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Beginning to Breathe, Again (Feral Steel MC Book 2)

Page 4

by Vera Quinn

  “Burger and fries, please.” No one makes a burger like Bud. I busy myself rolling silverware and bringing glasses up front while waiting for my food. All my tables are gone but I check the napkin dispensers and make sure all the salt and pepper shakers are full to fill my time.

  I hear the bell ring and make my way back to the food pickup bar. I pick up my plate and Bud winks at me. I smile at him and stick a fry in my mouth. My stomach is thanking me and singing praises to Bud’s cooking. I walk back to the walk-in and grab me a bottle of ranch dressing and make my way to a booth in the back and set my plate and the dressing down. I go back get a glass of iced tea to drink and make my way back to my booth. I cut my burger in half so I don’t make a mess and put me some dressing on my plate. I dip another fry in the dressing and my mouth waters. I stuff it in my mouth. I her the bell over the front door go off but I never take my eyes off my burger. I pick half of it up and bring it to my mouth and I am in heaven. I know I should not love my food so much but I swear the moan just leaves me without my knowledge.

  “Damn, did she just cum from that burger?” My eyes go wide open and I see Oz with two of the other men from the gym this morning and all three have smirky smiles on their faces. “I think the proof is on the side of her mouth.” The same man says. I know my face is beet red. I can feel the heat of it. I grab a napkin and wipe my face. Yep, I had ranch dressing on my mouth. I will not let these men keep me from enjoying my food. I’ll try to keep the sounds to myself.

  “The burgers are that good, Tara?” Oz asks me. I chew and swallow the rest of the food in my mouth.

  “Bud’s burgers are the best.” I tell Oz.

  “Pretty lady, do you mind if we join you?” The guy who went with Sal this morning asks me.

  “I don’t mind. I will be getting back to work in just a few minutes.” The two guys I don’t know sit on the opposite side of the booth and Oz comes over and sits by me.

  “You told Devil today that you only work here Monday through Friday. Has your job schedule changed?” The guy who stayed in the office asks me.

  “I’m at a little disadvantage here. You know my name and I don’t know you or him.” I point to the man that asked if they could sit with me.

  “Oh shit, I’m sorry, Tara. I thought since you were being interviewed this morning you had been introduced.” Oz says. “I’m so used to everyone knowing the brothers of the Feral Steel MC that I take it for granted.” He points to the man who just spoke to me. “This is Ka…I mean Rome. Sorry man, it’s new.” Oz is looking at Rome when he says it. “The big one there is Hacksaw.” I look at Hacksaw and he winks at me then gives me a head nod.

  “Now, can you answer the question?” Rome is being rude and I don’t know what possesses me but I answer anyway.

  “If I wanted to eat today then I needed to work. Bud’s daughter was nice enough to give me the extra hours. Besides, she wanted to go out with friends. When I work I get a free meal, my hourly wage, plus tips.” The truth is not pretty but I hate to sugarcoat stuff when it is easier to tell the truth. I wait to see the look of pity from one of the three men but it doesn’t come.

  “Is Sheila or your mom going to pick you up tonight? I didn’t see Sheila’s car out there.” Oz asks me. I don’t answer right away. All three men look at me waiting for an answer.

  “They are busy tonight so I’ll run home when I get off.” Oz nods his head.

  “What time do you get off?” Hacksaw asks me.

  “Nine thirty. It’s not very far, it only takes about thirty minutes or a little more.” I take a bite of my food so I won’t need to speak anymore. I just want to be left alone so I can finish my meal.

  “You should be smarter than that. A pretty woman like you shouldn’t be out walking after dark alone. This is small town USA but people still get attacked walking alone at night. This isn’t the best neighborhood.” Rome says. I don’t know if he is being a smartass or not. I can’t read his face. He is good at hiding his facial expressions. It’s not like I have a choice. I look him in the eyes and finish chewing my food and swallow.

  “I don’t have a choice. I’ll be fine. I can take care of myself.” I don’t take my eyes away from him. It’s like my eyes are drawn to his. Like we have a connection or something. I take a drink of my tea.

