress. “Alex, if this is what you want, I’m all for it. But this is not the best position for a first time.”

  Alex hesitated. “It may be my first time receiving, but I have done anal before. I want our first time with you taking me, to be face to face. And I don’t want to be on my back.” Alex stroked Jacob’s face. “This will be perfect.”

  Jacob lay there, motionless, as Alex grabbed Jacob’s cock, maneuvering it until he felt it at his entrance. “Please, Jake. I want you to make love to me. Claim me as yours.”

  With one hand on his hip, Jacob moved Alex’s hand off his cock and did some adjusting. He gave Alex a nod to continue. He felt his body’s resistance at the intrusion and tried to push out, relax the muscle more to allow Jacob’s massive rod an easier entrance. Once the tip moved passed the guardian muscle, Alex felt a slight pinch of pain that faded as Jacob slowly eased Alex down the rest of his shaft until he was sitting on Jacob’s groin.

  “God, you feel amazing, Alex.” Jacob’s breaths were shallow and quick. “When you feel comfortable,” Alex placed a finger across Jacob’s lush lips.

  “Stop talking, Jake. Let me experie
nce us without the play by play.” Alex lifted up, testing the feeling of having his ass filled by Jacob. He set a slow rhythm, marveling in the rightness of Jacob’s cock sliding in and out of his body. “Jake, love me. Claim me. Make me yours.”

  Alex’s words seemed to unleash the control Jacob had been holding onto. He pulled Alex down, draped him across his chest and began pumping his hips, the tingles began at the base of Alex’s spine and radiated out. “Fuck Jake, so good. I’m gonna come.” Alex leaned into Jacob and clamped his teeth onto his shoulder as his cock erupted between them. Jacob continued to pound Alex’s ass until he reached his own climax all while Alex continued his gripped the flesh beneath him with his teeth.

  As Jacob withdrew, Alex rolled to the side, allowing him the room to dispose of the condom. Cool air surrounded Alex as Jacob left the bed for the bathroom. When Jacob returned with a warm cloth, he gently cleaned Alex before he tossed the washcloth toward the bathroom and climbed back on the bed. Alex snuggled into Jacob, he found it amusing to nestle into the larger man, but it felt so perfect.

  With the slow steady rise and fall of the chest beneath his head, Alex would be asleep soon.



  “What have you known all along?”

  The question confused his post orgasmic brain. “What?”

  “You were going to tell me something back at the hospital. Something you’ve always known.”

  Alex hugged Jacob closer and placed a kiss on the flesh above his heart. “I love you. Always have. Always will.”

  About the Author

  I have been writing stories for as long as I can remember. From the silly stories of a child's imagination to the adult imaginings of vampires, shifters and contemporary, all with the ultimate romance in mind.


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