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by David Halberstam

  at Nissan, 304-305

  Masuda, Tetsuo, 126, 135, 136-144, 147-150

  background of, 137-139

  Communists and, 142, 181

  Katayama and, 289

  Kawamata and, 144

  layoffs fought by, 146

  management challenged by, 148-149

  Miyake and, 153, 155-157

  strike led by, 163-169, 178-181

  on union’s role, 142-143

  in World War II, 139-141

  Matsumura, Keiichi, 445-446

  Matsuoka, Yosuke, 628

  Matsuzaki, Shiro, 396-397

  Matthias, Hans, 370

  Max, Peter, 512

  Maxwell, Charley, 3-10, 697-699, 700

  auto executives’ meetings with, 7-9

  energy crisis predicted by, 5-7

  as Mobil Oil expert, 4

  Mazda, 184, 647, 656, 732, 737, 741

  Mazey, Emil, 337

  Mecke, Ted, 387

  Meehan, Joe, 192-193

  Meehan, Kay, 192-193

  Mensa, 669

  mergers, corporate, 37, 689-696

  Japanese reaction to, 695-696

  junk bonds used in, 689, 694

  media coverage of, 692

  Mexico, 654-655, 657, 708-709, 712

  Miami Vice, 685


  financial crisis in, 51

  unemployment in, 49-51, 609

  Michigan Car Company, 65

  Miller, Arjay, 99-100, 101, 244, 740

  as Ford president, 258

  Lundy and, 249

  Wall Street pressures on, 233

  as Whiz Kid, 201-202

  Miller, Perry, 276-277

  Miller, Steve, 257, 564, 568, 571

  Ministry of International Trade and Industry (MITI), Japanese, 17, 132, 306, 445, 446, 517

  Amaya in, 17-18, 22, 29, 624

  in auto industry, 159, 304, 411

  import restraints negotiated by, 627-628

  in steel industry, 582

  supplier companies and, 451, 454

  Minoura, Taichi, 131

  Missouri battleship, 107

  Mitsubishi, 126, 158, 721-722

  Mitsui, 126, 130

  Miyake, Masaru, 152-157, 161, 167-169

  company power exercised by, 398

  Katayama and, 289-290

  in Kawamata dispute, 399-400, 402

  Masuda challenged by, 152-153, 155-157

  Nissan’s second union headed by, 167-169, 179-180, 183

  Shioji and, 402

  during strike, 167-169

  in World War II, 154-155

  Mobil Oil, 4, 328, 662

  Moen, Ron, 315

  Mohammed Reza Pahlavi, Shah of Iran, 15-16, 17, 458, 461, 463-464, 531-532, 581, 697

