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Beginning to Breathe, Again (Feral Steel MC Book 2)

Page 6

by Vera Quinn

  “Everyone get comfortable.” Devil tells us. His office is not a small room but you put five big bikers in here and things begin to feel small. “Tito, give us what you have found.” Tito smiles.

  “There is a lot of information on their website but when I tried checking the facts they are full of holes and not the good kind. The man that seems to be in charge is Steven Hill. He doesn’t have a rap sheet but he does have some grievances filed against him in civil court. Nothing that could be considered a felony. He formed the BBB, or Brothers Bonded by Business. They are supposed to be small businessmen bonding together against all the laws that make small businesses harder to operate. Their website talks about helping each other out and battling the government together, instead of separately, to have a louder voice. Liam Davis is his right-hand man and he has no rap sheet and his known close associates are the same.” Tito goes from looking at the computer to his phone and back. “Oz, can you get me the background on Doug Azner and Ben Greggs?” Tito looks at Oz.

  “Let me grab my laptop.” Oz is up and out the door.

  “That son of a bitch we had issues with at the diner was named Liam. Tito, you have a picture?” Hacksaw asks.

  “Just sent it to your phone. Sent pictures of all the players to you.” Tito looks up from his computer. “Sent it to you, too, Kane.” Hacksaw laughs.

  “Kane got his road name. We wanted to call him Romeo since he has such a way with all the ladies but Devil shortened it to Rome.” Tito nods his head.

  “Okay, Rome, sent to you, too.” Tito corrects himself. Oz comes back in the door with his laptop. He sits himself down on the couch and opens his laptop and gets to work.

  “Did anyone see the asshole bother your bike and why was he so pissed at you?” Devil asks Hacksaw.

  “He was messing with Tara, the girl that works at the gym. She waitresses there and this Liam came in with her sister. Tara was the waitress at their table and he got handsy with her. Rome and Oz took issue with it but my bike is the one that got mud on it.” Hacksaw is still seething with anger.

  “Why did you two put your nose in someone else’s business? Was he hurting her?” Devil waits for our answers. I look at Oz and he has his nose in his computer.

  “We had been sitting with her talking while she was on her break. She seems like a hard worker and the man was acting crass. Would have done the same for anyone.” Devil looks at me funny. Like he is trying to get in my head. Brother, you don’t want to go there.

  “Oz, you have anything to say?” Devil tries to get a response but Oz is off in cyber space. “Oz!”

  “I am friends with Tara’s brother and I know how Sheila and Lena treat Tara. I just thought I could help. I still think Joey would make a good prospect when he gets released from the army.” Devil seems to take his answer easier than mine. “I am looking at Ben Gregg’s social media and you will never guess who he has down as a relative. It’s none other than Titus Douglas. None of his other friends on his list wave any flags but that one definitely does.” Oz has Tito’s attention. Tito is clicking keys on his computer.

  “Titus Douglas does have a nephew named Benjamin Greggs. Thirty-one years old and a drop out of NYU. He doesn’t have rap sheet but his friends are racking up the felonies. That is Titus’ sister, Linda’s oldest son.” Tito looks at Devil. “Coincidence or do they have an agenda? Titus knows we have eyes on him and his partner. Are they sending other people in here to get a foothold? I thought when they hit the BlackPath MC in Texas that they might be moving their operation down south but it looks like they may still be needing to get to the east coast through Oklahoma. Can they be that stupid? We sent them packing back to Colorado last year. They do have a habit of using idiots for their grunt work. I don’t know how they hire such smart people in their business part but idiots for their muscle.”

  “Benjamin Gregg’s roommate in college was none other than Liam Davis, and Doug Azner attended the same university. We know those three are linked anyway. Only thing is by public records our boy Liam has a wife. Joey said Sheila liked her men married.” Oz adds.

