Logan and Cecile
Page 8
Logan stirred in the Epsom salt into the steamy water, then turned off the bath tap. He'd been extremely quiet and composed during this whole ordeal. I had an awful feeling that once he saw the bruises, that would change.
"Sweetie?" I asked. I wanted to ask straight out, but I had to work up to it. Caress the topic a bit.
He stood next to me, wrapping his arms around me. "Yeah, baby?"
"Can you promise me something?"
"What?" I could tell he was worried about what I was about to ask for. I bit my lip deciding to ask anyways.
"You've been great, really calm about this whole ordeal so far. I don't want—um—I don't think I can handle you losing your shit—"
He cut me off by placing his finger on my lips. "I can't promise not to be upset because I guarantee I will be. Randy didn't tell me much just that you were lucky, very lucky, things didn't end differently. Am I going to ask questions? Yeah. We gonna talk about being vigilant and taking precautions, you bet your sweet ass, we are. We gonna do all that tonight? No. You get in the tub and soak so you can start healin'." I stared at him, while he kissed my knuckles. Thank God for that reprieve. Logan stepped towards me, brushing his mouth against mine. It was a closed mouth kiss. His lips are soft but still manly. It was a sweet, and comforting gesture.
"You need help undressing?" he asked, and kept his eyes peeled to me. The way he was looking at me, made me shiver. I shook my head, and started unbuttoning my shirt, pushing it off my shoulders, and it fell to the floor.
"Sweetie?" I asked (again), while unhooking my bra, letting it fall.
"What baby?" he asked, still holding onto his patience, barely.
"Can you make sure Nathan doesn't lose his shit too?" I avoided eye contact while asking, but continued unbuttoning my jeans, pushing them down my hips. I knew my request was a tall order to fill.
"We'll put him on speaker phone, and if he goes the wrong way I'll take over and go outside, yeah?" A tiny bit of relief swept through me. Thoughtful and sweet, and Logan was mine.
"'Kay," I mumbled as I stepped out of my jeans and barely managed to pull off my socks. I was standing naked in front of Logan covered in bruises.
His fingers brushed my jaw then roamed down my neck, to my breast, and then my bruised rib cage. Logan's phone beeped twice in a row, but he continued looking at my body, ignoring his phone.
"If he doesn't pay, baby, I more than likely will lose my shit," he admitted, then helped me settle into the tub. Once I was immersed in the hot water, he placed a rolled up towel behind my neck, easing the ache in my back. Placing a large glass of water within my reach, he then checked his phone.
The water was hot, almost instantly soothing most of my muscles, and it felt so damn good. Leaning back into the neck towel, I closed my eyes. There was a lot of annoying beeping as Logan punched buttons on his phone then set it on the vanity by the tub. The phone was on speaker and it rang a few times before Nathan answered.
"Hello," Nathan answered.
"Hey, man. You're on speaker, CiCi can hear you."
"How're you feelin', CiCi?" Nathan asked.
"Sore, but I'll live," I replied. I already felt a little better, the hot water was working it's magic. I was sure once the pain pill fully kicked in I'd feel back to my normal self.
"Mom's called me, several times. Heard about the robbery and she wants to see you. Can you call her?"
He was caught in the middle, part of that was on me, and I didn't like it. Regardless, my mom hadn't apologized for being a nagging bitch. Overlooking a lack of apology and allowing her to manipulate an already bad situation, wouldn't fix our relationship in the long haul. It wasn't just about an apology. I didn't need her kind of toxicity in my life. Bottom line, I was not willing to let it go. I cracked an eye open, look at Logan and shake my head.
"Her banishment stands. Not callin' or seein' her. End of story."
"CiCi—" Nathan started, but Logan butted in.
"Nathan, Randy texted me, a few minutes ago, and Cindy was at Annie's apartment looking for CiCi. Can you convince her to stand down at least for tonight?"
My eyes fully shot open, and I looked at Logan.
Nathan laughed. "He called me first. I am going to call her, but you guys called first. But actually you think I can convince her to not do something?"