  Mondale, Walter, 695

  Monnet, Jean, 459

  monopoly, 45-46, 243, 329-330, 638

  Morgan Stanley, 690-691

  Mortimer, Wyndham, 345

  Moses, Radford, 602

  Motherwell, George, 265

  motorbikes, Japanese, 306, 307

  Moynihan, Daniel Patrick, 501

  Muramatsu, Masami, 311-312, 313

  Murphy, Eileen, 502

  Murphy, Frank, 344, 345, 346

  Murphy, Franklin, 518, 549, 550, 551

  Murphy, Walter, 529

  Murphy, William, 68

  mutual funds, 227, 229-230

  Nader, Nathra, 499

  Nader, Ralph, 43, 367, 497-505

  background of, 498-499

  GM’s investigation of, 502-503

  press corps used by, 504, 505

  as student, 499-500

  Unsafe at Any Speed, 501-502

  Nader, Rose, 499

  Nader’s Raiders, 45, 503, 693

  Nagai, Michio, 717, 718

  Nakamura, Hideya, 140-141, 151, 163

  Nakasone, Yasuhiro, 702, 743

  Nakayama, Sohei, 400, 452

  Nash and Hudson, 329, 638

  Nasser, Gamal Abdel, 457

  National Cash Register Company, 324-325

  Navy, U.S., 326

  NBC television network, 36

  Nelson, Bryce, 503

  Nelson, Ricky, 640

  Nevins, Allan, 87, 209

  New Deal, 123, 226, 344, 492

  Newsweek, 374

  New York City, 62, 65

  New Yorker, 188, 229, 326

  New York Stock Exchange (NYSE), 223, 224

  New York Times, 84, 686, 692, 702, 736

  Niebuhr, Reinhold, 84-85

  Nielsen, A. C., 203

  Nigeria, 4

  Niigata Ironworks, 284, 309

  Nikkeiren, 135, 152, 164, 165

  Nimitz, Chester W., 602

  Nippondenso, 655

  Nippon Kokan, 81-82, 583

  Nippon Oil and Soap, 159, 160

  Nisei, 118, 424

  Nishiyama, Yataro, 396-397

  Niskanen, William, 620-623

  Nissan Diesel, 290, 399, 400

  Nissan Motors, 130-131, 263-270

  advertising campaign of, 512-513

  under Asahara, 143, 144-145

  Austin licensing deal with, 269-270

  in Australian endurance race, 290-293

  British factory debate at, 644-651

  cheap labor at, 296

  Datsun, 295-297, 299, 300, 396, 425, 430-434, 441, 444-449, 512-513

  Dodge Line at, 136, 145-146, 153

  early financial difficulties of, 579

  early postwar years of, 129

  executive purges at, 131

  expansion at, 308-311, 394-399

  Fair Lady, 441-442

  Gorham’s technological asssistance to, 263-267

  import restraints opposed by, 627-628

  internationalism of, 586

  Kawamata vs. Asahara factions in, 399-400, 434, 435

  during Korean War, 146-147

  layoffs at, 136, 145-146, 153

  leadership vacuum in, 126, 135

  mass market for, 395

  mass production at, 304-305

  modernization at, 393-394, 416

  new plants built by, 308, 309, 395-396

  1978 drop in exports from, 580-581

  in 1986 yen crisis, 744

  during oil crisis, 512

  one-liter car produced by, 580

  Oppama plant for, 396-398, 401

  Patrol, 444

  plant budgeting at, 635

  plant managers at, 510

  President, 310-311

  Prince merged with, 411-414

  quality issue at, 635, 637

  Runyon hired by, 633-637

  610 model, 512

  smaller car developed by, 269-270

  speedup at, 416

  Stone’s assistance to, 268-270

  supplier companies in, 451-454

  technical specialists at, 284-286

  Toyota vs., 304, 395-396, 647

  truck production at, 128-129

  turnover at, 417-418

  two shifts instituted at, 421-423

  UAW and, 586-588, 590-593, 634, 636, 643

  U.S. experts imported by, 268

  U.S. imports from, 293-296

  U.S. truck plant built by, 592, 633-637

  U teams for, 425-426

  Nissan Motors Masuda union, 126, 129, 135-138, 141-148

  company union formed against, 152-154, 156-157, 161, 164, 166-169, 178-181

  kachos in, 150

  Katayama and, 289

  1953 strike by, 163-169, 170, 178-181, 289, 414, 415

  suribachi technique used by, 150-151, 152, 165, 177

  Nissan Motors Miyake-Shioji union, 152-154, 156-157, 161, 164, 166-169, 178-181, 291

  middle management in, 289-290

  in Nissan presidency struggle, 399-400

  personnel changes controlled by, 398

  quality control programs in, 410

  under Shioji, 408-414

  Tokyo branch of, 649-650

  wage increases in,

  Nissan Motors U.S. West Coast Office, 424-449

  advertising campaign by, 444

  capitalization of, 437-438

  car names developed for, 441-442

  dealerships for, 427-428

  market share for, 444-445

  models modified for, 425-426, 432-434, 437

  pickup trucks produced for, 432-434

  sales of, 725

  see also Katayama, Yutaka

  Nixon, Richard M., 15, 463, 662

  Numasaki, Hideo, 181

  O’Brien, Bill, 494-495

  Occidental Petroleum, 460

  Ochiai, Miyoji, 148, 178-179, 454


  Arab challenge to U.S. control over, 459-461

  coal vs., 77, 78, 459

  consuming nations’ hysteria over, 697

  European dependency on, 459

  in Ghawar deposit, 328, 462

  Japanese dependency on, 17, 22-23, 511-512

  Middle East discoveries of, 326-328

  in new non-OPEC producing countries, 698, 699

  1979 price increase in, 581, 697

  1986 price decrease in, 743, 744

  political power and, 77

  in postwar Japan, 274

  price of, 458, 459, 461, 462-463

  Southwestern U.S. discoveries of, 75-76

  spot price of, 697, 698

  U.S. reserves of, 459, 466

  in World War II, 326-327

  see also OPEC (Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries)