  “This woman, Tara, is not Feral Steel, so she is not a priority. I get that it was a situation that needed to be handled but we need to be sure we don’t let outsiders’ problems bleed into us. I want Tara looked at extremely hard. If she is too much trouble, we don’t need her. Keep your distance until she is checked out. I know this sounds cold but we need to get these businesses off the ground. These businesses are our future and the future of our children. If Hempcan is back in our territory, then we need to get them out, before they can cause too much damage.” Devil is right but there is something about Tara that cries to me to protect her.

  “I am looking at Tara Sue Blount, 22 years of age. She is the middle child of Lena Nell Blount and there is no father listed on her birth certificate. She is taking night classes, three nights a week. At this rate she will not have her degree for at least three more years. Her GPA is 3.0. No record at all, not even a parking ticket. She graduated high school in the middle of her class. There’s just nothing here. The only two jobs she’s had is at the diner and the gym. She has no credit cards or even any open accounts.” Oz confirms everything she told us. “She doesn’t have anything on social media. What kind of young woman doesn’t even have her face on social media?” I think about what he says and it just slips out of my mouth.

  “The kind that just wants to get through life and not get noticed.” Devil and Hacksaw both look at me. I don’t say much, so when I do they pay attention.

  “That’s exactly what it sounds like.” Devil agrees. “Maybe she won’t be bad to have around. You said she lives with her mom and sister?” Devil waits for Oz to confirm it.

  “Yeah, that’s what it says. They moved into the apartment about the time Joey left for the army.” Oz says.

  “You also said that the mom and sister are the ones that cause trouble? The sister was the one with this Liam guy? Maybe we can use Tara to get next to this Liam. Does she have loyalty to her family?” I don’t like where this is headed. We don’t use woman to get next to our enemies. Devil isn’t thinking straight.

  “We don’t use women to do our dirty work. Tara could get caught in the crossfire and why would you expect her to show loyalty when she doesn’t even know us?” I sound like I am defending Tara but I am not. I don’t want any innocent to get dragged into our business. It’s messy and not the way we work.

  “It could work.” Hacksaw agrees with Devil. “From what I picked up on today, Tara and Sheila are not close.” Hacksaw stops. “Tara doesn’t come across to me as a person who would turn on her family even if they don’t treat her right. But Sheila, on the other hand, would turn on her own children if she had them. If there are a few bucks in it for her then she would sell her soul to the devil and then try to back out of it.” Hacksaw does not like Sheila, at all.

  “I’m not saying we would use Tara in anything dangerous but if she happens to overhear things then she could share.” Devil is trying to talk himself into it but it is not working. Devil may be a bastard most of the time but he does not get people hurt.

  “No. Just ask yourself if you would ask your woman to do it. If the answer is no, then we can’t ask another woman to do it. It’s not a good idea. Tara is just trying to make a better life for herself. Let her be. You need to remember she is young and she doesn’t live the lifestyle we do. She could slip up and get herself hurt, or worse, someone else and she’d never forgive herself.” Devil has that look again. He’s trying to read me. He can’t.

  “You got all of that out of the few words you two have spoken? Do you have something for this woman? The club comes first, Rome.” Hacksaw is getting on my last nerve. I know if I argue that it will make it worse so I do what I always do. I say nothing.

  “Do you Rome? You have something with this woman?” Devil presses.

  “No. When I joined the Feral Steel MC I felt at home, like I have a family. I am speaking my piece. We always protec
t women and children. It’s one of the things I most admire about our brotherhood. Women and children are meant to be protected, not just ours. You want to use this Sheila, then I have no problem with it. She’s a waste of good air but we better watch our backs, because if she gets a chance she will plant a knife in it. Tara is different. She’s a hard worker and trying to better herself. I just think she deserves a chance to make a better life without having to look over her shoulder if she helps us. Look how many times these people have gotten to Callie.” When I say this Devil flinches. “She’s one of us and has protection but they were still able to get to her. Tara has no protection. What would they do to her?” When I look at Devil I know I have convinced him. Hacksaw is nodding his head too and then a smile moves across his mouth.