"Does she know I'm here with you?" I asked Logan. With the pissed look on Logan's face, I knew she did. Fuck. My. Life.
"Yeah. Randy told her to get her to go away, since Annie was sleeping, and he was afraid she'd stay around bangin' on the door until the cops got there," Logan said this in a casual tone, like it was not a big deal that my mom was disturbing other people, and not just me.
Double damn. I couldn't blame Randy for that.
"Logan, your doors better be locked. She'll waltz in here and make it all about her somehow and I need peace and calm, please." There was only so much that I could handle in one day, and I had done a damn fine job of holding myself together so far. If my mom showed up, I would not be able to hold it together because she'd tear me down, and right now I did not have the strength to fight her.
"Baby, I've never locked the doors." I didn't care if he never locked his doors out here. Hell, my parents never locked their doors either, but I glared at him, yes, glared. It was bitchy of me, but I did it anyways.
"Please, baby, go lock your doors," I begged.
"I'll be right back," he muttered while walking away.
"Nathan, can you please call her off, or try to? If it's up to me I'll ask Logan to call the cops. I don't need her shit right now." Or ever again, but I refrained from adding that.
"I'll try to talk her out of it, but since she knows you're there. I don't know how long she'll stay away. Or if she will." His voice sounded pained, but that doesn't help me at all.
Logan walked back in. He settled against the vanity, arms crossed at his chest. His eyes were peeled to me.
"Are you going to tell me what happened?" Nathan asked.
"Ask Randy," I said.
"Logan?" Nathan asked.
"Yeah, I'm back."
"You know specifics?" Nathan asked Logan.
I knew my brother was worried, but I kept my mouth shut. Letting out a big sigh, I slid lower into the hot water. Closing my eyes I tried to tune them out.
"Two meth heads tried to rob the bakery. She has some facial bruising, cracked and bruised ribs, and more contusions. Annie's busted up too. We'll be talkin' about that later, not tonight. She has pain meds and is sittin' in a hot bath," he answered. I could feel his eyes on me, but I didn't move.
"I'll be around late Friday, gotta move my stuff into Gram's house. I'll call Mom try to distract her, but do what you gotta do, CiCi."
I popped open my eyes when Nathan practically have me the green light, Logan looked questioningly at me, and I shrugged.
"Bye, Nathan. Love you."
"Bye," Logan and Nathan both muttered and hung up.
Logan lightly tapped his phone on the vanity. He had a 'processing information' look across his face.
"Baby, what did he mean by do what you gotta do?" he asked.
"I told him I wouldn't hesitate in calling the cops. Technically you'd have to do it. Which, if that's an issue, I should go to my apartment or Annie's."
His eyes flickered, almost as if he was thinking you better not try to leave. "You're staying here. There was a lot going on here that I need to tend to. I want you close."
"I want to stay here, and I will stay here as long as there's peace and quiet." I needed time to regroup, and unwind. Having my mom ruffle my feathers would not help this process.
"Your wish is my command," he pledged. I took that as a promising sign, he wasn't my mom's biggest fan, just like me.
I smiled. He returns my smile then does something beautiful. He briefly touches his mouth to mine then starts washing my hair. Yes. Washing my hair, which was relaxing. If I didn't already have serious feelings for Logan that gesture would have di
nged my armor for sure.
Waking up next to Logan made me happy, for a variety of reasons. He took care of me last night, and this morning. I didn't mean sexually. I wouldn't have minded a little hanky panky, but I think Logan was worried about causing me pain. He helped me shower and dress. Plying me with a pain pill and breakfast early this morning, and to say thank you, I was baking.
I was supposed to be taking it easy, but I feel less pain standing, needless to say I found myself in Logan's kitchen. I'd even managed to put on real clothes and not lounge in PJs all day.
You'd think I'd stay out of the kitchen when I was essentially on vacation, nope not me. I was never normal, nor can I just sit around, unless I was socially sitting around a TV or something similar to that.
I heard the front door open and close. There was a lot of jingling and a female someone calls out my name.
Shit. Can I not catch a fucking break?