  oil crisis (1973), 3-10, 328-329, 457-465

  Amaya on, 24-25

  Arab nationalism and, 6-7, 329, 457-458

  auto industry premises undermined by, 3-4, 6

  consumer response to, 465

  foundation for, 327-329

  in Japan, 511-512

  as momentary aberration, 580

  price increases during, 10, 463-464

  Shah’s fall and, 15-16

  underpricing of oil before, 6, 528

  Yom Kippur War and, 9-10, 465, 512, 513, 528

  Oil Is Cut, The, 511

  Okita, Saburo, 271, 274, 276, 278

  Okuma, Masataka, 587

  Oldenburg, Clarence, 221

  Old Motor Company, 189

  Olympic games:

  of 1964, 419-420

  of 1988, 716

  one-liter cars, 580

  OPEC (Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries), 461-464, 697-700

  1979 price increase and, 697

  Saudi production and, 698-699

  Packard, 329, 334, 543, 638

  Paine Webber, 738

  Palestine, 327

  Pantry Pride, 689

  Parker, John, 444, 517, 725

  Parker, Sanford, 323

  Park Jin Kean, 719-724

  background of, 720-721

  at Hyundai, 719, 721-724

  salary of, 719

  Park Kyung Won, 720

  Passin, Herbert, 487

  Patton, George S., 326

  Paul VI, Pope, 532

  Pearl Harbor, 112

  People, 661

  people’s capitalism, 225, 226-227

  Perelman, Ronald, 689

  Perkins, Francis, 346

  Permanent Employment Guarantee (PEG), 655-656

  Perry, Lord, 239, 240-241

  Perry, Matthew, 274, 582, 730

  Petersen, Don, 482, 552, 661, 663, 665-669

  as Ford chairman, 667-669

  in Japanization struggle, 741

  as product man, 665-666

  Philadelphia Electric Storage Battery (ESB), 691-692

  Philby, Harry, 328

  Philby, Kim, 328

  Philco, 487, 603-604

  Philip Morris tobacco company, 703

  Picasso, Pablo, 512

  pickup trucks, 432-434

  Piercy, George, 462

  planes, company, 35-36

  plant closings, 605

  plant managers, 213-215, 217-220, 238, 242-243, 508-509

  Polaroid, 229, 231

  Poling, Harold “Red,” 604-605, 665-666, 741

  population migrations, 49-50

  Port, Fred, 691-692

  Pressman, Lee, 382

  Prince auto company, 411-414

  Prince auto union, 411-414

  Profit Improvement Programs (PIPs), 466-467

  profits, 37

  bonus system based on, 506, 568

  at Ford, 85, 90, 99-100, 243, 537, 731-732

  Japanese scale for, 733

  from large vs. small cars, 519

  in 1983, 710

  super profits vs., 245

  UAW contracts and, 45

  protectionism, Japanese, 24, 701-706

  arrogance in, 704

  Asian competition and, 705-706

  distributorships in, 703

  in tobacco industry, 702-703

  protectionism, U.S., 585, 588-589

  Carter administration and, 625-626

  Ford and, 620, 622-623, 625

  Japanese reaction to, 624-629

  Keller’s testimony on, 737-739

  under Reagan, 626

  UAW view of, 620-625

  public transportation, 465

  Puerto Rico, 641

  Qaddafi, Muammar, 459-461

  quality control, 314-320

  Deming’s lectures on, 317-318, 319

  at Ford, 35, 466, 467, 506-508, 622, 659, 732

  line overtime and, 506

  PIPs and, 466-467

  Shewhart’s techniques for, 316, 317

  quality-control circles, 410, 418

  railroad power, 77

  Rand, Christopher, 328

  Rapid American, 231

  Rapp, William, 309

  Rauh, Joe, 347

  Rauschenberg, Robert, 512

  RCA, 49

  Reagan, Ronald, 621, 626, 686, 702, 745

  Reickert, Erick, 525, 527, 600, 669

  Reid, Ralph, 124

  Reischauer, Edwin O., 133, 701-702

  Reith, Jack, 204

  Remsnyder, Ed, 492-493

  Renault, 430

  Republic Steel, 695

  Reuther, Anna Stocker, 341

  Reuther, Jacob, 339-340

  Reuther, May, 337

  Reuther, Roy, 341, 346, 350, 351

  Reuther, Valentine, 339-341

  Reuther, Victor, 339, 340, 343-347