  “We could always bring her into the club.” I look at Hacksaw and fist my hands. I must have a bad look on my face.

  “That’s what I thought.” Hacksaw says and Devil laughs. “Devil, I think little brother is crushing on someone.”

  “Asshole, I just don’t want to see her hurt. I don’t think she’s had it easy with her sister and mom if everything we heard is true.” I know I am not being completely honest but right now I don’t want to think about it.

  “Then I ‘ll bring her in as my girlfriend. She may be ol’ lady material. Who knows? I haven’t had a house mouse in a while, it may be interesting. Besides, that ass on her is to die for.” Hacksaw is pissing me off.

  “You touch Tara and you may just be dying. Stay the fuck away from her.” That gets laughs out of everyone in the room but me. Can’t these idiots get I just feel protective of the woman? She seems like a good woman and in our world most women have an agenda.

  “I agree with Rome on leaving Tara alone but I still think she will make us a good employee at the gym.” Oz gives me his support.

  “We may have bigger problems. There have been money transfers from Titus Douglas to all three of the college trio and the last one was this week and the amounts are all twenty-thousand dollars total. Smaller deposits to different accounts for each of them. It came from the off-shore accounts we have been watching. This is part of the withdrawals I told you about this morning.”

  Tito keeps typing on that damn computer. Nothing he says sounds good. Things have been quiet lately. We’ve been able to breathe easy and the Callie and Devil’s children have been safe. The only other ol’ lady is Gertie and she is at the club ninety percent of the time. Slick has pulled back on his responsibilities but him and his ol’ lady are both Feral Steel through and through and still spend their time here.

  We have two club girls that are regulars and live here at the club, Terrance and Honey Girl. The rest are hangs rounds. They are here on party nights but none have been voted on to become permanent fixtures here. At one time, the Feral Steel MC club had up to ten club girls here but none of the women liked when Devil took on an ol’ lady. Callie doesn’t take shit lying down so they were cleaned out. Some of the brothers weren’t happy with the situation but everything is voted on. When you become a problem in the clubhouse then you face the wrath of Devil.

  “Didn’t you say that the manager at the apartment complex we bought is retiring? Tara said today she helped Sal with paperwork and bank deposits at the gym. That is the basic duties of the manager position besides doing walkthroughs and letting us know if any repairs need to be made. Tara has a good work record. Bud and Sal both gave her good references. If the apartment was part of the package with the new job, then why wouldn’t she consider it? Then if we decide to go the Sheila route with getting information, Tara would be out of the way. Put in her contract that she can be the only occupant of the apartment. That way her sister and mom can’t weasel their way in for free rent. Seems like the perfect answer for someone strapped for money for school. The computer system she would have to use for the apartment bookkeeping is a simple one like the one we are using at the gym.” Oz suggests. Devil looks like he is thinking it through.

  “I am not sure about using the sister but it is a possibility we may need to consider. Oz, I want everything on Tara. I want to know her friends and boyfriends, everything. I like the apartment idea if she is going to work at the gym. I don’t want any Hempcan employees close to our employees. Money and greed has a way of bringing out the worst in people. Now that we know about this group and who is behind it, we have an advantage. Keep your eyes open but do not let them know that we know. That means, Hacksaw, you get in the man’s face about your bike but do not take it any further. If you don’t approach him, it will be suspicious but if you take it too far it will do the same. After we get all the information we take it to the table for a vote.” Devil looks to me. “Rome, you keep an eye on Tara.”

  “Will do.” I was going to anyway. I look at my watch. It is already after ten and she should already be home by now. I don’t like that idea after what happened today but there’s nothing I can do now.

  “No argument?” Hacksaw asks.

  “Why would I argue? Devil is the President.” That makes everyone laugh.

  “Like that has ever stopped you before.” Devil adds. “I need to get home. Oz and Tito, be our eyes and anything that looks suspicious let me know. I’ll put in a call to Chief and Krill tomorrow.”

  I feel the need to check on Tara before I call it a night. A ride is what I need.