Yep, my mom did not heed Nathan's advice. I pulled out my cell and quickly texted Logan, hoping he isn't far away or busy. I shoved the phone into my back pocket, and wait.
I was halfway through making crème puffs, I can't run and hide, the custard would ruin. After this showdown I would have to bury my sorrows in dessert. She gasped loudly. Guess my banged up face shocked her.
"CiCi, what on earth are you doing? You should be resting," my mom heckled. As always, she's dressed to impress, full make up, perfect hair, styled to the nines.
Here I am, standing in Logan's kitchen in a baggy t-shirt, jeans and socks, with no makeup so my bruises are showing.
"Are you going to apologize for being a negative, pessimistic, bitch?" I paused briefly, looking at her face, which held a no way in hell look, so I continued, "Right then, it's none of your business what I do," I calmly replied, whisking the custard filling. I want to tell her to go the fuck home, but it would be a waste of energy.
"I'm your mother. Why are you here instead of at your apartment, or better at our house?" she inquired.
I needed to keep my shit together right now. As much as I wanted to rip into my mom, I wouldn't do it. Any emotional reaction from me would be a win on her part.
"What is wrong with me being here exactly? I mean I've known Logan all my life, he's best friends with Nathan." And my boyfriend, but that isn't her business. I focus on whisking the custard and kept my eyes peeled on the stovetop.
"Your family should be taking care of you," she grumbled. "It doesn't reflect well that you're staying here and not with us."
And there it was. It looked bad on her that she isn't taking care of me in my time of need. My mother had a heart of stone, and she only cared about appearances. I took a deep breath in and remained calm.
"Logan is my family. His parents loved me, and helped me process all the crap you put me through. Nathan will be here this weekend, and do his brotherly duty. I don't care about your guilty conscience or keeping up appearances for your sake. You can't guilt trip me into anything, so please leave," I asked keeping my tone even and voice composed.
I should have known, it wouldn't be easy to get her to leave. I turned the burner off to let the custard cool.
"What are you going to do now since your closing the bakery?" she asked.
Squaring my shoulders I looked her in the eye. She was not the boss of me. I found it beyond irritating she had assumed we'd close the bakery. I felt a hand at my hip, and jumped slightly. Suddenly Logan was by my side.
Perfect timing.
I sucked in his strength and kept my composure. Dealing with her wouldn't so bad with Logan by my side.
"We are not closing the bakery. I have no idea who or what gave you that idea, but they were wrong."
"It's not safe to work there. You're slaving your life away for nothing, you can't risk your life making pies." The word pies dripped with disdain. She's never had a problem mooching free pastries and cakes from me before. Never making her free cakes again. That was the last straw. I'd had enough.
"You never had a problem with the bakery when you wanted something for free. So get out," I barked. Logan's fingers squeezed into my hip. Now I wanted to go lay down and take a nap.
Her back straightened, what little emotion seeped from her face as she prepared to do battle.
"Now listen here—" she raised her voice higher.
"CiCi asked you nicely to leave, repeatedly, don't make me call the sheriff and have you arrested for trespassing."
Uh-oh. I bit the inside of my cheek to keep from smiling, or if I had the energy break out in a happy dance.
"This is family business," she said, slamming her hand down on the island, while shooting daggers at Logan.
Oh, shit. I didn't trust myself to speak. Being beat up was enough. I didn't want to deal with a pissed off Logan on top of my physical aches. Logan defiantly stared back at my mom. There was anger, irritation and lots of tension, radiating from both my mom and Logan.
"CiCi and I are together. That makes her my business. She doesn't want to talk to you, see you, or listen to you. Let me break it down for you that means: You. Are. Not. Welcome. Here. Things have to change before you'll ever be welcome here," Logan explained, his tone no-nonsense.
I liked knowing Logan was willing to fight this fight for me, but I still felt conflicted letting him. I was tired and feeling beat down, I've fought this battle for going on a decade. There was some tightness around my ribs. As my arm wraps around Logan's waist, and I lean in, mostly to offer my support in his endeavor.
Her mouth gaped open and I smiled.
A knock sounded from the front door. Logan kissed my temple and pulls away.