  Reuther, Walter, 160, 193, 244, 336-351, 490

  background of, 337, 339-342

  in Chrysler negotiations, 558-559

  Johnson and, 349, 350, 367

  personal qualities of, 336-339

  Shioji and, 407-408

  as socialist, 339

  as UAW president, 346-351

  as union organizer, 342-345

  Revlon, 689-690

  Revson, Charles, 690

  Rhodes, Jim, 634

  Ribicoff, Abraham, 503

  Riccardo, John, 559-561, 564, 566

  Richards, Gil, 557

  Richards, William, 60-61, 87, 95

  Richie, Donald, 703

  Rickard, Ted, 214, 220

  Rifkind, Simon, 689-690

  Riklis, Meshulin, 231

  Road & Track, 440-441

  Robertson, Bernard, 562

  robots, 48, 710, 711

  Roche, Jim, 498, 503

  Rockefeller, David, 187

  Rockefeller, Nelson A., 187

  Rogers, Roy, 444

  Rohatyn, Felix, 55

  Romney, George, 45-46, 330-331, 336, 553

  Romulo, Carlos, 105

  Roosevelt, Franklin D., 26-27, 98, 105, 327, 344, 346, 367, 491, 492

  Roosevelt, Kermit, 15

  Rootes company, 554

  Rosofsky, Henry, 702

  Runyon, Marvin, 252, 505-510, 633-637, 643

  safety, auto:

  Corvair lawsuits over, 502

  government regulations on, 504-505

  Nader’s work on, 501-502, 504-505

  sales bank, 554-55
5, 563-564

  Sampson, Anthony, 461

  Samsung manufacturing company, 713, 714

  Saqquaf, Omar, 463

  Saudi Arabia, 23, 327-328, 457-459, 461-464, 698-700, 743

  Schaup, George, 218

  Schmertz, Herb, 662

  Schultze, Charles, 625, 626

  Scott, Will, 531-532

  Secrest, Fred, 254

  Secret Group, 156

  Segal, Herb, 385-386

  service sector, 37-38, 745-746

  Sexton, Brendan, 346

  Shah of Iran, see Mohammed Reza Pahlavi

  Shaiken, Harley, 707-713

  on export of jobs, 707-708

  on Korean connection, 712-713

  superautomation theory of, 48, 708

  Shapiro, Irving, 54

  Sharf, Steve, 568

  Sheehan, Bill, 662

  Shelby, Carroll, 518-519, 671-672

  Sheldrick, Laurence, 94

  Sherwood, Robert, 107-108

  Shewhart, Walter, 316, 317

  Shimamoto, Yuji, 446

  Shintoism, 114

  Shioji, Ichiro, 159-163, 402-414, 742-743

  AFL-CIO and, 407

  as anti-Communist, 405, 407

  background of, 161-163, 404-406

  British factory opposed by, 646-651

  company power exercised by, 398, 452-453, 651-652

  Focus article on, 650

  Ishihara and, 589-590, 643-652

  as JAW leader, 184

  Katayama and, 514

  Miyake and, 402-403

  in 1953 Nissan strike, 167, 168-169, 183-184

  personal qualities of, 159-160, 403-404

  Prince union and, 411-414

  Reuther and, 407-408

  supplier companies and, 450-454

  Tanaka and, 414-415

  two shifts instituted under, 421-423

  Umetani and, 409-411

  U.S. plant endorsed by, 587-589, 592

  work stoppages under, 643-644

  shipbuilding industry, Japanese, 24, 275, 276, 284

  Shiroyama, Saburo, 590

  Simca company, 554

  Simmons, Sam, 214

  Sinatra, Frank, 532, 533

  Singapore, 24, 48, 715

  Singleton, Bill, 212, 215

  sit-down strikes, 344

  Six-Day War (1967), 458-459

  Sloan, Alfred P., 89, 93, 325, 381

  SoCal, 327-328

  Society of Automotive Engineers, 732

  Sohyo labor federation, 411

  Sony, 49

  Sorensen, Charles, 71, 73, 80, 87, 92, 93, 94, 96, 97, 239

  Soviet Union, 29, 110, 119, 343, 745

  Spain, 527

  speedup; 84, 416

  Spender, J. A., 80

  Sperlich, Hal, 46, 326, 365, 479-482, 519-527

  background of, 480-481

  Caldwell and, 600, 603

  as Chrysler vice-president, 557, 559

  in downsizing debate, 539, 542-546

  in Europe, 519-523

  Fiesta and, 526-527

  finance men and, 482-483

  firing of, 547-548, 556-557

  front-wheel-drive cars favored by, 519-523


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