  “Babe, I’ll come back and pick you up if you want to come back to the clubhouse and party for a while. After a hard day at work you can unwind. I have just what the doctor ordered for that.” The one called Hacksaw tells me. I look at him closely. He’s a damn hot man. Wide, strong shoulders, silvery gray eyes, and his tattoo on his neck looks like a snake curling around it. The colors are striking and the goatee draws attention to his lips. A fine specimen of a man but he has bad boy written all over him. A flirty bad boy who is one and done. That is not me. I must stay focused.

  “Thank you, but I am good. I don’t party. I need to get home and study so I can try to pick up a few hours tomorrow.” The man looks almost shocked at me turning him down. I thought he would come back with another line but Peggy approaches the table with menus and everyone goes quiet.

  “Sorry it took me so long to get here. Do you know what you want to drink?” Peggy is wearing her usual smile.

  “Iced tea, please.” Rome says. At least he is polite to Peggy.

  “Same.” Hacksaw adds.

  “Coke.” Oz is the last one to order. “I don’t need the menu. Burger with mayo and onion rings.”

  “Same for me.” Hacksaw puts in.

  “Sir, do you know what you want or do you need a minute?” Peggy asks Rome.

  “Burger with cheese and mustard and make mine fries.” Rome tells Peggy.

  “I’ll be right back with your drinks and your food should be out in a few.” Peggy says and leaves.

  “It’s been nice talking but I need to get back to work. They are going to open up the other side and we are going to be swamped when the movies let out.” I wipe my mouth on my napkin.

  “You don’t have time to finish eating? If it’s your only meal seems like you would finish it.” I don’t know why Rome is so interested in what I do.

  “I’ll put it in a to go box and take it home for later.” I have no idea why I am even answering Rome but I can’t seem to help myself. I am avoiding looking in his eyes because when I do I can’t look away. It’s like he draws me in and I can’t break my eyes away from him.

  It’s not like I haven’t noticed how handsome he is. He’s not got the model’s looks that Hacksaw does but more of a rugged look. He’s got a military haircut but the hair on top is a little longer. He’s got wide shoulders but he doesn’t look like it is the bulky kind guys get from being in a gym all the time. I glance at his eyes and I am lost. They are a dark brown with flecks of some other color in them. I can’t make out the color from here but I wish I could crawl up in his lap and find out exactly what color it is. What? Oh no! That is not happening. “I need to get back to work.” Oz has a knowing smile on his face and I peak a look at Hacksaw and he has the same smile. I push on Oz’s arm so he will let me out of the booth. I pick up my plate and napkin in one hand and my glass in the other and as soon as Oz is up I get up and make my way away from these men and thoughts that are not welcome in my head. I hear Hacksaw laughing as I walk away.

  Chapter 5


  “It’s been nice talking but I need to get back to work. They are going to open up the other side and we are going to be swamped when the movies let out.” Tara tells us as she wipes her mouth on her napkin. We’ve made her nervous and she is trying to get away from us. I can’t blame her. She only knows Oz. I don’t know what possessed Hacksaw to ask if we could sit with her. For one thing, Hacksaw doesn’t ask for anything. He’s an asshole to everyone. Second, just sitting and having a conversation with a female is something else he doesn’t do. Everyone knows Hacksaw’s attitude towards women. He thinks if he can’t fuck them they aren’t worth his time. I don’t know what his angle is. We’ve
kept Tara from finishing her food and this is her first meal, so she must be hungry.

  “You don’t have time to finish eating? If it’s your only meal seems like you would finish it.” I don’t know why I care but Tara seems like she may need a friend or at least someone to remind her to take care of herself. Not that I know the first thing about being a friend to a woman. I think about the conversation that has been going on.

  “I’ll put it in a to go box and take it home for later.” Tara is talking to us but she won’t meet my eyes. It’s like she is nervous about it. I don’t know why it bothers me so much. Our eyes finally lock. She seems to be considering something. Her eyes look tired. I noticed this morning she didn’t wear make-up and how young she looks. She is young, too young. I feel an urge to get to know more about her.