  “I’m taking a ride.” I walk towards the door.

  “We all know you have a woman to check on.” Hacksaw keeps riding me. I just flip him off and open the door and leave.

  Chapter 8


  I am laying on the sofa looking up at the ceiling. It’s quiet. I like it. I’m caught up on all my studying so I didn’t have that to do. I ate a little of the food that Bud fixed for me but I put the rest away in the refrigerator with what was left of my lunch. I went over to the convenience store across the street and grabbed some deodorant, a toothbrush, and tooth paste. I barely made it before they closed and trial sizes are better than nothing. Those were a must.

  I made sure the door was locked up and I put some boxes in front of it, not that it would stop anyone, but at least I will get a little notice if someone tries to come in. I trust Bud but with the break-ins around the neighborhood it makes me feel better. I took my jeans off and inspected them for stains from today and they look somewhat clean. I’m sleeping in the t-shirt I worked in and I have the extra one in my backpack for work in the morning. I never wear makeup so people are used to the natural look from me. I will need to go home before my next shift. I’m not looking forward to that confrontation but at least if mom throws me out I have someplace to go for a little while and maybe Liam won’t be around.

  This room is clean considering it’s not used very much. There’s the big boxes of to-go cups and plates but I could make this place do for a little while. I look in the closet and I find a throw blanket and some couch pillows. It will do for now. I also see some old paperback books and a radio clock combo.

  I take the blanket and pillows and throw them on the sofa. I look through the paperbacks and chose one that looks like it might be something I would read. I take it and the radio and put them on the sofa.

  I can’t help but think about my conversation with Bud. I know Bud said he wants me for extra eyes but I have the feeling he is just trying to look out for me. I know Bud’s heart is in the right place but I don’t like taking and not giving something in return. I feel like that is too close to how my mom and Sheila are and that is not who I want to be. If Bud is serious, maybe I can work a few extra hours and not charge Bud for it or do some extra cleaning in the kitchen. There’s always extra cleaning hours to keep us good with the health department or cleaning freezers to keep the food rotated. I could clean and organize in here so Bud can get the most out of the space he has.

  I must admit, when Bud said I didn’t have friends, it kind of hurt. It’s true but it still hurt knowing it’s a known fact about me. You would think a woman at the age of twenty-two years wo
uld have at least one friend. I don’t think I can count the women that work at the library or my teachers. They are the only people I interact with except for the people at work. I know I have been focused on getting my education even if it is taking me longer than the average student but I will get there.

  Joey got away from our dysfunctional family and that is my goal. I don’t have hard feelings toward Joey for doing what I have wanted to do since I can remember but I miss him. I am glad he is doing with his life exactly what he dreamed of. I know one day I will have that if I just stay true to the goals I have set. I wish I knew exactly what it is I wanted to do. What career is best suited for me? I’ve never really had a dream except to get away from my mom and Sheila. I just want normal, whatever normal is. It sounds awful even to me. I just know I don’t want to need or to depend on a man to take care of me. I think I am scarred from my upbringing. No, that’s not correct, I know I am.

  I make the sofa as comfortable as possible. I’ve slept on worse and at least I feel somewhat safe. I brush my teeth and wash my face. I’ll take a shower in the morning to help wake me up. I hook the alarm clock up and make sure the alarm works. I set the alarm a little early so my hair will have time to dry. I usually wake up by myself. I have an internal alarm that will not let me sleep late even if I have a day I could sleep in. I check the door one more time and put the boxes back. I snuggle up on the sofa and pick up the paperback but I am tired. It seems like my work days never end. I can hear the traffic down below on the street and I think I hear the distinct sound of a motorcycle and my mind drifts to Rome but that is the last thought I have before I drift off.


  BEEP, BEEP, BEEP! I nearly jump straight up off the sofa. I reach over and turn the alarm off. I stretch and turn. Trying to get the sleeping kinks out of my back. Wow, it doesn’t feel that bad. I walk to the window and look out. Still dark outside.


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