"Let's go, Cindy. That's the sheriff now, you can explain why you wouldn't leave," Logan said, as he shuffled, more like herded, my still stuttering mom to the front door, out onto the porch. Letting out a deep breath, I took in another deep one. He's pissed.
Wow. Logan played that better than I thought he would.
Finally, my mom isn't getting her way. Part of me hoped she got arrested or at least a warning. She needs to be reminded she isn't untouchable and above everyone else. No one likes a bitchy, naggy, person.
In a perfect world I'd cut her poison out of my life, and I'd successfully achieved that in the past. Being home again, I needed to establish boundaries. For some reason my brother and boyfriend wanted to help me do this, and it didn't make me feel weak. Instead I felt empowered, but I knew that I needed to do something big to say thank you for his efforts.
With a big smile on my face, my mind went back to baking. The custard needed to chill before I could pipe it into the pastry, and eat them. My ass didn't need crème puffs, but my soul does.
I found the piping bags in the same spot they were in five years ago. Making a mental note, I needed to make time to go through the pantry and freezers and clean those out too. I could do that later when I was less sore. Heaven forbid Logan eats something from an outdated can and ends up with botulism.
The voices echoed louder from the porch. That's not a good sign. I really didn't like putting Logan in that position to deal with her when she's in bitch mode, but better him than me. It makes me feel a little selfish, needy, and like I owe him a mammoth of a favor.
Nothing says thanks for dealing with my neurotic mother better than lingerie. Annie and I could use a distraction shopping trip. She might need to stock up if things heated up with Randy. Quickly, I texted her, and we scheduled a shopping date.
I'd finished piping the custard into the puff's, cleaned up my dishes, and was in the middle of wiping down the counters when Logan walked in.
"What'd you make?" he asked, engulfing my in a hug.
I tipped my head back to look him in the eyes. He took this as an invitation to kiss me. I was in his arms, his mouth on mine, sending my body into a daze. Touching his nose to mine he pulls back.
"Crème puffs. I hurt less standing up, and I'm going stir crazy." I looked down to the counter and added, "I'm sorry you had to deal with her, b
aby." His thumb tilted my chin back, making me look at him. Tears stung my eyes, but I managed to hold them in.
"Baby, I will do anything for you, anytime. She has a court date, and it's not for trespassing."
Holy cow.
"No shit?" I asked, sitting on a bar stool by the island.
"No shit. Nathan won't be happy. Your mom will learn boundaries or she won't be around you." He talked while pouring himself a cup of coffee.
"I'm definitely okay with that." And I was. I felt bad for Nathan, because he would be stuck in the middle, but Logan will be there with him.
"Can I eat one of those or do they have to sit?" He pointed to the baking sheet.
"Eat, but leave me a few. I'm in sugar withdrawals. Sampling is a big part of my day when I'm working. I need to go into town tomorrow." I'd barely said eat when he popped one in his mouth.
My car was at the bakery. Logan would have to drop me off or stick around and drive me back. I'd prefer to have my car here in case, I wanted to leave and do, whatever. He had more important things to tend to, and I knew he had more important ranch business to deal with.
"Annie and I need some retail therapy. I can drive my car back, just need a ride into town." I also wanted to stock his pantry and I didn't want to hear any macho man crap about me buying groceries. So I kept the groceries to myself. I wanted to check in with Randy about the insurance and security system. Mainly to see if he needed help because I was bored and felt lazy.
"We can go after I check the barn in the morning." He leaned down putting his mouth against mine. I can taste the chocolate creaminess of the crème puff. "You're my family too."
I smiled against his lips.
"Heard that did ya?" In a way that was saying I loved him without actually saying the words.
"Yeah, baby. You stayed calm, for the most part, proud of you." He took a sip from his coffee and asked, "How are you feeling?"
"Honestly?" I still felt like I'd been hit all over with a shovel.
He nodded.
"I'm sore and stiff. It's not pleasant, but I'm dealing." I had took a pain pill that morning and it made me feel sick, sluggish, and just not me. So I skipped the next one. Probably not my best idea, but I'd be out of my mind if I stayed in bed all day.