  Yes, this woman needs a friend. I may not be friend material but I think for Tara, I want to try. She may not want to take Hacksaw up on his invitation for a ride and to join him to party but she won’t be walking home alone tonight. I may do nothing more than follow behind her on my bike but it isn’t safe for her to be walking so late. There is a pull inside me to protect this woman. I don’t want to think about why, I just know it is there. She breaks her eyes away from mine. “I need to get back to work.” Oz and Hacksaw notice our eye contact and they just smile about it. Tara pushes on Oz’s arm and gathers her food and glass. Oz gets up to let Tara out. When she walks away Hacksaw starts laughing. As soon as she is back in the kitchen Hacksaw cannot stop himself.

  “Rome, you have an admirer. Her eyes were eating you up. I would definitely hit that shit.” Hacksaw looks over his shoulder to make sure she is out of hearing distance.

  “She’s a good girl. She keeps her head in a book and works hard. She’s not made for our kind of life. She’s not a hit and quit kind of girl.” Oz says.

  “That woman’s body was made for a man just like me. I would spend all night making her scream my name. I’m still rock hard from that little moan that came out of her.” Hacksaw just never stops.

  “Oz is right.” I agree with our tech brother.

  “Hell Rome, you’re not like the rest of us. I’ve not seen you with one club girl since you have been at the clubhouse. I haven’t even seen you drink. You need to let loose. If you don’t want a club girl that little woman was fucking the hell out of you with her eyes. Take her up on it. She’ll spread them legs for you.” Hacksaw is getting on my nerves. I look him directly in the eye and lower my voice.

  “Stay out of my business and stay away from Tara.” That just makes Hacksaw laugh harder, even Oz has a knowing smile on his face. Someone needs to worry about this woman. Well, damn, they’re right. I don’t know what came over me. If I say anything else, it will just make them worse so I keep my mouth shut. Me speaking up on behalf of someone is not my normal. I keep my mouth shut and keep to myself most of the time. The waitress finally brings our food.

  “Can I get you guys anything else?” The waitress asks.

  “Ketchup and could I get a refill on my coke?” Oz says with a smile. The waitress turns and leaves. I hear the bell go off repeatedly in the front and look up. Parents with kids are coming in the door. I guess Tara wasn’t just trying to get away from us. The door once more closes and the bell goes off again. It’s not long before Peggy the waitress is back with a glass of coke for Oz and a small pitcher of tea. She fills Oz’s glass with coke and puts the rest of the glass by Oz and then sets the tea pitcher on the table. She takes a bottle of ketchup out of the waitress apron she is wearing.

  “I brought some tea in case you need it. We are getting full and I don’t want you to wait in case I get busy. If you need anything else just signal me and I will be by as soon as possible.” I look at the older woman. I can tell she been doing this for a while. Probably years. “Enjoy.” The place is filling up fast and I see Tara taking menus to a couple of tables. I make a point to concentrate on my food so I can get out of here.

  “It’s been quiet around the clubhouse for a while now. What do you think is up with that?” Oz asks with a mouth full of food.

  “You complaining? Don’t you think we deserve it after everything that went down?” Hacksaw says in a low voice. I look around to see if anyone could be listening. We’re in the back of the diner and no one is seated around us but we can never be careful enough.

  “Don’t tempt fate.” I say more to myself than anything.

  “We do but I am waiting for that other shoe to drop.” I look at Oz. He’s probably more bored than anything. He’s a tech guy, so if there’s nothing going on he’s probably bored out of his mind. The place is getting loud with all the noise from the families.

  “Just enjoy the down time.” Hacksaw is right on that one. The bell goes off again and I turn and look without even thinking about it. Being aware of my surroundings has saved my ass more than once in my life. A tall man in a dark suit walks in with a blonde woman with him. The hairs on the back of my neck stand up. The suit does not look right on him, something is off. I’m not a man that pays much attention about what other men wear but this man is not comfortable in this suit. Tara is by the counter and something about how her body tenses up seeing the two enter doesn’t sit right with me.

  “That’s Tara’s and Joey’s older sister, Sheila.” Oz tells us.

  “She’s been to the clubhouse. A total bitch that thinks her shit don’t stink.” This is not something Hacksaw would usually say. If a woman will lose her panties when he wants he don’t rag on them. The pair sit a couple of booths over from us. The man grabs Sheila’s hand and pulls her in front of him and then practically pushes her into the booth. They are close enough I can see the man’s hands.

  They are not a businessman’s hands. His hands have the signs of a mechanic. The little cuts with grease and oil in them. I would bet his fingernails are the same way. I don’t know why this is bothering me so much or why the man has put me on alert. I know he is trying to be something he isn’t. It’s written all over him.

  Sheila never argues with the way the man roughly handles her. Her face looks strained but she has a smile plastered on her face. Where Tara doesn’t wear makeup, this woman looks like she paints it on. They may be sisters but they are as different as night and day. Tara approaches the booth and puts two menus on the table. I turn and go back to eating.

  “That’s Sheila, and their mom Lena, is the same way.” I can tell Oz does not like the two women. “How do you think this gym thing is going to work out? Devil has a lot of plans for the place. He wants to start a training program for some MMA fighters. He’s been talking to Tazer’s ol’ lady and getting some information. It’s hard to believe that woman was a fighter. I guess what people say about watching the quiet ones is right.” Oz changes the subject. I finished my food and all I want to do is get out of this place. It’s a little too crowded for me.

  “LET ME GO!” I hear Tara raising her voice and I watch Oz rush out of his seat. When I turn my head to see what is going on I see red and I am out of my seat and push Oz out of my way. I am next to the booth where the man and Sheila are sitting. I grab Tara’s hand and I pull her off the man’s lap. I’ve shocked the man with my moves and he doesn’t resist letting Tara go.

  “Leave.” I stare at the man in the eyes. My voice is low but firm. “Now.”

  “Who the hell are you to tell me to leave?” I smell the liquor on the man’s breath.

  “Yeah, Liam was just being friendly. Tara needs to learn to be friendlier if she wants a good tip.” Sheila slurs out of her mouth. These two are both drunk off their asses.

  “I said get your asses up and get out and don’t ever touch Tara again. You can come back when you learn some manners.” I see an older man standing by the front counter and Hacksaw goes up to talk to him. The man sits there just staring at Tara. Tara moves to the side of me.

  “Thank you, but it is okay now. He gets the message.” I see that she is still upset and this is not alright. Is this how all of Sheila’s me
n treat her sister? I see the man behind the counter and Hacksaw walking this way. The man has a pissed look on his face and I don’t know if it is for me or the man playing grab ass with his waitress.

  “Liam, you and Sheila get out and don’t come back until you sober up. I have warned you more than once about putting your hands on the waitresses. I refuse service today.” He points to the big sign above the counter that reads management has the right to deny service. “Get out and take your floozy with you.”

  “That’s not a good business move for you, Bud. You know my associates won’t be very happy about this and they don’t like you already.” Bud looks like he is thinking about it for a minute.

  “You mean your little gang of thugs. I will not let any of you come into my business and takeover. Get out or I’m calling the cops.” Bud doesn’t look sure about what he is saying, but I must say, he doesn’t back down. I’m tired of waiting. I grab Liam by the back of his neck and smash his head into the table and then pull him out of the booth while he is trying to recover from the blood gushing from his nose.

  “Leave him alone!” Sheila screams at me and then she turns on Tara and slaps her before any of us can react. “This is all your fault, you bitch. Liam was just being friendly to your ice queen ass.” Tara is shocked but Oz steps up between the two. Sheila looks shocked to see Oz. She must be too drunk to know who we are. Then I notice her eyes. She’s not only drunk she is strung out on something. “Hey Oz. I didn’t see you there.” All eyes are on us. Everyone is whispering and parents are trying to keep their kid’s eyes off us. Several people are getting up to leave. Oz continues to ignore Sheila. Liam is trying to stop his nose from bleeding with napkins but he gets to his feet.


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